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Chapter 796 A Centennial Plan

 In the attribute panel, [Moral Value] disappeared, as if it had never existed.

This change caused violent fluctuations in the five emperors' Dharma, and almost caused the Tao Heart to collapse.

Since the birth of the spiritual realm, batch after batch of people have appeared. The ability of human order to stabilize and human governments to maintain their rule does not actually depend on how powerful the lawful camp is.

It is true that the lawful camp fights against evil professions as an official organization, and it has indeed effectively curbed the number of crimes.

But what really restrains the evil profession is not the official organization, but the moral value!

Moral value is a knife hanging over everyone's head and the cornerstone of order and stability.

If there is no moral value, the evil camp will have no scruples in killing, setting fire, and looting. The lawful profession will oppress the people and plunder the people's wealth and wealth without any scruples.

Now that this knife is gone, the whole world will fall into chaos.

Lingtuo's smile became more and more crazier:

"That prop is called the 'merit list'. It is one of the core items that constitute the spiritual realm. It is a unique cause-and-effect prop. It records everyone's good and evil deeds and embodies them into 'merit values'.

"For a century, the free camp has been restrained by moral values, endured hardships, dominated, and the demigods did not dare to start a war easily. The Free Covenant subverted the Holy See, but could only give up the results of the victory, helplessly watching you take over the world. All of this has

Blame it on the existence of moral values.

"Do you know why the Night Wandering God profession is so important? Because the merit list is a prop of the Night Wandering God profession and is controlled by the sun. The sun has no owner, so I use the lunar yin to cover the merit list and eliminate the moral value. No one can check me.

"Back then, I threw out the Compass of Light to accelerate the development of the Night Wandering God profession, and painstakingly trained me to become the power of the lunar yin. All the plans were for the present.

"Chaos will arise, order will collapse, freedom will be honored!"

"Ring ring ring"

Fu Jiawan, in the study room, the landline phone rang loudly, interrupting Fu Qingyang's office work.

He put down the document he was reading, picked up the receiver, and heard the rapid voice of the senior deacon "High Mountains and Flowing Waters":

"Elder Fu, something happened! The World Financial Building, Tai'an Shopping Mall, Songhe Building, and the Public Security Bureaus of various districts have all been attacked by evil professionals.

"These guys are crazy. They kill everyone they see, poison a large area, release poisonous insects, and use mental attacks in crowded places. They are crazy. They are all crazy."

At the end of the sentence, his voice even trembled.

Fu Qingyang was stunned for a moment. With his mind, he couldn't react when he first heard the news, but he remained calm: "How many thugs are there? Are there any signs of manipulation? Are there any preliminary statistics on the casualties of ordinary people?"

"There are a lot of thugs, and they commit crimes in groups. It is currently impossible to determine whether they are being manipulated. As for the casualties of ordinary people," Gao Shan Liushui gritted his teeth and said:

"A massacre, with dead and wounded everywhere."

The Holocaust means that the number of victims is too numerous to estimate.

After Fu Qingyang heard this, he immediately suspected that it was "Gao Shan Liu Shui" who was being manipulated, making him believe this illogical fantasy. He was more willing to believe that Gao Shan Liu Shui was being manipulated by the evil camp and called him to provoke him.

The evil camp dares to engage in mass murder? No amount of moral value is enough to squander it. Moreover, mortals are like pigs and dogs in the eyes of the evil camp. No one will pay the price of zero moral value in order to slaughter mortals.

He also did not receive a wanted notice from the spiritual realm.

With this in mind, Fu Qingyang opened the attribute interface, and suddenly, he was stunned.

Moral values ​​have disappeared.

Mr. Qian didn't change his expression despite the landslide in front of him. He was stunned for a moment. He sat blankly until a "ding dong" sound came from the mailbox.

An email was sent from the headquarters of the Five Elements Alliance:

#Spiritual realm failure, moral value disappeared, all members entered the first level of combat readiness#

[Ding! You have entered the third floor of the museum, and you will be awarded 30 points.]

[Ding! Main mission: Please rush to the pantheon as soon as possible, start the divine battle, destroy the enemy gods, or survive for three hours.]

After walking up the long steps, Zhang Yuanqing and others heard the spiritual realm prompt sound coming from their ears.

Different from the modern-style first and second floors, the layout of the third floor is rough and simple. The walls and floors are made of huge stones, just like an ancient fortress.

The place they are in is a corridor, which is more than ten meters wide and has a top height of more than fifty meters, like a giant's residence.

On both sides of the wall stand sculptures of knights, wearing armor and holding spears.

There is a torch beside each sculpture, and the blazing fire brings a warm light.

"God war?" Alicia frowned. In the spiritual world, "god" is a very sensitive word, and at the end of the day, it is just a demigod.

"Pathedes of Gods" and "War of Gods", these descriptions alone give people a sense of suffocation.

Rush to the Temple of Gods as soon as possible. Zhang Yuanqing felt a sense of urgency from the mission description.

The five people walked forward quickly, shuttling between the statues. After walking for a while, the Beast King Qingzhu twitched his nose and said in a deep voice:

"It smells like blood!"

Everyone slowed down and moved forward cautiously. After turning two corners, they saw the source of the bloody smell.

Next to the corridor in front, there was a "corpse" lying, the position below the waist was torn apart, as if it had been cut in half, and the blood pooled together.

Zhang Yuanqing looked intently and was shocked:


Alicia also screamed: "Osmond!!"

That person was none other than the pinnacle saint of heavenly punishment, the sea monster Osmond who was beaten by Zhang Yuanqing.

Hearing the noise, Osmond, who was originally breathless, moved his eyelids, opened his eyes, and looked with all his strength.

"Alicia." Osmond's pale and cracked lips closed.

Alicia quickly approached him, squatted down beside him, took out the life source liquid injection, and asked hurriedly:

"How could this happen? Who hurt you?"

Osmond possesses the fragment of the Heart of the Ocean, and he is like a walking ocean. He is his home field wherever he goes. He is also one of the strongest among the pinnacle saints.

Such a character should be a contender for the dominant spot, but I didn't expect that he would be compromised here.

Zhang Yuanqing had run out of the source of life fluid a long time ago, so he took out the mountain god's scepter and let the gem on the top emit green light to enhance Osmond's cell activity.

Alicia injected two tubes of life source liquid in succession, but still could not completely cure him.

Seeing her take out the third tube, Osmond waved his hand and said weakly: "That's enough, it's meaningless Alicia. In this killing dungeon, the lawful profession has no hope of winning. If you save me, you can only survive for a while."


Qingzhu first glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun beside him, and then asked unconvinced:


The arrogant Siren ignored him, and Alicia said softly: "Osmond, what's going on?"

"It was the Sleeping Dragon Lord who injured me!" Osmond said intermittently: "I met him in the temples, and then escaped here. He is too powerful, so powerful that it makes people despair."

The swaying warm firelight reflected on his face, and the arrogant siren's eyes showed fear and despair.

"How is that possible?" Alicia couldn't accept it. "No matter how strong the Sleeping Dragon Lord is, he is still in the saint stage. He is on the same level as Fu Qingyang and is weaker than Yuanshi Tianzun. You can't even accept Yuanshi Tianzun, let alone him."

It is understandable that such a person could defeat Osmund. What Alicia could not accept was that he could make the arrogant Siren so afraid.

Osmond laughed miserably:

"You have never been to the Temple of Gods, so you don't know the mechanism of the Killing Dungeon. There are two core mechanisms of the Museum Dungeon. One is to collect as many cultural relics as possible, and the other is to clear the first and second floors as quickly as possible to reach the Temple of Gods."

He gasped and explained:

"There are dharma bodies of gods in the temples, and one dharma body corresponds to a profession. Whoever can arrive at the temples in advance to fuse the dharma bodies can destroy the dharma bodies of other professions. Therefore, the speed of clearance is one of the core mechanisms.

"The more cultural relics are collected, the stronger the power of the divine body is. This is the second core mechanism. When I arrived at the temple, the Sleeping Dragon Lord had already destroyed all the lawful body of the lawful profession, leaving only the bachelor profession.

"I cleared the level very quickly, but I didn't expect the Sleeping Dragon Lord to be faster than me. He was the first to arrive."

At this moment, even Zhang Yuanqing's expression changed.

The Sleeping Dragon Lord was not only the first to arrive at the temple, but he also collected the most cultural relics.

He has taken over both of the two core mechanisms of the museum.

Osmond took a few breaths and gritted his teeth:

"I'm not convinced. I always feel something is wrong. The Sleeping Dragon Lord's performance is not consistent with his past abilities. He is just a lucky guy who got the 'Night Nerve' by chance. He is really better than practicing the spells left by ancient superpowers."

I am stronger, but he is no better than me in conquering dungeons. But the fact is before me, and I can only accept it."

Having said this, he looked at his colleagues and said, "Alicia, you guys are late."

Alicia's face was filled with despair when she heard this: "We wasted too much time on the second floor."

What a stupid start! In the exhibition hall on the first floor, because I was worried about Madoka and the others, I didn't take the time to collect those low-level artifacts. In the second level, I accidentally turned on the hell mode, wasting too much time.

However, even if you collect as many cultural relics as possible on the first floor, there is no point, because it will waste a lot of time. By the time you reach the third floor, the spirit body will have been destroyed long ago, and you will really lose.

The dungeons of the first and second areas suddenly merged, and the Sleeping Dragon Lord became the strongest with an overwhelming advantage. This was all too unreasonable.

As an excellent star officer, Zhang Yuanqing smelled the smell of conspiracy.

Are the first and second areas merging together to kill me? The Sleeping Dragon Lord has certain qualities that allow him to take advantage of the dungeon? In this case, Lingtuo must know the content of the killing dungeon in advance. What is the killing dungeon?

The spiritual realm is randomly generated, can he even calculate this?

He is the Lord of Taiyin, not the Lord of Stars.

Zhang Yuanqing was full of thoughts and said:

"If the Sleeping Dragon Lord is so powerful that it can't be stopped, you can't lie here waiting to die."

The arrogant Siren then turned his attention to Zhang Yuanqing and others. He had previously ignored these people from the second district.

"A little-known bachelor was just lucky enough to fuse the Dharmakaya, but he cannot be the opponent of the Sleeping Dragon Lord. He is currently fighting to the death with Jiang Ju and others in the temples." Osmond said.

That unknown bachelor must be referring to Xia Hou Aotian. As expected of the protagonist, he shouldered the responsibility at the critical moment! Zhang Yuanqing was a little relieved, but also felt extremely troublesome.

He didn't know how strong the Sleeping Dragon Lord was now, let alone whether there was any hope of a comeback. He needed to go to the Temple of Gods to understand the situation before making a decision.

Thinking of this, he felt a sense of urgency in his heart and urged his companions: "Don't waste time, go to the temples first."

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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