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Chapter 693 The gossip about Fu Qingyang and Yuanshi Tianzun

“Here’s what’s in the meeting!”

Nicola did not answer directly and made a "please" gesture. She had an average appearance and a fat figure. She always had a straight face, as if she had lost the function of smiling.

Most members of the Procuratorate are like this. They are irritable, dignified and fair. These are their character traits.

Of course, among these traits, justice is a soft-defined character, not a decision. Most Thunder Masters are fair, but there are also a small number of Thunder Masters with evil intentions.

Among all the professions in the spiritual realm, only the knight profession is fair and trustworthy. Except for the fallen knights.

Zhang Yuanqing and others left the office area and headed to meeting No. 3.

Nicola pushed open the frosted glass door. Conference Room No. 3 was a large conference room that could accommodate more than fifty people. It had a brown conference table with twenty chairs, and two chairpersons, each of which held the two chief executives.

The conference table was filled with members of the Heavenly Punishment, and there was no seat left for the Five Elements Alliance aid team. Zhang Yuanqing glanced at the members at the table and saw that they were all saints, so he silently took Brother Red Rooster and others to the auditorium.


They are outsiders, so they have no formal seats. Of course, if there are extraordinary practitioners sitting at the conference table, then Zhang Yuanqing will have a fight with the two chiefs.

Sean Mede had a straight face and a serious expression, and seemed not to notice the people in the Five Elements Alliance.

Wei Ni nodded slightly towards them, but her face didn't look good.

After taking his seat, Zhang Yuanqing looked at the curtain, on which was projected a corpse of a monster, with a human head, a bloated fish body, and covered with pitch black scales. At the tail of the fish were eight octopus tentacles, covered in sticky liquid.

The face of the deceased was distorted and painful, as if he had suffered intense pain during his lifetime.

"The deceased's name is Abner Carlisle, a second-level silver prosecutor, and the murderer is "Warcraft Hass" from the Biological Alchemy Society, a sixth-level aberrant." Winnie picked up the remote control at hand and switched pictures.

A new picture appeared on the curtain, which was a line of English written in blood: "The incompetent lawful organization can try its best to kill me - Warcraft Hass!"

Winnie said: "Yesterday, the email to hunt down members of New Testament County's A-level wanted list was just sent to the major lawful organizations. Carlisle was killed. This was a provocation. Warcraft Haas's arrogant and arrogant temperament was in line with his behavior.

Pai, we can rule out the possibility of someone pretending to be framed."

Second level silver prosecutor, this is Wei Ni’s person, no wonder she doesn’t look so good. Zhang Yuanqing suddenly said.

As for Warcraft Haas, if Zhang Yuanqing remembers correctly, this person is ranked fifth on the New York County A-level wanted list and is a senior deacon of the Biological Alchemy Society.

"As soon as we took action here, the evil camp killed a prosecutor as a provocation, which means that the deceased's address had long been exposed." Guan Ya analyzed: "Can it be understood that the evil camp has many prosecutors in their hands?

The address of the executive, which is very detrimental to us."

Her words made everyone in Tianpu's face darken.

Zhang Yuanqing's heart moved.

Hiding one's address is the consensus of members of lawful organizations around the world, and high-level saints have more ways to hide themselves.

There are only two possibilities for being found so easily. First, Abner Carlisle's address has been exposed a long time ago. Second, someone within Tianpu has betrayed him, and his position is not low.

If it's the latter, as long as you find the Warcraft Haas, you might be able to uncover a spy.

"This is exactly what I am worried about." Winnie Berendt pondered for a few seconds and said: "Starting from today, the saints of Heavenly Punishment will all move to the bank building, and each person will have three days off every month."

"Oh my god, how is this possible!" A saint with black hair and blue eyes reacted fiercely, saying: "Work is work, life is life. There must be two days off every week, otherwise I would rather resign."

This is the saint of executive ministry.

Winnie's face darkened: "You can resign! Go to the Human Resources Department to complete the resignation procedures now."

The saint quickly looked at his companions around him.

Several saints from the executive department expressed their opposition.

Seeing this, Sean Meade said calmly: "What Minister Wei Ni said makes sense. Now is the war period. You are the saints of Heaven's Punishment and the precious assets of Heaven's Punishment. You cannot suffer any losses. Even if you die, you must die there."

In battle."

The saints in the execution department nodded repeatedly, looking sincerely convinced.

Huh? This is a joint effort to exclude Wei Ni, and the two chiefs are still fighting? Zhang Yuanqing noticed that Wei Ni Berendt's face became increasingly gloomy.

Although he was not good at power struggles, he could still tell that several executives in the execution department were deliberately looking up to Sean and Luo Weini.

Are we still engaging in a power struggle at this time? Shouldn’t we be unanimous in dealing with the outside world?

Winnie Berendt ignored the drama directed and acted by the executive department and said:

"Warcraft Haas openly provoked Heaven's Punishment and killed the second-level prosecutor. He was able to quickly locate Abner Carlisle's address. I suspect that there is a traitor within Heaven's Punishment. I propose that Heaven's Punishment use all its strength to capture Warcraft Haas.


This is why she called the meeting.

"I object!" Sean Med, a thin-cheeked man, said expressionlessly: "The execution department has its own planning and deployment. We have initially locked down the activity area of ​​'Cocktail' through informants. The next focus is on hunting.

Kill 'Cocktail'."

Cocktail is a member of the Dionysus Club and ranks third on the A-level wanted list.

Winnie Berendt turned her head and stared at Sean sharply: "Your Excellency, CEO, you should know that Warcraft Haas has a higher priority than cocktails."

She didn't explain it too clearly, but Zhang Yuanqing understood. Wei Ni wanted to find out the spies inside Tianpu through the line of Warcraft Haas. Of course, there must be revenge inside.

After all, Warcraft Haas killed her subordinates.

Sean Meade said with a straight face, "The actions of the Execution Department do not need to be arranged by the Prosecution Department. It is too hasty to judge that Warcraft Haas obtained the information from within the Heavenly Punishment based on the death of Abner Carlisle. I think,

Warcraft Haas can be left alone for a while. If he commits crimes continuously in a short period of time, it means that there is indeed a spy within Tianpu. This is an opportunity to verify."

Wei Ni raised her eyebrows and said:

"This is irresponsible for the lives of subordinates. Leaving aside the investigation of spies, Warcraft Haas openly provoked Heavenly Punishment. If he cannot be arrested, where is the prestige of Heavenly Punishment? As soon as the purge order was issued, our prosecutor was attacked by evil

The camp kills people without any response from heaven, which will only make the alliance look down upon and affect confidence and unity."

Sean Meade refused to give in, "The cocktail that ranks third on the most wanted list can also establish the prestige of heavenly punishment. I repeat, the deployment and actions of the execution department do not need to be arranged by the prosecutor's department. Minister Winnie can

Organize your own manpower to hunt down the monster Haas."

Winnie's chest rose and fell, and the veins on her smooth forehead bulged.

As a strong and violent Thunder Mage, her ability to control her emotions has never been very good, otherwise she would not have fought with Chris out of jealousy.

The reason why she was angry was because Sean Med's words were rogue.

Within Tianpu, the Supervision Department composed of Master Lei specializes in observing ethics, anti-corruption, and going out to perform tasks. It is the Execution Department that arrests criminals.

The Wind Mage, who possesses air superiority and the Eye of the Wind King, is among the best among lawful professions in terms of his ability to pursue and seek out enemies.

Let Master Lei, who has a strong and violent personality, investigate and track the enemy. There is a high probability that after repeated setbacks, he will explode on the spot and discharge electricity everywhere.

Zhang Yuanqing frowned. Finding spies should be the primary goal of the top management of Tianpu. With Sean Meade's wisdom, it is impossible to imagine this.

Are you guilty of not being willing to do your best to capture Warcraft Haas? Is he actually a spy?

As soon as this idea emerged, Zhang Yuanqing dismissed it. If Sean was an undercover agent arranged by the Freedom Alliance within the organization, Catherine would not let him assassinate Julian.

Moreover, if Sean is a spy, he can definitely accept it. There is no need to refuse forcefully. At that time, he only needs to say that Warcraft Haas is too good at hiding and the execution department cannot find it, and it will be perfunctory.

After all, evil professions are hard to find. Warcraft Haas knows that Heavenly Punishment is hunting for him, so it makes sense to temporarily avoid the limelight.

Refusal makes oneself suspicious.

Is Sean worried that Winnie will take this opportunity to launch an attack, ostensibly to investigate an undercover agent, but actually suppress the execution department and weaken his power? Or is he suppressing the execution department while excluding dissidents? Always be on guard against political opponents. As expected, Zhang Yuanqing's butt decides the way of thinking.

I clicked my tongue twice in my heart.

Seeing that Winnie didn't say anything, Sean Meade added to the fire: "If the Supervision Department is not good at going out to investigate, it can be handed over to the team of the Five Elements Alliance. This is what the scouts are good at, isn't it!"

After saying that, he stood up and left the meeting room.

With the sound of high-backed chairs clattering, members of the executive department stood up and left the conference room.

The saints in the Supervision Department had sullen expressions on their faces and were suppressing their anger.

Wei Ni took a deep breath, looked at the people of the Five Elements Alliance, and said: "We must capture the monster Haas. The Supervision Department is not good at tracking enemies. Guan Ya, I entrust this matter to you."

Without waiting for Guan Ya to respond, Zhang Yuanqing took the lead and said:

"I'm sorry, Minister Wei Ni, we are still in the adaptation stage, and we are not familiar with the situation in New York County. We can assist in the battle, but we are not yet ready to take charge of it on our own."

Wei Ni was stunned, as if she didn't expect that he would refuse, her delicate brows were tightly knitted.

She looked at Zhang Yuanqing deeply for a few seconds and said, "Then you go first, our Supervision Department has a meeting."

The aid team of the Five Elements Alliance is also under the supervision of the Supervision Department. Wei Ni's action of chasing people away shows that she is angry.

Zhang Yuanqing stood up, nodded, and left with his teammates.

After leaving the conference room, he whispered: "You go back first, Asano Ryo, take me to the morgue, and then help me get a copy of last night's investigation report. I am not familiar with the Tianpu people."

"Don't you want to participate?" Sun Miaomiao's eyes widened.

"I just don't want Wei Ni to know that I want to participate." Zhang Yuanqing's voice was very low.

If Warcraft Haas obtained Abner Carlisle's address from the undercover undercover Heaven Punishment, then the undercover agent is most likely a high-ranking member of the Supervision Department.

In this case, they can't cooperate with the Supervision Department, otherwise all operations and arrangements will be within the undercover's sight. Besides, he hasn't completely let go of Winnie yet, so maybe she is an undercover.

Zhang Yuanqing remembered that Catherine said that Zhai Cai, the single knight, lived in Wei Ni's house. If Wei Ni was a member of the Free Covenant, then the single knight would be in danger.

He had to find an opportunity to remind him that Zhang Yuanqing looked at Asano Ryo and waited for her reply.

Liangjiang shrank her head: "I, I'm not very familiar with the employees of Tianpu."

Her communication skills are average and her social experience is shallow. She became even less sociable when she discovered that the members of Tianpu were not very friendly to her, a "country girl."

Furthermore, she was in the Supervision Department, and the Autopsy Department was under the jurisdiction of the Execution Department.

Liangjiang, what do I need from you? Zhang Yuanqing was just thinking about how to get the autopsy report without alerting the two chiefs, when he heard Yuan Ting say:

"I'll get it for you. I know Joni from the autopsy department very well."

Huh? Everyone looked at him together.

Yuan Ting shrugged: "Qioni is Fu Qingyang's illegitimate wife, and she likes to hear my gossip about Fu Qingyang."

It has to be you! Everyone nodded, recognizing Yuan Ting’s social skills.

Returning to the office area, after waiting for half an hour, Yuan Ting returned from completing his mission. He not only brought back the autopsy report, but also the on-site investigation report.

The saints gathered in a small conference room and analyzed the contents of the report.

"The footprints of the Warcraft Haas were collected at the scene. A total of seventeen people's fingerprints and DNA were collected in the kitchen, bathroom and bed of Abner Carlisle's house. The verification results showed that they were all women. Tsk, this guy's style is not very good.

Ah." Zhang Yuanqing commented.

Tianxiaguihuo had a different opinion: "Carlisle is single, and having multiple female partners is not a style issue."

Brother Red Rooster: "This time I stand in the world and return to the fire. We are not married. What's wrong with having multiple partners?"

The world returns to fire: "Don't get involved."

He looked at Zhang Yuanqing and said: "An experienced person will not leave DNA at the crime scene. If you want to use DNA to curse and lock him, I think there is no hope."

Guan Ya suddenly said:

"Not necessarily! If you look at the autopsy report, Blair died in pain due to genetic tearing caused by body mutation, but the forensic doctor found toxins in his body.

"Among the evil professions, those who are good at using poison are witch masters and breaking bad masters. The former uses poison, and the latter uses biological toxins. Biological toxins can carry DNA."

Tianxia Guihuo shook his head: "It's not that simple. If it had carried DNA, Breaking Bad would have been exterminated long ago. Do you think Tianpu doesn't have the cursed props of the witch and Gu master?"

Zhang Yuanqing pondered for a moment and said: "It is also possible that the DNA in the toxin is different from normal DNA, so the curse will not take effect."

The world is in flames and we spread our hands: "The ending is still the same!"

"It's different!" Zhang Yuanqing raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Yuan Ting without explaining too much: "Can you help me get a toxin sample?"

He doesn't want to curse the monster Haas, but wants to use the red dancing shoes to lock him in. It may not work, but you can try.

If Red Dance Shoes cannot target the enemy through the nucleic acid in the biological toxin, then he will use the toxin and stargazing to locate it, so that he can locate a rough area.

Yuan Ting thought for a while and frowned: "This goes beyond my friendship with Qiao Ni unless you reveal a piece of Fu Qingyang's gossip."

Guan Ya rolled her eyes: "Fu Qingyang raised a dozen bunny girls in the villa, but he never cared about them and only doted on Yuanshi Tianzun."

Zhang Yuanqing: "."

Guan Ya didn't squint her eyes: "I've heard a lot of gossip about Yuanshi Tianzun and Fu Qingyang in the past few days, and the aunts all like it."

"I'll try." Yuan Ting stood up and left.

"Who would believe such nonsense?" Zhang Yuanqing glared at his girlfriend: "Just let Yuan Ting spread rumors, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Not only is it nonsense, but it's also boring. There's nothing exciting about it. How can you get physical evidence just by doing this? Yuan Ting will probably go all the way in vain." Sun Miaomiao is a good girl. She said these things purely for the sake of her three views and definitely not to attack her love rival.


Ten minutes later, Yuan Ting returned in a hurry and took out a sealed plastic bag from his pocket. Inside was a piece of yellow test paper stained with dark green patches.

"I got it. Qiao Ni likes this information very much. She feels that she can define the relationship between Yuanshi Tianzun and Fu Qingyang. She plans to silence those 'decent' colleagues today." Yuan Ting happily put the plastic bag on the table.

Zhang Yuanqing forced a smile: "You did a good job, but I think you need to explain to Yuanshi Tianzun, don't let him be wronged!"

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them. Remember not to add too many popsicles in summer, and don’t blow the air conditioner for too long. It is easy to catch colds in the stomach, diarrhea, and become a Splatoon, like me (dog head).

This chapter has been completed!
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