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Chapter 67: Impassioned Speech


"Why is it your father who comes forward?"

Brother Red Rooster looked at Guan Ya blankly. Yang Zheng's sudden move not only shocked the enemy, but also confused the friendly troops.

"What does Lao Dou mean?"

Guan Ya lowered her voice: "I don't know, leave him alone for now, go and keep an eye on those assassins and be ready to attack at any time."

She used her eyes and gestures to identify the seven assassins in the crowd one by one.

The heads of the anti-killing officials, Xiao Yuan and Xie Lingxi, changed their clothes tacitly, taking off their complicated and gorgeous dresses and putting on the clothes of ordinary people.

Sun Miaomiao spit out the sixth-level resentful spirit Yin Chuanmei, and then used a secret method to condense all the spirit servants into a whip. She whipped Jun Chuanmei hard and ordered: "Pull them into the illusion."

The beautiful and charming Yi Chuanmei groaned and prostrated on the ground: "Thank you, master, for the gift. Thank you for the gift, master. Master, give me another whip."

The girls in the carriage all looked at Sun Miaomiao, as if they didn't expect that she was like Sun Liushui.

Sun Miaomiao's cheeks flushed, feeling ashamed, and she quickly explained: "The spiritual servant Yuanshi Tianzun gave me has to be whipped before he can work. What does Yuanshi Tianzun's perversion have to do with me?"

While she was quibbling (explaining), Yin Chuanmei had already emerged from the carriage and began to secretly influence the seven assassins.

The Master of the Killing Palace, Xie Lingxi, and Xiao Yuan changed their clothes, pushed open the car door, got out of the car one by one, and blended into the crowd to wait for the opportunity.

Except for the Master of the Killing Palace, Xiao Yuan and Xie Lingxi are both extraordinary, and those who can ambush in the crowd and assassinate the faint king must be masters of the saint realm (little grandmaster).

But it doesn't matter, the advantage is that there are many types of props, and they can make sneak attacks without any martial ethics.

As long as Yin Chuanmei pulls the assassins into the illusion, as long as the target is not a mountain god, they will all be dead.

At this time, the crowd became commotion. Seeing Yang Zheng forcefully stopping the ceremony, the people who had given up hope lit up with hope and ignited the fire of hope.

A small-grandmaster-level city defense army general led three soldiers forward, holding his fists in a cold manner and saying: "Mr. Yang, please, don't let the generals be in trouble. The national master and so many people are watching."

The implication is that with the national master sitting in charge, you can't stir up trouble. With so many people watching, if you don't want to lose face, you can retreat wisely.

Yang Zheng flew up with a kick and hit the general in the chest and abdomen. The speed and force were so fast that the young master couldn't react at all. He was shot backwards like a sandbag. After landing, he rolled over and over again. It took him more than ten meters to roll.

Worth stopping.

At this time, even the civil and military ministers of the second rank were in commotion. The city defense army, who was responsible for stopping the people from maintaining order, turned back in shock and saw his own official getting up in embarrassment.


The general immediately drew out his saber, his face twisted, half in pain and half in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Zheng Wenhan no longer tolerated it, and directly broke out and shouted: "Yang Zheng is disobeying the holy orders and conspiring to rebel. Take it down quickly. If you dare to resist, you will be killed without mercy!"

The general smiled coldly and ran over with the second rank of soldiers.

"How brave!"

Zhang Yuanqing tore off a piece of human skin as thin as a cicada's wings with a tear on his cheek, and said loudly: "Lian is the emperor of the dynasty, how dare you kill the emperor?"

The general who led his subordinates towards him with swords suddenly stopped and looked at Zheng Wenhan!

"Your Majesty, the commotion among the ministers is even worse. Even these officials who have been in high and low official positions for many years are a little confused at the moment. How did the great scholar Yang Zheng suddenly become your majesty?"

Among them, Zheng Wenhan's confidants looked at each other in confusion, choosing to wait and see, or remain silent, or pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Zheng Wenhan's voice was stern: "A bold maniac dares to impersonate His Majesty and disturb the heaven-sacrifice ceremony. How can the Tian family lose face? Come and kill this beast quickly."

This was said to the assassins on the sidelines, indicating that they could take action.

Zhang Yuanqing put his right hand into his arms, opened the inventory, took out a square, bright yellow jade seal, held it high, and shouted with the same momentum as Zheng Wenhan: "Here is the jade seal of the country!"

The other hand took out the Double Dragon Jade Pendant of the same texture from the "arm" and stared at the ministers: "Don't you recognize the jade seal? Don't you recognize my personal jade pendant?"

"Is it really His Majesty?"

"Why is your Majesty here?"

The ministers who did not know the truth were shocked and kowtowed one after another, shouting: "Meet Your Majesty."

Zheng Wenhan's close ministers could only kowtow.

Only Zheng Wenhan was left standing still, neither kneeling nor not kneeling, looking frequently at the people outside the square.

Why haven’t the Shen Rui Army taken action yet?

The assassins he arranged also made no sound.

Not good!

As a master of tactics, Zheng Wenhan knew that his plan had been resolved by the Hunjun. Since the assassin did not appear at the first time, he would never appear again.

Huh? He actually disguised himself as Yang Xiang and got in...

Wang Beiwang thought that Hunjun was timid and did not dare to come forward in person, so he entrusted Yang Zheng to stop him.

Just now, he was angrily scolding the foolish king in his mind, saying that Yang Zhengming was unfair and unjust, how could he stop him?

"Really that dog emperor?"

"The child who is burned by fire will be foolish and unprincipled, and will be punished by God!"

"Hunjun! Hunjun!"

On the edge of the square, the people of the capital were shouting and scolding and accusing. They were not afraid of being charged with disrespect at all. They were used to scolding.

Since Zhao Shun ascended the throne, the people's accusations and abuses have not stopped, but the imperial court turned a blind eye and never punished the crime. The Imperial College even allowed students to criticize the emperor at banquets, poetry gatherings and other places where they talked loudly.

Young scholars also viewed criticizing the emperor as politically correct and as a sign of their own nobility.

Listening to the noisy voices of the people and the unbridled voice that he had cultivated through deliberate connivance, Zheng Wenhan's heart moved. Now that the anti-imperialist sentiment was rising, he could fully comply with the people's sentiments, take advantage of the situation, denounce the foolish emperor, and depose Zhao Shun from the throne.

As long as the Imperial Master supports him, everything will fall into place.

The next step is to consider whether to establish himself as emperor or support a puppet.

But if the heaven-sacrifice ceremony fails, the Imperial Master may...

While hesitating, he heard Zhao Shun, who was holding a jade seal in one hand and a jade pendant in the other, said loudly: "A few days ago, spies from the Northern Dynasties sneaked into the palace and replaced me with the art of disguise. Cao Lan was declared a member of the Imperial Guard. Fortunately, the beautiful lady in the palace, Mrs. Ya,

Concubine De and Princess Wang were so loyal and courageous that they risked their lives to protect me from escaping from the palace."

"I have been wandering outside the palace for five days. The traitor from the Northern Dynasty failed to kill me, so he came up with the ridiculous method of burning three hundred boys. He stained my reputation and messed up my people. It is really hateful."

The scene, which was originally bustling with people, suddenly fell silent. The people were surprised and stopped protesting and cursing.

They began to whisper and discuss among themselves.

Wang Beiwang, who was among the common people, was stunned at first. He knew that the cause of Hun Jun's troubles was the Zheng family's assassination of the king, not the spies of the Northern Dynasty. He didn't understand why Hun Jun didn't expose Zheng Wenhan's conspiracy on the spot.

Immediately, an idea occurred to him and he figured out that this was to stabilize Zheng Wenhan's heart, so as to prevent the powerful Prime Minister Zheng from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

Zhang Yuanqing continued to speak loudly: "The ceremony of worshiping the heaven is not my intention, and burning a child on fire is against human ethics. The Northern Dynasty is coming fiercely, the emperor is guarding the country, and the king is dead. Why do innocent children need to die?"

"Stop the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and send the child home."

There was silence.

The second rank of civil and military officials stared blankly at the emperor's impassioned speech, unable to believe that these words came from the mouth of this sensual and ignorant emperor who ignored the government's affairs.

Especially the sentence "The emperor guards the country and the king dies in the country" is horrifying and moving.

Wang Beiwang's blood boiled when he heard this. Even if the king dies in the country, even an ordinary man can do it!

The uproar rang out again. It was different from the scolding just now. This time it was surprise, surprise and excitement. Especially the parents whose children were chosen were instantly excited, their hearts were beating wildly. Apart from being excited, they were also worried that it was just a dream.


Zhang Yuanqing, sensing the changes in people's mood, took the opportunity to use his skills as an illusionist to encourage the people: "Any parents whose young children are selected to be sacrificed to heaven can come in and take back their children. Anyone who dares to stop them will be regarded as treason."

The parents, whose emotions had been manipulated, got mad and forced their way through the city defense troops and rushed to the high platform.

Seeing this, the city defense troops looked at each other, wanting to stop but not daring to do so.


Zheng Wenhan's heart trembled. He raised his head to look at the Imperial Master floating in the air, only to see that the Imperial Master's eyes were neither on him nor on Zhao Shun, but on all the common people.

Zhang Yuanqing glanced at Zheng Wenhan, raised his head, stared at the superior Imperial Master, and said loudly: "National Master, you love the people like your own children, and you are my senior citizen. Do you think I have done the right thing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a powerful spiritual thought scanning his body repeatedly, as if it was trying to clean him from the inside out.

The Imperial Master still looked at the people in silence and did not respond.

The young parents hurried up to the wooden elevated platform and found their children among the sluggish children. They did not dare to check the children carefully and did not dare to stay longer. They hugged the children and returned to the crowd as if they were running for their lives.

The father chased his wife who was holding the child. Halfway through, he suddenly stopped. After a moment of hesitation, he turned around and bowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty..."

With this beginning, the parents in the crowd broke through the defensive line of the city defense army, rushed to the high platform in twos and threes, and took back their children. There were also children whose parents were not present, who were taken back by neighbors or seniors in the family.

In the crowd, a beautiful girl suddenly knelt down and shouted: "Your Majesty is merciful, long live your Majesty."

Those parents who had taken their children back and found their lost flesh and blood were filled with gratitude and joy. They were the first to respond, kneeling down and shouting long live.

Their actions triggered a mass effect, with more and more people kneeling down, tens of thousands of people surrendering, and shouting long live.

Lingxi is so cooperative!

Zhang Yuanqing was overjoyed, and at the same time, a spiritual prompt sounded in his ears: [Ding! Congratulations on completing side task 1 and winning the hearts of the people! Reward; dragon energy body protection]

[Ding! Once the side mission is activated, gain the hearts of the people.]

Zhang Yuanqing heard the ethereal dragon's roar in his ears, and wisps of light yellow light escaped from the heads of the people, gathered into a five-clawed golden dragon that was not solid enough, and crashed into his body.

Immediately afterwards, a message appeared in my mind: [Name: Dragon Qi Body Protector]

[Type; consumables]

[Function: Guard]

[Introduction: The dragon energy formed by gathering people's hearts can resist poison, curses, and resentful spirits. It has its own hidden effects. Those who kill the dragon energy protector will be counterattacked by the dragon energy, and the five powers of heaven and man will decline. 】

[Note: Only the emperor and the Taoist masters can control dragon energy.]

The one who gets the popular reward is the dragon energy protection? What a powerful buff, it is simply the nemesis of the wizard and the night wandering god!

Zhang Yuanqing's eyes lit up, and he saw the elegant room of a restaurant a hundred meters away.

Xu Changlao looked surprised and said: "I didn't expect that Hunjun was really courageous and resourceful. He woke up a few years ago. Why did the Southern Dynasty end up like this? Why did he end up like this? It's too late."

The emperor guards the country, the king dies in the country... Gang Leader Duan stood by the window, staring deeply at Zhao Shun's figure.

After a few seconds, he frowned: "How to say?"

Is the gang leader concerned about Hun Jun’s safety? Mr. Xu Chang understood the psychology of the gang leader and sighed: “Hun Jun is unwilling to expose Zheng Wenhan’s conspiracy because he does not dare to push people too far. Zheng Wenhan is powerful. Once he jumps over the wall, the situation will be completely out of control.

, but not exposing Zheng Wenhan's rebellion means that he will have to fight with Zheng Wenhan, and Zheng Wenhan has many ways to make His Majesty die reasonably."

Leader Duan clenched his fist and knocked on the window frame, and said angrily, "I am not the enemy of the Imperial Guard."

In the square outside Tianji Tower, Zheng Wenhan's thoughts turned

, the national master did not make any statement, so he could only stand still.

Although today's assassination plan failed, since the Hunjun himself showed up, he would be welcomed back to the palace. At worst, there would be another night attack, and this time, he would never miss.

Moreover, the foolish king interfered with the ceremony of worshiping the heavens of the state master, and the state master would not let it go.

"What a shame!"

Suddenly, a roar echoed through the scene.

Zhang Yuanqing looked at the dark crowd of people and roared at the top of his lungs: "My palace allowed spies from the Northern Dynasties to come and go freely, and the eight thousand imperial cities were all trash! After this difficulty, I suddenly realized that above the temple, there are rotten trees serving as officials.

Beneath the walls of the palace, beasts eat money, people with wolfish hearts and dogs act fiercely in the dynasty, and servile and servile people are in power, so that the people suffer misery and the country is facing the disaster of annihilation."

"I would like to reduce the corvée service for three years and grant amnesty to the whole country. In addition, in view of the fact that there are people in the imperial city who collaborate with the enemy and the country, and there are people in the court who are secretly colluding with the Northern Dynasty, from today on, I will not return to the palace, but stay in Tianji.

Floor to handle official business."

"The Imperial Master has taken part in nature and knows the secrets of heaven, so he will keep me safe. If I die in the Heavenly Mystery Tower, then the Imperial Master wants me to die. I will die without regrets!"

As soon as these words came out, the Imperial Master, who had never had any mood swings before, finally changed his expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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