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Chapter 393 CrisisDominator Level Items

"You know? Humph, you are trying to confuse the public with your lies again." Liu Zhiyi said sharply:

"Everyone, this is all caused by Yuanshi Tianzun. Let's work together to control him, and all problems will be solved naturally. I even suspect that he has defected to an evil organization.

"My grandfather once said that Yuanshi Tianzun was extremely rebellious. After clearing the Sea of ​​Yashan, he even used props to play games with the headquarters and give the headquarters authority.

"Perhaps Yan'er was silenced by him after hearing his phone call that he secretly colluded with evil organizations and planned to harm us."

Unknowingly, Liu Zhiyi's expression changed from indignation to ferocious hatred, as if Yuanshi Tianzun was his father-killing enemy.

His emotions began to change from jealousy to hatred. There was an invisible force that slowly and quietly guided everyone's emotions.

After listening to Liu Zhiyi's words, everyone who was already in panic immediately became uproar.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, if you are responsible for all this, please stop."

"Don't be crazy. What good will it do to you to collude with evil organizations?"

"Don't miss your future."

All of a sudden, the crowd was excited. Only a few high-level saints were not affected much, but they also frowned.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Yin Ji and Ling Jun looked at each other. The latter's body suddenly swelled, long black and yellow hair came out of his pores, his nose became wider and wider, a long silver beard grew out of his cheeks, and his forehead hair highlighted the "king" shape. "Character.

In an instant, Lingjun transformed into an upright giant tiger. It turned around and stared at everyone, raising its head and roaring.


The deep and high-pitched roar of the tiger echoed in the small room, making it deafening.

An unspeakable fear emerged from the hearts of the official practitioners. The fear overwhelmed everything, and their thoughts became clear.

After a long roar, the hair on Lingjun's body quickly retracted, transformed into a human form again, and said loudly:

"Pay attention to your emotions, you are being influenced by others."

He first looked at Liu Zhiyi and asked in a deep voice: "What grudge does Yuanshi Tianzun have against you? Why do you want to target him like this?"

Liu Zhiyi showed a complicated expression, including confusion, confusion, and residual hatred and jealousy.

He glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun, his expression twisted, and he forced himself to turn his head away to prevent jealousy and hatred from rising again.

Obviously, he himself realized something was wrong.

Lingjun looked at the ladies including Miao Teng'er and said:

"Yuanshi Tianzun attended this dinner. It was invited by me. It was not premeditated. I was with him all the way. When we entered the club, you were also with him. Did he have time to contact the evil organization?

"Even if he entered the bathroom to collude with the evil organization, it will take time for the evil organization to arrive. But the fact is that we were trapped in the club just after Yan'er died."

Hearing this, everyone seemed thoughtful and nodded unconsciously.

After their emotions stabilized, they suddenly noticed many anomalies and saw many details that defied logic.

Yin Ji said with a soft voice: "Don't panic, everyone, listen to what Yuanshi Tianzun said."

Compared to the ear-splitting tiger roar, her voice is soft and gentle, which has a very soothing effect.

Immediately, everyone looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yin Ji and Ling Jun are still reliable, so I don’t have to turn on the golden mask to shock Zhang Yuanqing and look at Miao Teng’er, saying:

"Teng'er, you invited her to the banquet?"

Miao Teng'er nodded: "Yan'er has always liked attending such social parties. Basically, as long as you call her, she will definitely come, unless it's too far away or something can't come."

A girl with a low status but a high spirit will definitely actively participate in various social gatherings, eager to expand her network of contacts and get to know the talents and bosses of various branches.

"Who did she come with? How is her relationship with Elder Yang? Do they meet often?" Zhang Yuanqing asked again.

Miao Teng'er said: "She brought two bodyguards, and I arranged them on the first floor."

As he said that, he turned back to look at the gray-haired old man: "Uncle Yang, go and ask Yan'er's bodyguard to come up."

After the old man left, she looked at everyone: "It's too crowded here. Let's go to the restaurant to talk."

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the guests returned to the restaurant silently. Soon only Miao Teng, Yin Ji, Ling Jun and Yuan Shi Tianzun were left in the bathroom.

Miao Teng'er sighed, picked up Yan'er and silently walked out of the bathroom.

Lingjun whispered: "There will be trouble tonight. I don't know how many people will die."

Yin Ji was covered with a black gauze, and her long straight eyebrows were furrowed.

Zhang Yuanqing glanced at them both and said:

"The matter is more serious than we imagined. I just used astrology to look at everyone's faces, and everyone is suffering from a bloody disaster.

"Next, I have something to say to you."

In the living room, Zhang Yuanqing and two bodyguards with pale faces asked:

"How is your young lady's relationship with Elder Yang? How often do you meet with him?"

The older bodyguard took a deep breath:

"There is no fixed time. Sometimes we see you once every two or three days, and sometimes we don't see you for half a month. Elder Yang treats the young lady very well and will meet most of her requirements."

The younger bodyguard said: "But it's just love. Elder Yang doesn't want her to be too ambitious."

Is the daughter of a concubine too ambitious and will squeeze out the resources of the legitimate children? Zhang Yuanqing did not comment and continued to ask:

"Is there anything strange about her recently, such as changing into a different person? She shows completely opposite preferences and temperament than usual?"

The two bodyguards looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

From this point of view, Master Chunyang's seizure of Yan'er was a recent matter. He could not possess Yan'er for a long time, and he could not underestimate the keenness of an elder. Zhang Yuanqing's thoughts turned, and he faced the guests who had formed a circle around him.

They said:

"Everyone, we have encountered a terrible enemy. If my guess is correct, he was the source of the thick fog incident in Jinhui City that day. He was an ancient monk who was both an illusionist and a night wanderer.

"Elder Gao Feng of the Hangcheng branch is responsible for arresting him. Taiyi Sect has recalled a large number of night wandering gods because of him."

Most of the guests looked puzzled, but the expressions of several people from the Hangcheng branch changed drastically, including Liu Zhiyi, the third generation of Ling.

"Yes, it's him." The third generation of the spirit stuttered when he spoke, and his face turned pale with fright.

As the third generation of Ling, he must know more secrets than ordinary official practitioners, and this incident happened in Jiangnan Province, under the jurisdiction of the Hangcheng branch.

Liu Zhiyi knew better than anyone how terrifying that Master Chunyang was.

"He, who is he?" Plump sister Manyan couldn't help but ask.

Her question is exactly what most people think.

What kind of existence makes Liu Zhiyi so frightened and makes Yuanshi Tianzun look heavy?

Liu Zhiyi said with a trembling voice:

"An ancient cultivator who is still alive today was dug out of the ancient tomb a while ago. He can grow by swallowing the night wandering god and the illusionist. He is insane and lacks rationality. He is not bound by moral values ​​and is more evil than an evil profession.

Difficult to deal with.”

Following Liu Zhiyi's words, a chill arose in the hearts of the guests present.

Liu Zhiyi stared at Yuanshi Tianzun and said:

"What evidence do you have that it's him?"

Zhang Yuanqing said:

"I searched Yan'er's body just now. She didn't wear any props, but she did secretly arouse my lust. This is a method only used by illusionists, and seizing the body is a method used by the night wandering god.

"But what really made me suspect him was what Yan'er said before she committed suicide. She said that I was her prey. Well, I almost killed him in the ancient tomb that day.

"He didn't come for me. The real target should be the three members of the Taiyi Sect. But after seeing me on the stage, he immediately changed his target and tried to seduce me. He probably wanted to take the opportunity to seize my body and swallow my spiritual power."

Xie Lingyun seemed to remember something and blurted out:

"No wonder she keeps asking Teng'er if Yuanshi Tianzun will attend. She thinks that such a high-end gathering is in Songhai, and Yuanshi Tianzun is likely to come?"

Except for Yin Ji, the two night wandering gods looked at each other with fear.

Puning District Deacon Gao Shan Liu Shui pondered for a few seconds and said:

"Assuming that this is the case, then we have been targeted by an ancient cultivator. He has sealed the club and is now hiding among us. With the methods he showed before, perhaps, he has secretly taken away one of us.


"And his target is the four of you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone retreated, staying away from the two Night Gods and the two Star Officers.

Liu Zhiyi said with a trembling voice:

"Headmaster Chunyang is active in Songhai, Jiangnan Province and Bulk Province. It is not difficult to understand that he is being targeted. However, I heard from my mother that the ancient practitioner is extremely weak. How dare he deal with us?"

Master Chunyang is here with us, and he is guiding Liu Zhiyi's emotions again, this time fear. Seeing the guests subconsciously looking at him, waiting for a reply, Zhang Yuanqing pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window and said:

"The answer is obvious, he has something else to rely on!"

Yin Ji agreed: "It seems that as long as we find Master Chunyang and get rid of him, the crisis will naturally be resolved. His own strength is average, but he is good at guiding emotions and seizing bodies, and is very hidden."

His own strength is average, but he is just difficult to deal with.

The meaning revealed by Yin Ji was undoubtedly a tonic to calm everyone down.

As long as you understand that the enemy is not strong, your mind will naturally be at peace. If Master Chunyang wants to arouse emotions and create panic, the difficulty will increase.

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Yuanqing said:

"Don't panic, everyone. I already have a way to crack it. I have two props. I am best at dealing with seals. As long as I open the seal and inform the elders of the Songhai branch, Master Chunyang will be unable to fly."

After a pause, he said:

"After opening the seal, I need everyone's cooperation to prevent Master Chunyang from escaping."

Yin Ji continued: "I will set up a spirit trapping formation to prevent the spirits from escaping. Just stand in the formation."

Lingjun said loudly: "Whoever objects is the leader of Chunyang."

All the guests looked at each other, and for a while no one dared to object.

This is exactly what Zhang Yuanqing, Lingjun and Yinji discussed. It is not difficult to deal with this kind of enemy hidden among the masses as long as you use the right strategy.

Immediately, Yin Ji took out the materials and, with the help of Zhang Yuanqing and two night wandering gods, drew a huge circular array of spiritual vessels in the center of the restaurant.

"I hope everyone will supervise and not give Master Chunyang an opportunity to take advantage of." Ling Jun, who was also standing in the formation, said loudly.

Everyone looked at each other, wary of each other, and at the same time looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

I saw him walking to the floor-to-ceiling window, and at some point, a 50-centimeter purple gold hammer appeared in his hand. The pumpkin was so small that it was only as big as the mouth of two bowls.

Neon lights flashed one after another outside the window, and scattered cars passed by on the street across the courtyard. In the courtyard planted with various expensive flowers and trees, the lights were bright, but there was no sign of anyone.

The silence is unsettling.

Before coming, there were security personnel in the yard, but now there was no one around. Zhang Yuanqing stopped by the floor-to-ceiling window, weighed the Purple Thunder Hammer, raised it high, and brought it down hard.


The little pumpkin hit the floor-to-ceiling window, creating a circle of sticky ripples, like a wooden hammer hitting thick syrup.

Zhang Yuanqing raised the Purple Thunder Hammer and continued to hit it, hitting it again and again, and hitting it again and again.

The thick and slow ripples continued to expand. From small ripples, they spread to cover the entire wall, and then spread from the entire wall to the ceiling and floor. After a while, the entire club was shaking.

"Miss, the props in his hands are extraordinary."

The gray-haired Uncle Yang leaned close to Miao Teng'er's ear and whispered: "I am very sure that even a level 6 fire demon may not be able to break through the power that is shrouded here."

Miao Teng'er nodded slightly, and the tight strings relaxed a little.

Yin Ji and Ling Jun were paying close attention to everyone's expressions. The faces showed tension and expectation. Even Liu Zhiyi, who had just targeted Yuanshi Tianzun in every possible way, was holding his breath and clenching his fists.


This makes it impossible for them to identify who the enemy is.

Suddenly, just when the seal was shaking to the extreme, giving people the impression that it was on the verge of breaking, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop? Keep going."

"Isn't it about to succeed?"

"Yuanshi Tianzun, go on, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yuanqing ignored it. His hand holding the Purple Thunder Hammer was shaking violently. His blue blood vessels were bulging and his skin was purple-red.

Time is up.

Zhang Yuanqing's right arm was in pain due to his master-level power, but it was far less than the sense of crisis in his heart.

The Purple Thunder Hammer cannot break the seal within five minutes, which means that the power of the sealed club has exceeded the saint level and is the power of the domination stage.

Therefore, the bloody disaster comes from this dominator-level item.

In this case, we can only place our hope on the red dancing shoes. Zhang Yuanqing put away the purple thunder hammer and summoned the red dancing shoes.

"Da da da~"

The crisp sound of tapping echoed in the quiet restaurant.

Zhang Yuanqing gave it instructions to leave this place.

The red dancing shoes circled around the owner with a click, and then flew up and kicked on the window, making subtle ripples.

It slowly landed on the ground, seemingly deflated, and was silent for a few seconds. The red shoe suddenly raised its right foot behind its hip, raised its toes, and performed a curtsey.

Want to go back to the inventory? Stop it. Keep working hard. The corner of Zhang Yuanqing's mouth twitched.

Obviously, the red shoes cannot leave the seal.

There is no other way! We can only go head-to-head with Master Chunyang. Zhang Yuanqing took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at everyone:

"I'm sorry, but things are trickier than I thought."

The guests were in an uproar, and their expressions could not hide their disappointment.

After a while, Miao Teng'er said:

"Forget it, if that's the case, let's find Master Chunyang and let everyone work together to deal with a weak ancient practitioner. What's the difficulty?"

"It's not that simple!" Zhang Yuanqing returned from the floor-to-ceiling window and said in a deep voice:

"Now it can be confirmed that the item that sealed us is a dominator-level item. Do you think the dominator-level item has only this function? If so, he will never sneak into the banquet."

As if in response to his words, a 3D projection-like message appeared above the restaurant:

[Welcome to Grimm's Adventure, the safety time is over, the dice are rolling, please wait]

An illusory table appeared in the restaurant. The tabletop was shrouded in fog. Only the lower right corner was clear. There was a starting point there, and at the starting point stood a thumb-high puppet.

Green plants are painted on the edge of the starting point, with text:

[Starting point of Green Forest].

Above the illusory round table is a dice as big as a football, spinning at high speed.

Board games? Zhang Yuanqing was stunned for a moment.

After a few seconds, the dice gradually stopped and finally settled on three o'clock.

Under everyone's surprised gaze, the little puppet followed the winding line to the third red dot.

The thick fog broke, and everyone looked intently. There was a line of small words written there:

"You are about to cross the river, but because there are too many people, the boat cannot carry everyone through. Please abandon your two companions."

At the same time, everyone saw the projection above the restaurant change:

[Ding! Please complete the voting within three minutes to choose the companion to be abandoned. If the vote is unsuccessful, the two people present will be randomly wiped out. 】

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them. Someone asked why the protagonist did not activate astrology and did not detect the crisis in advance. I will tell you my explanation. If you think it makes sense, then listen to it: astrology is a skill that is actively activated.

It’s understandable that astrology should be turned on during missions or when entering a dungeon. But when going out for a meal with friends, should astrology be turned on? I don’t think anyone would turn on astrology all the time, after all, it consumes mana.

This chapter has been completed!
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