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Chapter 52: Leaving

 It was April 15th, the ninth year of Jianji, and it had not snowed for some time. Even the "weak" sleet and sleet had disappeared, and the temperature had risen significantly.

There is no doubt that the rivers are thawing, the snow is melting, and Longquan Mansion is about to usher in a warm spring.

After experiencing a whole winter of depression, the streets and alleys gradually became filled with more laughter and laughter.

The country is dead, but life still has to go on. What's more, the Xia people's military discipline is generally pretty good. Except for the first part of the city's destruction, when they tortured people and extorted their property, most of the time they were relatively restrained. Unless you master

Movements lead to rebellion.

In early April, Shao Shude entertained his accompanying officials with wine in Xiyuan, and the Bohai family officially announced that they would allocate imperial examination places according to the rules in the future. The people of Bohai fell to the ground with great joy - this time they really meant it.

The Jurchens also sent some gifts, such as the first fish they caught after opening the river, the first wild goose they caught, etc. Shao Shude sent people to give gifts in return, and after hearing the words to comfort them, they all returned to their homes.

Fight with each other.

Chu Zhongye also left soon.

Shao Shude gave him a task, which was to visit each Mohe leader in Longyuan Prefecture one by one with liquor, tea, and brocade as gifts. He should try to visit every inch of land, including every mountain basin and valley where savages might gather.

Then, the tribe’s population, financial resources, and the status of the leader’s family must also be clearly recorded, including but not limited to the number of their children, economic strength, social relations, prestige and dominance, etc.

After every ten or twenty families visited, the tribal leaders were invited to "travel" in Peiping, Luoyang, and Chang'an, where they were entertained with delicious food, drinks, and fun, so that they could see the prosperity of the Central Plains, and then sent back.

The mission ends here.

But Chu Zhongye knew that this was only the part he was responsible for, and it was probably only the first stage.

The saint's thoughts are sometimes easy to guess, and he uses completely royal methods. He basically doesn't engage in any conspiracies that are difficult to guess. Anyone who doesn't obey him will just be killed.

But sometimes it’s not easy to guess because many methods have not been seen before.

He had a premonition that the Jurchens and Mohe were going to be unlucky, and it wasn't just any ordinary blood misfortune, it was the endless blood and tears hidden under fair trade. It might not be difficult to subdue the Jurchens and Mohe with force, as long as you were strong enough and suppressed them.

One hundred years or two hundred years is fine.

Using trade to destroy the Jurchens and Mohe will be softer and more concealed. If other methods are used, by the time the Jurchens and Mohe want to resist, they may not have much strength.

Let the savages die, it’s none of his business! Shao Shude continued to handle the official correspondence.

Yue Liduo was making tea and reading in her spare time.

In fact, she didn't like reading very much, but Shao Shude liked to read books and was an educated woman, so Yue Liduo forced herself to read them, mainly history books. Don't tell me, she felt drowsy after reading the trivial words and righteousness, but the history books

But I enjoyed watching it.

Shao Shude would ask her what she had read when she was free, and then the two would exchange ideas about the contents of the book. The contents recorded in the history books were very concise, rarely expanded upon, and often aroused people's imagination.

Shao Shude has been in a high position for more than 20 years and has been the emperor for eight years. His perspective on history books is naturally different from others.

Sometimes, he would give mind-blowing insights into a certain paragraph of content, eliciting the iceberg hidden beneath the words.

Sometimes he would completely deny a certain record, point out its unreasonableness, think it was false or taboo, and then give a reasonable explanation.

More often than not, he would point out the inevitability of a certain thing or a certain policy based on the social background at that time, and then deduce what would happen if a different policy was changed.

Old men like to show off around younger women.

After hearing this, Yue Liduo was convinced and her buttocks rose higher.

Of course, she was forced. These machinations and ideas about governing the country made her fascinated. In order to gain more knowledge, she could only do this, although when Shao Shude stopped, she often couldn't help but move back.

"Qian Luo surrendered intentionally." Shao Shude tapped his right index finger on the table and closed his eyes in deep thought.

Yue Liduo skillfully manipulated the tea set and cooked Yixingyang

Xian tea. When it was cooked to the middle of the dish, I hesitated for a moment, grabbed an extra half of the ginseng slices and threw it in, slowly cooking it.

After giving birth to the child, the saint was still very considerate and asked her to have a good rest. He also said some words that she didn't quite understand, such as "waiting for the shape of your uterus to recover" before he can serve her again.

Now Bodhisattva Nu and Xiao Chongsheng are both in the recovery period. The Chu family and Yulu's aunts are pregnant again. Because of the shadow of the last incident, the saint asked her to have a good life and take good care of her body. Yue Liduo basically took care of the saint. Due to my physiological needs, I spend more and more nights together.

Yue Liduo actually doesn't like this because it's easy to get pregnant. Giving birth is very troublesome. For a woman with such a high spirit, she is never willing to become a man's reproductive tool. She prefers to The saint participated in politics.

Governing a big country is much more interesting than governing Khitan. After the tea was boiled, Yue Liduo brought it over.

Shao Shude opened his eyes and asked: "Qian Liu wants to be granted the title of King of Yue, do you think he can give it to him?"

Yue Liduo hesitated for a moment and said: "Although there is a Jin king in Daxia, Ke Yong and His Majesty are more affectionate than Jin, and Qian Liu cannot compare. I think that Liu controls two towns in eastern Zhejiang and western Zhejiang. Give it to a prince."

"The land of two towns is barely acceptable for a prince, but it's still a little short of that." Shao Shude said.

"During the Southern Expedition, just order Qian Luo to send troops to attack Huainan. If the king's division attacks Qian Luo from three sides and fails to achieve success, the Duke's hat will fly off, and he will have no one to blame." Yue Liduo said.

"You can say these words so logically, you can be worthy of the Privy Council." Shao Shude put down the tea cup, held Yue Liduo in his arms, taught her to read the memorial, and said: "Look at this paragraph, Qian I still hold on to the old idea and don’t know how valuable the new dynasty is. This matter will have to be repeated and the price will have to be negotiated."

"Your Majesty, the military newspaper mentioned a few days ago that Yang Wo dismissed Zhu Sixing and Fan Sicong from their posts on the grounds of extravagance and extravagance, and also expelled Chen Fan to Muzhou. All his troops were assigned to Xu Wen and Zhang Hao. "The changes in Huainan may not be far away. Is it too late to bargain again?" Yue Liduo straightened her chest and frowned.

Shao Shude looked at her frown and felt even more fond of it.

Women are like that even when the lights are turned off. In terms of appearance, there are many beautiful women in the palace who he has never looked at, but they are not very interesting.

You have to have characteristics. The Bodhisattva slave has a big butt, can create considerable waves, and the visual effect is amazing. These are the characteristics. Yue Liduo is ruthless enough, realistic enough, direct enough, and has the bonus of historical halo. This is also the characteristic.

Gao received the orthodox upbringing of a lady from an early age, but it is also characteristic to see her slowly succumb to internal and external pressure and drag her good family into trouble.

Shao Sheng likes women with characteristics.

"How many years has it been since Yang Xingmi died? Huainan is not that easy to collapse. It has not reached the critical point yet." Shao Shude said: "Only when Yang Wo continues to do the opposite and Huainan's people no longer have any hope, and Qian Liu sees it, will he finally give up. You are now

If you force him, the effect may not be good, and he still has the last vestige of illusion."

The relationship between Huainan and Wuyue is complicated, just like the relationship between the towns in Hebei and Hedong.

Hedong always attacks Hebei, but in terms of grand strategy, the people of Hebei still try to use Hedong as a screen to protect themselves. If Huainan can still be maintained, Qian Liu will not be able to get rid of his luck.

What's more, the Central Plains has not experienced the troubled times of the Five Dynasties, so Qian Luo's thoughts may not be the same as those of later generations. Sometimes, you will wake up and change your mind only when you see the more terrible consequences with your own eyes.

After hearing this, Yue Liduo thought about it carefully, and it made sense.

After so many days, she keenly discovered that the customs of the Central Plains are different from those of the grasslands. In short, I don’t know what is going on here, and there are more ambitious people everywhere than in the grasslands. These warriors are tough and greedy.

, cruelty, rarely seen on the grasslands, even more outrageous.

After such an experience, Yue Liduo realized clearly that the world is bigger than you imagine. You must be patient when doing things, adapt to local conditions, and analyze carefully. You cannot force inappropriate policies just to save trouble, let alone

If you are too arrogant to understand outsiders, you are digging a hole for yourself.

The saint is indeed a man of great talent and strategy, his gaze can penetrate layers of fog and go straight to the core.

Do things with ease and with a well-thought-out approach,

If you make a mistake, don't sacrifice face. Just make it right.

It would have been better if the saint had conquered the Khitan in the north sixteen years ago. At that time, he was only fourteen years old, and he might have been presented to the palace by the tribe. Yue Liduo gently hugged Shao Shude's waist, and his eyes fell on the pile of memorials.



After Chu Shenping left, everyone was speculating on who the new commander of Yin Anzhi would be.

The answer was soon revealed. The sage ordered Xia Luqi to serve as the direct commander of the left and right Silver saddles, commanding this army that had slowly expanded to 5,600 people.

On April 20th, there was even a little bit of grass growing in the palace courtyard. It was also at this time that they received orders to pack and bundle various items.

It took several days to count the supplies in the surplus warehouse and then load them onto the carriage.

Since the beginning of winter, the rebellious Bohai clan, generals, noble clans, Mohe leaders and their families have been sent to Beiping Prefecture to build palaces. Officials and clan leaders implicated by them, who are not guilty of serious crimes, have been forcibly relocated to Hubei Province for resettlement. These people are currently being held in the city and will be handed over to the Luoyan Army by Yin'anzhi.

After this big move was made, the Bohai Sea suddenly became undercurrents.

On April 22nd, the imperial edict was issued to establish Luzhou, and Zhang Dingbao was appointed as the governor of Luzhou. As soon as the replacement defense army arrived, it was necessary to formally start to organize the people into households and clean up the tribes.

Luzhou is mainly based on the old land of Yalu Prefecture in Xijing, Bohai Sea, and has four states and eleven counties. It currently governs Shenlu (now Linjiang, Jilin), Shenhua (now Changbai, Jilin), and Cicheng (formerly Jianmen County in Shenzhou, now Cicheng in North Korea). ), Huandu (now Ji'an, Jilin), Qishui (now Jiangjie, North Korea), Fenghua (formerly Anfeng County, Fengzhou, now renamed Fenghua), Gewu (now Xinbin, Liaoning), seven counties, govern the sacred deer.

In both Xian and Lu Prefectures, Bohai demoted his officials to serve as local governors, but the military power was firmly in the hands of Li Congke. He currently had about 3,000 men at his disposal, all of whom were clearing the fortress and powerfully defeating the old soldiers of the Second Army.

The purpose of being demoted is to act like a bad person and confiscate the land, property, and property of aristocratic families.

Luzhou borders Xiazhou and Shenzhou in the west, Bohai Sea, Nanjing and Nanhai Prefecture in the east, Xianzhou in the north, and Andong Prefecture in the south by Wugu and Daxing counties.

These two counties are newly established. Wugu County is the former Bohai Wugu City (today's Fengcheng, Liaoning Province), and Dahang County is Dahang City (today's southwest of Dandxi, Liaoning Province). They are the eighth and eighth counties under the jurisdiction of Andong Prefecture respectively. The ninth county.

When someone leaves, someone will naturally come.

Luzhou suffered from wars for two consecutive years, and later there were rebellions, and the population dropped sharply. The Bohai people vacated the place, which was naturally filled by immigrants from the Central Plains. This kind of thing will not stop even if Shao Sheng leaves.

This chapter has been completed!
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