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Chapter 58 That’s it

You have been here to protect Shengzhou for more than a year, what are your thoughts?" On July 16, the father and son went into the mountains to hunt. During the rest, Shao Shude sat on the hillside, overlooking the endless wilderness below the mountain, and asked.

"I have a lot of insights, and I don't know where to start." Thirteen-year-old Shao Duanfeng was still a boy. His perception was that it was so boring, so poor, and the scenery was so monotonous. He always wanted to go back to Luoyang—or even to Peking and Chang'an.


"Let me put it another way, what do you think is the most important thing here?" Shao Shude asked.

From here you can see Ximi County from a distance.

There are only 500 households in the city, and there are about 700 or 800 households on the outer edge of the city wall. It is almost noon, smoke is rising from the kitchen, and every household is cooking.

Is it really poor? It depends on what angle you look at it.

For ordinary people, daily necessities are definitely in short supply. Even if they can be purchased, the quality may not be good and the price is still expensive.

For rich people, slightly more advanced products cannot be enjoyed. It’s not that they have no money, but that they are really out of stock. For example, Mengding tea, a famous tea in Sichuan, can be drunk in Chang’an, Luoyang, Peiping, and even Huazhou and Bianzhou

, Shaanzhou, Taiyuan, Yunzhou and other places can buy it. Protect the Holy State? Just dream about it.

For powerful people, without a powerful family with whom to associate, they cannot accumulate connections for their family, and they cannot make progress.

Of course, this situation is not limited to Protecting the Holy State, it can happen in any small place, but it is particularly serious here.

But from another perspective, the country is rich in resources per capita and can even be called wealthy.

A counterintuitive understanding is that the protein intake of savages is often richer than that of ordinary people in farming areas. They follow a standard social Darwinism, survival of the fittest. Those who are not strong enough cannot catch prey, so they will die.

.Selected from generation to generation, the physiques are often very strong.

There are few people in Husheng Prefecture, but it has a vast territory. Although most of it is wasteland covered with pasture, which may seem inferior to crop fields, but because there are so few people and so much land, life is often quite decent.

Seeing the smoke from every household, Shao Shude was also hungry. Xia Luqi didn't know how to serve people, he only knew how to fight and kill, but Zhong Yanyou had quick eyes and quick hands and immediately brought the roasted venison.

Shao Duanfeng acted quickly and immediately cut the meat for his father, saying, "The most important thing is to win over people's hearts." Shao Shude nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Did you realize this, or was it taught by others?"


"My son had this idea, but he didn't know what to do. Wang Fu asked the heads of each clan to select some direct descendants and send them over, who were similar to his age." Shao Duanfeng said: "Wang Fu taught us poetry and calligraphy in the morning

"Classic, in the afternoon the Western Army will let us practice martial arts together, and sometimes we will play polo, fish, and hunt."

Wang Fu is Chuck, he was born as a Jinshi, and he is still very good.

Xiang Ye of the Dian Army is actually very young. The commander of the Puzhou Prefecture Army, Xiang Chouyu's son, has made meritorious service during the conquest of Khitan. "The method is not bad." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Are they those people?"

He pointed at a dozen young men standing not far away.

"That's them." Shao Duanfeng said excitedly: "I have the best knowledge among them, and my martial arts are not bad either." "Do they act in a systematic and measured manner?"

"My son thinks they are too respectful.,

"The grassland is so precious. You are my seed, how can they not be in awe of you?" Shao Shude laughed, took the cut venison from his son's hand, and asked: "Besides, what else can win people over?

What's the solution?"

"My father-in-law said that the father has to make the final decision in matters of marriage. The principal concubine can only come from the Central Plains, but there is no need for a concubine. If my father-in-law allows it, I can choose two or three daughters of the clan leaders to be brought into the palace to show their closeness.

." Shao Duanfeng replied.

"Chuck has actually thought very carefully." Shao Shude sighed.

He has already scouted out Balang's marriage. The daughter of the Song family in Xihe is a clan member of Prime Minister Song Le.

The Song family in Xihe has developed very rapidly in recent years. In addition to the main family in Hedong, there are also branches in Xiazhou, Lingzhou, and Luoyang - basically following the footsteps of Shao Shude.

No one is married to the Shaw family

Being a prostitute is better than having money. Of course, people are ecstatic about something that can improve their status and promise to give a large dowry.

To be honest, Shao Shude planned to ask people to send the dowry items first: books, seeds, farm tools, cattle, etc. In addition, he would also recruit a large number of craftsmen, guardians, and sound people to go north. The children of the Song family who are interested in official careers would also

There may be hundreds of people who will go there, which can definitely bring the economic level of Protecting the Holy State to a new level - Shao Shude still has a lot of experience in selling sons and daughters.

"My grandpa has arranged your marriage for you. The niece of Zhongshu Song Shilang will get married in a few years." Shao Shude was embarrassed to mention the dowry, so he said instead: "Of course the local Xihao also wants to win over, but you have to

Be sensible, and before the lady gets married, show some restraint and don't ruin the reputation of Mr. Song."

"Your little followers, let them come over and let me take a look." Shao Shude ate a piece of venison and said. A dozen teenagers were quickly called over. They fell to the ground and said in unison: "I

Long live the emperor!"

"Get up. Give me a seat and some food." Shao Shude ordered.

The silver-saddled samurai brought many futons and a nearly roasted wild boar for everyone to share in a simple and crude military style.

"They are all good young men." Shao Shude suddenly sighed as he looked at the respectful children of the chieftain.

Time is the most ruthless thing in the world.

Human cells can only divide more than sixty times, and the time comes.

When he was young, he felt the majestic power in his body, but this power has gradually left him.

He was confident that he could easily kill any one of the teenagers in front of him in a single fight, but that would depend on his honed skills and rich fighting experience, not on crushing them with strength.

I am getting old after all.

"No need to be restrained." Seeing that the young man was a little reserved, Shao Shude smiled and ordered his entourage to bring wine and pour it for everyone.

No matter how ignorant the young people are, they still know how to stand up and express gratitude.

Everyone sit down. You will all inherit your own family business and protect my son in the future. I offer you a drink." Shao Shude picked up the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp.

Everyone hurriedly drank the wine in their glasses and looked at each other in confusion.

Some of them are indeed family heirs, and some are not. Could it be that the saint said...

Xia Ruqi stood behind Shao Shude and took over the job of cutting meat. He still had time to take a look at these teenagers. Haha, he was still confused. The saint said that you can inherit the family business, so it must be possible. Your father is still

Dare you disobey? Prince Husheng studied with these young men and grew up together. This friendship is naturally extraordinary.

After the young men inherit the family business, they will become the new clan leaders. With their support, there is a high probability that the Holy Protector State can be stabilized.

As for the next few generations, who knows!

There are about 50,000 people protecting the Holy State, with a maximum of 15,000 men, young and old. There will not be more than 10,000 people suitable for fighting. Moreover, the Seven Holy States have already demarcated their state boundaries, and they are not allowed to cross the border at will to graze or farm.

Soldiers are allowed to meet each other, and when conflicts that are difficult to resolve are resolved by Beiya, they do not need to have a large army.

Just live with peace of mind. Shenzhou Yuan will come to recruit recruits regularly, and then you can go to the capital and live a good life. A very good solution, good for all parties.


After wandering around in the mountains for two or three days, Shao Shude wandered around the cultivated land and pastures of Hushengzhou.

During this period, we also encountered a group of immigrants from central Sichuan and Jiangxi crossing the border, with about 2,000 households.

In fact, the conditions were not bad. At least there were enough carriages so that the frail elderly, women and children could sit on them and continue on their way after recovering.

When they saw Shao Shude's yellow umbrella cover, everyone knelt down.

Shao Shude knew that these people were resentful towards him. But which generation of immigrants had no resentment towards the court or the emperor? In the Ming Dynasty, people would even be tied up and driven away, otherwise the people would be willing?

Just be resentful. After one generation, everything will disappear.

After finding out that these people were common people, Shao Shu

De ordered to distribute a batch of cheese, preserved meat, grain and beans to them so that their life on the road would not be so difficult.

On July 20th, Shao Shude said goodbye to Hushengzhou and set off south.

Several prime ministers saw that the saint was preoccupied and looked at each other for a few times. Finally, Chen Cheng stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the people of the holy state are safe and the cattle and sheep are wild. The king of the protector county is sensible and knows how to use people well. The north is settled.


Shao Shude nodded slightly and said nothing.

He knew that the prime ministers didn't care at all about these "bitter cold lands" and "barren lands". If you entrusted the wealthy Hebei and Henan to enfeoffment, they would jump on it.

Seeing that Shao Shude was silent, Zhao Guangfeng tried to figure out the holy intention and stepped forward: "I would like to congratulate your Majesty. The former Tang Dynasty had great achievements, but it did not control the land of Seven Saints. The country got it and divided the kings. It is so stable

Over the past few decades, the border troubles have been eliminated, and His Majesty's kindness to the people of the Central Plains is countless.

Shao Shude smiled again, feeling a little better.

As a half-modern person, he was naturally resistant to various enfeoffments. In fact, not only modern people, but also those who developed into the Tang Dynasty were also very resistant.

During the Zhenguan period, Li Shimin established feudal kings, but was blocked by the ministers.

In fact, he had this idea for more than a day or two. He had been rebuffed by ministers before, but later he took a step back and changed his title to "Provincial Governor" and "Governor".

Taking King Li Yuanjing of Jing as an example, he can be hereditary governor of Jingzhou and at the same time hereditary governor of Jingzhou, so he can control the military and administration.

To be honest, is there any essential difference from Sima Yan's feudal kings? No.

The two of them actually faced the same problem, the threat from relatives and powerful family members, so they used this trick.

The effect of Sima Yan was very poor, and Li Shimin's policy was later abolished.

"What if someone makes trouble?" Shao Shude suddenly asked.

"Your Majesty, the grassland has the custom of the grassland. The kings of the Seven Holy States can only pull out more than ten thousand soldiers in one family, and their strength is low." Zhao Guangfeng said: "This is originally the Khitan, Xi people's pasture land. If you don't occupy it, others will have it for themselves."

Go and occupy it. Instead of doing this, it is better for the imperial court to occupy it. If your majesty is worried, you can make the Bei Yamen more strict, and then regularly draw the best of them to the court, then you will no longer have the power to resist."

Shao Shude nodded.

As long as he is alive, no one dares to rebel.

If the throne is passed to the second child in the future, based on his current performance, he may not be able to compete with the prime minister in politics, but he is very familiar with military affairs, and has also won the loyalty and love of a group of warriors. The strength of the Seven Saints State will most likely not be enough for him.

Fighting. If it goes on further, fuck, it can't be controlled - the emperor, who has the right name and the entire Central Plains, can't be justified if he can't defeat the scattered vassal kings of the Seven Sacred States.

To put it bluntly, even if you really can't play the game, after the feudal king enters the capital, he still has to go to the ancestral temple to worship his ancestors, and his meal of pig head meat is indispensable.

so be it.

This chapter has been completed!
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