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Chapter 658 The first mission

Asano Ryo followed the female receptionist through the office area and came to the area where the top management of Tensei was located. There was also a front desk here - the office area of ​​the top management of Tianshen was separated from the office area of ​​ordinary employees, and a special access card was required to enter.

The female receptionist who brought Asano Ryo over said:

"She is a second-level prosecutor sent by the Chizuru Group from the island nation to intern. She is here to report today."

"I know, Minister Wei Ni's assistant has notified you." The older, more mature female receptionist picked up the landline and dialed the number of the Minister's Assistant, and said in a respectful tone:

"Assistant Emma, ​​the new prosecutor has arrived."

After the report, she hung up the phone, looked at Ryo Asano, and said with emotion:

"Oh my god, the second-level prosecutor, she looks underage. There are not many such outstanding girls. No wonder Minister Winnie wants to see her in person."

The female receptionist who led Asano Ryo here shrugged: "Yes, the information says she is 17 years old, but I think she is only 15 years old. Well, Mongoloid people are naturally tender-faced. I didn't expect that an island country could be so outstanding.


The two receptionists chatted as if no one was around, without any concern for Ryo Asano's feelings.

How rude, Baga. Asano Ryo kept a straight face the whole time to make himself look cool and mature.

Not long after, a tall woman walked out from the depths of the office area on high heels.

She is about forty years old, with black hair and brown eyes, deep eye sockets unique to Westerners, her facial features are not particularly beautiful, but very gentle, and her cheeks have light freckles.

She used the work card on her chest to swipe the access control, pushed open the glass door, waved to Asano Ryo, and said with a smile: "Come in."

Ryo Asano bowed instinctively: "Yes!"

This made the two receptionists chuckle.

Emma glanced at the two of them coldly, and the snickering disappeared.

After Asano Ryo passed the gate, Emma led Asano Ryo to go and said:

"I am Minister Winnie's assistant, Emma.

"Minister Wei Ni is your direct superior, but you can't go to her directly. If you have anything to do at work, you need to report it to me first, and I will pass it on to the minister.

"I am not responsible for life problems, but you are not yet a minor. We always give preferential treatment to minors, so you can ask me for help."

She speaks neither hurriedly nor slowly, showing the composure she has gained in the workplace, and her attitude towards others is neither too distant nor too distant, just right.

Asano Ryo followed Emma for a while along the wide and winding corridor, passing by offices, and finally stopped outside the deepest and largest office with a river view.


Emma knocked on the office door, "Minister, our new colleague is here to report."

A cold yet stern voice came from the office: "Come in."

Assistant Emma pushed open the glass door, looked at Ryo Asano with a smile, and gestured for her to come in.

Winnie Berendt, eighth-level lightning mage. Asano Ryo took a deep breath, stepped into the office with a sullen face.

The first thing that appeared in front of her was the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the window was the densely flowing Desen River, known as the economic lifeline of New York County.

On the right is the living room, which has high-end sofas, wine cabinets, and a bar. Western oil paintings and Chinese ink paintings are hung on the walls, and potted plants are used for decoration on the walls.

On the left hand side is a large and spacious desk. Behind the desk is a woman wearing an exquisite workplace suit. She looks to be thirty years old, which is the sexiest and most mature stage of a woman.

Slightly curly long chestnut hair draped over her shoulders, a high nose, deep eyes, and graceful facial lines outline exquisite three-dimensional facial features.

Her skin is as fair as frost, her long and straight eyebrows match her deep eyes, and the facial curves of Westerners are not soft enough, making her look cold and majestic.

Ryo Asano briefly forgot about her beauty, feeling like he was facing the stern teacher Ryuzaki Kazu, instinctively holding his breath and feeling a little reserved.

Winnie Berendt glanced at Asano Ryo, took out a document from the pile on the left, opened it, and said while reading:

"The information says that you were once a gang member of Yuanshi Tianzun?"

Hearing the words "Yuanshi Tianzun", Asano Ryo felt sad, his reserved mood faded, and he whispered: "Yes."

Minister Wei Ni was keenly aware of her sadness and said calmly: "Has he ever told you that he is the descendant of the Demon King?"

Ah?! Asano Ryo was stunned and dumbfounded.

Wei Ni looked at her expression and knew the answer, so she continued to ask:

"What's your status in the gang?"

Asano Ryo didn't answer. It took him a full minute to digest the news, and then he said:

"The gang members have very good relations, and there is no clear class distinction. Although I am the lowest-ranking member, they don't look down on me."

Wei Ni nodded indifferently and looked at her deeply:

"In this world, apart from lovers and parents, the closest people are gang members. Before Yuanshi Tianzun returned to the spiritual realm, did he explain anything or leave anything behind?"

After a pause, she said: "For example, a portable speaker."

Asano Ryo looked blank: "I'm sorry, I don't know."

A flash of disappointment flashed in Wei Ni's eyes, and she asked again: "I hope you can provide the list of Yuanshi Tianzun gang members."

Asano Ryo subconsciously wanted to refuse, but fortunately he held it back and bowed: "Minister Wei Ni, I hope to consult their opinions first."

Winnie nodded slightly: "Reply as soon as possible, it's time for you to leave."

"I want the audio recording of Demon Lord and Winnie's intercourse."

In the bedroom, Zhang Yuanqing held an Elvis Presley stereo, like a believer with great aspirations.

The Elvis speaker lay quietly in his palm, ignoring it.

Princess Yinyao, who was beside the bed, raised a small speaker: "It says, equal exchange."

"I don't have sex audio."

"It wants songs."

"Why do you know what it thinks?"

"I don't know, intuition!" Princess Yinyao's face was expressionless, her red eyes were forlorn, "Yuanshi Tianzun, I don't want to take my hat back, just let me play outside."

Princess Yinyao stayed in Little Red Riding Hood for several days. Now she saw the light of day again. She learned that Zhang Yuanqing had come to overseas barbarian lands. The princess's ambition to travel around the world increased.

"I can use you in fights, but forget it in daily life. You will scare people to death if you go out like this. Besides, I haven't figured out how to make you appear properly. I'll talk about it in the future." Zhang Yuanqing refused.

Ignoring the angry princess, he took out his mobile phone and was about to play music and exchange for equal value.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Then, Annie's broken Chinese came from the living room: "Hubby, the landlady is here."

Landlady? Why is she here? We already had dinner yesterday. There is no need to thank you all the time. Zhang Yuanqing grabbed the little red riding hood on the table and took back Princess Yinyao and the Elvis speaker.

He left the bedroom and went to the living room, where he saw the landlady and Cao Qianxiu sitting on the sofa, waiting.

Seeing him coming out, the pretty girl nodded slightly.

Zhang Yuanqing smiled back, sat down opposite mother and daughter, and said:

"Unfortunately, breakfast is already over, otherwise I could treat you to breakfast."

The landlady with slightly higher cheekbones waved her hand and said straight to the point:

"Xiao Zhang, I have something to ask you. My daughter's academic performance is not very good. I would like to ask you to help with tutoring on weekends. It is 50 federal coins an hour, three hours a day."

Zhang Yuanqing agreed immediately: "No problem, thank you landlady for giving me the opportunity to make extra money."

The landlady smiled: "I will give you a high school test paper tonight. I want to test your score. I hope you understand."

"No problem!" Zhang Yuanqing joked with a smile: "As long as you don't let me teach foreign languages, everything else is fine."

After discussing the tutoring issue, the landlady took her daughter home with satisfaction.

Zhang Yuanqing looked at Annie who was wiping the dinner plate and said:

"Come with me. The trial mission given by the Hunter Guild is a bit strange. The person offering the bounty only gave an address and asked to interview the hunter about the specific content of the mission.

"Annie, what do you think?"

Annie thought for a while and said: "Maybe the task content needs to be kept secret and cannot be widely publicized, so we have an interview. Boss, you are a little transparent now, so you don't have to worry about being plotted against."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded: "I think so too, then, let's go."

After Annie had changed her clothes, the two of them went out together and happened to meet Cao Qianxiu who was carrying a schoolbag and getting ready to go to school.

The three of them entered the elevator. Zhang Yuanqing took a look at the girl's beautiful profile and couldn't help but say:

"You're not a fire master, why are your academic performance so poor?"

Cao Qianxiu's expression was cold, "First, I don't want to study. Second, I don't have the talent to study."

Zhang Yuanqing was speechless for a moment.

Human beings have thousands of talents, but there are only so many courses in school. Poor grades can only mean that the talents are not in those few courses.

Therefore, academic performance is related to IQ, but the relationship is not that strong.

Zhang Yuanqing said: "I understand. In this case, I know how to formulate a teaching plan."

Cao Qianxiu turned her head and stared with bright eyes like paint: "How do you plan to teach me?"

Zhang Yuanqing said: "I have a bachelor's professional tool that can make people become academic masters in a short time. I can lend it to you during the exam."

Cao Qianxiu's eyes lit up: "Bachelor. I have heard of this profession. It is said that every bachelor has extraordinary wisdom and profound knowledge. They are good at dispensing medicine and making weapons. The top scientists in the world are not as good as them. Very good, you

It’s worth fifty bucks an hour.”

Bachelors are not as advanced as you say. All the bachelors I know are screwing. Zhang Yuanqing said: "I thought you would refuse with integrity."

Cao Qianxiu shook her head and said seriously: "No, Master Lei can also have a flexible bottom line."

Zhang Yuanqing smiled and said: "You know the bottom line."

The student and the teacher looked at each other and smiled, and only the landlady's injured world came to an end.

Cao Qianxiu's face became more smiley, "Well, I don't know your spiritual realm ID yet."

"Master Tongtian!"

"The name Master Tongtian seems a bit familiar to me." Cao Qianxiu said, "Judge Cao, my spiritual realm ID."

She is a native of the Free Federation. Although she has learned Chinese since she was a child, she is not very familiar with the culture of her motherland.

"Judge?" Zhang Yuanqing looked at the girl.

Cao Qianxiu said with a serious expression: "My dream when I was a child was to become a judge like my dad."

"Isn't your dad a restaurant owner?" Zhang Yuanqing was shocked.

Cao Qianxiu glanced at him and said, "My dad's dream is also to become a judge."

Zhang Yuanqing: "."

At 10:30 in the morning, Zhang Yuanqing and Annie took a taxi and arrived at a famous restaurant in Queens.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two people, after using magic to disguise themselves, entered the private room reserved by their employer.

The private room is not big, but the privacy is very good. Sitting at the small round table is an old white man with frosty white temples. He is wearing a well-dressed suit, has a thick waist, a big belly, and a round face.

His eyes are calm and his demeanor is extraordinary. Judging from his clothes and the watch on his left hand, he is a very successful man.

Behind the old white man stood two bodyguards in black.

His eyes wandered over the two people who entered the private room. When he saw Anne, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then showed disappointment.

——Anne has mediocre appearance and rough skin.

The old white man asked in a deep voice: "Which of you is the leader of Tongtian?"

Zhang Yuanqing didn't answer. He pulled out his chair and sat down. This action said everything.

The old white man nodded slightly, looked at Zhang Yuanqing with his light gray eyes, and said:

"The content of my mission is not suitable for public disclosure, so I can only invite you to come over. You can ask me to reimburse you for your travel expenses."

"Compared to a business worth two million, travel expenses are just a trivial matter." Zhang Yuanqing spoke in broken foreign language.

As long as the other party doesn't make long speeches, he'll be fine with a simple exchange.

The old white man said solemnly: "I want to hire you to kill someone."

He took a photo out of his pocket and put it on the table.

Zhang Yuanqing took a closer look and saw that the man in the photo had dark skin, thick lips, a bald head, a thin face, his arms were covered with tattoos, and his eyes flashed with a fierce look.

"I need more information." He looked at the old white man.

When the old white man took out this photo, Zhang Yuanqing sensed that the other man's emotions were filled with hatred, deep-seated hatred.

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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