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Chapter 1011 Going to Kyoto

 In the desolate grassland, there are crowds of people. Men, women, old and young all go into battle, wielding sickles, and rush to cut grass.

The horses in the army don't like to eat the weeds in the countryside, but the country horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep are not so delicate, and they still eat them happily.

The government brought a group of cattle and sheep over and gave them to the people on credit. Anyone who wanted to take them back and raise them could take them back and raise them. The price was not expensive, only two hundred and fifty yuan, and could be paid in five years, so everyone competed for them.

The money obtained by the local government can also be used to build water conservancy projects. It can be regarded as the king of Xia's investment in the local construction of Tang and Deng.

The origin of the sheep is also clear: Khitan.

What a great injustice! The family members of the sergeants who moved to Dengsui in the Tang Dynasty did not have any information. They already knew that these were captured trophies, so they all laughed at the Khitans.

Some people even joked that they would go to Khitan next year to grab one. Some even said that this is Khitan's "year-old coin". All in all, they were full of joy.

In fact, some prisoners from the grassland came to the village next door, and they all arrived one after another in the past few days.

Everyone is not surprised by this. Most of the Tang and Deng soldiers were immigrants, such as the family members of the Xiaojie Army who moved to Tangzhou, and the family members of the Gongchen Army who moved to Dengzhou. I heard that a group of Xiaojie soldiers passed through Suizhou.

The family members of the sergeant on the right come from the river. I don’t know how many there are and how they are living.

The withered yellow weeds swayed in the wind, and reeds flew in the branches of the river not far away. Occasionally, a hare emerged, causing people to shout and scream.

Someone had finished cutting the grass and piled it on a donkey cart. The men climbed up and down and tied the hay tightly with all their strength.

After finishing, he drove the donkey cart home. The children ran before and after, and even helped push him when going uphill.

The withered and yellow weeds do not have much nutrition, but they are still essential food for livestock through the winter and are important assets of rural families. Sometimes the government also comes to collect taxes. The war in the south is so intense that the demand for forage has always been great.

As the donkey cart swayed back to the village, the women dropped what they were doing and immediately came over to help.

They were spinning and weaving.

What is spun is wool, and what is knitted is woolen cloth (wool cloth). This kind of thing is becoming more and more popular now, because the output is larger, the price is much lower than silk, and the properties such as warmth are higher than linen and silk. It is indeed

A commodity suitable for mass consumption.

For example, the weather is cold here and you need to wear warm clothes. There are only a few types of products available on the market.

The first is fur. Don’t think about it, except for the Tibetan people who produce fur, it is very expensive and the goods are scarce. Besides, not everyone among the Tibetan people has fur.

The second is cotton clothing. This is not cheap either. It is also called a double coat. The outer layer is silk and the inside is filled with silk scraps. It is relatively expensive. The sergeants are rewarded with two spring and autumn clothes every year, which are officially purchased, produced and distributed uniformly.

, the cost is not low.

During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, palace maids participated in making cotton clothes and distributed them to the frontiers. One of the palace maids found a poem among the clothes she was making, namely "Poetry in the Robe": On the battlefield, the garrison soldiers were as cold and miserable as sleeping. The robes were made by hand,

Do you know where to fall? Deliberately add more threads, and the feelings will be more lingering. This life has passed, and we will reconnect with the future life.

When the soldiers found out, they reported it to the commander, who reported it to Xuanzong. Xuanzong found the palace lady and said to her: "I will marry you for this life." Then he married the palace lady to the soldier. "Everyone around him was crying."

The third type is cotton wool clothing, which is made of low-quality fabrics filled with reed batting and the like. It is neither warm nor durable, but it is the only choice for the working people.

Sweaters fill this gap nicely.

It is no exaggeration to say that Shao Shude has improved the living standards of the working people. At least they have warm clothing in winter. The premise is that you adopt new agricultural production methods.

However, the "start-up capital" (sheep) was huge and very insufficient. If a large number of livestock had not been plundered during the war, it would have been difficult for Tang, Deng, and the three states to obtain so many sheep at one time.

The plundering of Khitan only resulted in the acquisition of 600,000 miscellaneous animals, which was simply a drop in the bucket. Overall, plundering was of no use, and the bulk of the animals were bred by oneself, but this undoubtedly took time.

"In the past, when Tangzhen was conquered, the prefectures and counties were ruined, and the people were squeezed out. How long did it take for them to be handed over? Shao Shude moved the people to cultivate the land and gave them cattle and sheep. Is this pity for the people, or does he not want to let him go outside?

Uncle, are you taking advantage?" On the post road, more than ten riders were walking slowly. The leader was wearing a fur hat, looking very cool and unrestrained, and he did not forget to tease Shao and tease the father-in-law.

"Be careful what you say after you stay," an old man in a robe advised.

"What are you afraid of? We are all our own people. Can't we just complain?" "Liuhou" said dissatisfied.

The name of the "Liuhou" was Zhao Kuangming, the younger brother of Zhao Kuangning, the Jiedushi envoy of the Zhongyi Army. After capturing Jiangling Mansion, Zhao Kuangning announced that he was the Liuhou of Jingnan Jiedu.

Zhao Kuangming has certain military talents, as evidenced by his defeat of Xu Cun and Ximen Daozhao. Some people may say that Xiang and Jing have been fighting for many years, and Jingzhou has run out of gas, so he just took advantage. But Victory

It is victory, irrefutable and beyond doubt.

However, Xiangyang's strength was still too weak. After swallowing Jingzhou, it only had 20,000 soldiers capable of fighting. Even when Shao Shude called for it, he didn't dare not go, which made Zhao Kuangming a little melancholy.

"After staying, the Xia king deeply cultivated the three states of Tang, Deng and Deng, which shows his ambition..." The aide diverted this dangerous topic and analyzed.

Zhao Kuangming's attention was indeed attracted. He stopped his horse and looked carefully at the surrounding wilderness.

A lot of abandoned land has been picked up again, crops have appeared in the fields, and households are lined up in an orderly manner by the river. There are farmers cutting grass, women weaving, and children grazing.

With the breath of life.

It was this way of life that made him a little unhappy.

In fact, he is no longer unfamiliar with it. The four counties of Gucheng, Dengcheng, Nanzhang, and Yiqing in Xiangzhou are just sand mixed with Shao Shude, a bunch of Guanzhong people, and Helong Qiang farmers, grazing and farming. Even because of that

The border was densely covered with water and the environment was humid. Many sheep suffered from foot rot, but they still did not change their original intention.

How foolishly loyal to Shao Shude, how ignorant these people are!

The former Gucheng Ling Jingdao was an official in Xiangzhen. After being captured by Zhe Zongben, he surrendered wholeheartedly and became a member of his party. The entire Gucheng County had more than 7,000 households and a population of nearly 40,000. They were so wealthy that they were not satisfied.

Tributes, but no soldiers, are like a country within a country, a town within a town.

But this kind of person can't move. Zhe Zong is his backer. If you think about it more deeply, Shao Shude may be the real backer. If you don't want to quarrel, you really have to hold your nose and admit it.

Jingdao, this thief, after Zhe Conggu was transferred to be the governor of Huangzhou, actually went to Rang County and became the governor of Dengzhou. But the new arrival in Gucheng made Ren Zhen even more difficult to mess with. He was Shao Shude's old man Yuancong, Tianping

The military governor Ren Yuji's son was also unable to move.

Xu Shi saw that Xiangyang was retreating step by step, and Shao Shude did not hide it at all. He moved beyond Gucheng and Dengcheng to Nanzhang and Yiqing counties, and stationed officials to practice rural bravery.

A good horse will be ridden by others, and a good person will be bullied by others. This is really too much!

"My brother originally thought that Shao Shude wanted to make his capital in Chang'an and stay in his hometown in Guanxi, but now it seems that he miscalculated." Zhao Kuangming sighed: "Since the capital is in Luoyang, I guess he will not let go of Hanoi, Nanyang, and Xiangyang. Alas."

The staff were also speechless.

However, he was more open-minded and only heard him say: "After staying in Luoyang, there are rumors that after the first month, all the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty will be moved here. The emperor lives in the Qinzheng Hall in Ziwei City, and all officials work in the imperial city. This matter

As soon as this is over, the King of Xia will go through with the story of abdication. All in Luoyang, it is a certainty. There is no doubt that Nanyang and Xiangyang are the southern barriers of Luoyang, and they will definitely not let them go. Four of the seven counties in Xiangzhou are already theirs.

There is no point in holding it anymore. It is better to give in and take Xiang, Ying, Fuzhou and sell it at a good price, so that the Zhao family can rule Jiangling with peace of mind. It will be a good thing."

"It's just..." Zhao Kuangming hesitated and said, "In this case, where will I go?"

The meaning is very clear, brother Zhao Kuangning must be the military governor of Jingnan, but what about me?

"There is always a place." The staff said: "After killing Lei Man and Ximen Daozhao, are you still worried about losing the territory?"

Zhao Kuangming didn't look very good, but there was nothing he could do.

Loud singing sounded from the front.

Zhao Kuangming paused for a moment, then turned around and saw several Kunfa Khitan people driving their sheep across the post road.

The staff also looked over in confusion.

News of the Xia army's massive defeat of the Khitans on the grasslands has gradually reached Xiangyang. These Khitan herdsmen must have been captured.

"Alas." The two of them sighed together.

Smoke was rising from the village. The people had been working hard all day and were ready to finish their dinner.

Some people passed by them. Looking at their figure and eyes, they were definitely not as timid as ordinary field chefs. They could tell that they were from a warrior family.

Zhao Kuangming thought again of the Khitan herdsmen he had seen before. These newly arrived people seemed docile at the moment, but once they were mobilized, they would be the Tutuan countrymen with swords and guns, and they would march down to Xiangyang with great momentum.

Shao Shude had been prepared for this for a long time. His determination to take Xiangyang was unquestionable, and Zhao Kuangming had a clear understanding in his heart.

"I heard that Shao Shude had created a 'Xia King Award', and the second reward was given to a peasant woman because she invented a woolen spinning machine." Zhao Kuangming suddenly said: "And he took the lead in wearing sweaters in Luoyang, which attracted others to imitate him.

It’s almost a trend. Wool is everywhere. If it can really keep out the cold..."

"After staying, Tao Yuanming wrote a poem that said, 'Wear brown to guard the night, but the rooster refuses to crow in the morning.' Brown is woolen cloth, which can keep out the cold. Each branch of the Xia Army is now being issued sweaters to keep out the cold. The sergeants are not making any fuss.

Obviously it is useful." The staff said: "This move by King Xia has benefited the people all over the world."

Benefiting the people is what the people want. Zhao Kuangming automatically deduced the second half of his staff's sentence, which made him feel even worse.

Shao Shude is like this, using the power of force to overwhelm others. There is no earth-shattering, epic battle, no critical situation, a situation of survival in death, everything seems to fall into place naturally, as it should be.

All the enemies in front of him are just lingering and prolonging their death, and no one can make a comeback. Those who are defeated are all internally united, vigorous, and aggressive hostile groups. This can be compared to fighting or fighting, or being sluggish, or being angry and resentful.

Or the power of the Caotai team is much more difficult.

"Let's go, don't watch anymore!" Zhao Kuangming swung his riding whip angrily and walked away.

The staff member shook his head and laughed, and then subconsciously glanced at the village.

The dirty sheep were let out of the pen and ran towards the good hay.

The overwintering wheat seedlings have sprouted in the fields, and they are green.

The field husbands were leaning against the fence, holding rice bowls in their hands, eating, talking and laughing.

The children had a great time playing with the big yellow dog. The tall young man looked at them with disdain and continued to practice his spear skills.

The general trend that the King of Xia uses to suppress people comes from the sheep grazing happily, from the lush wheat, from the people who trust him, and from the young men who work hard to practice martial arts.

This is the secret of his success.

Deeply cultivating the Tang and Deng dynasties and then going to Xiangyang shows that he is still building on this trend.

Stop it! The staff glanced at Zhao Kuangming and sighed, "Just give me a slap!"

This chapter has been completed!
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