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Chapter 48 Delivering food

 Outside Yazhou City, people were shouting and neighing, and the lights were brightly lit.

After hearing the result of the Battle of Pingqiang River, Li Tangbin cursed loudly, saying that Li Lin was ignorant and scared people away.

The envoys who came back to report the victory were also aggrieved. They only came to fight in formation. They didn't expect the thieves to be so inexperienced. Who can blame them? If it were Zhu Quanzhong's left and right armies, they probably wouldn't be able to attack...

Li Tangbin became even angrier when he heard this. But he was too lazy to argue with the little messenger. He ordered on the spot to speed up the pace, and each ministry showed its magic and quickly found a way to cross the river.

The Yazhou garrison also left the city. They spread the defense line widely and sent people to patrol every corner in order to give timely warnings. As for Wang Jiao, the number one general in the city, he had followed the order of King Yan with nearly 3,000 people.

Go south and take over Changbin Pass.

At the time of his death, Li Tangbin arrived at the south bank, and surrounded by his personal entourage, he went to camp in Yang Qianzhen's abandoned camp.

"This battle is such a big scene!" Looking at the masters who were digging holes to bury the bodies, Li Tangbin suddenly felt a little emotional.

He has already received a report: During the daytime battle, more than 2,700 people were beheaded on the spot, and during the subsequent pursuit, another 3,200 were beheaded and more than 9,000 people were captured.

In addition, if you search carefully in the surrounding ravines, you can probably find a lot of corpses and capture some people.

This battle really defeated the thieves head-on, and the effect was very good.

"Li Dutou." Yan King Shao Mingyi came out of the camp in person and saluted: "The camp has been swept away. Dutou can rest in the camp. If it's too rough, you can go to the city."

"No need." Li Tangbin said directly: "What is Fei doing? After the army has completed crossing the river, the whole army will go south to fight the traitors decisively."

"The mountain road ahead is steep, and the only place that can push away the army is the area in Hanyuan County, Lizhou." Shao Mingyi reminded.

"What a young and energetic prince." Li Tangbin laughed and said: "This time is a bit risky, but - he is very courageous. He also seizes the opportunity very accurately, and he is somewhat enthusiastic."

Shao Mingyi couldn't tell whether Li Tangbin was praising him or hurting him. He could only say: "Dutou is an important general of the country. If he has time, he will have the audacity to ask for advice."

"It's good that you think so." Li Tangbin smiled and said: "To be honest, the battle of Yazhou is not very interesting. Even if you can only read the military book rigidly and follow the above items, you can still defend it without leakage.

.This test cannot reveal your true ability.”

"In the past, the saints said: First-class generals and troops can penetrate deep into the enemy's territory and launch an attack on their own initiative."

"The second-class army can take the initiative to launch attacks within its own territory."

"Third level, hold on to enemy territory."

"The last one, stick to your own territory."

"Whether an army can show its true ability is often reflected in its offense. Offense is far more difficult than defense. I won't even take a look at the so-called 'famous generals' who rely on defense."

Li Tangbin spoke in a nonchalant manner, which suddenly silenced everyone around him.

Li Tangbin didn't take it seriously. He didn't target anyone, he was talking about the best principles in the military.

Isn't it true that attacking tests the general's ability and the overall strength of the troops? I didn't say that King Yan wouldn't attack, it was just a small reminder.

"The first words made me enlightened." Shao Mingyi bowed again and said, "I hope Mr. Li will give you more advice later."

When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something. Li Tangbin still understands this truth, but King Yan's attitude is very good and makes him feel comfortable. I will teach him more skills in the future.

"Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Your Highness is the coach. Fighting this battle well is more important than anything else." Li Tangbin said, "Have you prepared horse materials?"

"The bran, beans, and hay have already been prepared." Shao Mingyi replied.

Li Tangbin immediately gave him a high look. King Yan knew exactly when to do something.

"People can do without food and sleep, but horses can't. Your Highness is determined." After Li Tangbin finished speaking, he immediately called Yang Hongyin and He Delun, asking them to quickly send people to collect horse feed and hurry up to feed the horses.

Li Lin, the Qingdao beheading envoy, had conquered Changbin Pass. The situation was excellent, so of course he had to pursue the attack immediately.

Every time he thinks about this guy's performance, Li Tangbin feels both happy and worried.

What makes me happy is that he is so brave and dares to fight hard.

The worry is don't go too far and destroy the vanguard.

Based on this consideration, follow-up support is very necessary. At present, it mainly relies on four-legged cavalry reinforcements. Later, as the distance gradually lengthens, the cavalry will fall behind, and then it will have to rely on the tens of thousands of infantry at his disposal.

Shao Mingyi hesitated for a long time and finally said nothing.

He actually knew Li Tangbin's plan very well.

He also really wanted to gather his troops and rush to Zheng Renmin to show him the majesty of the Prince of Daxia.

As a young man, who hasn’t fantasized about it?

Perhaps if he were more than ten years older, he would no longer have these emotions that could be called passionate or boring. But at this moment, he really wanted to accomplish extraordinary feats and have everyone admire him.

Just think about it.

Shao Mingyi smiled bitterly and hoped that Li Lin would play well.


Li Lin indeed charged hard enough.

They found some rice and pickles abandoned by the bandits in Changbin Pass. After eating them hastily, they leaned against the wall, closed their eyes, rested, and regained their strength.

At half past eight, the officers walked around and woke up the sergeants who had almost rested.

Everyone was silent and began to sort out the equipment.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horse hoofbeats in Guanbei, and it sounded like there were thousands of horses riding on them.

Li Lin did not dare to neglect, so he climbed to the top of the city in person, looked north, and at the same time sent people out of the city to negotiate.

After a while, the people who left the city came back and reported: "General Wang's men and horses totaled 500, and he brought more than 4,000 horses with him."

"Great!" Li Lin did not doubt that he was there and immediately ordered the city gate to be opened.

With more than 4,000 horses, they definitely brought all the means of transportation that Yazhou could raise. Whether it was the personal entourage of the King of Yan, the cavalry of the Shu army, or the cavalry of the Youguo army in the suburbs of the king, all the horses that could be used were here.

. Even the horses of the rich households and merchants in the city were all requisitioned - one of the specialties of Li and Yazhou is the "Sichuan horse". The Shu horse is not tall and does not run fast, but it is adapted to the terrain of the southwest.

Weather, just make do with it.

"Li Dalang's fierce pursuit, rapid pursuit and quick attack may have surprised the Southern Barbarians. This battle is going to be exciting." Wang Jiao looked at Li Lin and said with a somewhat envious tone.

He and Li Lin are not the same person.

Li Lin was a student of martial arts, and to some extent a disciple of the Emperor. He was very trusted, and as long as there was a real deficiency, he would be able to take over immediately without wasting time.

But he is not.

He was born in the army and worked his way up from the bottom. His family background was not good and he didn't provide any help. It was a stroke of luck that he could reach this point.

Now we have reached the crossroads of fate again. Li Lin was ordered to pursue the enemy, but he could only take over the defense of Changben Pass and wait for the next order.

"There will be many opportunities later." Li Lin laughed and said, "General Wang must not relax before Nanzhao is destroyed. There are many opportunities to kill the thieves and defeat the enemy, so why worry?"

"That's right." Wang Jiao smiled to himself and said, "Speaking of which, I wonder how many people envy us? Since the destruction of Huainan, the only ones who can make great contributions are the Western Regions. The Nanman's jumping out is an unexpected surprise. Brother, please go first.

The flag is set for victory.”

"I'll lend you some good words." Li Lin patted Wang Jiao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

The enemy was about to be pursued, so the two of them did not chat too much. After the preparations for the attack were completed, Li Lin waved his hand and led more than 3,000 people southward overnight to pursue the enemy.

There are still a few troops left behind at Changbin Pass. They are mainly responsible for taking in the stragglers of our own soldiers - if they pursue a long-distance pursuit, the enemy will fall behind, and of course some of Li Lin's vanguard army will fall behind.

Going south from Changbin Pass, the road is actually very difficult and dangerous.

Perhaps because it rained during the day, the ground was still muddy and slippery.

Fortunately, there were still stars and moons in the sky, otherwise he might have been thrown to pieces before he even saw the enemy in this pursuit.

But despite this, during the journey south, people still rolled down the valley from time to time, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Just as the ship will not stop if a sailor falls into the sea while sailing on the sea, no one will search for the ship that has fallen off the cliff.

They can only fend for themselves. This is a cruel battlefield.

At midnight, the army found a place to rest on a flat ground beside the mountain road.

Li Lin raised his eyes and looked around. There were dense woods and ravines of different depths everywhere on both sides. Farther away, there were endless mountains, which were dark in the night, giving him a lot of pressure.

There is occasional movement in the valley. It may be caused by wild animals, but it is more likely caused by humans.

Li Lin was too lazy to search.

He knew very well that there must be a large number of broken troops hiding among these mountains. But these unorganized people were not scary and did not pose any threat. As long as they were faster than them, everything would not be a problem.

After the rest, he led everyone on the horse again. The horse was reluctant, restless, and even kicked people, but after being comforted, everyone finally got on the horse and rushed south.

——Soldiers can endure hardship, but horses cannot endure hardship. It's really outrageous!

At the ugly time, when everyone was feeling a little demoralized by the lonely and dangerous march, the dozens of riders at the front suddenly stopped.

"Get ready to kill the thief!"

"Get ready to kill the thief!"

"Get ready to kill the thief!"

Orders were passed on one after another until the end of the dark night.

Li Lin took a deep breath.

Not far ahead, thousands of thieves were setting up camp.

They seemed to have just arrived and were in chaos. They didn't even have time to send out the scout posts. They were unloading the goods, felling the wood, and lighting the fire...

"The cavalry is in front, heading straight towards the depths of the bandit camp to disrupt it."

"The infantry is behind, rush to the front of the camp, dismount, and charge as a whole team to kill."

Orders were passed on one after another.

In fact, there is no need to do this. With intention and unintentional, there seems to be a lot of masters among the Southern Barbarians in front of him, and he is afraid that they will be in chaos if they are charged by the cavalry. But Li Lin still subconsciously follows the rules - he fights randomly without following the rules.

Maybe you can win this time, but if you encounter a tough challenge, you will suffer a big loss.

After the order was delivered, Li Lin raised Tie Lao high and said: "Today——"

"It's just death!" the sergeants responded in unison.

The sound was not loud, but a strong murderous aura instantly filled the air, covering the whole place like a mountain of mist.

More than four hundred riders took the lead, covering a short distance of several hundred steps.

The infantry clamped down on the horse's belly and followed closely behind.

During the charge, people kept falling into the valley, but the entire long dragon still rushed into the enemy camp with an irresistible momentum.

The sword struck the astonished enemy soldier's chest.

Horse hooves trample the desperate enemy's back.

Cries kept coming and going.

The entire camp exploded almost instantly...

Thousands of thieves and soldiers were rushing towards the enemy, not knowing what was happening.

The thousands of soldiers Zheng Renmin sent overnight to cut down trees and set up fences were just to deliver food.

This chapter has been completed!
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