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Chapter 749 Cihuamao

Everyone turned to look, their pupils shrank, and they saw Brother Red Rooster and Tianxia Guihuo returning from the bushes. The latter warned everyone with a serious face.

So who is next to them? The real and fake Monkey King again?

Zhai Cai, Zhang Yuanqing, Zhao Chenghuang and Sun Miaomiao all jumped back to distance themselves and put on alert postures.

Only Guan Ya stayed put and her tone remained unchanged, saying: "Don't panic, these two are real."

She turned to look at Tianxia Guihuo and Brother Hongji who were not far away, with sharp eyes:

"They are fake. I have been paying attention to them. Brother Hongji and Tianxiaguihuo have never left my sight. On the contrary, those two people came out from behind the bushes."

Tianxia Guihuo did not squat down, but always stood vigilant. If the fake version of himself and Brother Red Rooster appeared, he would immediately sound a warning, instead of waiting for the fake person to be in contact with his teammates for more than half a minute, and waiting until Brother Red Rooster finished vomiting.

After warning, Zhang Yuanqing reacted, changed his posture, and put on guard posture towards Tianxia Guihuo and Brother Hongji.

Zhai Cai was a second faster than him and shouted: "It's two wooden puppets, the fire master, burn them."

Brother Red Chicken squeezed his palm, and a red fireball condensed in his palm. The fireball collapsed and condensed, becoming more and more brilliant. He ran a few steps and threw the fireball with all his strength.

Then, he clenched his hands.

The high-temperature fireball suddenly exploded and turned into a torrential rain of fire particles, covering the two counterfeiters and several meters around them.

Don't give counterfeiters any room to dodge.

"Puff puff"

The fire pierced through the two impostors, and the terrifying high temperature burned them into two black and smoking charcoal bodies.

"That's it?" Brother Red Rooster put his hands on his hips proudly: "I thought it was so powerful, but it turns out it's just two pieces of wood that can't bear to be fucked."

As the words fell, the ground of the manor rumbled and shook. The lawns and flowerbeds cracked open, revealing black moist soil. Thick tree roots popped out of the cracks in the ground and rushed up to the sky with claws and claws.

At the same time, in the flowerbeds on both sides of the soft stone path leading directly to the gate, crisp saplings emerged from the soil and grew rapidly, turning into two graceful tree figures. Their facial features were exquisite and beautiful, like works of art carefully carved by God. Their hair was

Lush green leaves.

The two tree men each spoke, the voice on the left was cold and the voice on the right was crisp:

"Trespassing into the master's courtyard, stealing the master's spiritual plants, courting death! Courting death!!"

"Bad guy, disturb my sister and I from sleeping!"

After saying this, the tree roots with claws and fangs bent together, pointed at the people at the door of the villa, and shot downwards like a javelin.

Brother Hongji and Tianxia Guihuo took a step forward. One of them condensed two big fireballs with a diameter of three meters and hit the two tree men. The other condensed the red flame Lihuo knife and slashed a huge five or six meter long flame blade into the sky.

After practicing for several months, the Red Flame Lihuo Knife, which returns the world to fire, has entered the room. The scorching heat made Zhang Yuanqing and others' skins burn, and their eyelashes, eyebrows and temples curled, exuding the unique smell of burnt hair.


The flame knife struck the piercing roots one by one, but failed to destroy them. Instead, they broke into flowing flames and fell in clusters everywhere.

At the same time, Guan Ya also took out the ancient bronze sword and slashed out sword energy one after another.

The five elements are metal but wood, and the sword energy is more restrained than the flame knife in controlling the roots, but the result is the same. The sword energy that is supposed to cut through gold and jade only cuts out dense sparks and fails to destroy them.

There was a loud "boom" in the distance, and the fireball hit the two wooden sculptures, but was blocked by the light green light.

Seeing that the attacks of the saints failed to work, Zhai Cai, who had already taken out the knight's sword, stood up with the sword and said in a deep voice: "Come behind me!"

The brass-colored light lit up, building a wall of illusion in front of everyone!

"Bang Bang Bang"

One by one, the "spear" hit the illusory wall, making a dull and powerful impact.

The protective wall shook violently, but Zhai Cai stood firm and motionless, and his tall and straight back gave people a strong sense of security.

While maintaining the protective wall, he said in a deep voice:

"The rules of this battle: Plants are prohibited from having self-awareness!"

The roots that were frantically attacking the guarding wall were like a man trembling, changing from strong to weak. Although he had not completely lost his activity, the attack no longer posed a threat.

"Level 7 wood demon!" Zhai Cai tested the enemy's level, removed the protective wall, jumped over the weak roots wriggling like octopus tentacles, and rushed towards the two tree men.

He concentrated his power into his legs, and with a bang, the ground cracked, and the knight turned into a stream of light that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and swept towards the wooden woman on the left.

After the stream of light passed by the wooden woman, it turned again and hit the wooden woman on the right.

In the eyes of the audience under the eaves, the brass-colored streamer drew a fleeting "V", and the two wooden sculptures of women were exactly at the two ends of the "V".

Click! Click!

The two wooden sculptures were broken into two pieces at the same time, and the roots in the yard were completely inactive and no longer moved.

"Solved!" Zhai Cai turned her wrist and made a beautiful sword flower.

He strode back, and after taking only a few steps, his body suddenly froze, and he covered his heart with a look of pain. His face turned a blackish luster, and his lips turned black and purple.

Mr. Knight's knees gave way, and he fell to his knees with his sword in hand, panting heavily, his eyes were bloodshot, and veins popped out on his forehead.

The sudden change stunned everyone.

New roots emerged from the ground, condensing into two wooden beauties, exactly the same as before, but their aura was much weaker.

The cold and clear voice echoed in the flower garden:

"Idiot, idiot, killing both of us at the same time will trigger the curse. The curse left by the master is enough to kill the master. Sister, drag him down to be used as fertilizer."

"You are the fool. I have told you many times that it is poison, not a curse."

While the two wooden sculptures were talking, a root emerged from the soil, stretched straight, and turned into a spear to stab Zhai Cai in the back of the heart.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuanqing opened the inventory, summoned the Purple Gold Shield, and threw the buckler like Captain Liberty.


The spear made of stretched roots pierced the whirling round shield and broke instantly. The purple gold shield refracted back and was stuck in the ground.

"Get in the room first!" Zhang Yuanqing roared and rushed towards Zhai Cai, picked up the round shield and put into a defensive posture.

More and more roots penetrated the surface, flew up into the air like claws, and suddenly stretched and shot.

At this critical moment, Zhang Yuanqing ignored the hail of bullets, turned around and knocked Zhai Cai unconscious with a shield blow, then lifted him back under the eaves with a tip of his toes.

No matter how many spears were pierced into his body, at the same moment, a touch of pale gold covered his whole body like flowing water, forming into an armor.

"Ding ding ding ding."

A dense and crisp sound of impact sounded from behind him.

Sun Miaomiao and others lifted the unconscious Zhai Cai and hurriedly fled into the house.

The aura has weakened a lot, but it still has dominating power. The wood demon is famous for its strong battery life, and my capital set is a three-second real man, and I am most afraid of lasting. Zhang Yuanqing gave up the idea of ​​fighting after weighing it for a while, and Qu The legs ejected and turned into a purple light that rushed into the room.

In addition to being unable to last, he was even more afraid of being cursed like Zhai Cai.

Knights known for their strong physique and endurance have all fallen under the curse, let alone a level six knight like him.

After rushing into the house, Zhang Yuanqing waved his hands back, and the two wooden doors closed with a bang. The roots of the pursuing vines quickly retracted the moment they approached the wooden doors, and climbed along the wall unwillingly. Don't dare to come in.

"Huh!" Zhang Yuanqing breathed a sigh of relief and glanced across the hall. The decoration style here is extremely luxurious, but it also looks nondescript. There are Western crystal chandeliers and Eastern lanterns, Chinese high-back chairs and Western sofas.

You can see not only classical Chinese furniture here, but also European-style furnishings.

There are ink paintings and oil paintings hanging on the walls. Among the many hanging paintings, the picture of a beautiful woman in the center is the most eye-catching.

The woman was wearing a light blue cheongsam, with graceful eyebrows and a dignified temperament. She was exactly the same as the two sculptures at the door.

"His life breath is very weak and he will die at any time." Guan Ya observed Zhai Cai's vital signs with an unusually solemn expression.

"No wonder he is said to be suffering from bloody disasters, but we are not!" Brother Red Rooster scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously: "What kind of poison is this? Even the Lord can be killed."

"Give him a tube of life source liquid first." Zhang Yuanqing stared at the door, fearing that the rhizomes would hit the door and enter.

Guan Ya said "hmm" without optimism, took out a golden and clear injection, and injected it into the neck vein.

Zhai Cai's breath of life was visibly restored, but the blackness on his face and lips showed no sign of receding. The life source liquid could only nourish cells and replenish the lost vitality, but had no detoxification effect.

But at least I breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yuanqing stood at the door and stood guard. During the process, Guan Ya and others continued to take out healing props and detoxification pills to try to detoxify the single knight, but the effect was not satisfactory.

This guy's drug level is very high, and he will most likely dominate the stage.

Zhang Yuanqing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the wood demon in the yard had not invaded. He returned to his teammates and leaned over to check Zhai Cai, who was lying on the soft sheepskin carpet.

His breath was very weak, and there was a pungent smell at the end of his nose, which was the smell of volatile poison.

The toxicity has invaded his internal organs.

Fortunately, the three-pronged approach of detoxifying pills, life source liquid and healing props kept his life from danger for the time being.

It can only be carried with Azure Emperor Jade. Dominator-level poison can only be cured by Dominator props. Zhang Yuanqing opened the inventory and grabbed a green belt inlaid with jade stones.

He buckled the Qing Emperor jade belt around Zhai Cai's waist and activated the "Qing Emperor Immortality Technique".

The strong yet soft green light flooded Zhai Cai. After a few seconds, the light faded, the blackness on Zhai Cai's face receded, and her dark lips turned rosy.

Mr. Knight's heart and pulse returned to normal, but he did not wake up and remained asleep.

There is still some toxin left in the body, but it is no longer fatal. Next, Mr. Knight's own liver will be used to detoxify it.

At this time, everyone had time to observe the furnishings in the hall. Brother Red Rooster scanned around and walked to the portrait with a clear purpose:

"Hey, aren't these the two wood demons at the door? She should be the owner of the wood demon's mouth, right? Old Berrent's lover?"

Guan Ya analyzed:

"The fact that the painting can be hung here shows that old Berent likes this woman very much and is proud of her. The temperament of this woman should be that of a wood demon. No wonder she can cultivate neurotoxins and tree people outside."

Zhang Yuanqing pondered:

"So this is really a safe house, old Berrent's storage room. We overlooked one thing. From the perspective of Pan's Labyrinth, room 503 is indeed a safe house.

"But old Berrent cherishes the things here so much, how could he not arrange security guards?"

The two dryads outside are the guardians of the storage room.

Guan Ya glanced at the door and said, "They don't dare to come in. This is a good thing. We will kill them after we get the fragments of the Holy Plate."

If it's a level in Pan's Labyrinth, you have to clear it if you want to leave the room, but this is a safe house, and the two tree men are the security guards arranged by old Berrent here, so they don't have to be defeated.

With the strength of Yuan Shi and Mr. Knight, they can definitely rush out.

At this time, a burst of light and rapid footsteps came from the stairs. Everyone's ears twitched and they immediately put on a alert posture and looked towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

As footsteps approached, a black and gray tabby cat walked out at the top of the stairs with elegant steps.

The light green cat eyes stared at everyone quietly.

The civet cat made a clear and sweet female voice:

"Reckless intruder, did you just talk about the fragments of the Holy Plate?"

It speaks Chinese, but it's a bit lame and the pronunciation is not very accurate.

"Hey! Talking cat!" Brother Red Rooster was shocked.

"Don't make such a fuss, I've seen all the talking dogs." Zhang Yuanqing signaled Brother Red Rooster to stop talking nonsense to avoid bad things. He took a few steps forward, confronted the civet cat, and said tentatively:

"Excuse me, senior"

He couldn't tell whether the cat was the body of a wood demon or a spiritual beast bred by the wood demon.

The civet cat raised its chin proudly: "You can call me JOJO. I am a spiritual beast cultivated by my master. You can call me Ms. JOJO."

While talking, it looked at the painting hanging on the wall, and the meaning was self-evident.

Spiritual beasts. Zhang Yuanqing breathed a sigh of relief. Compared to the dominant wood demon itself, spiritual beasts are much easier to deal with.

But since the civet cat shows the attribute of being able to communicate and is not very aggressive, he will not take the initiative and ask for trouble, so he said:

"Ms. JOJO, we are friends of old Berrent. We are here to pick up something. I hope you can."

Before he finished speaking, Li Huamao interrupted coldly:

"Old Berrent would never bring outsiders here, you are a group of thieves."

Zhang Yuanqing was at a loss for words, and his teammates behind him were secretly on guard.

Li Huamao changed the subject and asked again:

"Did you just talk about the fragments of the Holy Plate? How do you know there are fragments of the Holy Plate here? This is a secret that even old Berent doesn't know."

Huh? Zhang Yuanqing was stunned for a moment. The civet cat knew about the existence of the fragments of the Holy Plate, but Old Berent didn't know that the civet cat was not kept here by old Berent's woman.

What secrets do pets know that their owners don’t?

No, Zhai Cai said that Old Berrent really didn’t know that there were fragments of the Holy Plate hidden in Huo Zhengkui’s relics. This cat was not raised by Old Berrent. Zhang Yuanqing frowned and said:

"Your master is this lady, what is her relationship with old Berrent?"

Li Huamao said calmly: "She has nothing to do with old Brent. She is Huo Zhengkui's woman."

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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