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Chapter 7 Relatives and Friends

 The origin of Tonghua cloth is in the Nujiang River Valley, but the sales market is not here.

In normal times, Tonghua cloth is mainly consumed in Dali, Shanchan, and Yongchang. Since Yunnan returned to Daxia and became a royal territory, a larger market has opened up.

Since March, merchants have been returning north from the Nujiang River area one after another, transporting large quantities of Tonghua cloth to Dali by mules and horses.

Zhuge Xing has been in Dali for a long time.

As a member of the Zhuge family in Hanzhong, he now works for his uncle Zhuge Zhongbao. He travels around Dali and Kunzhou all year round, purchasing various commodities, and then transports them out of Sichuan via Jiannan and enters the vast Central Plains market.

As for the profit, I can only say that it is just okay.

Take Tonghuabu as an example. It specializes in a rare item and is aimed at people with spare money.

Zhuge Trading Company even asked literati to write many articles. Starting from the origin of Tonghuabu, he entered the Central Plains when he mentioned the Han Dynasty, and then made up a few short stories, either poignant and moving, or inspirational, and slowly added such things

A layer of halo.

However, the sales volume is still not very big. If you sell 8,000 horses to Wan'er in a year, it will be enough to hit the sky. It is still relatively narrow and short in size.

The yellow cane and red cane are also operated in the same way. They even moved Bai Juyi out and made them more exquisite. They focus on the mid-to-high-end market and sell more than a thousand pieces a year.

Just make do with it, after all, after excluding all kinds of expenses, you can still make a decent profit, that's enough...

It was a pleasant afternoon. After getting up from his nap, Zhuge Xing took a teapot, moved a wicker chair, and sat under a big tree, watching the people coming and going on the post road across the river.

This is his favorite thing to do.

The post road on the other side of the river was extremely busy, with a constant flow of people of all kinds. There were warriors, officials, merchants, monks, immigrants, and prisoners.

Seeing their busyness, running around, and the various emotions revealed all over their bodies, he felt particularly refreshed.

What is contrast? This is contrast.

I am sitting comfortably under a big tree drinking tea and resting, but you are busy running around day by day. Seeing you like this, I feel that I have not wasted my time.

A large number of horse-drawn carriages were coming in the opposite direction, and it was impossible to see the end.

Zhuge Xing, who was somewhat drowsy, raised his eyelids and saw the person lying in the car, and he suddenly became interested.

Look at the people guarding the carriage, oh, General Tu’s warriors! Which tribe is this back from conquering?

He opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at every car passing by.

Some cars had sick and wounded people lying on them, some cars carried goods, and some cars contained women and children.

Bah! This gang of killers robbed and played a lot, right?

General Tu arrived last year to take over from the Youguo Army who had gone back to rest. There were 25,000 troops in the army, mainly stationed in Dali, Yaozhou, and Kunzhou. Tengzhou also sent 3,000 troops to suppress these four

A prefecture that the imperial court valued most.

Starting last autumn, General Tu sent nearly 10,000 people north to Quzhou to unite with the 8,000-strong Golden Spear Army that went south to replace the Dragon and Tiger Army to suppress the chiefs and cave masters from various tribes who suddenly rebelled.

This fight lasted for several months. By the end of September, even Li Tangbin went there in person, wondering what the fuss was about.

The barbarians in the Tonghai Dudu Mansion were inspired by this and also rebelled.

Shao Mingyi, King of Yan, personally led the 6,000-strong Forbidden Army in Kunzhou and the 10,000-strong Golden Spear Army. They severely suppressed the attack and killed many people.

All in all, it was a mess, even more intense than the war when the Changhe Zheng family was destroyed.

Why is this happening?

Zhuge Xing was not a high official in the court, so he didn't know the reason. However, according to his own analysis, it was probably related to what the court was doing in Quzhou and Tonghai Dudu Mansion.

Somehow, the imperial court suddenly wanted to renovate the Shimen Road in Rongzhou as the second post road to Yunnan. Now it is making preparatory work, that is, setting up a county in Quzhou, clearing household registration, and stationing floating officials.

This suddenly stirred up a hornet's nest.

The barbarians in Quzhou had already had conflicts with Wang Shi, and they fought for a long time when the Dragon and Tiger Army passed through the border. Later, Zheng Renmin was defeated too quickly, so he quickly changed his face and submitted to the imperial court.

But this is only temporary. Everyone can see that the barbarians in Quzhou value their own interests the most. As long as you don't ask for it from them, then of course you are good to me and everyone is good to you. But now the imperial court wants land from them and has to clear it out.

How can this be done through household registration and registration of households to equalize the people? So rebellion is inevitable.

I really can't say who is right or wrong in this matter.

Perhaps many things in history are like this. Behind the superficial glamor, there are hidden blood and tears that are unknown to everyone. Some people still argued about these blood and tears at the beginning, but after the time dimension stretched to decades or even hundreds of years, everything disappeared.

All that is left are fait accompli, such as——

Who does Yunnan belong to?

"Uncle Qi, we are here." Four or five young people rushed over.

Zhuge Xing withdrew his gaze, looked at the younger generations of the family, and said, "Are you all ready?"

"It's ready." Zhuge Shisan, the leader, said, "All the goods have been counted and there is no shortage."

Zhuge Xing nodded and asked, "Is the family settled as well?"

Zhuge Shisan was a little moved and said: "Uncle Qi, we have settled down too."

Zhuge Shisan is the fourth generation of the Zhuge family. He is twenty-seven years old this year and defected to Hanzhong from Qingzhou.

But he was restless by nature. When he was in Hanzhong, relying on his status as a member of the Zhuge tribe, he was always aggressive and aggressive. His reputation was so bad that he didn't even have a wife.

Later, the Zhuge family fell into decline, and Thirteenth Lang felt that it was not an option to continue living like this, so he followed Zhuge Xing to Yunnan. Unexpectedly, fortune turned and he married an official lady in Dali - to be precise, an official widow.

But this widow was good-looking and had a lot of money, so even with a son and a daughter, Zhuge Xing was still very happy and married her. Now that his daughter-in-law is pregnant again, Zhuge Xing is worried that he will fall in love with his family.

, so a subtle reminder.

"Let's hit the road after settling in." Seeing that his nephew was speechless, Zhuge Xing stood up and said, "Seeing that you are so motivated, Uncle Qi is also very pleased."

Zheng Renmin can be regarded as the biggest sinner in the history of Nanzhao. He took his sergeants, Ding Zhuang, and his wife to conquer Jiannan, bringing hundreds of thousands of people with them, but almost none of them came back. During the attack and defense of Dali, he suffered three losses in succession.

More than ten thousand people.

How big a country is Nanzhao? With a one-time reimbursement of more than 100,000 or 200,000 men, it’s enough to keep the country from collapsing, okay? Moreover, most of these more than 100,000 people come from elite areas such as Dali and Shanchan, or are among those who have registered households.

The people, or the tribal people who could be controlled by force, were all gone, leaving the occupying army of Daxia scratching their heads.

As a last resort, young men such as the second son and third son were recruited in large numbers from the Central Plains and immigrated to Yunnan to fill the labor vacancies. It was under this background that Zhuge Shisan and others settled in Dali.

"Is there anything you need to take with you?" Zhuge Shisan asked respectfully.

"No, let's work hard." Zhuge Xing said: "The Zhuge family's business is so large, it all depends on the care of the saint. Now the family is fully supporting the Western Expedition, transporting materials at any cost, and there are many places to use money. You do your best.

It's enough to do your own thing. Every time you earn a copper coin for your family, you are contributing to the Western Expedition. After surviving this period, everything will clear up. The saints miss their old feelings, and the good days of the Zhuge family are still there.

It’s at the back.”

"Yes." Zhuge Shisan bowed and responded.

At the end, he said with emotion: "I, a knight-errant who hates people and hates dogs, can one day marry a lady from an official family. I never dared to think about it before. Without a saint, how could such a good thing be possible?"

"It's good if you understand this." Zhuge Xing smiled and said, "Go back quickly and try to come back before the Double Ninth Festival. Let's climb up and drink together."

"Okay!" Zhuge Shisan was full of ambition and led the people away.

Zhuge Xing smiled. He also took a black barbarian and a white barbarian woman as his concubine. They were both widows. Their small figures and looks made people feel itchy.

In fact there are many people like him.

From Yunnan, a large number of officials, businessmen, craftsmen, and warriors from the Central Plains poured in. Who didn't benefit from living in Dali, Kunzhou, and Yaozhou? Houses, fields, women, cattle and sheep were all ready-made.

I heard that many of the officers and soldiers of the Longhu Army who returned to Liaodong to serve as government soldiers brought their newly married Wuman or Baiman wives with them.

This time, many of the bachelors of the Golden Spear Army who came to Yunnan to garrison have also married. Now that they are allowed to stay as state soldiers, the resistance will not be so great - Yunnan has not yet ended the military control period, and there is a serious state soldier system.

The construction started only last year.

Zhuge Xing estimated that the five prefectures and one prefecture would need at least 18,000 state soldiers, and the neighboring Yizhou would also need them. At most one-third of the Golden Spear Army's unmarried men would be in need, so the gap would still be huge.

In the second half of this year, Guang Jie and other troops are expected to come for rotation, let's see if there are enough people.

In short, this is not a bad thing, or even a good thing. It can not only stabilize the rule of the imperial court in Yunnan, but the warriors themselves can also get women and property for free. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, you have to bear the strange and even hateful looks of the Nanman.

You're not a fool. You're just here to steal money, food, and women. Don't think we can't see it!

But so what?

Hatred can be dispelled and transformed. The final right of interpretation lies with the Great Xia court. With the continuous deepening of education, when this generation slowly passes away, after decades or hundreds of years, who will still remember this?

Even if I remember, I'm afraid I won't have much resentment. At most, after drinking too much at the wine table, I can blush and say something about how it was back then, but who really cares? Just laugh it off.

Life has to go on, and people have to look forward. When everyone blends together, works together, goes to school together, does business together, and goes to battle to kill the enemy together, the blood and tears of the previous generation will eventually be buried and forgotten, and the common destiny of the new generation will

Memory slowly becomes mainstream.

The history of China has been developed step by step. Do you really think that people in the past were so tender and affectionate?

"Good mountains, good water, good place." Zhuge Xing stretched, grabbed the teapot and went back.

After seeing the two concubines coming towards him, he smiled brightly and decided to build a shrine to the saint.

It is best for a saint to stay in good health forever. He brings benefits to everyone every day.

This chapter has been completed!
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