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Chapter 5 Servants

 Jiang Zhiwei walked on the field ridge with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

It had been raining heavily, and the soil was soaked soft. If it weren't for the quick eyesight and quick hands of his followers, he would have fallen down several times.

Even so, his boots and the hem of his official robe were also covered in mud, making him look very embarrassed.

This is Anshun County in Aizhou, the southern borderland of the Great Xia Dynasty. Further south in Aizhou, only the counties of Huanzhou are left - these two states are not good places to be honest, and there are often unrest.

The Qing Navy still has four commanders here with more than 6,000 people (out of a full strength of 8,000), and Huanzhou has also left about 5,000 people to suppress the local area and intimidate Xiaoxiao.

But is it useful? It may be useful in the short term, but in the long term, you still have to think of other methods, especially when the court is still doing things that lose people's support——

Jiang Zhiwei arrived at the pier quickly. He looked at his feet and saw that this area was filled with broken bricks and tiles to create a relatively dry land. However, after years of heavy pressure from oxcarts, it had been severely deformed and had accumulated a lot of puddles.

Jiang Zhiwei carefully avoided the puddles and continued walking forward.

The state general Liao Tong walked a few steps quickly and guarded the governor's side. The two hundred state soldiers looked at the dark crowd in the distance, slightly nervous, and subconsciously clenched the swords and guns in their hands.

There were cries on the pier. People staggered forward, gathering in batches at the port, waiting to set off on an unknown journey.

Aizhou rebelled for many years, and the Qing navy was so angry that the Qing navy was so angry that it ordered the people of Aizhou and Huanzhou who participated in the rebellion to be exiled to Liaodong and sent to the government soldiers as troops.

This is nothing, just a change of place to live. The problem is, the climate in Liaodong and Annan is almost the same as the sky and the earth, they are two extremes. Can so many people adapt to it? Can they survive?

The imperial court does not care about this issue. When we stop at Dengzhou on the way, it will be great to give you some sweaters and blankets, and you can carry the rest by yourself.

Jiang Zhiwei couldn't bear this.

As a large family in Aizhou, the Jiang family has very deep roots here. From their interests, they definitely hope that the local people they are familiar with can stay, so that they can exert their influence.

Unfortunately, the imperial court rejected his proposal and insisted that the families of the rebels be sent to Liaodong and replaced by people from the south of the Yangtze River.

The new immigrants have nothing to do with the Jiang family. They will naturally unite and become a new force in Aizhou.

This is what Mrs. Jiang is worried about, so she strongly opposes it.

However, the opposition was ineffective and the imperial court had already made up its mind and did nothing.

There were also people from the Central Plains newly disembarking from the ship at the pier.

Their faces were extremely pale and their eyes were dull. It was obvious that the bumps on the sea had exhausted their last energy. They were not in the mood to think about anything now and just wanted to take a breather.

There are also people who are in good spirits, but after seeing the desolate dock, they feel sad and cry softly.

Their ancestors used their sweat and lives to develop Jiangnan, but as a result they could not enjoy the happiness, so they came to Annan again and continued to use their sweat and lives to develop new land.

Why is it so painful!

Jiang Zhiwei walked to the thatched pavilion and sat down, sighing slightly when he saw this.

State Sima Liao Huan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Your Majesty, this batch of immigrants totals more than 1,700 households. Most of them come from Suzhou and Changzhou. Which county should they be assigned to?"

Jiang Zhiwei thought for a while and said, "Send them all to Changlin County. You can take them to find a place to resettle them. Remember, let them live together so as not to cause any trouble."

"As ordered." Liao Huan responded.

Changlin County is one of the six counties in Aizhou. It was originally not a county. It is located in the area of ​​​​Tinh Gia County, Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Perhaps because of its proximity to Huanzhou, the rebellion in Changlin County was relatively serious, and a large number of people were killed or exiled. , a lot of space was freed up to house more new immigrants.

"Since the beginning of winter last year, how many immigrants have arrived in total?" Jiang Zhiwei asked.

"In fact, there are more than 5,300 households." Liao Huan replied.

When the immigration ships set sail from Jiangnan, of course they not only carried so many immigrants, but even more ships. But they only counted the actual number of people and did not care about anything else.

"Fortunately, it's the last batch." Jiang Zhiwei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If there are more, we won't be able to help."

Immigration is not something you can simply slap on the head, fill in the immigration number casually, and issue as an order.

In fact, you have to consider not only your own transportation capacity, but also the reception capacity of the destination. Even more, is there enough land at the destination for the new immigrants to farm? How many years will it take to support them before they change from a relief object to a tax? Target? What is the local security situation? What should I do if immigrants flee? Will there be a large-scale epidemic? Wait, there are a lot of things to consider.

Aizhou has this condition. Even with support from Lingxi and Lingdong, there is still an annual immigration limit. If it is exceeded, trouble will easily occur.

As for why it is said to be the last batch today, it has to do with the climate.

Immigration ships heading south from the north generally go south in winter and spring when the north wind prevails, so it is easier to go south.

Immigration ships heading north from Annan usually go south in the summer and autumn, so it is relatively convenient to go north. If you are unlucky, you may encounter strong winds, waves or even typhoons. That depends on your fate.

To be fair, it is more reasonable to transport immigrants by ship.

Immigrants save themselves the hardship of traveling long distances, and do not need to expend their energy and die midway.

The imperial court saved most of the transportation expenses because the ships were fast and could travel hundreds of miles in a day and night, which was 20-30 times faster than walking speed when the wind and water were smooth.

Of course, everything has two sides.

Even though it is relatively safe to sail offshore, shipwrecks are still a topic that cannot be avoided. Every batch of fleets going south or north will unfortunately sink. It depends on personal luck.

In addition, ship maintenance also costs money, and the wages paid to sailors are very high, which is also a considerable expense.

But overall, the advantages of maritime immigration are very significant.

The speed is fast, the transportation volume is large, the cost is low, and much lower. In the past year, ships from the Pinghai Navy went south in batches, passing through the two transit ports of Mingzhou and Quanzhou, and arrived in Aizhou and Huanzhou to pick up immigrants. What a great contribution.

In a month or two, the ships gathered in Aizhou and Huanzhou will load a large number of Annan criminals, head north to Liaodong, and disembark at Yingkou.

There is no doubt that this is a maritime immigration channel filled with blood and tears.

It is unknown how many people perished at sea due to shipwrecks, or died of illness in the dark and damp bilges - infectious diseases were the most taboo on the ship, and those who died of illness or even those with slight symptoms were thrown into the sea without any hesitation.

"People's livelihood is so difficult." There was another commotion on the pier. The soldiers of the Qing Navy immediately went to suppress it with neat steps. Jiang Zhiwei sighed and couldn't bear to look any longer, got up and left.


It’s still cold and windy in Liaodong in mid-February.

Above the vast snowfield, a group of knights came on horseback and looked at the trembling people in the camp.

These are Annan people from Huanzhou.

Having grown up in a warm place since childhood, they cannot stand the bitter cold climate in Liaodong. Even with sweaters and blankets on their bodies, they are still so cold that their faces turn blue.

Those who couldn't adapt would immediately fall seriously ill, and then be taken to another place by the camp guards and isolated.

Those whose family members are willing to take care of them are welcome to do so, but they will also be detained for a while until their bodies recover and no abnormalities are seen.

An Feihu dismounted, handed the whip to an attendant, and walked toward the camp.

The entourage is from Bohai, has a tribal identity, and also rides a horse.

An Feihu is not worried about him running away.

If a monk can escape, he can't escape from the temple. If a man escapes, his parents, wife and children are still there, so he doesn't want them anymore? Besides, the only people he can bring out are those who have gained his trust. Not every cat or dog has the opportunity to be an attendant.

"Why are they from Annan?" An Feihu walked into the camp and heard words he didn't understand. He was immediately disappointed.

He is a soldier in Hailong County, Xiazhou. There are already two tribes in his family, one is from Bohai and the other is from Annan, so he can hear the unique accent of his speech.

"What? Are you still picking and choosing?" The clerk holding the booklet in his hand smiled and said: "It's good to have a score. There are still more than 10,000 households in Xiazhou, and the imperial court plans to resolve the matter this year. .Just because of this, the Zhechong Prefecture of M, Meng, Yi, Mu, Ji and other states are very unhappy. If you are willing to wait and let people out, I believe they will be very happy."

"What the hell!" An Feihu cursed, then turned around.

There were many braziers piled up in the barracks, and several fire pits were also installed. All the Annan people were sitting or lying in silence.

An Feihu was tall and tall, with a strong body. He was wearing a fox fur, a bearskin hat, cowhide gloves on his hands, and his face was smeared with anti-cold pig ointment, breathing in the heat.

The Annan people had obviously never seen such an honor, and they were subconsciously afraid after seeing it.

An Feihu walked around the crowd.

The thumping sound of the deerskin boots seemed to hit the hearts of everyone.

"I'll go check out the other barracks." After completing a circle, An Feihu turned to leave.

"No." The clerk stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "According to the rules, you can only choose one person from the eighth barracks of A."

An Feihu became excited.

The civil servant did not give in, looked at him, and said: "They all came here at the end of last autumn, and they have been raised all winter. They should be in good health and capable of doing farm work. If everyone is as picky as you

,Are you going to stop messing up?"

An Feihu's hand was already caressing the handle of the knife. After a long time, he snorted coldly and said: "Who doesn't know your background when a fox pretends to be a tiger? I'm too lazy to argue with you. I'll lose my standing."

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the fire pit, pointed at the scabbard and said, "It's your home. Four people, right? Come with me."

It was a young couple with two children.

Seeing the ferocious An Feihu, the couple was a little frightened, and the children even burst into tears.

"Peng!" An Feihu threw three sets of sheepskin coats on the kang and said, "Put them on, don't freeze to death on the road."

After saying that, he frowned again and said, "I still need something for children. Damn it, I have to look down and find someone to borrow it."

The family of four couldn't understand what he was saying. They only knew that the man, who was as tall as a door panel, was angry, so they became more careful. The wife even covered the child's mouth.

"When you meet me, just have some fun. There is smoke coming out of the ancestral graves." An Feihu snorted coldly, not caring whether they understood or not, and said to himself: "I will plow the fields after the spring begins. If you dare to be lazy,

I will definitely beat you with a whip until your skin is bruised."

The clerk coughed and reminded: "An Dalang, they are not slaves, they are just servants."

"Okay, okay, do you need to remind me?" An Feihu waved his hand impatiently and said, "You can't kill anyone."

The civil servants didn't take it seriously.

This was a routine reminder because the Fu Bing tribe was indeed not slaves, but common people. Strictly speaking, they just rented the fields under the Fu Bing name and were tenants.

In fact, their life is better than that of slaves. They can have their own property and live a pretty good life. Some people even have more food than they did in their hometown.

Strictly speaking, they are tenants with a serious personal dependence relationship. They cannot leave the owner's house at will without permission. It is more appropriate to describe them as serfs.

"Let's go, stop dawdling." An Feihu left the barracks and stood outside urging.

This chapter has been completed!
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