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Chapter 52 Everyone is going to die

Seeing everyone looking at them eagerly, Xie Lingxi pursed her lips and said in a girl's clear and sweet voice:

"In the old version of the guide, we needed to pass through the underground parking lot. During this process, an Autobot appeared every three minutes. It would chase those who entered the parking lot, and those it chased would be eliminated.

"Before everyone is eliminated, find the controller and turn off the power of the Autobots. The controller is hidden in a car in the parking lot."

The grumpy fire demon suddenly realized, "Just find the controller and shut down the Autobots, right? Wang Tai, what do you think?"

The others were deep in thought, and after hearing this, they immediately looked at Zhang Yuanqing.

I want to see what insights this young man who has good abilities and perfectly resolved the crisis in the first mission has.

Vulgar fire master, your method of extracting the core is simply crude... Zhang Yuanqing said:

"In the old version of the amusement park, elimination was a deduction of experience points, not death, but now the difficulty has been changed to S level. The correct understanding for each person eliminated is that one person will die every three minutes."

Xi Shi's charming face changed: "We only have eighteen minutes at most..."

As a father, I slowly shook my head: "No, we'd better not let anyone die in this level. The more people there are when entering the haunted house, the greater the chance of coming out alive."

Old father, you almost didn’t say it clearly. The haunted house needs cannon fodder... Zhang Yuanqing sighed:

"Sister Lingxi, will the parking lot seal our skills?"

Xie Lingxi recalled it, shook his head and said, "It wasn't mentioned in the strategy."

The Fire Demon thought for a while and suggested:

"After entering the parking lot, everyone moves separately so that the keys can be found more quickly."

The Monkey King quickly shook his head: "In such a dangerous place, if you separate, you will die."

The fire demon glared and said disdainfully: "You are probably afraid of death. It's useless."

The Great Sage Qitian's eyes flashed with anger, but he was afraid of the Fire Demon and coldly snorted:

"I don't recommend spreading out anyway."

It is more appropriate to act separately. If there are no two or five boys in the team... Zhang Yuanqing waved his hand to cut off the dispute and suggested:

"Go in first. The prerequisite for formulating a plan is to have enough information."

He took the lead to go down the steep slope and entered the underground parking lot filled with blazing white lights.

Walking down the gentle slope, Zhang Yuanqing looked around and twitched the corners of his mouth severely.

The underground parking lot is very large, just like the parking garage of a large shopping mall. As you look around, you can see cars parked in the parking spaces in an orderly manner.

There were a dazzling array of car models, and there was a thick layer of dust on the roofs of the cars.

Xie Lingxi and others followed into the parking lot. When they saw the scene in front of them, the fire demon's face darkened:

"There are so many cars, how long will it take to find them?"

Xi Shi's eyes were wandering, and a look of worry appeared on her charming face: "How about we go separately? There are so many cars, how long will it take to find them?"

Others did not speak because they received the copy prompt tone at the same time:

[Ding, the team has entered the underground parking lot, the experience has begun, and the excess items have been cleared for you.]

[Tip 1: Controller. Tip 2: Car key. Wish you good luck! 】


"Active skills have been blocked again..."

"I can't open the inventory either. Damn it, it's a sealed skill again..."

The expressions of several team members changed slightly, but Zhang Yuanqing focused on two reminders.

There are hints? The old version of the guide didn't say there were hints for this level...

S-level dungeons will not give too obvious hints. You need to observe and think by yourself, summarize the rules and find a way to survive.

The underground parking garage actually gave two such obvious prompts as "controller" and "key", which shows that the danger is very high, otherwise the spirit realm would not be able to give prompts.

Zhang Yuanqing whispered: "Everyone, the situation is not good."

Everyone was stunned for a moment before they broke free from the panic of having their skills blocked. After carefully savoring the dungeon prompts, everyone's expressions suddenly became solemn.

"Car keys..." The impatient Fire Demon walked quickly to the nearest commercial vehicle and tried to open the door, but the door was locked.

He swung his elbow sideways and tried to smash the glass.


The glass made a loud noise, but it didn't shatter or have any cracks.

"It can't be broken open. It seems that in order to find the controller, you must first find the car key..." The fire demon spat out and cursed:

"I suggest we act separately."

Zhang Yuanqing glanced at everyone and saw that everyone had this idea, and immediately said:

"Yes, but don't spread it too thinly. You must always keep yourself in the sight of your teammates. Time is running out, so let's take action."

The countdown was like a reminder. The six of them stopped delaying and started searching in the parking lot.

The huge parking lot was silent except for their footsteps.

Zhang Yuanqing deliberately stayed behind to ensure that everyone was in sight. While paying attention to his teammates' every move, he did not waste time looking for the car keys.

"There's something wrong with this mission. The underground parking lot is so big. It's impossible for us to find the controller in three minutes. It's impossible to find the controller even here..."

Zhang Yuanqing was thinking when he suddenly heard Xie Lingxi, who was in the front left, lying down and getting under the car. A few seconds later, he cheered happily: "I found the car key, it's under the SUV."

She raised her white and tender arms and held up the car keys.

At the same time, she pressed the unlock button on the key.

The parking lot was silent and there was no response from the vehicles.

Xie Lingxi's face turned disappointed, and she said pitifully: "The car is not near me..."

Seeing this, everyone continued to search. Soon, the Monkey King spoke loudly:

"I found the car keys."

He pressed the unlock button, the beep beside him sounded twice, and the taillights flashed.

Everyone swarmed up, opened the four doors, and searched the inside of the car with their eyes.

As a father, he said disappointedly: "There is nothing."

"Wait a minute..." Xie Lingxi had sharp eyes, leaned into the car with his upper body, raised his butt, and picked out a card from under the seat.

This is a metal card with a layer of gold paint on the surface and a clear pool of water in the center.

Staring at this card, a message appeared in everyone's eyes:

【Life Concentrate】

[Type: Potion]

[Function: Healing]

[Introduction: A potion containing huge vitality that can treat all external injuries.]

[Note: Because it is a consumable item, there is no price. 】

"Life Concentrate?" Xi Shi's eyes lit up, "I remember that Life Concentrate is an item for the musician profession. I didn't expect to find consumables in the car. Do you think it is also found in other cars?"

In this case, their success rate of passing the level will be greatly increased.

Is the life concentrate related to the musician? I remember that the musician’s ability in the extraordinary stage is singing... Zhang Yuanqing resisted the urge to ask. After all, Wang Tai is a senior practitioner who has experienced many spiritual realms and is a reliable partner.

If the teammates knew that the leader of the team was a rookie entering the spiritual realm for the second time, I don’t know how they would feel.

"Put it away first..." Zhang Yuanqing glanced at the countdown: "Continue to look for the car keys, we don't have much time left."

Everyone dispersed again, quickly searching for the car keys.

Zhang Yuanqing was thinking while looking for the car keys:

"With both reminders and consumables, this level may be more dangerous than expected, and the murderer will probably be able to figure it out. I hope he won't kill anyone again and try his best to save the lives of his teammates, otherwise it will be impossible to pass the haunted house..."


Time passed by, and the third car key was not found. They became more and more anxious, and the pace of the search became more and more urgent.

At this moment, Monkey King, who had been paying attention to the countdown, exclaimed:

"Time is up......"

The next moment, the powerful roar of the engine came from a distance, and everyone's hearts trembled. Following the sound, a tall figure appeared at the intersection of the underground parking lot.

It was two meters tall, covered with metal, had a pair of glowing red eyes, and carried a three-foot-long chainsaw in its hand.

"Everyone is going to die, everyone is going to die!"

Electronic sounds echoed from the speakers on its chest.

"Transformers?!" Xie Lingxi shouted.

"Boom boom boom..."

The engine roared, and the Autobot's feet slid, roaring across a distance of tens of meters, and speeding towards everyone.

"Spread out!" Zhang Yuanqing yelled.

The crowd was like pins hit by a bowling ball, exploding in all directions.

Xie Lingxi's physical fitness seemed to be inferior to others. Her reaction was a little slow, and she was knocked down by the robot while dodging. She groaned, and her lower back hit the car body. Her vision went dark, and she was in so much pain that she couldn't get up.

Gas was ejected from the air holes on the Autobot's ankles, removing the inertia, making an emergency stop that humans could not do, raising the chainsaw in his hand, and cutting it off with all his strength.

The sound of the chainsaw's motor is like the whisper of death.

The little girl turned pale with fright and looked desperate.


PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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