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Chapter 1225 New earth

 On the second day of December in the third year of Jianji, Shao Shude's car had passed Renqiu and headed towards Mo County.

Yes, after he left Lutai Army, he did not go straight to Jizhou, but turned west, passed Yingzhou, and entered Mozhou. He wanted to see the newly conquered land.

There were many troops accompanying the march, including Tujiang, Gongchen, Yin'an and the newly arrived Dingnan troops, totaling more than 40,000 people on foot and cavalry.

With such a powerful soldier, he even wanted to see if King Chengde Rong would take the initiative to attack and wait for a while.

Of course, Cheng De's army did not come, which made Shao Shude's impression of them even more profound: they were good at defending the city, but poor at field battles.

Before leaving Renqiu, he specially summoned Shao Bo, the governor of Yingzhou, and asked him to complete the formation of the state's troops as soon as possible.

Shao Bo brought thousands of people from Dizhou, and the Yi Congjun recruited 500 older soldiers, totaling 1,500.

Shao Shude planned to select 500 soldiers from Anfuqian's surrender, select 500 warriors from Huaihai Road, and recruit 500 defeated soldiers from Youzhou scattered in the countryside, totaling 3,000 people.

The first priority of the newly acquired land in Youzhou is to clean up the banditry. In fact, it means to clean up the broken soldiers scattered in the countryside, whether it is to kill them or to make them return home. Anyway, it is to stabilize the situation as soon as possible, and do this after the spring

Good spring sowing work.

Shao Bo was very satisfied with his position as governor of Yingzhou.

This is a large county, with about 400,000 people still living there. Isn’t it much better to be a governor here than in dilapidated Dizhou?

On the night of the second day of the Lunar New Year, Shao Shude stayed at the Junzi Pavilion between Renqiu and Mozhou.

It was snowing heavily, and Shao Sheng was in high spirits, so he ordered people to have wine in the hotel and enjoy the snow scenery at night.

Junziguan is actually a very ordinary hotel, just like the guesthouse in Yunzhou, it is very common. If it had not become famous during the Yongxi period of the Northern Song Dynasty, it would be difficult for it to be included in the history books.

Shao Shude sat in the courtyard, looking at the falling snowflakes, and was speechless for a moment.

That day, more than eighty years later in history, must have been so cold. The Song army lost its backbone because "it was extremely cold, and our division could not use its bows and crossbows." It was defeated by the Liao army, and "tens of thousands of people died" -

- Sui means to fully open the bow. When the weather is cold, the bow string is brittle and can easily break.

But this still left him speechless. You can't use a crossbow, and neither can the enemy.

Xia followed the Tang Dynasty system. After the crossbowman finished shooting the crossbow, he had to go up and kill people with a two-handed heavy sword or a Mo Dao. If the crossbow cannot be used, wouldn't he be able to kill people?

In fact, the "Long Sword Army" was popular in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. Generally speaking, it was an elite force. After shooting the crossbow, the long sword warrior went up to exchange wounds for wounds and lives for lives. How could it be because

What if you lose the battle because you cannot use the crossbow? Can you only shoot crossbows? Have such a single skill?

This doubt made him subconsciously think that the Forbidden Army might still take the route of a fancy army, even if the training cost is high. If they can't participate in multi-arms joint operations in later generations, they should honestly train general infantry, all-rounders, and spend more money.

The culture of martial arts among the people must be preserved. If ordinary people practice martial arts, they can reduce the training cost of professional martial arts, because the recruited people will be able to play with bows, guns, and knives. This saves too many resources and shortens the time to form an army.

"A simple single hotel, how many regrets have been left in history, God hates it? Man-made disaster?" Shao Shude sighed, picked up the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp.

Chen Cheng glanced at it doubtfully, wondering why the saint expressed such emotion.

"Your Majesty, Shi Chaoyi was defeated by Mozhou and is not a gentleman." Chen Cheng said.

He thought that the saint was lamenting that after the Tang army defeated Shi Chaoyi in Mozhou, he failed to eliminate all evil and plowed the court and cleared the holes.

"Haha!" Shao Shude smiled and said: "This time I want to eliminate evil and go straight to Youzhou. Who can stop my elite soldiers who have fought a hundred battles?"

Chen Cheng drank a few taels of cat urine and was a little drunk. He said with a smile: "Li Cunju died in Mozhou, Li Cunshi died in Pingzhou, Li Cunhao was beheaded in Linyu Pass, An Fuqian and his son put their heads in mud outside the palace to apologize, and only Li Cunzhang was left.

Li Sien and others are here."

In fact, there were also Li Cunjin and Li Cunxin, but they had no soldiers and ran very fast. They had already returned to Hedong.

During this northern tour, Shao Sheng lost many cheap nephews.

"Let the father and son come in." Shao Shude said, "It's very cold outside."

Apologizing with a head made of clay, holding a sheep with its flesh exposed, bowing its head and tying its neck, etc., are all various ways of surrender that show submission. In this regard, you have to admire the creativity of the ancients.

Yin'anzhi commanded Chu Shenping to go outside the museum immediately and bring An Fuqian and his son in.

"The guilty general An Fuqian (An Chongjiao) paid homage to His Majesty." When the father and son saw Shao Shude sitting cross-legged behind the desk, they immediately fell to the ground.

"This is the second time I've met General An," Shao Shude said.

An Fuqian raised his head, his eyes already filled with tears, and said: "Your Majesty is so merciful that the sinner will shed tears of gratitude."

Tolerant? Shao Shude sighed, yes, everyone's requirements are really very low. If you don't massacre the city, kill and surrender, and don't force the people to death, you are already a benevolent king.

"What do you think of the war situation in Hebei?" Shao Shude asked.

"Youzhou is already in His Majesty's pocket." An Fuqian replied. After that, he praised in a very emotional tone: "One hundred and fifty years later, a Holy Lord finally appeared in the world, and he calmed down the evil atmosphere.

, mixed in the universe. Every time I think about sin, I feel like I am dreaming."

Damn, those are flattering words, but they sound nice. Shao Shude smiled and asked: "Do you think I am the Holy Lord?"

An Fuqian nodded solemnly and said: "The ancient kings had three great virtues, namely wisdom, benevolence and courage. Your Majesty has all of them, so he is a holy king."

"I don't want you to have read "The Doctrine of the Mean"." Shao Shude said with a smile: "To achieve great virtue in the world, if one of the three is one, then one can rule over one side. If there are two of the three, then one can determine the importance of the throne. I have some of the three, but

Neither has done well enough, and is still far from being a saint. However, in today's world, do you really think that with the three virtues at your side, you can get rid of the ugly people?"

"Isn't your Majesty an example of this?" An Fuqian asked rhetorically.

Shao Shude laughed. He no longer had much affection for An Fuqian. At the same time, he also felt some pity. It was not easy for him to do this in order to save his son's life.

"I once killed your brother, what do you say?" Shao Shude asked again.

"It is inevitable for a general to die in battle." An Fuqian said without changing his expression: "Since you have eaten a bowl of food like a warrior, you should have the consciousness of death in battle. Your Majesty did not use deceit first, and during the second time he killed prisoners in battle, and most importantly

If you are upright and upright, you will have nothing to say about your sins."

"You'd better really think so." Shao Shude said.

An Fuqian lowered his head.

"Li Cunzhang is defending Youzhou, how to break it? Do you have any good ideas?" Shao Shude asked.

"Your Majesty, just send troops to surround it." An Fuqian said: "Li Cunzhang has been governing Youzhou for several years, but has not made any achievements. Now there are reports of defeat everywhere, and people are panicked. In the past, the camp was flat, and the soldiers and horses were either there or not.

They were taken away from Jinyang or have been annihilated. The only ones they rely on are the remnants of the Lu and Long armies in Jingsai. Most of these armies are Yan people, and they may be able to send envoys to slowly recruit them. Once someone crosses the city and surrenders,

Youzhou materials cannot be defended."

"This is a good strategy." Shao Shude praised.

This should be An Fuqian's realization after he became the governor of Zhuozhou, and it has practical significance.

"Where did Li Luoluo go? The city of Zhuozhou was destroyed, but he was nowhere to be found?" Shao Shude asked, "Did he run back to Youzhou?"

"Back to Your Majesty." An Fuqian replied: "Last month, Li Cunxiao plundered Yizhou. Li Luoluo led Tielin to charge westward with the second army and cooperated with the Yiwu army to encircle and kill them. But Li Cunxiao ran too fast, and Li Luoluo

Luoluo should be still in Yizhou at this time. He has many horses under his tent, so he can only go to Yiding for food."

Shao Shude nodded and said: "I understand. You and your son will go north with you for the time being. After Youzhou is conquered, we will have other appointments."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty." An Fuqian hurriedly pulled his son to worship him together.


On the third day of the twelfth lunar month, the Gongchen Army, acting as the vanguard, took the lead in breaking out of camp and setting off, while the holy cavalry continued north. After gathering many native Tuan folk, there were already 70,000 to 80,000 people, a mighty force that stretched for more than ten miles.

We arrived in Mozhou on the same day and stayed here for three days, meeting with officials and being powerful. What I didn’t say, it was still the same old routine, united front!

The two prefectures of Ying and Mo each recruited some generals and powerful men, so that Yin Anzhi's total military strength exceeded 4,100.

As the number of people increases, cohesion and loyalty decrease.

Fortunately, there are a large number of palace guards around Shao Shude. Together with the Yinanzhi veterans commanded by Xia Luqi, they serve as the innermost guards. Chu Shenping led the remaining four thousand people to practice and screen while walking. Many people still need to accept

The test of time will make it impossible to get close to Shao Sheng for the time being.

After leaving Mozhou, we headed north along the embankment of Yongji Canal - it is both an embankment and a post road.

On the evening of the sixth day of the lunar month, we arrived at Waziji Bridge.

This was once the seat of the county seat of Guiyi County, Zhuozhou. There is also Guancheng, also known as Waqiaoguan, which was built not many years ago. After the construction of Guancheng, Guiyi County seat was moved to the northwest thirty-five miles, facing the Baigou River in the north.

During the Later Jin Dynasty, troops were stationed at Waqiao Pass. In the Later Zhou Dynasty, Ying, one of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, was recovered. After the second prefecture of Mo, Xiong Prefecture was established here.

Shao Shude, wearing armor and riding a horse, galloped outside the pass.

All the troops followed, the flags covered the sky and the sun, and the swords and guns shone brightly. The rebel army Rongcheng defenders who were not far away were horrified when they heard this. They reinforced the city defenses all night and did not dare to peep.

"Rat ears!" Shao Shude laughed.

After all, he is a warrior, he likes to march and fight, he likes to kill generals and capture flags, he likes to see the enemy army defeated and enjoy the spoils of war.

So what if the rebel army has tens of thousands of people? I am here, do you dare to fight?

Xiao Qu, Pei Zhi and other officials followed him, but stopped talking.

Chen Cheng and Lu Siye, two people who had followed him on expeditions all year round, looked at ease. They seemed to have found the feeling of sleeping in the camp many years ago, when the emperor and his ministers met each other and discussed the formation of troops.

Fighting? This kind of situation was too common in the past.

"After we conquer Youzhou, we will first attack the Yiwu Army next year to try to open up the connection with Yunzhou." Shao Shude said: "Wang Gao, I want to see how he can resist my army of hundreds of thousands."

"Your Majesty's strategy is very appropriate." Chen Cheng said with a smile.

Defeat him first, and the rebel army will most likely come to rescue him.

If Yiding is attacked first, most of the German troops will be hesitant, and even if they finally send troops, they will still drag their feet.

Everyone has figured out Wang Rong's character for a long time. The only variable is Li Keyong. He will probably come to rescue Yi Dingzhen, but no one cares about him anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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