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Chapter 1288: Sitting on the stage to manage politics

 In the second half of April, Shao Shude has been cultivating himself in Linshuo Palace and handling government affairs.

There is no dispute at all about the choice of person to accompany him for the night now, it can only be Queen Zhe. The Queen also restrained her temper and did not serve Shao Shude every night, which seemed to be very restrained.

On April 23, one month after the scientific examination, Shao Shude hosted a banquet for the new Jinshi at Xiri Tower.

Although he had prepared a quota of 100 people, only 71 people were actually admitted. The level was not good enough, and the new dynasty did not want them. Feng Guanqing was very insistent on this.

However, those who have passed the Jinshi examination are very happy. They don't have to wait for several years as before.

There are a lot of vacancies in Yun, Wei, Gui, Yi, Ru, Ying and other states. As long as you are willing to go to these traditionally considered bitter and cold places, you don't have to wait, you can become an official now.

At the beginning of the new dynasty, the new scholars who had experienced the troubled times and hard times were still very pragmatic. Except for a few lucky ones who could stay in the central Hanlin Academy, secretary supervisor, and palace minister, most of them were willing to work in frontier fortresses.

Shao Shude treated them to whale meat.

To be honest, this meat is not very tasty. But because it is so rare, everyone still ate it with gusto. Some even wrote poems on the spot to express their thoughts.

By the way, Zhang, the villager who first discovered the stranded whale, was given 500 pieces of money, 500 pieces of silk, 500 pieces of woolen cloth, and a ninth-grade officer. The rewards were so generous that they were simply outrageous.

At this time, some people will think that if a whale is found stranded on the coast and there is such a rich reward, what if I hunt one from the sea?

For various reasons, Shao Sheng did not publicly respond to this matter. However, he secretly let out rumors that those caught at sea were equally effective.

Once the seeds are sown, whether they will sprout or not depends on fate.

The new Jinshi also received rewards such as whale oil candles and rain boots, which were immediately prized by everyone and spread throughout the country and abroad.

Don’t underestimate the promotional ability of Jinshi’s “Meat Horn”. Things are still fermenting at present. If we try it a few more times, the quality of whale products will reach a new level.

Some wealthy businessmen with money but no status don’t want to make some whale products for use and brag among their business partners? Depending on their status, they probably won’t be able to get royal rewards, but can they catch one by themselves?


As long as you have enough money, there will eventually be those who do not believe in evil and dare to go out to hunt.

Shao Shude, who has a kind face but a dark heart, once again used his ability to carry goods and tried to influence the world subtly.

After sending off the scholars, he personally supervised the construction of the Imperial College in Beidu.

Three capitals and three Imperial Colleges continued to expand the number of students studying Confucian classics, medicine, mathematics, agriculture, and engineering.

If county schools and state schools are the soil, then the three Imperial Colleges are saplings rooted in this fertile soil, slowly growing vigorously.

For every math student who graduates, the municipalities and bank settlement systems in major cities will gain more strength, and the private money shortage will slow down.

For every agricultural student who graduates, more people will promote and guide the new species cultivated by Sinong Temple, which is very important for an agricultural country.

Even students of Confucian classics can educate barbarians and even influence the social atmosphere.

Before the Anshi Rebellion, every county and state had posts such as Confucian classics teachers and doctors. After the difficulties, most of them were discontinued or the number of students was greatly reduced.

The evolution of social atmosphere and the absence of Mao Zhuizi are also a major factor. Therefore, Shao Shude started investing more than 20 years ago, and now it has become quite large-in fact, it doesn’t cost much, and it can’t even cover the expenses of a county.

Ten warriors.


On the seventh day of May, Shao Shude summoned Zhao Feng, a new scholar in Jintai Hall.

Zhao Feng is from Youzhou. He is 20 years old this year. He took part in the first scientific examination of the nameless system in his hometown and was a high school scholar. It happened that the captain of Zhigu County died of illness, so he got a real vacancy.

The appointment of a new Jinshi scholar as a county captain in Ji County was the most legitimate way to be promoted since the Tang Dynasty, and the competition was very fierce. Zhao Feng was lucky enough to get this position - he was attracted by Shao Sheng's daughter.

The Queen said with a sigh of relief that the Tooth Relic is turning 20 this year and she is already an old girl and cannot wait any longer.

Shao Shude thought about it and realized that it was indeed true. Anyway, he had many children. The fourth daughter, Shao Ze, was also eighteen this year, the fifth daughter, Shao Si, was seventeen years old, and the sixth daughter, Shao Fu, was sixteen years old. Even if he married the Li family in the future, he could choose

There are many targets, so you don’t have to be limited to one. So he asked the three female Buddha Ya to peek at the new Jinshi from behind the curtain, and they fell in love with Zhao Feng.

The queen immediately sent someone to investigate whether Zhao Feng was married, and the answer was no. After further questioning, she found out that she was from the Lulong Zhao family, but the strange thing was that Zhao Siwen didn't even know this clan member, so he seemed to be a fringe member of the Zhao family.

The queen sent someone to inquire about Zhao Feng's opinion - the royal family is so direct.

Zhao Feng didn't have any objections, and was even a little happy that it was done. The next step was to choose an auspicious day and hold the wedding.

"Er Lang, do you know what is important in Zhigu County?" It was called a question, but actually he took the opportunity to observe his son-in-law. Shao Shude looked carefully and found that Zhao Feng's appearance was quite decent, and his expression did not seem to be a treacherous person - also

We can only tell from his expression. After all, he can't read minds.

"Your Majesty—" Zhao Feng was about to speak, but was interrupted.

"You are someone close to me, just call me." Shao Shude said.

"The official asked, and the minister said it." Zhao Feng said confidently: "Zhigu County was newly established. There are many reed swamps in the county. Heavy rains in summer caused disasters and frequent floods. Although the people moved here, they have been rectified for many years.

, but the foundation is shallow and the people's livelihood is still difficult. When the officials asked, the ministers had only one answer, which was to focus on water conservancy."

Shao Shude pondered for a while, then said with a smile: "You did not cater to my wishes and talked about shipping, which shows that you are pragmatic."

In fact, this is nonsense. If Zhao Feng said that it is necessary to focus on developing shipping, Shao Shude would also praise him.

In fact, as long as his answer is not too outrageous, it can be accepted. This is the treatment that only one can receive, and Shao Shude generally does not talk about it to others.

"Zhigu is a county in Ji. There is one order, one prime minister, one chief clerk, and two lieutenants." Shao Shude said: "The county lieutenant is in charge of the general affairs, judges the officials, cuts off the pursuit, and collects and regulates the duties. He is the county magistrate.

The most important person below. Those who can be county magistrates and bookkeepers may not necessarily be good county magistrates. If the county magistrate does well, he will definitely be a good county magistrate. Nigu County has more than 2,000 households and more than 10,000 households.

My dear, do your best and do what you want. If you have any merit, I will see it."

"I obey your order," Zhao Feng replied.

At this moment, he was full of energy. Young people at a young age always have an urge to pursue a career. They believe that with their talents and learning, they will surely impress others, and from then on, they will rise step by step and become famous all over the world.

Of course, he will know later that his promotion was not due to how good he was, but because he was the son-in-law of a saint.

"There's no need to rush, Captain Zhigu is keeping it for you. It won't be too late to go after you get married." Shao Shude smiled.

"I obey." Zhao Feng responded calmly.


In May, the news that Shao Shude was most looking forward to was the illness of his adopted brother.

However, whether it was due to Jinyang's strict blockade or something else, no exact news had been sent back, which made him slightly disappointed.

He took the time to summon Liu Xun.

This is an old acquaintance. When Shao Sheng planned to establish the Wang family in Hezhong, Liu Xun was his opponent.

In the Battle of Fenshui, he fought for Wang Ke and fought endlessly. Finally, he led more than a thousand Jin soldiers to surrender.

After being released back, Li Keyong did not blame him and still trusted him, but it took him some time to climb up again - to serve as the direct commander of the silver spear in front of the horse.

This time, he cooperated with Li Cunxu to attack Xingzhou, but ultimately failed. Frustrated and disappointed, he surrendered with more than 3,000 soldiers.

"General Liu is an old acquaintance. Can you tell me why you surrendered?" Shao Shude asked after giving Liu Xun a seat.

"We have been defeated after repeated battles, and our future is uncertain, so we surrender." Liu Xun said: "Also, Daxia is not an enemy of Hedong. The two families are even family friends. There is no point in continuing the fight. It will only hurt people's lives."

Shao Shude was very happy after hearing this. This is right!

Why did Liang and Jin fight to the death in history?

Zhu Quanzhong made a big mistake, that is, in the Shangyuanyi Incident, he killed several hundred yuan of Li Keyong's personal followers. You know, these were the backbone of the early Jin army, the seeds of officers, relatives and friends.

Spread across one government and seven states, this is an absolute mortal enemy. It doesn’t matter whether the Tang court was involved in this matter or whether Zhu Quanzhong took the blame for the court, but it was indeed him who did it directly, so there was nothing that could be done about it.

In addition, Zhu Quanzhong attacked the three towns of Yun, Yan, and Qi. It may be that the opponent was too stubborn and resisted to the end. He was a little angry and defeated, and the Jin army was worried about surrendering.

To put it bluntly, although Li Keyong's political ability was poor, his ability to unite his subordinates was relatively strong and he was able to win over people's hearts. Under extremely difficult circumstances, the Hedong Group did not break up, and very few people surrendered. This laid the foundation for his son's subsequent comeback.

Got the basics.

But when Hedong Group faced off against Daxia, it was a different story...

There is no animosity between the two parties, and the relationship between the top management is pretty good - at least on the surface.

Shao Shude has always been kind to those who surrendered from Hedong, giving them official positions and rewards. If they are captured on the battlefield and are unwilling to surrender, they will be released home. If they are willing to surrender, they will be directly appointed. His attitude has been very good.

Previously, he was even willing to pay for Li Siben's family. Although Li Keyong refused, he did not harm the adopted son's family, which achieved his goal.

No matter from which aspect you look at it, Hedong General’s investment is a very good choice.

If Li Keyong hadn't died, Hedong Group would have asked Shao Sheng to "peacefully evolve" and disintegrate the ball.

Hedong Town, which has suffered from a chronic disease for five generations, is actually not that dangerous in Shao Shude's eyes.

"How is King Jin's health?" Shao Shude suddenly asked.

"General Sin has been leading troops outside, and he really doesn't know." Liu Xun replied.

"I believe in you." Shao Shude nodded and said: "General Liu surrendered in front of the formation, and he has meritorious service and no guilt. Now he can lead his 3,600 soldiers to join the Pinglu Army and serve as the Duyu Marquis. Pinglu Army

In Xuzhou, Liu Qing will tidy up a little and then go to his post."

"I thank your Majesty for your forgiveness." Liu Xun fell to the ground and said with tears of gratitude.

Although he had expected that he would not be convicted and would even be given an official position, he was still greatly relieved when the saint said it himself.

Pinglu Army? It seems to be the private army of the Gao family. Liu Xun probably understood his mission, and secretly thought that he would monitor the Gao family brothers for the saint.

This chapter has been completed!
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