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Chapter 1095 Reward

 After the sacrifice to heaven was completed, Shao Shude led hundreds of civil and military officials and entered the city through Changxia Gate.

Along the way, many people gathered around to watch, shouting long live the mountain.

Most of the people in Luoyang are immigrants. They are either the relatives of the sergeants or the families of officials, and there are also the people from Guanxi who moved here to allocate land to Shao Shude. If you want to ask them whether they support Shao Sheng, is that nonsense?

After passing Changxia Gate, walk through various squares, then enter Duanmen, and then go to the Ancestral Temple to offer sacrifices.

Once the ancestral temple and the temple were built, they were granted titles.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan was granted titles for two generations, until his grandfather Li Hu.

The ancestor of the emperor was Emperor Xuanyuan, his temple name was Suzu, and his wife Qian was Queen Xuanyi.

Zhuihuang Kao was named Emperor Wenjing, with the temple name Liezu, and his wife Liu was Queen Wenhui.

After the sacrifice was completed, he returned to Hanyuan Hall to accept the worship of the officials. Then Shao Shude announced that there would be a difference in rewards today.

The civil and military officials gave a banquet outside the palace. The food was sumptuous, but everyone was absent-minded and inquiring about news about the new dynasty's nobles.

After Shao Shude finished the toast at the banquet, he returned to Hanyuan Hall to rest. He was really tired today, but he was very excited and in high spirits.

There are still a lot of things to do next.

On the second day of the seventh lunar month, Zhao Guangfeng, the servant of the sect, said: "The king starts a business and prospers the country, and establishes a name to be passed down to the world. It is difficult to know and teach, and it is easy to avoid to facilitate others..."

Well, this is to let Shao Shude change his name to avoid taboos.

"I won't change it. There is no need to avoid my name." Shao Shude said.

The two words "Sude" are so common, why should we avoid them? Even like Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, "official titles, personal names, public and private documents, and those with the word 'Shimin' in them are not consecutive, and there is no need to avoid them." In fact, it is not necessary to avoid them.

Very pointless.

This kind of thing becomes less important in later dynasties.

It is said in "Shangshu" that "cultivate virtues and cultivate virtues, eliminate evils and cultivate the roots". Do you want to change the classics as well?

"Your Majesty..." Zhao Guangfeng was a little embarrassed.

"I said there is no need to avoid it." Shao Shude emphasized again and said: "It is also not allowed to write without a pen. During the scientific examination, if someone does this, he will be dismissed directly. The word 'Shu De' can be written openly.

The names of my father and ancestors should be avoided a little bit. The two characters "Qinghe" and "Zhengyuan" can be written as long as they are not consecutive. After my death, there is no need to avoid the words "Qinghe" and "Zhengyuan". I will inherit my rule.

There is no need to shy away from descendants."

Many emperors in later generations actually didn't care much whether their names had to be taboo.

Even if it is necessary to avoid taboos, if someone accidentally writes it, they will treat it as if they did not see it, and they will be very indifferent.

Shao Shude also felt that there was no need to cause trouble to others, since he didn't believe in witchcraft or anything like that.

"According to the order." Zhao Guangfeng responded.

"This matter——" Shao Shude pondered for a moment and said: "We still need to issue an edict to declare it to the world."

He doesn't believe in witchcraft, so he doesn't need to avoid taboos, but he can't prevent the people below him from increasing their influence, so he needs to make it clear to the world.

In addition, there is no need to avoid the queen's name, it must be announced together.

"I obey the decree." Zhao Guangfeng responded.

Shao Shude glanced at him and smiled.

In fact, traditionally speaking, the prime ministers of the political affairs hall do not need to be so "obedient". In many cases, they can even directly reject the saint's will because it is "disorder".

The prime minister can handle the affairs of the world by himself, and there is no need for the saint to worry about it.

If the saint has any ideas or wants to implement something, he can summon the prime minister after the morning court to ask for advice and everyone can discuss it.

But that was for the kings and ministers of the peaceful and prosperous age, so here...

Shao Shude said that he would only send three people to the political hall, but in fact, all seven of them were his people, and they were all obedient.

If the Great Xia Dynasty can continue, this should be the time when the saints and prime ministers have the greatest advantage in the game. In the future, one generation will definitely be inferior to the other, and the saints will have to think of some small tricks, or simply make deals with the prime ministers.

"Your Majesty, Xingyuan Mansion has come to report that the Western Expeditionary Army besieged Pengzhou and defeated the bandit soldiers. They have made an emergency landing recently. The prince is so brave, maybe he should be knighted." Zhao Guangfeng said.

Shao Shude stood up from behind the royal table, walked to a map, and looked at it carefully.

He actually received the news earlier than the courtiers.

Pengzhou had always closed its doors tightly before. It neither surrendered to Xia nor surrendered to Li Maozhen, which was a way to die. The eldest son, Shao Chengjie, deliberately went hunting in Xingyuan Prefecture and met with officials. He looked like he was cultivating his own party members, and then late at night

Send troops secretly, attack over long distances, and decide the outcome in one battle.

Who did you learn this trick from? It doesn’t look like his father at all. Could it be his grandpa? Zhe Zongben seemed to have used this trick before in Shangzhou. In the winter, people wanted to eat fish, so they asked Shangzhou officials to find someone to go to the river to catch them.

When the official tried to resist him, he just whipped him with a whip. After hearing this, Feng Xingxing of Junzhou was filled with laughter. In the end, he was attacked by the old man and died...

"Bazhou and Pengzhou are followed by Gonglang and Guozhou." Shao Shude looked at the map and said to himself.

In fact, there are also two enclaves separated by Longjian Town: Wen and Fu. Since the era of Zhuge Shuang and Zhuge Zhongfang, they have not been particularly submissive and independent. However, they are weak in strength. Gao Renhou has sent troops to the west.

Go and put pressure on them to surrender.

The Shannan West Road was basically stabilized. The territory of the New Dynasty expanded outwards.

"My son is so brave, haha, I feel so relieved." Shao Shude sat back on the dragon chair and said with a smile.

The eldest son is indeed very talented in the military. His biggest shortcoming is that he is not very good at civil affairs and is not very interested in it, so he leaves everything to the people below him.

Pei Tong secretly reported that Chengjie trusted Duan Ning, the former judge of Henan Prefecture. Duan met with officials from various states in Shannan every day. He was so powerful that even the chiefs of the barbarians met, and he actively wooed them and worked very hard.

Shao Shude believed that Duan Ning had no ambitions and that he was probably laying a good political foundation for Cheng Jie. However, Shao Shude was slightly unhappy that such things were done by others.

"Zhongshu Sheng drafted an imperial edict, naming my eldest son Chengjie as the King of Qin, and my eldest son Siwu as -" Shao Shude hesitated for a moment and said: "King of Zhao."

He originally wanted to speak to King Yan, but when the words came to his lips, he decisively changed his mind.

"The third son Mianren is the king of Wei."

"The fourth son Guancheng is the king of Qi."

"The fifth son Huixian is the king of Han."

"The six sons are clearly the king of Yan."

"The Seventh Son was carefully established as the King of Chu."

Zhao Guangfeng waited for a while, and when he saw that Shao Shude did not continue to seal it, he said: "I obey the order."

"Prepare the ceremony for the canonization of the queen as soon as possible." Shao Shude ordered again.


Long Xiang's army has arrived at the outskirts of Luoyang.

The number of people in this unit has remained the same as last year, still around 7,000. However, upon closer inspection, the composition of the personnel has changed a lot.

The majority of the Boying soldiers from the Bian and Song dynasties are still in their early 4000s, and the rest are from Ziqing, Yanzhou and even Hedong. There are people with various accents, which is very complicated.

The three Liang generals, Ge Congzhou, He Delun, and Li Sian, were all very capable and managed the army with ease. After a series of battles, they firmly knitted this army into shape.

Li Tangbin once secretly reported that even though the key members were transferred many times, the combat effectiveness of the Longxiang and Longhu armies still did not drop too much, and even improved considerably after a large number of troops from Hedong were recruited.

The armies of Pengri and Pengsheng are slightly worse, but after fighting for so many years, they are not much worse than Longxiang and Longhu.

In other words, Gongchen's army had the fewest soldiers and was the weakest, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it still exceeded the state soldiers.

Li Tangbin's report was the direct reason for Shao Shude's determination to reorganize.

Today they arrived in Luoyang, and reorganization is about to begin. Also returning with them is a section of the Yi Congjun, and the Gongchen Army will replace them and stay behind in Xu Si.

"The king benefited Li Yuan, edited Ning Fang Xia, paid great attention to the famous weapons, and appointed everyone as a leader. He was loyal and capable, and respected him. If he rewarded his work, he was persuaded by others... Li Tangbin, the commander of Xuzhou's camp, headed towards Hailingyuan, and Chengtianjunyue

...We got rid of the evil and ugly, destroyed the strongholds, and were able to conquer and recover the three towns...Now we sent the secretary to oversee the affairs of the Tongping Zhang family. The Hou Lu Siye of Xinxi County observed the etiquette and prepared the ceremony. He named you the Duke of Lu and received four food seals.

Thousands and three hundred households." After Lu Siye read out the imperial edict, he pulled Li Tangbin up with a smile and said: "The Duke of Jin, the first person in Daxia, congratulations on Li Du's death."

"I thank the saint for your kindness." Li Tangbin quickly stood up and said with a smile: "I am ashamed to ask the prime minister to deliver the decree in person."

"Where, where!" After Lu Siye finished speaking, he added: "Yesterday the saint held a meeting with Yanying to determine the reward. It was agreed that Li Dutou should be granted four thousand households. The saint granted three hundred households because of Dutou's hard work and merit."

"I can't repay this special kindness even if my body is broken into pieces." Li Tangbin sighed.

In the New Dynasty, titles were given to as many households as they said, without any discounts. In the former Tang Dynasty, some titles were given with a salary of 5,000, but in reality they were only given to 1,000 households. This is completely deceiving people.

The real estate of 4,300 households is so rich that it is unimaginable.

"Who else deserves the title?" Li Tangbin asked again.

"There are too many." Lu Siye returned to his style of cherishing words as much as gold, and said: "In the past few days, the Ministry of Education has drafted a lot of edicts on titles, and there are always dozens of them."

"After returning to Beijing this time, I don't know when I will go on another expedition." Li Tangbin sighed.

Lu Siye smiled and said nothing.

A martial artist was a martial artist, and his words were too straightforward. He estimated that Li Tangbin would be kept in hiding for a while until the saint launched a large-scale war against Hedong.

"Long Xiang's troops also have rewards." Lu Siye looked at the camp gate not far away and took out some more edicts.

They are: "Female Ge Congzhou as the Hou Zhao of Neixiang County", "Female He Delun as the Bo Zhao of Ye County", "Female Li Si'an as the Bo Zhao of Zhuyang County".

This is a reward for the Longxiang Army system.

After all, it is a surrender, which is still a bit lower than that of Kansai Yuanjing. Moreover, they do not have their own army at hand. If they are warlords, they must be willing to hand over their troops and territory in order to be able to get higher titles and rewards. They have nothing.

, if you want to enjoy high rank and good salary, you probably have to fight hard and make more meritorious deeds.

"When the saint establishes a new dynasty, everyone will be rewarded. It is not in vain for us to follow him in life and death." Li Tangbin sighed: "The army had hoped for it the year before last, and hoped again last year. Today, I finally got what I wanted. It's a revelation.

Mr. Lu, why not..."

"It's not urgent." Lu Siye declined with a smile.

The prime minister made friends with the generals, but he didn't want to make a fuss about it. Li Tangbin made great achievements in battle, but his wisdom in handling things was a bit lacking. If there is an opportunity in the future, he might give some advice.

This chapter has been completed!
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