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Chapter 301: Encounter on a narrow road

After informing Princess Yinyao, Zhang Yuanqing felt a slight drowsiness coming over him, feeling as if he had stayed up all night playing games.

"Even though he was so far away, he was still affected. Maleficent is a bit scary. He opened his address book and dialed the mobile phone number of Palace Master Killer. When the other party answered, he immediately said, "Palace Master, I have found Hades."

"Ten minutes!" The palace owner's soft voice came from the mobile phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yuanqing grabbed Little Red Riding Hood and summoned a super-infernal corpse and an earth-level spiritual servant.

He first controlled the Inferi towards the pine forest, and after walking for more than ten meters, the Inferi suddenly fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep. No matter how Zhang Yuanqing manipulated it, it did not respond. He tried to communicate with the imprints in the spirit body, but found out which imprint represented which Inferi.

Appearing off-white and unable to communicate.

"Sleep is a kind of seal. Well, it fits the characteristics of Yongye's profession." Zhang Yuanqing took a look at the time, and then controlled the spirit servant to enter the place of sleep.

Watching the spirit servant fluttering for more than ten meters and then sinking like a fallen leaf, he fell to the ground and spit.

"Everything with life, consciousness and spiritual power will be affected? Tsk, the characteristics of this profession are very distinctive!" Zhang Yuanqing snapped his fingers and appeared next to the Inferi and the Spirit Servants.

A sudden and intense sleepiness came over me, as if I had been playing games all day and night, and my eyelids were heavy.

"This guy must be very profitable to open a clinic to help insomnia patients in the city." Zhang Yuanqing complained in his heart, and took the corpse back to Little Red Riding Hood, and then swallowed the spirit servant.

"Pa!" He snapped his fingers again and advanced another twenty or thirty meters.

This time, Zhang Yuanqing stumbled and nearly fell down due to endless sleepiness. He was no longer staying up all day and night. In addition to sleepiness, he also felt that he had not slept in his whole life. He was experiencing physical discomfort, soreness and weakness in his limbs, and the lunar and stars.

His strength was blocked, and most of his physical strength abilities were sealed.

Zhang Yuanqing tried his best to use the divine power of the sun to barely dispel his sleepiness and keep his mind clear.

The Maleficent Curse is very suppressive to me. If the Chunyang Cleansing Record hadn't worked, I would have turned into a dead pig while sleeping.

Zhang Dian Yuanqing thought for a while, gave up further thoughts, and used the Star Escape Technique to return.

In terms of overall strength, with the Inferi, Spirit Servants, and all kinds of props and trump cards, he can be said to beat Pluto.

However, these trump cards are a blessing in terms of combat power and do not have the function of fighting against sleep. It is very difficult to attack Pluto in the land of sleep.

The eternal night professional sleep is a magical skill that kills one thousand enemies and damages more than eight hundred people. As long as the level is not higher than your own, you will basically sleep with it.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Yuanqing cannot get through. As long as the enemy that invades the sleeping land is strong enough, Pluto will wake up from his slumber.

After waking up, Pluto will enter a short-lived weak state, which is the best time to capture him.

As for now, Zhang Yuanqing has a better way - to stop killing the palace lord.

Invite master-level masters to suppress it, and it will be over in one fell swoop. This is the advantage of a local snake.

Ten minutes passed quickly, but the palace owner still hadn't arrived. Zhang Yuanqing sent a message to inquire about the situation, but there was no response. After another five minutes, he saw a bright red silk flying towards him.

The time at work was very boring. Osmond held his notebook and logged into the database of Heavenly Punishment.

Search for information on "Yuanshi Tianzun".

Yuanshi Tianzun's information has been collected in detail within Tianpu. From his debut to the present, all his deeds have been recorded in the database.

The trial copy at the beginning is called the bug-level Yuling Tunnel. Search Sanyou Novels on Bing or Baidu to read them first every day.

After successfully passing the first instance, he rose to prominence, leveling up at a speed that shocked the entire spiritual world, achieving feats one after another.

His success surprised the Five Elements Alliance, but also frightened those in power.

Yes, panic!

According to the analysis of Tianpu's senior management, the leaders of the Five Elements Alliance are more fearful than happy towards this Heavenly Qiaozi.

The grassroots members of the Five Elements Alliance still can't figure out why the relationship between the headquarters and Yuanshi Tianzun is so tense, and they don't understand why the headquarters wants to beat Yuanshi Tianzun.

They even think that the higher-ups at the headquarters are fools.

This is a typical butt-based thinking. In a system where classes are gradually solidified, what are those in power most afraid of?

It is all the factors that affect its own power. Yuanshi Tianzun is like a hammer, which grows step by step. When the hammer is powerful enough, it will break the intricate and solidified power structure.

I want to train him before he grows up and turn him into a hammer in my hand.

The faster Yuanshi Tianzun upgrades, the more afraid those in power will be.

As for the consequences of doing so, such as the loss of credibility, the loss of the trust of grassroots practitioners in the organization, and the alienation of the peerless genius from the organization, these costs are not necessarily important in the face of personal interests and power.

Didn't the powerful people who annexed land in ancient times know the consequences of doing so? It would be hundreds of years before the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed, so there were no easy-to-get benefits that mattered.

Tianpu Gaowu judged that Yuanshi Tianzun would face three possibilities.

One, he will marry the heir of a certain big shot and become part of a solidified class.

Second, he will break away from the Five Elements Alliance and form his own organization.

Third, he will maintain a distant relationship with the Five Elements Alliance, without access to the core of power, until he becomes a demigod and is elected as the sixth leader by the Five Elements Alliance, and then shelved, without access to the core of power.

Osmond found out from within the family that the top officials of Tianpu were secretly planning a conspiracy to promote the break between Yuanshi Tianzun and the Five Elements Alliance.

Osment quickly browsed through the information he had already read, and finally found Yunmeng among the information from Yashanzhihai.

"No wonder that woman mentioned Yuanshi Tianzun, she is secretly in love with Yuanshi Tianzun." Osmond snorted.

He reviewed the information and made a calculation in his mind. After catching Hades, he would invite Yunmeng to Songhai, and then challenge Yuanshi Tianzun in the name of heavenly punishment, and defeat Yuanshi Tianzun in front of the woman.

It doesn't matter whether he sleeps with a woman or not. The noble young master just can't swallow this breath. The more people support him, the more he is narrow-minded.

When he challenged Yuanshi Tianzun, it wasn't just for the sake of popularity. That guy was leveling up too quickly. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity to suppress him, he might become the master.

No matter how confident Osment is in himself, he can only seek stability when encountering such a monster-level person.

At this time, hurried footsteps passed through the courtyard, and Yun Meng, who said he was going to feed the pigs, came back, with a hurried look in his eyes, "I found it, I found your wanted criminal."

Osmond stood up suddenly, greeted him with sharp eyes and asked, "Where is it?"

Yunmeng pointed to the northeast and said, "That road, northeast, at the junction of the middle and outer areas of Shiwanda Mountain, where our patrol team was invaded by unknown forces and fell into a deep sleep, and the animals also fell asleep."

"The junction between the central and outer parts of the northeast..." Osmond muttered to himself a few times and quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the demon hunter's mobile phone.

A bang sound spread among the thousands of silk ribbons, and a young woman wearing a gorgeous ancient cotton skirt and bare feet as snow fell gracefully.

"It's so late." As soon as Zhang Yuanqing spoke, the woman threw herself into his arms and fell into his arms.

The Master of the Zhisha Palace wrapped his legs around his waist, wrapped his arms around his neck, and hummed, "Do you think it's noon when you have something to do, and you welcome pig spring when you have nothing to do?"

"How do you want me to answer this..." Zhang Yuanqing instinctively opened his arms and made a slight innocent gesture.

But the next second, he naturally retracted his hands to hold the plump and elastic round buttocks, feeling the softness of the buttocks overflowing between his fingers, and continued what he had just said: "Why are you so late for five minutes?"

The Master of the Killing Palace lowered his hips, put the weight into his palm, raised his finger and pointed at the sky, and whispered: "I saw the demon hunter patrolling, but I didn't dare to move. The pupil of the sky has terrible insight, the ground's

All movements will be discovered."

Zhang Yuanqing, who had just been relieved by the arrival of the palace master, became tense again, "Has the demon hunter patrolled here to take pictures?"

Palace Master Wei Wei led the way: "What's the situation now?"

"Pluto is in this pine forest

, the Soushan personnel have been recruited, and we don’t know how long they have been sleeping. The Qinghe branch may notice an abnormality at any time, and the time is limited, so we must act immediately." Zhang Yuanqing said.

The Master of the Killing Palace was about to speak when his ears suddenly moved and he said quickly: "The demon hunter's money is here!"

After the sound fell, Zhang Yuanqing noticed a light breeze blowing and the pine forest was swaying. Without any hesitation, he immediately took out the little red hat, put the Palace Master and the two Qinghe tribe members into the hat space, and used night travel invisibility to remain in place.


Just after doing this, the swaying of the pine forest intensified. Zhang Qing raised his head and saw through the darkness through the moonlight. In the deep night sky, a small black shadow quickly passed over the pine forest.

His heart suddenly lifted.

Pluto is sleeping in the pine forest. Once the demon hunter gets a clue, things will inevitably develop to extremes.

And even if Pluto didn't notice it, as long as the Qinghe branch noticed that someone in the Soushan team had lost contact, maybe the phone in the demon hunter's pocket would ring in the next second.

"Ding ding ding." The ringtone of your mobile phone suddenly rang, echoing in the night sky. Search Sanyou Novels on Bing or Baidu to read them first every day.

Zhang Yuanqing suffered a cardiac arrest, his scalp felt numb, and the ringing soon stopped. The demon hunter must have answered the call, but he was too far away.

Zhang Yuanyuanqing couldn't hear the specific content, so he could only turn on the phone and wait for three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds.

Suddenly, there was a "wow" sound from high in the sky, and the pine trees were bent and broken by the strong wind.

The figure in the night sky quickly moved away and disappeared amid the sharp sound of wind.

"Gone?" Zhang Yuanqing was surprised and happy, and soon realized that the princess's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain had taken effect.

The honest and honest Wu Agui from the Chang Villa Building of the Qinghe Branch held his cell phone and his voice was honest and dull: "Yunmeng said that the target has been found, in the northeast, close to the outer area. You immediately gather the tribesmen to help seal the site."

He got stuck three times on a sentence, and he was not good at speaking. In fact, Wu Agui was a farmer, and he spent the first half of his life farming and playing dungeons. Later, when the family got rich, they built a big villa, and everyone began to live in pampering and enjoyment.

Wu Agui still maintained the rhythm of the past. He went out to the mountain farmland with a hoe at sunrise, basked in the wind and sun, looked at his banker, and returned home at sunset.

Growing crops day by day, it's not that he doesn't like to enjoy happiness, he is also happy when his family builds a villa, but he has cultivated the land all his life, and suddenly one day he no longer has to cultivate the land, what else can he do? He will only be terrified.

"Thank you Wu Ah Noble Chang." Osmond said politely and respectfully, but there was a flash of disdain in his eyes.

The lowest servant in the family can deliver a fluent speech in a venue with thousands of people.

Yunmeng walked to the window and looked. The lights were on in the town. The tribesmen with combat capabilities woke up from their sleep and rushed to the northeast as quickly as possible.

The reason for such high efficiency is not because of the prestige of Clan Si Wu Agui, but because of the prestige and promise of Sixth Grand Duke Wu Youhua. After the promise is fulfilled, everyone who participated in the search and blockade will receive 10,000 federal coins.

"Let's go there too!" Wu Yunmeng looked at Osmond with a sharp look in his eyes. You are not really innocent and naive, you also love money.

Osmond raised the corners of his mouth, feeling that he was more confident.

He immediately smiled and said: "Okay! When the wanted criminal is caught, I will reward Miss Yunmeng with an additional 10,000 federal coins."

Yunmeng didn't answer and rushed out of the living room impatiently.

Osmond quickly followed the two of them through the courtyard when he saw a fat, white, middle-aged man in green cloth and cotton clothes running in with a hurried expression.

When the middle-aged man saw the two people coming together, he immediately stopped and looked at Yunmeng in astonishment.

"Hey, Yunmeng, why are you here? Aren't you patrolling the mountains with Cao Niu?"

"Ah..." Yunmeng was speechless for a moment and stammered, "Uncle Jiu, I, I will come back halfway through the patrol because I found traces of the wanted criminal."

She didn't seem to be able to lie, and she was dancing with a red face.

Uncle Jiu said blankly: "But when Cao Niu reported just now, she clearly said that you were by her side. You girl, you have never been able to lie since you were a child."

Uncle Jiu is responsible for contacting the mountain patrol team.

"Oh, I understand." Uncle Jiu responded, "Cao Niu lied to me. Are you a lazy girl at home and asked Cao Niu to clock in for you in order to defraud the mountain patrol fee?"

"I, I..." Yunmeng was speechless, with a look of shame on her face.

Osmond narrowed his eyes.

At this time, Uncle Jiu said, "I'll hold you accountable later."

After that, he hurriedly left, but Osmond stopped him, "You are not responsible for contacting the mountain rangers, so why are you here at Zuchang?"

Uncle Jiu said: "The two cubs Axin and Dongha didn't report on time. I'm going to inform the tribe and see if we can organize people to look for them."

The missing person was in the southwest opposite to where Pluto was found. Yunmeng and his companions were obviously patrolling the mountains, but they appeared here again.

Osmond's blue eyes suddenly shrank, and without any hesitation, he grabbed Wu Yunmeng beside him and shouted: "Who are you?"

The palm of her hand was empty, and Wu Yunmeng had already backed away. As she backed away, she scratched her face and tore off a piece of skin as thin as a cicada's wings.

Where is Meng Yun, it is clearly a gorgeous corpse, with dark eyes and scarlet pupils, a strange and beautiful female corpse.

He glanced at the two of you coldly, then imitated his master, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, turning into starlight and dissipating.

Osmond was stunned for two seconds, his expression suddenly changed, something happened, someone was misleading them.

While Osment took out his cell phone, he said to Uncle Jiu, "Gather people immediately to find the two missing people. I'll go and ask for your family members."

Uncle Jiu looked at him and didn't care much.

"I'll give you another million to share!"

"You can always trust Qinghe's warm and sincere, distinguished guests."

"Enthusiasm, your mother" was so angry that Osmond almost spat out the curse words he had learned from Beijing before he turned around and ran towards the villa.

He rushed into the living room and saw the honest and simple Wu Agui. At this moment, the demon hunter got through.

"Executor, we have been deceived. Pluto is in the southwest. Hurry up. Someone is trying to rob Pluto from us."

Without waiting for the demon hunter to reply, he hung up the phone and said: "Noble Wu A, please take me to the southwest immediately. I am willing to spend money."

Wu Agui stood up and rushed out immediately.

Osmond was stunned and said, "You, you don't want to hear my price?"

"That's what Uncle Six wants, not me." Wu Agui came over and held his shoulders, "Let's go."

The green light flashed away, and no one was left in the living room.

Hot pine forest.

Zhang Yuanqing watched the red silk float into the depths of the forest. After waiting quietly for a few minutes, he felt slightly sleepy and knew that the Maleficent Sutra had dissipated.

Zhang Yuanqing immediately rushed into the pine forest and saw from a distance that the master of Zhisha Palace was holding a piece of red silk in his hand.

At the end of the red silk ribbon is a foreign man with short brown hair.

This person was wearing summer mountaineering clothes, his hands and feet were bent, and his torso was wrapped in red silk. Only his head was exposed. He was staring desperately and horrified at the back of the Master of the Killing Palace.

After seeing his photo, Zhang Yuanqing immediately confirmed that this was Pluto.

"Palace Master, let's leave quickly." Zhang Yuanqing took out the little red riding hood and quickly greeted him.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and looked behind the Master of the Killing Palace with his pupils contracted.

A flash of green light landed ten meters behind the palace owner. In the green light stood a gray-haired old farmer and the handsome and arrogant punishment member Osmond.

This chapter has been completed!
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