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Chapter 1162 Hedong Road

 On September 27, the second year of Jianji, the wind and sand continued, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and it was impossible to distinguish the sky and the sun.

Part of the Feilong Army led the restless horses and arrived at Yunzhou on foot.

"Where did Li Siyuan go?" Liang Hanyong asked as soon as he entered the city.

At present, he only knows that Li Siyuan led thousands of Xiongjie troops and tens of thousands of cavalry from Youzhou to the east, crossed Fangshan Mountain, and went to an unknown destination.

There may be cavalry units accompanying the army. However, these cavalry units have a strong ability to move freely, such as Yi'er, sudden cavalry, sudden formation, flying cavalry, cloud cavalry, personal cavalry and other troops. They are here and there.

He may not just follow Li Siyuan.

In addition, there are a large number of Khitans, Shatuo tribes and other miscellaneous people belonging to Li Keyong in the wild, and it is difficult to figure out their specific whereabouts.

"Back to the capital, I will guess that I am heading east, or possibly south." Wang He said.

Liang Hanyong raised his riding crop to beat him. Isn't this nonsense?

"In Dutou, news came from the state soldiers led by General Mo that a large group of bandits appeared outside Baishan Mountain Camp and then disappeared." Uncle Cong reported.

"Disappeared? Where did he go?" Liang Hanyong asked.

"The wind and sand are so strong that it is difficult to detect." Shishu Cong replied, "However, the bandits can only go to one place, and that is the Sanggan River. Cross the river south and return to Daizhou."

Liang Hanyong thought for a while and said, "Xue Li."

"The end is here!"

"You lead the Feilong Army out on the right wing and carry food and water for a few days. Don't divide the troops, add more." Liang Hanyong ordered: "Bring the horses with you, whether they are needed or not."

"Yes." Xue Li responded loudly.

In such bad weather, the horse is restless and angry, making it difficult to ride a horse. But what if it stops? That will come in handy.

It took a few days to defeat Shi Shanyou. Who knows how far Li Siyuan ran, but the wind and sand made things worse.

But then again, without sandstorms, is it possible that you could defeat Shi Shanyou so quickly and seize Yunzhou? People can set up a stronghold on the same spot and hold on for ten days and a half. It’s not a problem. You can’t be too greedy.

However, Li Siyuan was also lucky. If he had left with Shi Shanyou, his entire army would have been wiped out. At most, he could have persisted longer, but with his escape route cut off and unable to return to Yunzhou, he would have died sooner or later.

"Wang He!" Liang Hanyong shouted again.

"The end will be here."

"You command the various tribes of soldiers gathered here, divide them into several groups, gather the enemy troops and route them."

"Yes." Wang He responded.

In the battle a few days ago, Shi Shanyou's entire army was defeated, and the people were scattered everywhere, but they were not properly gathered together. In the past two days, many defeated soldiers abandoned the city and fled south, and they all had to be arrested one by one.

If you don't catch them, they will run away, gather them up, rectify them, and then fight you. Or they may scatter in the countryside, burning, killing, and looting, which will be troublesome.

After giving the instructions, Liang Hanyong led his troops to inspect the east and west cities of Yunzhou.

This used to be the capital of the Later Wei Dynasty, and it was very regulated. There are shops, workshops, temples and other facilities in the city. To be honest, it is much better than Lingzhou, Fengzhou, Shengzhou, Linzhou and other places in the early years.

There are also a large number of people, including both Tibetan and Han people, and their customs are diverse and astonishing. After more than a hundred years of intermarriage, everyone has become accustomed to each other's existence. Under the influence of each other, their lifestyles have gradually converged, and they have become the same as those in the Central Plains.

Huge difference.…

The only shortcoming is that after many years of war, the people are too poor.

The buildings and streets are very impressive, but they smell dilapidated and there is obviously no money to repair them.

The furniture and furnishings are pretty decent, but you can tell from a glance that they haven't been changed in many years.

The clothes on the common people are almost in the same situation.

In a word, I can barely get by, but it's really very difficult, and I'm struggling on the edge of living and not living.

In addition, there are people serving as soldiers in every household, which shows how crazy the draft has become here.

The economic lifeline of Yunzhou is animal husbandry and commerce, but with frequent wars and repeated backsaws, and business travel being blocked, the herdsmen are also

They dispersed in all directions, further damaging Yunzhou's economy.

I don’t know what Shi Shanyou is insisting on. Without large-scale immigration and investment, there won’t be much profit in this poor place. What’s the point of having such a land?


On September 28th, Shishu Cong left Yunzhou with his army.

There was wind and sand everywhere in the wilderness, which clogged their mouths and noses. They only set out for a short time, but everyone was disgraced and their morale was extremely low.

There were complaints in the army: "Why are we going to fight in this damn weather?"

The camp judge who accompanied the army urged the formation. Pei Guan frowned secretly after hearing this.

The state army, the Tibetan soldiers, and the local groups just can't bear the hardships. They complain in hot weather, are dissatisfied in heavy rain, don't want to move in heavy snow, and are even more resentful in windy and sandy weather.

"Judge Pei, don't worry, they are just complaining." Shishu Cong is walking in armor, his face is not red and he is not out of breath, and his physical strength is indeed good. Just listen to him continue to say: "Even if you complain, you won't be able to do it for long.

Whoever speaks too much will get a mouthful of sand poured into his mouth."

Pei Guan laughed loudly, but only laughed twice and wisely shut up. At the same time, he secretly thought that it was time to go to the imperial court and plant trees in Daibei.

In the early years, the sage governed Lingzhou and overhauled the city, houses, and courtyards. The wood needed was cut down from Daxue Mountain (Hasi Mountain) in Huizhou and transported to the Yellow River dock. It was made into wooden rafts and carried goods down to the destination.

After the land was mined, the goods were sold and the timber was broken up and used as building materials.

At that time, afforestation was still being done in Haas Mountain. Although the number of trees planted did not seem to be cut down as much, they were still being planted after all, and not just cut down.

Daibei is a ghost place that has seen frequent wars in the past twenty years. Ever since Li Guochang and his son started the rebellion, it has become extremely chaotic. Every time the army comes and goes, trees are cut down, but no one plants them. Over time, this is what it looks like.


Of course, Pei Guan also knows that the responsibility has not been fulfilled in the past twenty years. In fact, as an important border defense town and a place where the enemy and the enemy are at loggerheads, Yunzhou has been like this for thousands of years.

"Why did Judge Pei travel east this time?" Pei Guan didn't want to talk, but his uncle Cong was very interested in talking. He covered his mouth and nose and asked loudly.

Pei Guan thought for a while, and seemed to have nothing to say to others, so he said: "The imperial court has issued an order to establish Hedong Road. Now that Yunzhou has been captured, it must be included in the jurisdiction of Hedong Road. All counties, armies, towns, and cities must be sealed.

The treasury is waiting for inspection. All old officials and generals will be suspended and will be appointed after screening. In addition, Yun, Xin and other states will also take some actions."

The establishment of Hedong Road has just been decided, and it will govern the five prefectures of Shanxi, Jiangxi, Cixi, and Puzhou - Hezhong Prefecture will be called Puzhou...

Shuo, which was originally under the jurisdiction of Guanbei Province, and four counties in Rouzhou were included in Hedong Province.

In addition, if the four states of Yun, Xin, Yi, and Wei are captured, they will also be included in Hedong Road.

Of course, Yunzhou has recently become vast and sparsely populated, and its administrative divisions may be readjusted.

Yunzhou only governs one county, Yunzhong. Xinzhou is also a wasteland. Its counties were slowly established since the Xizong Dynasty of the former Tang Dynasty. For example, Huai'an County was established in Najiang Shouju City, such as the newly established Wende County of Yizhou, such as

Yongxing County, Xinzhou, etc. were established in Weisai Army.

The era is very short, and it was basically created after the Chao Rebellion by local generals at the request of local generals and with the approval of the imperial court.

At present, Yunzhou governs one county in Yunzhong (today's Datong); Yizhou governs one county in Wende (today's Xuanhua); Xinzhou governs Yongxing (today's northeast of Zhuolu), Fanshan (today's Fanshan Town in the southeast of Zhuolu),

The three counties of Huai'an (now Huai'an East) and Longmen County have not yet been established, and should be located in Longguan Town, today's Chicheng County.

"I have visited these places once. To be honest, they used to be dominated by Tibetan people, but now they are all gone. Why do we have so many prefectures and counties?" Shi Shucong said.

"What do the generals think of Yunzhou?" Pei Guan asked.

"It's not bad." Shishu Cong said: "There are rivers such as Amniotic Water, Yushui, Sangganshui, and Baidengshui near Yunzhou, with rich water and grass. It may not be as good as Henan and Hebei in supporting people, but it is not as bad as it is now.


Pei Guan nodded and said: "The princes of the imperial court also think so, and may want to immigrate to Shibian."

From Yunzhou to Xinzhou, within a vast area of ​​500 miles from east to west, there are actually only five counties. After years of tug-of-war, the population is either dead or alive.

It's almost gone, it's so desolate that it's impossible to resettle and colonize it, and it's difficult to restore the border defense system.

According to the results of the latest discussion in the Zhengshitang, Yizhou will be abolished and Wende County under its jurisdiction will be included in the new state.

Yunzhou will follow the previous strategy and establish counties based on old military towns.

For example, Gaoliu County was established to govern the Sai Army of the Qing Dynasty (south of today's Yanggao County); Tiancheng County was established to govern Tiancheng Army (today's Zhen County); Xiachang County was established to govern Yanchang City (to the east of Xinrong District in today's Datong).

There are generally four sources of immigrants, one is the people of Jingzhao Prefecture in Guanzhong, the other is people from Helong and Fan, the third is households in central Sichuan, and the fourth is relatively densely populated areas in the Central Plains, such as Song, Cao and other states.

The resettlement follows the policy of first north and then south, that is, priority is given to filling in the northern prefectures and counties, and then gradually expanding to the south.

The reason for this is to consider the military situation.

Yunzhou is the most important military town north of Yanmen Pass, but there are a series of military fortresses near Yunzhou.

I won’t talk about the military towns in the north such as the Qingsai Army, Hengye Army, Tiancheng Army, Weise Army, Najiang Shouchu City, etc. To the south of Yunzhou, there are Shenduzha, Huanghuadui, Sangqian Town, Jincheng and its

There are small forts and other facilities nearby.

Shendui Zha is more than 40 miles south of Yunzhou.

Huanghuadui is an old name. It was originally a simple wooden fortress in the south of Huairen. Li Keyong once vigorously renovated and rebuilt it. It is now called Shenwu Town.

Sangqian Town is in the northwest of today's Ying County, and Jincheng is in the southeast of Ying County. The latter was built by Li Guochang, and Li Keyong was born here.

Many years ago, this was the pasture of the Zhu Xie tribe, the head of the three Shatuo tribes. After Li Keyong grew up, he left Jincheng to "beidiao" and went to work in Yunzhou, the "metropolis" in the north, and worked his way up step by step.

During the Later Tang Dynasty, this place was Yingzhou, which governed Jincheng and Hunyuan counties. Ningwu County also came to belong to it for a time. Yingzhou was ceded to the Liao Kingdom during the Later Jin Dynasty and became one of the sixteen states of Yanyun.

There are usually many garrisons in these military fortresses. It is still unknown whether their troops have been transferred away now. However, until these places are captured, it is impossible to boldly immigrate and colonize them. Although the area has many rivers and is also a plain terrain,

Conducive to agriculture and animal husbandry.

"It's immigration again..." Uncle Cong muttered.

Shao Sheng seems to like doing this kind of thing very much. Maybe this is the secret to his success in the world?

More than four thousand troops marched eastward like this.

After a journey of thirty miles, it took two days to reach the Baishan Mountain Camp.

We also encountered several dangers along the way.

The faint sound of horse hooves often came from the wind, which made the whole army very nervous. The wind and heavy fog were also destructive, because it would cover up some movements. If the enemy really came close, they would be really unprepared.

Fortunately, in this horrible weather, the enemy and friends were unknown, and everyone had no interest in fighting. They got through the journey without any danger - Shi Shucong even saw a group of Khitan people walking with horses, and the other party also saw them.

But both sides turned around to avoid it and went their separate ways.

Not long after arriving at Baishan Mountain Camp, another group of people arrived despite the wind and sand. It turned out to be people from Honglu Temple.

Pei Guan went to talk to them, while his uncle Cong was thoughtful.

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