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Chapter 31 A great man descended from heaven

 The journey from Shangjing to Tokyo is about four to five hundred miles. If you are not in a hurry, it will take half a month. During this half month, Shao Shude continued to receive news from various places.

On July 22nd, he led the Binfu Mansion to send an envoy to surrender, asking Wang Shi to march north to help them suppress the Mohe rebels. On July 23rd, Dongping Mansion could no longer hold on, so he sent an envoy to surrender and asked the court to hurry up.

Send troops quickly.

On July 25th, Shi Jiantang led the Shatuo troops north to Tieli Prefecture, defeated the Mohe rebel army, and captured and killed more than 2,000 people. On July 28th, all the Anyuan, Dingli, and Anbian prefectures surrendered.

On the 29th, Xia Luqi defeated the Khitan in Konoha Mountain and beheaded two thousand people. Judging from the numbers alone, this "big defeat" was not worthy of the name. The Yelu Abao machine ran very fast.

On the first day of August, news came from Nanhai Prefecture in Nanjing that Qin King Shao Chengjie led his army to besiege and capture the city. Gongyi increased his troops in Zhujiang Town, and sent general Wang Jianbei to attack Shuoting County, recruiting Bohai people from Nanhai Prefecture and even the Mohe tribe to go south.

When Shao Shude saw this military report, he was a little strange and asked his secretary Lang Cuishui for consultation.

"In the second year of the reign of Emperor Guangqi of the former Tang Dynasty (886), a report from the northern town of Xinluo was reported. Some people from Di came to the town and returned with a piece of wood hung on a tree, so they took it and offered it as a gift. The fifteen characters in the wooden script read, "People from the Baolu Kingdom and the Heishui Kingdom,

Let’s go to Silla and make peace together.” Cui Shi replied.

He had read the historical materials in advance and done enough homework. Most of these historical materials were copied from the country by Cui Xuan, the former sales envoy of Silla, and sent to Luoyang. They were very detailed.

"Where is Beizhen?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's Shuoting County." Cui Chao said, "Silla people also call it Shuofang County. It is currently occupied by the bandit commander Yin Xuan." After that, he also talked about the origin of this person.

Yin Xuan, a native of Yanzhou (Silla), was a brave man and good at wearing swords. He was originally a general of Gong origin.

Because the Gong family was cruel and murderous, and fearing harm to themselves, they led their party to the north and gathered more than 2,000 people. They settled in Falcon Rock City and summoned the Blackwater Tibetan people, which became a border hazard to the country that Gong family founded today.

Sokbang County of Silla was in the Anbyon area of ​​South Hamgyong Province in present-day Korea.

"The Blackwater Kingdom is understandable, but what is the origin of the Baolu Kingdom?" Shao Shude asked. "It was the former Tang Boli State, or the Boli Kingdom." Cui Chu replied.

Shao Shude suddenly understood and asked again: "How did they make peace with Silla?" "Go down the black water, go out to sea and sail to Silla."

"Did they go south this time?" "Going south." Shao Shude nodded.

In fact, we should not underestimate the wild Jurchens. Although they are poor, they are not incompetent. At least their navigation skills are really good - they can go to Japan by boat to rob them, which is no problem.

He could also write Chinese characters to communicate with the Koreans. In the former Tang Dynasty, the leader was the governor of Boli Prefecture. He paid tribute many times and agreed to attack the Bohai Sea. The upper-class people were not ignorant.

"The purpose of Goryeo's increase in troops to attack Shuo Fang is to reap benefits. Send an order to my son to tighten the fence and prevent the Mohe tribe within the territory from going south. Yin Xuan of Falcon Rock City can contact him. If he wishes to return to the court, he can assist him.

Shao Shude ordered.

"According to the decree." Cui Chao immediately wrote Deyin.

He could see that the saint had no intention of conquering Goryeo for the time being. This gave him a little peace of mind. Those three countries could only be controlled, and there was no need to bother. In his opinion, the Bohai Kingdom should not be attacked. Now this conquest

, it is completely driven by the personal will of the saint. It is better to do less than to do more.

The army continued to advance. Along the way, Shao Shude even stayed for two days to learn about the situation in Xiande Mansion in Zhongjing.

He was still very concerned about these mature lands that had been developed by Goguryeo and Bohai for hundreds of years and would later become Zhengzhou in Daxia. It was not until people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs reminded and urged him that he ordered the march to speed up and rush to Longyuan Mansion.


"See Your Majesty." On August 14, after hurrying and slowing down, Shao Shude finally arrived in Gyeongju, and was greeted by a group of demoted generals who left the city several miles away. "No need to be polite," Shao Shude said, holding up his hands.

"Your Majesty, the palace city has been tidied up..." Long Yuanyin, Qingzhou Governor Dou Jin said. "This matter is not urgent." Shao Shude waved his hand and said: "Take me to the mouth of the Tuomen River." "

I obey the order." Dou Jin was stunned for a moment, then immediately replied.

The others looked at each other in confusion. The Great Xia Sage was too vigorous and resolute.

, regardless of the fatigue of the carriage, he went directly to see the sea. Haven't you seen it before? Shao Shude called Pugu Cheng'en and asked him to bring Chu, Yelu Zhigu, Yulu Jiangu and others into the palace for a while.

One thousand palace guards were left behind, and five thousand German infantry and cavalry were left behind to guard Gyeongju. They led the rest of the troops and headed eastward.

On the 15th, Shao Shude arrived near the mouth of the river. He climbed a high mountain and overlooked the Whale Sea.

Near the mouth of the river, there are lush vegetation and herds of cattle and sheep. A few smoke piers are hidden among the green trees and red flowers, silently watching the rising waves on the sea. There is no low railway bridge and the Tuomen River flows unimpeded.

There were no densely packed houses, only temporary tent camps one after another. Shao Shude took a deep breath, put his hands behind his back, and wandered around.

I am standing here, who can take this land away?

Balhae people? Goguryeo people? Silla people? Or Japanese? Get lost.

I can use my personal will to promote a war to destroy the country, and I can also use my personal will to develop this place into a densely populated and prosperous place.

It took thirty years to get to this point, and the world is the best "toy". This is a man's deepest romance, and it brings him greater happiness than his perverted desires.

"Your Majesty is here just in time. We can start today." Chu Zhongye, the young supervisor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, walked up from the mountain and said with a flattering smile. Shao Shude sat back on his tiger-skin chair and asked, "Have everything been prepared?"

"It's all ready."

"Are those Tibetan people here to fish too?" Shao Shude asked, pointing to the bottom of the mountain.

"Yes, this is the first time the Ministry of Internal Affairs has done this, so I took matters into my own hands and hired some savages. Even the exact date of the fishing season was estimated by them."

"What do savages call this fish?" "Huyu 'Daoui Maha'." "What does it mean in Chinese?"

"It can be translated as 'it will come at a time'."

"Salmon comes at a certain time, which is very appropriate." Shao Shude laughed: "I heard that every year when the fishing season comes, the Hu people have to put down all their work and go to the river to fish every household?"

"Yes. After catching, pickle and dry it, and then prepare it for the winter. If you don't catch it at this time, there will be insufficient food in winter. Not only will people not have enough to eat, but dogs will not have enough winter rations."

Dogs are an important means of transportation for them and cannot be missed - they are also the last guarantee of food. "When will the catfish be caught?"

"Your Majesty is wise." Chu Zhongye exclaimed: "After catching salmon, we will take animal skin boats or birch bark boats to catch catfish. Those who live by the sea will also catch some crabs, shells, and sea vegetables for winter food.

But the catfish is still a top priority, and the skin of this fish is needed for sewing clothes."

"It turns out that this is the origin of fish skin." Shao Shude sighed: "Every ethnic group has its own way of survival. They don't farm or herd, but they raise pigs, hunt, fish, and harvest sea vegetables.

Picking wild fruits. If you are not mature enough, you may have to go out to rob, right?"

"Exactly." Chu Zhongye was really surprised now. The sage knew these savages from the White Mountain and Black Mountain too well.

These people are brave and difficult to control. They are not afraid of the large group of Khitan cavalry. They go up to fight with wooden spears. There is no military formation. They just rely on their bloody courage, boldness and carefulness, and they are as good as Xue Yantuo back then.

The people are about the same, and they can defeat the cavalry with foot. The Khitan spent countless efforts to conquer them - of course, now that the Khitan is gone, there is no way to talk about conquest.

"Are these people obedient?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Those in the Bohai Sea are relatively obedient." Chu Zhongye replied.

And just as they were asking and answering, the fish pouring into the Tuomen River from the sea were overwhelming. Shao Shude stood up in shock and stared with wide eyes.

No wonder the Mohe people attach great importance to the fishing season. This is indeed an annual god-given food. If you miss this opportunity, people will starve to death in winter. There are some small boats on the river, pulling fishing nets back and forth.

There were also people shouting and yelling on the shore, standing in waist-deep reed swamps, setting up nets to catch fish.

But there are too many fish to stop them. If you are a little greedy, the fishing net will break through. And beside the fishing net and the boat, there are many fish jumping up, jumping over, and continuing to swim upstream.

Not even long after,

The cabin of the small wooden boat was filled with jumping salmon.

Some people were afraid of the shipwreck, and the fishing nets were extremely heavy, so they rowed towards the shore. However, obvious resistance could be felt when the ship turned around, and there were repeated crashes on the sides of the ship.

"What a guy!" Shao Shude couldn't help but admire.

The Tiande soldiers who followed the scolding were also stunned. There is such a wonder in the world?

"Are you stupid?" Shao Shude laughed again: "The Whale Sea is just like the land. The land is fertile and you can grow food for a good harvest. The Whale Sea has not been fished for thousands of years, so it is just as fertile.


A small Huangmen panted and brought a wooden bucket with more than a dozen lively red salmon in it. Shao Shude picked up one with his own hands and estimated the weight, which was about ten kilograms.

"In Luoyang, this fish can be sold for thirty yuan." Shao Shude said with a smile: "Even if there are more fish in the future, if the price is lowered, it will still be profitable." "Your Majesty is wise." It was the same words, but Chu Zhongye had to be respectful.


If you can catch 10,000 fish at a time, that would be 300,000 yuan. In fact, with the density of fish, it is not difficult to achieve this goal—the Mohe people don’t even have a few fishing nets, and they still use hooks and harpoons foolishly.

Fork, if they do what they do, the entire fishing season will be wasted.

What's more, there is far more than just this river where fishing can be done.

"Have you started digging the ice cellar?" Shao Shude put down the fish and asked. "Dou Fuyin started digging in July." Chu Zhongye replied.

"Dig a few more to store ice in winter." Shao Shude said, "It's time to expand your manpower." "Isn't five hundred people enough?" Chu Zhongye asked in surprise.

"My ambitions are not limited to what I see right now." Shao Shude said: "Fish caught from various places can be concentrated in one place for processing. At the mouth of the Tuomen River, a workshop can be set up to recruit workers and apprentices to catch fish and kill fish.

Cleaning, pickling, drying, transportation, storage, packaging, it’s a whole chain.”

"I know," Chu Zhongye responded.

He knew very well that the saint did not come to fish just for fun, he had a strong purpose. Making money was only one aspect, and it seemed that he had a longer-term plan.

"In the future, after whales are caught and rough-processed at sea, they can be transported to the shore for further processing." Shao Shude said: "Fishing and setting up workshops are such profitable businesses, don't let me mess them up."

"The processed fish is placed in the ice cellar and can be stored for a long time before being sold slowly. Whether it is shipped to Beiping Prefecture, or docked in Wudi, and then transported to the hinterland of Henan, you can figure out your own way."

"On Huaihai Road and Hebei Road, you can also try to build a few ice cellars."

"When doing things, you have to learn by analogy. I told you the benefits of fishing, but what about deer hunting? A moose can produce more than a thousand kilograms of meat. The meat obtained can also be stored in an ice cellar and sold slowly."

"As long as the price of meat and fish is low, people are still willing to buy it. This is a long-term business. Chu Zhongye thought for a while and asked: "Your Majesty, deer are not easy to catch. They will run away."

"Can't you think of some way to prevent them from running away?" Shao Shude said in a tone that said he hated iron. "This..." Chu Zhongye was a little hard to understand.

Shao Shude sighed, pointed to the sea, and said: "Don't tell me, there are no islands near the coastline. Pick some islands of moderate size, with rich water and grass, and not too big. Find an opportunity to land on the island, and put the

Kill the tigers and wolves, then capture the wild deer and release them there. An island is a natural prison and a natural pasture. Without natural enemies, these deer will grow very fast. Just hunt them regularly. As long as the terrain is not complicated,

It’s not too big and can be caught very quickly.”

"I understand." Chu Zhongye suddenly realized.

This is actually like a royal forbidden hunting ground. A pasture and forest are enclosed with wooden fences, and animals are kept inside for the emperor to hunt for fun.

A small island is a "forbidden garden". The sage is right, it is a natural prison, and there is no way to escape.

"If you can't do it, I'll let Sinong Temple handle it. They have many years of experience in raising horses..." Shao Shude glanced at Chu Zhongye and said, "I'll take care of it." Chu Zhongye said immediately.

"You guys!" Shao Shude shook his head

The leader said: "If I were not to be a warrior but to be a herdsman, I would definitely be more qualified than you."

"If Your Majesty had not been a warrior, the world would have been fighting endlessly and in chaos. The people would have been in danger and starved to death everywhere. The Bohai Kingdom might have been destroyed by the Khitans, but they would not be able to manage it." Chu Zhongye said seriously: "Maybe God will give up.

It is pity that Your Majesty has been specially sent to the mortal world to bring such great blessings to the people."

"Don't be so stupid." Shao Shude smiled reservedly and asked again: "I just said so much, but there is actually one very important point, do you know?"

"Shipping?" Chu Zhongye asked tentatively.

"Finally, I'm smarter." Shao Shude smiled and said: "Shipping is the basis of everything. If you make money, you might as well spread it out and trial-produce bigger, faster, and better ships. The bigger the ship, the more goods it can transport. The ship

The faster it is, the more round trips it takes. The better the ship is, the safer it is, the less likely it is to break down, and the cost of repairing the ship is less on weekdays."

"I obey the decree." Chu Zhongye responded.

"This is not an order from me..." Shao Shude said helplessly: "Some things just fall into place, and that's how they should be."

Using economic laws to do things instead of relying on his personal administrative orders is something that Shao Shude has repeatedly pursued. Because such a mechanism is more vital, can attract more people to participate, and can iterate technology faster, and people and government can survive.

is even less likely.

"Will the fishing season end in a while? Let's fish slowly." Shao Shude said: "Record the detailed process, clear the account books, and make them more organized. I will use these things in the future to convince some people. Only by making money can I make a lot of money.

, they are interested in participating.”

Of course Chu Zhongye understood who "they" were referring to, Daxia Xungui. At the same time, he also lamented that the saint really thought about his old brothers and would not forget them in any good deed.

Shao Shude glanced at him and turned to look at the sea.

Everyone thinks that I am engaged in a profitable business, but am I such a superficial person? Isn’t it just for the living space of the Chinese people under the sun?

The loneliness of not being understood by others, oh, so boring! Go play with women.

This chapter has been completed!
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