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Chapter 1110 Escape

 On the post road, there were Weibo Wufu who were panting like an ox everywhere.

The cold weather, the road full of residual snow, and the panic-stricken mood all the way down, took a terrible toll on physical strength and energy.

But they didn't dare to stay. Xia Bing was merciless in killing people, and could even be said to be cruel and tyrannical. Whether they would accept surrender or not depends entirely on their mood, and most of the time they would not surrender at all. This makes people wonder, don't they know that this will happen?

Will our own casualties increase dramatically? Troops that do not accept surrender will naturally encounter crazy resistance.

But the fact is that, what can I say?

If you can't beat him, you have no choice but to run.

This place has already passed Guantao, and there is a direct post road to Weizhou. It's not that the sergeants don't want to go to Guantao City to escape, but they have actually lost their courage. Linqing and Yongji counties have fallen one after another. How long can Guantao hold out? Where can we go?

In a place where they must die, they are not so arrogant. It is better to escape, either to Weizhou or simply go home.

Don't tell me, there are really many people who desert halfway.

They are all natives of their hometown. They have been married to each other for many years and have been closely affiliated with the party. It is not difficult to find one or two relatives and friends to escape for a while and get a chance to breathe.

As a result, there were fewer and fewer defeated troops on the post road leading to Weizhou, and by the evening of that day, not a single person had disappeared. At this time, the Xia army detached a group to monitor Guantao, and the large group continued southward to Weizhou.

Advancing in the direction of the prefecture - the fourth day of February in the second year of Shi Jianji's reign.

The news quickly spread into Weizhou City, causing an uproar immediately.

In broad daylight, the city gates were closed one after another, and the soldiers were noisy and didn't know what to do.

Luo Shaowei looked at the empty home and smiled happily.

He had already secretly sent his family out of the city, and now he was alone. Even if he died, he would die by himself, so he was not so afraid.

Of the 500 soldiers recruited, 300 are still in the city, guarding the front and rear courtyards to prevent anyone from getting close.

Sikong Ting and Yang Li came to visit together.

"The sergeants are noisy, and the war is uncertain. The commander-in-chief has to go out and make up his mind in person." Yang Li said anxiously: "The situation can no longer be chaotic. The Xia thieves have arrived, and they must be suppressed as soon as possible.

There will be riots and unified resistance to the enemy. In this way, the commander-in-chief's wealth and life will be guaranteed."

If you don't go out and make up your mind, if the sergeants introduce a new leader, they will first attack you, Luo Shi, and steal the goods and women and distribute them to everyone to boost morale.

Yang Li sincerely thinks about his lord, and he also sincerely thinks about Wei Bo.

"Commander, Zhao Qianman and Shi Ren are incompetent and have lost their troops and lost their territory, resulting in a terrible situation. Now we have to calm down the grievances of the troops, why not..." Sikong Ting said hesitantly.

"How are you doing?" Luo Shaowei asked.

"It's better to seize his family's wealth and reward all the troops to restore their morale." Sikong Ting gritted his teeth and said.

Even though Luo Shaowei was mentally prepared, he was shocked.

"No!" Yang Li glared at Sikong Ting and scolded: "Sikong Sima is so short-sighted! Shi Renyu has thousands of soldiers and horses, and he is holding on to Guantao without surrendering the enemy. Do you want to force him to rebel against General Shi?"

Sikong Ting argued: "Shi Renyu had no less than 15,000 soldiers and horses, and enough food and grass. If he couldn't save Beizhou last time, it was already a serious crime, and he couldn't be punished?"

"Last year, all the armies were defeated. General Shi fought well. Although he failed to relieve Beizhou, he did not lose a big defeat." Yang Li said.

"So what if there is a great loss of master and disciple this time?" Sikong Ting asked: "If the guilty are not punished, then why fight?"

Yang Li didn't say much to him, and said to Luo Shaowei: "Commander, this is the time for sincere unity. Don't do anything that makes your relatives happy and your enemies happy. Otherwise, it will be too late to regret."

Luo Shaowei nodded frequently, seeming to agree with him.

Seeing this, Sikong Ting knew not to go too far, so he immediately stopped talking.

"Let's go to Duyuhousi. The matter has come to this, and we need to work together." Luo Shaowei sighed.

The road leading to Duyuhousi is full of warriors.

Someone spat when they saw Luo Shaowei. Anyone who is weak or incompetent will be looked down upon, especially in this hellish place like Hebei.

Since Luo Shaowei took the throne, one incident after another has caused great disappointment, although it may not all be his responsibility.

Some people looked at it intently, with expressions that seemed a little confused. Obviously, after fighting for such a long time, they understood that it might be difficult to save the day just with the power of Wei Bo.

When they fought against the imperial court, they took advantage of the grudges between the soldiers and horses and the fear of the rabbits dying and the dogs being cooked. Now the Xia thieves are all in one, and the leading general is not the governor of the feudal town.

There is no place to talk, which makes people very sad.

Some people are too lazy to care about Luo Shaowei, and just bask in the sun with their swords and guns. Surrendering is not my wish, and I can't fight again and again, so I have to live in peace and hope for the best - maybe Jin soldiers and Zhao soldiers will come to rescue the siege?

Luo Shaowei had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions and gradually had an idea in his mind.

After experiencing this great defeat, Wei Bowufu's attitude seemed to have diverged, and he was no longer as tough as before.

At this time, he felt a little regretful.

The two major groups in Linqing and Shenxian, with a total of 20,000 troops, were destroyed too hastily? Was it done inappropriately?

Sikong Ting also had a panoramic view of Luo Shaowei's expression.

This lord is timid and impulsive, and his will is not yet firm, and he keeps changing with no certainty. With such a will, you cannot afford to play the game of Wei Bo!

It is the right thing to get rid of yourself early, but don’t waver from side to side anymore.

But he wasn't worried. He would wake up again when he arrived at Duyuhousi.


The atmosphere in Du Yu Housi was silent.

The armies retreated. Cheng Gongzuo, Liang Huaijin, Yin Xingfang, Wang Yuanwu, Chen Yuanyu and other generals were all in the city.

They had just made a fuss, but it didn't make any difference, so they just kept silent.

The yamen soldiers were all over the courtyard, whispering to each other, not knowing what they were connecting with each other.

"I said that it is not unprecedented in the past hundred and fifty years for states to fall and Wei City to be besieged." Suddenly, a Yamen soldier said: "Hedong, Chengde, Yiding, Cangjing United Army II

There are more than 100,000 people, but there is still something that can be done, so what are you doing with your heads down?"

"Stop talking, stop talking." Some people thought he was annoying and said angrily: "If the troops are led by incompetent people, how can we win?"

"Perhaps some generals are resentful and deliberately drive us to death." Someone said ruefully: "Otherwise, after fighting so many battles, we only had a few insignificant victories, which is unjustifiable."

"Li Keyong, what are Wang Rong doing?" Someone couldn't help but said: "Last year, I went south from Jizhou and managed to capture several cities, but was pushed back by the Xia people."

"The Zhao people are good at defending the city, but not good at fighting in the field. With that little skill, they actually tried their best. I can't blame them." Someone sighed.

"Shuai Luo is here, please be quiet." Someone outside the door said.

After hearing this, everyone did not form a team, but all looked towards the gate.

The more elegant ones would stand up and show some respect.

Feeling unhappy, he sat there steadily, unable to move.

Luo Shaowei hurriedly walked into Duyu Housi and saw the Yamen soldiers standing or standing. He did not come to greet them and did not dare to show his anger.

"Commander." The person who was most polite to Luo Shaowei was the military general with a higher status. Wang Yuanwu and others came out of the central hall and came to pay their respects.

Luo Shaowei sighed and said, "Go in and talk."

"Say it right here!" a yamen soldier said loudly, slashing the pillar with his knife.

Well, the feeling of regret that had just arisen on the road suddenly dissipated. Luo Shaowei was annoyed in his heart, but showed no expression on his face. He smiled and said: "That's fine."

"Everyone, the matter has come to this, there is nothing to hide." Luo Shaowei said: "In Shen County, Linqing was defeated twice and suffered heavy losses. Now there are only more than ten thousand soldiers in the city, but hundreds of thousands of Xia thieves are approaching step by step. What should we do?

I’d like to hear your opinions on how to play.”

"Shrink it." Wang Yuanwu sighed and said, "Withdraw all the troops that can be withdrawn and wait for reinforcements."

"There are a lot of people in the city, why not recruit troops?" Yin Xingfang suggested.

The Yamen soldiers' families are all in the city, and there are quite a few who are familiar with martial arts. If Ding joins the army, he will still be able to defend the city.

"Conscription costs money, where does the money come from?" Chen Yuanyu asked.

Tutuan villagers could be forcibly recruited without even being paid. However, there were 8,000 families of yamen soldiers in Weizhou City, as well as a large number of military schools and official families, but such methods could not be used against them.

"Send donations!" said Cheng Gongzuo, commander of Pingnan City.

"People have donated several times, but now I'm afraid they won't have any money left."

"This is difficult..."

Everyone sighed together, it is always difficult to cut one's own flesh.

"What a shame!" A Yamen soldier said angrily: "Businessmen in the city have money, and the officials' families also have money. How dare they refuse to give if they come directly to donate?"

"Yes, go to the market to ask for money!" someone echoed.

Others turned their attention to Luo Shaowei. They heard that he had paid off his loan and had obviously made a lot of money. His family must be very rich.

"The monks and nuns in the temple are so fat that they can beg for alms."

"Li Daonu and Zhao Qianman are two idiots. Even if they die, they will also implicate four thousand of our brothers. Why don't we fight?"

"I have pity on my Erlang. He followed Zhao Qianman to Shen County. He doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Let's go and seek justice."

Damn it! Luo Shaowei didn't expect the situation to get out of control so easily, and he was so frightened that he broke into a sweat.

Wang Yuanwu, Yin Xingfang and other generals were also a little flustered. How could they be in such bad luck just by saying a few words?

Both of them regretted a little. If they had known that they would no longer be officials, it would have been better to run away with their families than to stay in Weizhou.

In the past, when Lecong was training troops and came to the city, Weizhou changed three governors in one day. What can't these government soldiers do?

"Let's go and beg for money! What if we have to work hard and have no money?"

"So many people have been killed, it's time to pay for it."

"Go together, go together!"

The crowd shouted, and in an instant more than half of them were gone, joining the group.

"Everyone, please listen to me and unite sincerely..." Chen Yuanyu rushed over anxiously and stopped him.

He had just moved his family to Weizhou, had hundreds of carts of property, and had a lovely wife and family. How could he let these rough guys cause trouble?

"Fuck you!" A soldier drew his sword and chopped it down.

Chen Yuanyu did not guard against the opponent and took action directly. Unprepared, he fell to the ground and screamed miserably.

Luo Shaowei was so frightened that he could not speak, and his body began to tremble unconsciously.

Yin Xingfang, Wang Yuanwu and others gestured with their eyes, and they all understood what the other party's eyes meant: We can't stay in this ghost place, run away!

This chapter has been completed!
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