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Chapter 971 Inhuman

After ordinary people are deformed, their consciousness will also change, they will lose their rationality, become cruel and bloodthirsty, and only fear more powerful deformed creatures.

After deformation, the stronger the mental power is, the more sanity is retained, but the best case scenario is to turn into a lunatic who can communicate. Brutal and bloodthirsty will become an instinct engraved in the bones and become extremely dangerous.

In addition, the higher the level, the more skills are retained after distortion.

It usually depends on the status of the caster and the deformer. If a high-ranking person deforms a low-ranking person, resulting in a crushing situation, then even in the demigod realm, no more than two skills can be retained.

The deformed president cursed "f*ck" and fled towards the Wanbao tree in the distance with his limbs flying.

He needs the protection of this natal tool.

However, in his distorted state, he lost contact with the Wanbao Tree, and his inventory could not be opened. He had to go there in person to complete the contact.

In this way, the Wanbao Tree can "recognize" its owner.

Gunther Wren, who transformed into the banshee Silkira, completely ignored the escaping void demigod, turned around and looked around, his golden eyes sweeping around the small land-like arena.

He couldn't see the void demigod anymore.

The demigods fighting outside the arena, except Shura and the Lord of Stars, were all searching for the figure of the Void Demigod. From their perspective, after the banshee Silkira called out the Void Demigod’s spiritual realm ID, he became strange

's disappeared.


The prerequisite skill of Void Stealth and the core skill of the extraordinary realm.

This is one of the only skills that Mr. President can currently display.

The banshee "Siqira" realized the trick of the Void Demigod, and her body immediately changed. Brown feathers quickly grew on her body, her legs contracted into claws, her arms unfolded into wings, and large clumps of feathers protruded from her hips.

Spread into a fan-like tail.

In an instant, he turned into a giant eagle with a wingspan of five meters, rising into the sky like a helicopter.

The giant eagle's amber eyes turned "Gulu" and saw the deformed monster running towards the Wanbao tree.


The giant eagle screamed and swooped down, its claws shining with metallic luster, searching for the running monster.

The deformed monster suddenly opened its fangs, bit off its left forelimb, threw it into the sky, and uttered human words: "Let me make a deal with you..."

The eagle's talon moved towards him, changed its target, grabbed the bloody forelimb, and carried it into the air. In the process, the eagle's talon grasped it and tore the forelimb into pieces.

The "deformed monster" seized the opportunity, used all its strength, and finally limped away to the tree, raised its paws, and pressed against the trunk of the tree.

The deformed monster raised its head, looked at the giant eagle soaring in the sky, and gritted its teeth:

"It's time for you to have a taste of the power of krypton gold players..."

His eyes were firm, his tone was solemn, and he used a tone that was somewhere between chanting and lamenting:

"Great Mall of All Realms, I will trade all items except the hurricane source to you in exchange for a powerful blow from this profession!"

The Wanbao Tree is the key to communicating with Wanjie Mall. The owner of the Wanbao Tree does not need an exchange ticket to make transactions with Wanjie Mall.

Of course, the principle of equivalent exchange remains unchanged, but the "equivalence" of the owner of the Wanbao Tree can be accumulated, while the equivalent value of the exchange ticket user is equal in terms of personality.

The former is the unique benefit of the owner of the Ten Thousand Treasure Tree and the right that the Void Demigod should have.

The Wanbao tree buzzed, its branches shook violently, and a pure blue light fell from the sky, penetrating the barrier of the arena and shining on the top of the tree.

Then, the props and materials hanging on the Wanbao tree disappeared one by one from low to high.

Mr. President's eyes were full of tears.

As the props on the Wanbao tree disappeared, a dazzling blue light was cast from an infinite height. The blue light was received by the Wanbao tree and introduced into the body of the deformed monster through its thick trunk.

Along with the blue light, there are two stamps, one with a delicate pattern painted in dark blue ink, and the other with gold paint.

It is worth mentioning that the essence of the Wanjie Mall redemption ticket is the purchase coupon of Wanjie Mall.

Wanjie Mall recognizes your financial resources and hopes that you can continue to purchase.

The skeleton of the deformed monster "cracked", its spine straightened up again, and it returned to the state of an upright ape. Its scales disappeared into the body, its fangs retracted from its gums, and its ferocious head gradually became human-like.

He opened the inventory unhurriedly, and before he fully recovered his human form, he grabbed a silver mask and put it on.

Guild Master Void, who had returned to his human form, watched the giant eagle land, and his body shape changed again, turning into a golden lion, with a mane that glowed golden, and a body that looked like it was cast in gold.

This is the one with the strongest defense among the ten sons of the Demon God.

Mr. President sneered, strode forward, raised his right hands like knives, and shouted: "Take my move and use the Space Splitting Slash!"

Upon hearing the words "Space Split", the expressions of the senior demigods changed slightly.

During the battle for the Compass of Light, the Void Demigod relied on this move to kill gods and Buddhas when they were blocking them, and one person was able to defeat three demigods.

A crack appeared in the space of the arena that spanned several kilometers, and the space fragments condensed in the air like glass shards.

The Void Splitting Slash failed to break through the space sealed by the copy, but the golden lion on the crack split open in the plasma burst, and the organs, flesh and blood were scattered on the ground.

The golden lion tried its best to recover, but failed. As the resurrection failed, its vitality quickly dissipated.

Space cracks always exist, which means that the space he is in is cracked, and it is naturally impossible for him to "heal" in this space.

Soon, the golden lion lost all vitality and died completely.

The next second, the dead body came back to life again and began to heal with difficulty, but could not be pieced together.

Mr. President stood in the distance, the power gained from the transaction had dissipated, and all his wealth had been dissipated. He could only trade one super-personal attack.

He looked at this scene indifferently, looking at the enemy who had left him impoverished, and laughed:

"Is that all there is to it? The three-headed hellhound can only resurrect you three times, and you have already used it once."

The golden lion's head was raised, looking towards infinite heights, as if waiting for something.

When he was resurrected for the second time with only his last life left, the mysterious response finally came. An illusory turbid current fell from the sky, sticking to the surface of the copy like mucus, and then quickly penetrated drop by drop, dripping on the golden lion.

On the body.

This illusory flow of filth quickly formed a pool of "mud" around the golden lion, and then began to digest, dissolve the lion's remaining limbs and internal organs, and assimilate it.

Gulu gulu... Invisible bubbles emerged from the muddy beach, and the bubbles became denser and more intense.

After a while, an ugly, illusory piece of meat came out. The piece of meat kept growing, and it didn't stop until it reached ten meters, twenty meters, or fifty meters.

Then, it transformed into a rough human form, with the concept of limbs, a human-like head, and giant pythons that served as hair drilled out of the top of its head.

The giant python breathes dark purple poisonous smoke.

Its bloated body sprouted a pair of cold and evil eyes, with slits opening one after another. Pale beams of light emitted from the eyes, and mud-like pus flowed from the stomata.

Its chest, waist and abdomen sprouted wild boar heads, lion heads, dog heads, giant snake heads, sheep heads... They were so densely packed that just looking at them made one's liver tremble.


"The trump card has been revealed..." Mr. President immediately entered the void and sneaked away to avoid the petrifying beam that was emitted all the time.

After the Smoker took shape, he slowly raised his hand and grabbed a huge piece of dark purple flesh from the inventory. The flesh was still pulsating, as if it was alive.

It swallows flesh and blood in one gulp.

Suddenly, the illusory body took on a physical form. The giant python above his head spewed out thick purple smoke, forming billowing clouds. The beast heads on his body roared in unison, which was deafening.

The aura beyond the demigods descended overwhelmingly.

The bodies of the demigods watching the battle, whether lawful or evil, had varying degrees of deformation, with scales growing, limbs shortened, eyes turning into animal pupils, etc.

Even if there are restrictions in the arena, the aura of the high-ranking person still affects them.

The evil demigods were indifferent to the deformations on their bodies, and even looked happy. On the other hand, the lawful demigods changed their composure and looked at each other, seeing each other's solemnity.

Lingtuo raised his head slightly, looked at the Lord of Stars from afar, and said calmly:

"Void's trump card, used once, won't work the second time. Sacrificing demigod items in exchange for multiple administrator rights can indeed sweep away demigods of the same level.

"But as long as a higher-level being lowers his power, his methods can only be reduced to tricks. Father, I have never thought of fighting for the source of the sun with you single-handedly.

"I messed up the spiritual realm and swallowed the merit list just to make the spiritual realm malfunction worse, so that those beings could further erode the spiritual realm and affect the copy, just for this moment.

"Father, after you have exhausted all your mechanisms, have you found those beings that can interfere with the copy and reduce its power?"

Disrupting the spiritual realm, demon species sacrifice themselves to open the sun dungeon passage, start a demigod war, the supreme existence is waiting outside the dungeon, and comes with power to assist at any time... These are all premeditated.

The sun suppresses the lunar yin, so he must make two preparations. The superficial plan is to secretly help Yuanshi Tianzun upgrade, hold back the Void and the God of Beauty, and speed up the erosion of the divine power of the sun that covers the merit list.

He has a posture of wanting to control the merit list and use it to communicate with the sun.

If it can be delayed until he takes control of the merit list, it will be the best and the chance of winning will be greater. If it fails, then the second-hand preparation will be started, and the demon species will open the sun copy and start a demigod team battle.

Fujiawan Villa.

Zhang Yuanqing appeared in the bedroom, and his appearance brought a burning smell to the room, igniting combustible materials such as curtains, bedding, sheets, and sofas.

He had just been promoted to level nine, and he still couldn't control his strength very well.

Level nine... Zhang Yuanqing frowned slightly. After the pain of taking the Sancai Dan disappeared, his mind gradually calmed down. Only at this moment did he realize that something was wrong.

He can't be level nine!

Taking the Sancai Dan Card bug is to increase spiritual power. For example, the experience value is 1%, but the combat power is 90%.

This move can only increase strength, not level.

Because the upgraded skill infusion is given by the character card, in the database of the character card, his current experience value should be 23% at level 8.

"Is Xiahou Aotian's previous analysis wrong? When the real combat power exceeds the current level, the character card will be upgraded by default?" Zhang Yuanqing whispered to himself.

He thought it was unlikely, but couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

At this time, footsteps sounded from outside the door. Guan Ya was attracted by the smell of smoke and hurried from next door to check.

She opened the door and met Yuanshi Tianzun who was looking back.

Guan Ya first showed a look of astonishment, as if she was shocked by the appearance of Yuanshi Tianzun, and then she lowered her head suddenly, like a civilian woman who accidentally peeked at Long Yan, with fear in her restraint.

She realized there was something wrong with her reaction and realized that this was her boyfriend, the closest person in the world.

But she just didn't dare to look up.

"I've been promoted to level nine, and I still can't control my strength. You go out first." Zhang Yuanqing's tone was calm, like a monarch issuing an imperial order.

Guan Ya nodded subconsciously and exited the room in panic.

Zhang Yuanqing glanced at the raging flames. The next second, the flames went out and thick smoke billowed.

He waved his hand gently, and the strong wind suddenly rose, blowing the thick smoke in the room out of the window.

Zhang Yuanqing walked into the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror, and looked at himself.

The golden-painted sun on his forehead seemed to have solidified and would no longer dissipate. His skin was a light golden color and shone in the light of the bathroom.

The hair is still black, but if you look closely, you can see a faint golden light.

The pupils are no longer light brown, but bright gold.

"I don't look like a human anymore..." Zhang Yuanqing said softly.

He knew that this was the Sun Travel God who majored in the sun. After being promoted to the ninth level and controlling the rules, he brought about changes, just like the great elder of the Taiyi Sect, Chiri Xingguan.

When he becomes the pinnacle master, the surrounding environment will slowly change with his existence.

Therefore, every peak master and demigod is a loner.

They dare not get along with their families for a long time. The power that can affect the environment will inevitably affect people.

Most high-ranking people will find an inaccessible place to retreat, and only occasionally spend time with their families, or place their families nearby.

For example, in the same mountain.

Zhang Yuanqing now understands why his uncle doesn't stay at home anymore. He goes out to wander around during the day, and also goes out to wander around at night while his aunt is sleeping.

This is to prevent family members from having mutations or dying from mutations.

I also understood why the ancestors of the Lingjing family lived alone in the ancestral home.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the gang panel, opened the copy of "Mo Zong Organ City", and disappeared into the bathroom.

At the foot of the lofty mountains and at the entrance of dense forests.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the inventory and took out a golden and gorgeous crown with a bead curtain hanging down.

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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