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Chapter 54 Messengers and Ideas

 It was already mid-July when the envoys from Dachang and the Kingdom arrived in Yazhou.

Li Tangbin has already gone south to Lizhou, and Shao Mingyi is also supervising the shipment of a batch of grain, grass and equipment in preparation for going south to Yizhou.

This time, they planned to fight as far south as possible.

The opportunity is very good. The main force of the Southern Barbarians was severely damaged in the first battle. If the 100,000-strong army can sneak back, 30% is considered too much. There are also tens of thousands of strong men, some from Li and Yazhou, and many from the bandit realm, no less than 30,000.

Calculating carefully, this time Dachowa Kingdom lost at least more than 100,000 men in the area under its direct control. They were still relatively capable of fighting. How much ability did the remaining crooked melons and jujubes have to resist?

If you miss this opportunity and give the Nanban ten or twenty years to recover, the boys will grow up and be trained into soldiers, the women will have more children, their household registration will be enriched, and the national strength will gradually recover. If we fight again at that time, it will not be that simple.


Adult men are the most important part of a country's national strength. This is a truth that everyone understands.

The envoy sent by the Southern Barbarians named Zheng Yuan. As soon as he came up, he said that Zheng was from the Central Plains, cultivated friendships, and built relationships. His words were humble and sincere, which was very convincing.

Shao Mingyi was in a hurry to go south and had no time to talk to him. He just asked: "Zheng Jun talked about the origin of his ancestors. I want to ask, when he sent troops to invade the north, did he not think about who he was?"

Hearing this, Zheng Yuan kept smiling apologetically and said: "Our country's trust is already known to be wrong. I only hope that the emperor of a great country will have a broad mind and that the two countries can rebuild their old friendship. Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

"You will be rampant when you are successful, and you will pretend to be dead if you can't win. Is there such a cheap thing in the world?" Shao Mingyi said with a smile: "There is no need to say anything envoy. The matter is serious and I can't make the decision. You'd better go to Chang'an to meet the saint. You

You'd better act quickly, don't wait for me to capture the two capitals, you haven't seen the saint yet."

Zheng Yuan looked a little ugly and asked, "Does Your Highness know about Zhang Qiantuo and Xianyu Zhongtong's old affairs?"

Shao Mingyi laughed loudly. Did he realize that good words had no effect, so he threatened him? The Southern Barbarian monarchs and ministers were at this level, so there was nothing to worry about.

Of course he knew about Zhang Qiantuo and Xianyu Zhongtong.

The former was the prefect of Yunnan County (Yaozhou) - during the Tianbao period of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, there was a retro trend, and the prefecture was changed to a county, and the governor was changed to the prefecture - Luo Feng, the king of Nanzhao, passed through Yaozhou many times, always bringing his wife to visit

, Zhang Qiantuo kept it "privately" every time, and Ge Luofeng didn't mind.

But when Zhang Qiantuo asked for a large amount of property, he refused.

Ge Luofeng's attitude is very clear. You can play with my wife as you wish, but I cannot give you soldiers, territory, money or food.

Zhang Qiantuo held a grudge against this, secretly reported his crime, and suggested that Ge Luofeng's younger brother should be replaced as the king of Nanzhao.

Ge Luofeng was so angry that he raised an army to rebel and conquered Yaozhou. Zhang Qiantuo knew that he had stabbed a big trap and committed suicide by drinking poison.

Xian Yu Zhongtong, the envoy of Jiannan Festival, heard that Ge Luo Feng had rebelled and raised 80,000 troops to attack. Ge Luo Feng apologized and was willing to withdraw from Yaozhou and compensate for the losses.

I wrote, if you forgive Ge Luofeng, the problem will be huge and war will officially break out.

Xianyu Zhongtong led his army directly into the Erhai area and was defeated by Geluofeng. The 80,000 Tang troops lost their lives and 60,000 were injured. However, Nanzhao also suffered heavy losses because the local area suffered so much. The originally densely populated areas were burned, killed, and looted by the Tang troops.

, the population dropped sharply, and the only reduction was the population of the Wuman headquarters - there is no historical record of what tactics Ge Luofeng used. It was most likely a nationwide resistance, scorched earth warfare, etc. Otherwise, the local people would not have suffered such heavy losses.

Zheng Yuan took this matter as an example, and his general meaning was that even if the Xia army attacked the capital of Nanzhao like Xianyu Zhongtong did, there would be no good results and they would inevitably suffer a disastrous defeat.

"The envoy doesn't need to use his words." Shao Mingyi smiled, then pulled Zheng Yuan to the top of the city, pointed to a crowded camp in the distance, and said, "Do you know who the people are there?"

Zheng Yuanruo realized something, but said nothing.

"Those are the prisoners of your country, totaling more than 35,100 people. In a few days, nearly 20,000 people captured at Dadu River will be escorted." Shao Mingyi said: "When this battle is over,

There may be more prisoners. The saint has an order to send them all to Jiangning Mansion to build the palace city."

Zheng Yuan looked ugly.

The number of troops that Biaoxin Zheng Renmin brought to Huichuan Dudufu was less than 20,000, and there were also a large number of tribal men among them. Judging from the number of people, at least 120,000 to 30,000 failed to come back. Among them, most of them died at the hands of the Xia people

It would not exceed 20,000. There were 50,000 or 60,000 people captured by them. So where did the other 50,000 people go?

He can probably guess some.

In addition to those who died after falling off the cliff, there were also a large number of people who panicked and hid in the mountains. One month had passed and if these people had not escaped successfully, they would most likely have died in the mountains.

Starvation, disease, and even hunting by the tribe's cave master are all possibilities. Being captured by the Xia people is considered lucky, at least you can live for a long time. If you are lucky, you might even be pardoned.

"Don't think too much." Shao Mingyi glanced at Zheng Yuan and said, "There are some people you shouldn't mess with. There are so many kings in ancient times, some are magnanimous, some are gentle, some are cunning, and some are unfathomable. Every king is

It’s different. Have you ever thought carefully about what kind of person you are today?”

Zheng Yuan was speechless.

"Tomorrow I will send someone to take you to Chang'an." Shao Mingyi added: "The fate of Changhe and the country depends entirely on the saint's thoughts."

After that, he went straight down to the top of the city.

The fate of the country of Ojo and Japan is actually not static. In fact, nothing in this world is static.

In Shao Mingyi's view, if Dachang and his country fought well on the battlefield and caused heavy losses to the Xia army, then they might not be unable to negotiate peace with them.

But now it’s all like this, is it possible?

If you want the saint to change his mind, you have to show your power. This is the most important thing.

Zheng Yuan sighed softly, he already had a premonition that it would be difficult to achieve his goal.

There were sergeants on the move in the east of Yazhou City. The flags could not be seen clearly from a distance, but there were many of them, tens of thousands of them.

Judging from the golden drum banner, it seemed that he was not as good at fighting as the Xia soldiers he had encountered before - Li Lin chased Zheng Renmin and fled all the way. As a clan member, Zheng Yuan looked at the 10,000 people in front of him from beginning to end.

Maybe not an elite front-line unit.


Dachangheguo was also confused and confused, and it seemed that it was no longer possible. He lost an army of 100,000, and he was beaten! Zheng Yuan even doubted whether the Huichuan Governor's Mansion had been breached after he left.


On July 15th, escorted by dozens of Xia soldiers, he left Chengdu and headed north to Guanzhong.


Shao Shude got the news earlier than Zheng Yuan.

At this time, he had arrived in Qinzhou and moved into the Zhao family's old house. Because the imperial concubine Zhao Yu was seriously ill and bedridden, he didn't go out much. He just walked around Qinzhou to see the mountains and rivers here and learn more about it.

The daily life of ordinary people.

Of course, some relatively important memorials will also be reviewed during this period, the most important of which is the Southwest War.

Zhu Yanshou's 18,000-strong Dragon and Tiger Army set out from Bozhou to attack the Kunming tribe who responded to the Nanman tribes.

He struggled a lot along the way.

Central Guizhou is not rich to begin with and needs to transport grain and grass from Huguang. However, Huguang’s population is not large and the degree of development is not high. It can barely support his army. The problem is that it still needs land transportation and it is still mountainous. The cost is

It goes to heaven and often cannot be sent to the front line in time.

Zhu Yanshou was not a good person, and his soldiers were not good people, so he began to raise food on the spot.

There is no need to go into details about the process of raising food. Anyway, many tribes were forced to rebel. After rushing into the Kunming tribal area, they often had to attack one mountain fortress after another. There were enemies everywhere, and the progress was appallingly slow.

By the time the West Route Army had rushed to the Huichuan Governor's Mansion, it still had not left the area where the Kunming tribe was active, and suffered many casualties, losing three to four thousand people. Shao Shude had ordered it to attack slowly and clean up the surrounding areas first, and then make other plans.


The Gu Quan Military Department in Yongzhou is still suppressing the rebellious barbarians, and there is no end in sight.

The Qing navy conquered the rebellion in Aizhou and other places, and even suffered a defeat. Fortunately, they regrouped and won consecutive battles recently, turning the tide in one fell swoop and conquering Aizhou.

Shulu Porun and Yang Shihou, the partial commanders of the West Route Army, were blocked by the Manchu tribe in the south of Rongzhou. They had few troops and had stopped. However, after hearing about Zheng Renmin's defeat, these tribes changed their attitude and provided cattle

After drinking and working hard, the army is like a chameleon.

These trends forced Shao Shude to face a very real problem: in a traditional Han land like Hanzhong where a large number of barbarian tribes exist - one of the specialties of Shannan West Road is cattle cloth - this

What attitude should you give to them?

This cannot be solved in one or two generations, or even in one or two hundred years, so it is necessary to prioritize.

The Tang Dynasty had already developed Jiangdong and Jiangxi on a large scale. Jiangdong was better and Jiangxi was slightly worse. He no longer had to worry about these two places. The general trend was already established. Even if no resources were invested, the last barbarians in Jiangxi would slowly be assimilated.

It then became another traditional Han region.

After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, a large number of people moved south to Huguang, and the Southern Song Dynasty carried out large-scale development here to support the Xiangyang front line. Therefore, the speed of Sinicization can be described as rapid.

Huguang can actually accommodate a large population, especially when the population surged in the middle and late New Dynasty. Should we keep it first?

Compared with Huguang, central Sichuan is another "heavily affected area" by barbarians. Not to mention the vast barbarian residential areas in the Daba Mountain area to the north. Speaking of the south alone, the Han forces also spent hundreds of years slowly moving southward.

When entering the Li and Ya area, there were numerous back and forths and see-saws.

Who dares to say that Yibin, Luzhou, Leshan, and Zigong in later generations are not Han areas? But if you go and take a look at this time, you will find that the average population in a county is only a few thousand households, compared with a county near Chengdu in the north with a population of 100,000 households.

, it’s really hard to stretch.

However, there are countless barbarian gangsters in the local area, and they are not under the control of the government at all. At best, King Mu has been in power for many years and is relatively submissive. The transformation of the southwest direction is not a patent of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In fact, it has been going on since ancient times.

.Sichuan has not yet completed its land reform and return to local rule, and you do not have the foundation for large-scale transformation of Guizhou and Yunnan.

This time Li Tangbin went south, the three states of Li, Ya, and Xi suffered a catastrophe, and the remaining tribes were probably in decline. They would definitely be attacked next, and an artificial "Chinese corridor" was created from southern Sichuan to Yunnan.

This is something you can start doing in the near future.

As for the source of the population, Shao Shude looked at the household registration in Qinzhou and found that it was very prosperous - naturally he recruited people from Guanxi and Hebei.

"What did Zheng mean?" Shao Shude sat down and forgot the name of the Nanman envoy for a moment.

"Zheng Yuan." Han Quanjie, who accompanied him all the way from Chang'an to Qinzhou, reminded.

"Let Zheng Yuan come and see me." Shao Shude said, "Let's listen to what he said."

Of course, just listen.

In Shao Shude's eyes, Dachanghe Country is another Bohai.

He once read the records of the former Tang envoys who traveled to Nanzhao and knew that the existence of Nanzhao actually brought great changes to the local tribes, mainly in terms of cultural, economic and productivity improvements.

Taking the six major Jiedushi areas as an example, the farming level of the natives in the Ailao Mountains, Lancang River, northern Burma, and the area west of Gaoligong Mountain has greatly improved, the population has increased, and their horizons have become wider.

The upper class of Nanzhao Kingdom was very "Tang"-oriented.

Take Duan Yizong as an example. When he stayed in Shuzhong in history, he wrote quite good poems such as "Homesickness" - "Travelers in Lubei are gone, but letters from Yunnan have not been returned. If the flowers in front of the courtyard are not swept away, who will climb the willows outside the door"

. Sitting for a long time will eliminate the silver candle, and the more sorrow will reduce the jade beauty. Hanging on the heart, the moon shines on the mountains thousands of miles away.

His "Inscription of the Judge Praising Wei You for Listening to the Singing Girl's Cave Cloud Song" also shows its profound Han cultural heritage.

This kind of top-down sinicization is very similar to that of the Bohai Kingdom. The Tang Dynasty had military envoys, and Nanzhao also did it. The Tang Dynasty had government soldiers, and Nanzhao also learned from them. All kinds of official systems and even the tradition of appointing generals and becoming prime ministers are very


This country continued to absorb the culture of the Tang Dynasty, and then assimilated the barbarians within the jurisdiction of the six major Jiedu envoys. It did a very good job, and it also prepared the way for the later expansion of the dynasty in the southwest.

For this kind of country, Shao Shude can't bear to destroy it, but he also wants to eat it. Now that the war has reached this point, he will not hesitate. Even if he cannot eat all of it, the core two capital areas must be captured -

-Nanzhao and Dachanghe Kingdom also used the two capitals to control the surrounding towns and governor's offices.

This was his initial idea to use the "Sinicization Corridor" in southern Sichuan to connect Dali and Shanshan with the two capitals. Even if the envoys of Dacho and the Kingdom of Japan were to talk, it would be difficult for him to change his mind.


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