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Chapter 1338 Give it a try

"Husband." Looking at the neatly dressed Abaoji, Yue Liduo felt terrified.

Abaoji was silent for a moment and said: "Take the Shan army and escort the people from all ministries to the north tower. Act with the camera. If you encounter enemies, don't hesitate."

Yue Liduo was not a mother-in-law. She knew that this meeting was indeed critical, so she suppressed all the emotions in her heart and said, "Okay!"

Abaoji got on his horse, and before leaving, he turned around and whispered: "Although Porun is your brother, his temper is not strong enough and he is easily panicked at critical moments. If that doesn't work, you will seize his military power and command the battle."

Yue Liduo sighed and said, "I know."

The Shushan Army was formed by her people, and it was also her army. The reason why she gave it to Porun to lead was because there was really no one left. She would have to protect the people and the cattle and sheep to retreat, so naturally she would no longer be indecisive.

"For stability, Xia Li, Haili, let's go!" Abaoji clamped his horse's belly and rushed out lightly.

Dozens of chiefs followed closely behind, and an army of more than 10,000 large falcons and small falcons followed closely behind, roaring away.

"Sister, everyone said that the Xia Kingdom's million-strong army went on the Northern Expedition. It would be fine if it were an ordinary person. In the Battle of Ruyuan that year, the Silver Spear Army only charged three or four times before scattering our people. It won't happen this time either.

Do you know if the Silver Spear Army is coming? If it is..." Shulu Porun ran over, her face was not very good, and she whispered.

"Pah!" Yue Liduo slapped her in the face and scolded: "Are you still a man? Is it useful to be afraid of death? Will Xia Thief let you go?"

A slap in the face and three questions made Porun dizzy.

"This..." he muttered.

"Take your people to Zimeng City immediately. Don't escape until the last moment." Yue Liduo looked at his brother with dangerous eyes and said, "If you don't behave like a man, I will kill you."

about you."

"Okay." Shulu Porun covered her face and left dejectedly.

Zimeng City is the military state under the leadership of Yue Liduo, with tens of thousands of people. It is located in the northwest of Konoye Mountain - near Haratuda City in the later Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner, and in the Changning County area of ​​Yongzhou, Liao Kingdom.

Abaoji originally planned to evacuate all the people, but Yue Liduo refused. She believed that the eight Khitan tribes were not rich in food and grass, and this year's farming was delayed. The tens of thousands of people could not support them at all, so it was better to keep them and block them.

Block Xia's army.

The meaning is obvious. I have Junzhou under my head. Even if all my slaves die, I will not feel sad. At the critical moment, you must not let your mother-in-law lose the big because of the small. You must give up what you should give up, and always choose the wisest.


Abaoji thought of the way other nobles were reluctant to part with those pots and jars, and immediately sighed with emotion. They are not as decisive as women!

Porun left, and Yueliduo got on a horse. He took the bow string without haste, put a ring on his finger, tried it out, and slung it around his waist.

The knights belonging to the Shan army were scattered around, and their morale was a little low.

The old and weak tribesmen who followed the retreat north were even more dejected. There was the impulsive and passionate young man who wanted to go to the Xia people with his bones and fight for his life, but under the scolding of his elders, he finally stopped.

Everyone will take shelter in the north building.

It is a newly built place, hundreds of miles north of Xilou, on the north bank of the Hun River (not the Hun River in Shenyang). I heard that the water and grass are abundant, so I can take a breather for a while and wait for news from the south.

"Your Majesty, will you come back after going to the North Tower?" The nine-year-old son Yelu Tuyu sat on the carriage and asked with his face raised.

Six-year-old Yelu Yaogu sat behind him, looking curiously at the sand around him. He tried to get out of the car several times to play, but was held back by his sister Yelu Zhigu.

Yue Liduo glanced at the second son with a stern look, and then said to the eldest son suddenly: "My queen doesn't like to lie to people, nor does she like to comfort people with lies. My children can't live in lies all day long. "

Yelu Tuyu seemed to understand but didn't understand, and nodded in confusion.

"To be honest, it is unlikely that we will go back." Yue Liduo said: "The Xia Kingdom raised hundreds of thousands of troops, all of whom are veterans of hundreds of battles. Your grandfather is not sure of winning, and the Khitan is not sure of winning either. If they lose, they will probably There is only one way to escape. In the process of exile, there are many dangers, and many people may die. Either they will be killed by the enemy or they will starve to death."

Yelv Zhigu bit his lips tightly, and subconsciously tightened his arms holding Yao Gu.

If you have sudden desire, you will be so surprised that you can't close your mouth for a while.

"So -" Yue Liduo looked at the children and said: "Starting from tomorrow, you must learn to fight, learn to milk, and learn to deal with others. The Queen cannot protect you forever, and you will always be in danger. At this time, people have to rely on themselves, not only the queen, but you too, do you understand?"

"I understand." Yelu suddenly wanted to close his mouth, feeling unhappy.

Yue Liduo sighed softly, and then looked firmly at the north. People can't lose hope, as long as they are alive, they have a chance.

The strong wind blew up, raising dust and sand all over the sky. The huge convoy walked on the lonely grassland, hesitating towards the north.

The horse snorted irritably and hurried on silently.

The naughty sheep slipped out of the team, ran to the side to nibble on a few grasses, and then were driven back to the flock by the shepherd.

The knight galloped back and forth, delivering one message after another.

Yue Liduo touched the dagger at her waist. She would not give up before things got to the worst.


"Dong dong dong..." Countless footsteps stepped on the sand and green grass, forming an array in the wilderness.

Li Congke, the deputy envoy of Wansheng Huangtou Army, strode forward, his armor leaves rustling.

The thunderous sound of horse hooves kept ringing, and on the horizon in the distance, groups of knights slowly approached, and the speed of the horses seemed to be gradually increasing.

"Pah!" Li Congke drank the last sip of rice wine, threw away the cowhide water bag, then, holding a rifle, turned around and scanned the infantry in formation.

Very good! The enemy cavalry is slowly approaching, and smoke and dust are filling the sky and the earth. The warriors of Wansheng Huangtou Army do not show any fear or timidity.

They took the time to draw their swords out of their sheaths and checked whether the weapons could be used normally.

Five hundred soldiers armed with crossbows were arranged on both sides.

The famous weapon made in Bianzhou, "The crossbow can be used with a large machine, and all twelve small machines can fire, and with a chain of large arrows, it can reach any distance."

The standard equipment of the former imperial capital repeatedly showed its glory in the war with Hedong. "The people of Jin were extremely afraid of this."

Now that the output has increased significantly, it has been distributed to the Wan Sheng Huangtou Army who is acting as the vanguard.

Of course, this kind of sharp weapon can be launched in the vehicle array, which is safe and convenient. But why bother? Doesn’t that make us timid and dare not step out of the shelter of the vehicle? What kind of words!

"Dong dong..." The sound of the drum changed.

More than a hundred skirmishers jumped out of the formation, armed with various weapons, and loudly laughed at the enemy cavalry, whose horses were getting faster and faster.

Li Congke was leaning on his walking stick with a ruthless look on his face.

"Who can open the door first today?" He looked at the Khitan cavalry getting closer and closer, and asked loudly without fear.

"It's probably Camp A and Camp B."

"They use crossbows and we use knives. I'm afraid we won't be as quick as theirs."

"Why bother competing with them? Zheng San, let's compete, who can kill the Khitan traitor first?"

"Bi, bi. I've already noticed that you don't like me. You're dragging me like you're like something!"

"Haha! I'm not as good as you when it comes to playing with women, but when it comes to killing people, you're not as good as me."

The desperadoes in the scattered group joked with each other, but they didn't stop holding their hands. In just a short while, their bows were already strung.

"Coming!" Suddenly someone shouted, Li Congke's spirit was shaken, and the long spear in his hand was already moving forward steadily.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Khitan cavalry had rushed more than a hundred steps away.

"Woo——" the horn sounded.

There was a continuous "whoosh" sound, and the twelve consecutive crossbows deployed on the left and right wings were fired one after another.

The heavy arrow shaft took advantage of the wind and flew straight into the Khitan cavalry formation.

"Xilulu!" The horse hit by the arrow fell to the ground in pain.

"Ah!" the knight screamed and fell off his horse.

The Khitan cavalry behind them were still charging forward fearlessly.

The "whirring" sounds became more intensive, and the screams also came one after another.

"Whoosh!" A group of warriors picked up their strong bows and fired one after another.

The Khitan people lay low on their horses and rushed over, screaming.

"Bang!" "Puff!" "Crash!" The messy sounds were intertwined.

The Khitan cavalry rushed diagonally into the crowd of skirmishers, entering the stage of intermingling between men and horses.

A series of muffled sounds sounded around Li Congke. He knew that someone was injured or even dead, but this cruel fighting not only did not scare him, but instead a violent and murderous pleasure arose from the bottom of his heart. He saw it clearly

Someone came up and stabbed the thief in the chest from the side.

The thief was unable to dodge, and the iron bone flower in his hand fell down. Li Congke picked him up high and threw him to the ground.

Standard step to resist riding!

Does infantry necessarily need to form a dense formation to deal with cavalry? This is not necessarily the case.

When a thief cavalry rushes towards you, his target is bigger than you. His weapons may not be as long as yours, and his armor may not be as good as yours. As long as you are not afraid of death and have a life-for-life mentality, if he stabs you, you will stab him, even if you stab him.

If you don't see a person, you can also stab his horse. As soon as he hits the ground, he will definitely die.

This is a life-betting game, the competition is who is not afraid of death and whoever blinks first will die!

Relying on this move, the Xueyantuo people defeated cavalry with foot and hammered all directions, creating a legend that they unified the entire grassland with infantry and became the overlord beyond the Great Wall.

Infantrymen who are afraid of death will only hide behind the formation!

"Whoosh!" The sound of the crossbow machine firing seemed to never stop. More and more Khitan cavalry fell from their horses, almost blocking the frontal battlefield.

"Woo!" The trumpet sounded again.

Suddenly, wind and sand floated up from behind, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust for a while.

Horses are sensitive and immediately become restless and cannot be comforted no matter how much they are comforted.

"Haha!" Li Congke laughed loudly, raised Changshan, and said: "Kill with me!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" More than a thousand soldiers followed, jumped out of the formation, and charged the Khitan cavalry.

Li Congke rushed the fastest.

At this moment, he miraculously thought of Li Luoluo and Ge Congzhou.

In that battle on the river, Ge Congzhou was still a low-level general. He led two thousand infantry to charge against the Tielin Army's three thousand heavy cavalry, killing them all. Li Luoluo was almost captured, which was a great shame and humiliation.

How the hell do you dare?! Two thousand infantrymen dare to charge at three thousand heavy cavalry? Are you a fool? Don’t you know I can knock you away if I rush over? Are you going to die?

But - at the critical moment when they were gambling on their lives, they gave up.

Ge Congzhou is not afraid of being knocked away, not afraid of death, and does not care about death.

You are afraid and you care about what will happen if you fall, so you lose.

At this moment, Li Congke has transformed into Ge Congzhou, leading the way and being invincible.

The Khitan horses in front were completely out of control, while the cavalry behind them were still charging forward. It was extremely chaotic for a while.

"Poof!" Chang Shan stabbed through the fur easily. Li Congke didn't even look at it. He selected the next target and stabbed it again, blood splattered.

"Kill the thief! One head is worth a bolt of silk!"

"Stab him!"

"Hook him off his horse!"

"Stab his horse!"

The soldiers quickened their pace and rushed forward, and a one-sided massacre began.

The Khitan people were almost huddled together, unable to move their hands. Riding on horseback, they were an excellent target. They were stabbed here and there by the long spears of the Wansheng Huangtou Army. In a moment, countless people screamed and fell off their horses.

The crisp sound of horse hooves sounded from behind.

The Tibetan soldiers who were recruited from Yingzhou were divided into two groups, outflanking them from the left and right, and rushed straight to the Khitan rear formation.

They are very thieves, they have to wait until the Khitans are beaten to disgrace by the Wansheng Yellow Head Army and their morale is greatly reduced before they go into battle. They are the so-called Shunfeng little experts.

The Khitan people completely collapsed.

The people behind stopped rushing forward, turned their horses' heads one after another, and fled northward.

The athletes of the Tibetan soldiers accelerated their horses and fired their bows continuously, pursuing them endlessly.

"What a thief, you still want to escape!" Li Congke abandoned his horse, pulled out his iron weapon, and caught up with a fallen Khitan thief. He swung his iron weapon and hit him in the middle of the neck. He hit him in the neck again, and blood fell to the ground like a fountain.

——You can't even imagine that there is so much blood on one person.

Li Congke walked through the bloody rain and caught up with a Khitan soldier who had just turned his horse's head to escape. Tie Lao hit him and knocked him off his horse. Then he got on his horse and rushed out with a big smile.

Thousands of soldiers were still slaughtering the Khitan cavalry slowly.

There were not many people left for them. The Khitan people had recovered from the chaos. The people behind them collapsed one after another, and the people in front were also killed and injured in large numbers. The formation was no longer crowded.

More and more people are running for their lives, not even daring to look back.

The soldiers chased for dozens of steps and killed the last Khitan cavalry who could not escape. Then they collected the horses and cut off the heads.

A rough calculation shows that hundreds of people were killed in just one attack.


The vanguard beheaded the envoy, and Shi Junli, the envoy of Wansheng Huangtou Army, stepped down from the temporary high platform.

Li Congzhang also came over with a prisoner and reported: "Military envoy, we have just been tortured. They are soldiers brought by Alu Dun Yuyue. They said they came to test our weight."

"Haha!" The sergeants around heard this and burst into laughter.

Shi Junli also laughed, but he knew the business, and after asking carefully, he found out that Alu Dunyuyue was Yelu Shilu.

Before the death of Hendejin Khan, Shilu was already a member of the Eight Tribes of Yuyue. After Abaoji was elected Khan, Shilu's status became more embarrassing. He is Abaoji's uncle and the benefactor who cultivated him, so he must not be rude.

So Abaoji asked someone to give Shilu the honorific title "Alu Dun Yu Yue" - Alu Dun is also known as "famous" in Khitan language.

"Ask him what else he knows, especially where Abaoji is." Shi Junli said.

He could see that Yelvshulu should have come to delay them. So the question is, where is Abaoji? What is he doing? What does he want to do?

This chapter has been completed!
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