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Chapter 44 Cabinet Meeting

 Jia Yinhanni hurriedly came to the palace and presided over the meeting.

In fact, Shao Shude thought highly of them, thinking that Bukhara would figure out what happened within half a month, and then convene a general meeting to formulate a resolution. But in fact, in mid-August, after the Xia army invaded the Hebei area in three groups,

After fighting for about seven or eight days, Bukhara finally figured out what happened.

What followed was a lengthy palace debate, and it was not until early September that the decision to send troops to expel the nomadic invasion was made.

On the sixth day of September, Bukhara's envoys broke through all levels of interception and delivered the message to each city, ordering them to strengthen their walls and clear their fields, defend their cities and preserve their vitality as much as possible.

On the tenth day of September, some foreign generals came to Beijing and held a second meeting to determine the combat strategy, that is, which troops should gather towards Bukhara, which troops should gather towards Samarkand, what kind of army strategy to adopt, etc.

Today is September 20th, and the first batch of troops has already set out on the road. Jia Yinhanni convened officials from various ministries in the palace to discuss the transportation of supplies.

In the Persian system, the central government agencies are divided into two parts: the palace and the cabinet. The palace can only manage royal affairs. After the reforms of the previous generation of emirs, it also began to intervene in administrative affairs, but overall, the cabinet is mainly in charge.

The highest position in the cabinet is the Grand Vizier (Vazir), who is equivalent to the prime minister and the emir's deputy. He is in charge of national government affairs and can be replaced by himself, appoint and dismiss officials, and can command the army.

There are ten departments under the cabinet, which are responsible for various aspects. As soon as Jia Yinhani held a meeting today, the heads of each department came, and they were more diligent than the emir summoned.

"Is Hajib here?" Jia Yinhanni glanced at it and asked when he entered.

Hajib is not a personal name, but the name of an official position. If translated using a Chinese name, it can probably be translated as "Chief Attendant".

The Lord Chamberlain mainly manages the palace guards and slave schools.

Because of aristocratic politics, all affairs of the country, including the army, were in the hands of the nobles. In order to offset the influence of the nobles, the king established the Palace Guards.

The main source of the Guards was slaves.

Some were bought from human traffickers, and some were captured in wars. Generally, younger and stronger teenagers were selected and trained in slave schools for seven years. Those who graduated were called "Ghuram" and were incorporated into the palace.

Guards, directly under the royal family.

The king trusted the Guards very much because they were the sharp swords against the influence of the nobility. Guards officers who had made meritorious service could even be sent to serve as officials.

To put it bluntly, the king wants to centralize power, but the nobles do not want to hand over power, so there is a pull. As a symbol of centralization, the power of the Guards and Ghulam is getting bigger and bigger. People with insight are worried that in the future, centralization of power will be more centralization.

, but the Guards are also out of control, and may very well depose the monarch and plunge the country into turmoil.

To a certain extent, the Guards group is somewhat similar to the Zhongguan group in the former Tang Dynasty.

With the Zhongguan in charge of the divine strategy army, it is easy to depose and establish the emperor.

Guards officers controlled the palace gulam, and could also depose the emperor and control the government.

The chief attendant did not come today, which made Jia Yinhanni a little unhappy. He secretly wondered if he had received the instructions from the young emir and was dissatisfied with his exclusive power?

If that's the case, it's absolutely nonsense!

I deal with official duties all day long, and almost don’t even have time to sleep. I maintain the overall situation with difficulty, and I don’t waste any money. What else are you dissatisfied with? What are you afraid of?

"We won't wait for him." Jia Yinhani said with a gloomy face, sitting at the head of the long table, "Mustafi will report first."

"Mustafi" is not a name, but a position, which can be understood as "Minister of Finance".

"Grand Vizier." Mustafi is an old man, but his voice is still loud. He said: "The planned additional military expenditure of 8.3 million dirham has been allocated and was delivered to Muslev yesterday.


Mashrif is also a job name, and it is difficult to find a corresponding Chinese name.

If Mustafi is in charge of the treasury, then Muslev is responsible for taxation and expenditure.

The money collected by Muslev was handed over to Mustafi's treasury for safekeeping.

When money is needed for a certain place or something, the corresponding official reports to the Grand Vizier for approval, and then Mustafi’s treasury allocates the money to Muslev, who finally uses the money for the purpose.

place to go.

The Samanid dynasty has developed very well in recent years.

During the reign of the late emperor, the annual income fluctuated around 50 million dirhan silver coins, while the average annual expenditure was 45 million. The financial situation was relatively good - as long as there was no large-scale war.

Of the 45 million in expenditures, 20 million was used to pay military salaries and official salaries.

This time, the additional military expenditure of 8.3 million dirhams is quite generous. This also means that this year the national treasury will not be able to cover the expenditure, so it can only use savings - in fact, last year it was not enough to cover the expenditure. After all, it was a troubled year.


The additional military spending is mainly used in three directions:

First, call on fanatical Jihadists from all over the country and even from all over the world to come and help in the fight.

Although people come to help you fight for simple religious reasons, they still have to pay rewards.

If you die in battle or are injured in battle, you will still have to pay pensions.

Some people are ill-equipped, or even have no equipment, and some are just full of enthusiasm for martyrdom. Do you want to arm them?

During the march and war, there are also expenses such as food and medicine, so money is needed everywhere.

The only advantage of foreign jihad is probably that it does not require the blood of local people, just money.

Second, hire soldiers from grassland tribes at home and abroad and let them fight for the court.

Third, assembling the private soldiers of the nobles, including private gulams, regular troops and even serf soldiers, does not require hiring fees, but the expenses are still high. After all, the nobles are fighting for your emir, and you cannot let them send people out again.

Providing money - This is just like the Chang'an court asking the Jiedushi to send troops to quell the rebellion. When the Jiedushi sent troops, the court had to take over the expenses, and because it was an overseas battle, it had to give more money.

Fourth, recruit more troops.

Because of frequent wars, there are a large number of yeoman farmers, serfs, bankrupt craftsmen, etc. who have been on the battlefield in Persia. In the past, they were recruited when there was trouble and went out to fight, and they were demobilized when there was no trouble to save money. This time a group of them will be mobilized.

There is one final point: the Palace Guards are going on an expedition. They are professional warriors, but being stationed and going on an expedition are two different situations, and their expenses are completely different. This surge in expenses must be included.

"Grand Vizier, the officials have dispersed to work everywhere. No one dares not to do their best." Seeing Jia Yinhanni's eyes turn around, Muslev immediately said: "I wonder if you have any other instructions?"

"As soon as possible." Jia Yinhanni said only one word, then looked at the other person and said: "Shaheb Balad, tell me what you know about the situation."

Shib barid can be translated as postal minister, who is in charge of the delivery of official government documents and the issuance of orders.

They have branches in various cities, and the personnel of their branches are not under the jurisdiction of local governments and directly answer the orders of the cabinet minister, Shahib Balad.

In addition to engaging in postal business, they also need to collect intelligence. External intelligence must be collected, and internal intelligence must also be collected, especially the intelligence of officials and nobles. In fact, this part is the key point. After the collection is completed, it is reported to the police through secret channels.

The minister then submitted it to the prime minister.

"We managed to capture some enemies. After interrogation, we learned that the leader of the army was the supreme emperor from the east. He lived in a palace in Luoyang, a city surrounded by water, green trees and gardens. There were

One day, he found that the floor tiles of the palace had not been laid, and the Uighurs told him that there were countless gold dinars in Bukhara..."

"Are you telling a story?" Jia Yinhanni asked.

Shahib Balad looked at the expressionless face, subconsciously stirred, and immediately said: "The Grand Vizier, the Supreme Emperor has captured more than a dozen towns in Bakhna Province, and the whereabouts of the governor is unknown. They are currently gathering

troops, and preaching about attacking to the west, which is probably true, because Xiba Khan is the essence of this province."

"How many of them are there?"

"There are thirty to fifty thousand guards, twenty thousand nobles, and more than ten thousand mercenaries."

"So many Guardsmen? Do you dare to swear?" Jia Yinhanni asked.

Others also looked at Shahib Balad, some in disbelief.

"Dear Grand Vizier——" Ahmed Mulk interjected: "Perhaps the systems of Eastern countries are different from ours, and Shahib Balad misunderstood. We still need to collect more information before we can


The scope of work of Amid Al-mulk's position is: drafting important national documents and being responsible for foreign affairs.

Jia Yinhani nodded and agreed with the Foreign Minister's statement.

If there are so many Guards, this battle will be more troublesome. In the past, you could count on the enemy's logistical failure, but now they have adopted a nomadic warfare method, relying on fighting to support fighting, which is not easy to deal with. Fortunately, the weather is about to turn in.

Winter, this is great news.

Jhayinhani did not fully believe Shahib Balad's statement.

He didn't think that the emperor of the East would let go of his rich and vast land and risk being cut off by continuing to the west. Is there something wrong with his brain?

However, what if it is true? That would be an incredible honor.

Therefore, he had already ordered the Governor of South Amu Darya Province to recruit Turkic mercenaries locally and assemble them in Sabat and Samarkand. Once the troops were sufficient, he would hold back the Eastern Emperor's troops and delay their progress as much as possible.

Finally - let the weather punish them.

Every additional day of delay will make the enemy more anxious and their morale lower. It is hard to say how much combat effectiveness they will be able to exert by then.

"How is the situation on the northern front?" he asked again.

"Dear Grand Vizier, the enemies on the northern front may already be retreating." Shahib Baled said: "We have confirmed from multiple directions that the enemies have lost the desire to continue southward after plundering enough. Weather.

It’s not allowed, it’s too cold, the grass will no longer grow, and no fool will continue to go south. The local nobles heroically saved most of the towns, and even began to pursue the enemy…”

"Did they complain about anything?" Jia Yinhanni interrupted his chatter and asked directly.

If we say where is the most important part of this country, apart from the capital Bukhara, there are only two provinces. One is South Amu Darya Province, and the other is Khorasan Province, which is the most densely populated and contributes the most wealth in Persia.

, the area with the widest source of troops.

The governors of these two provinces have always been relatives of the emir or slave officers he trusted.

As for the north, although it is also important, most of them are newly conquered pagan areas, and oasis agriculture is not as developed as in the south - importance and unimportance are always contrasted.

The existence of these areas, to put it mildly, is to serve as a barrier for the capital Bukhara.

During the reign of the founding emir, in order to ensure the safety of Bukhara, the Great Wall was built in the north.

This is a very heavy labor, and the people are miserable.

During the reign of the second monarch Yinsmayi, he led his army to defeat the Uighurs, captured Talas, and once occupied Balasagun, which greatly dealt a blow to the arrogance of the nomadic forces.

He expanded the country's borders to the north by hundreds of farsakhs, brought countless foreign races under his rule, and gradually began Persianization.

He also vigorously immigrated to the north, turning oasis valleys that were untouchable by prairie herders into prosperous towns, farmland, and orchards.

He was a great man who once announced that the people would be exempted from the labor of building the Great Wall and allowed it to be destroyed.

"While I am alive, I am the wall of Bukhara." These were the most inspiring words of Yinsma'il when he was in power.

It has been eight years since he passed away. Unexpectedly, the grassland power has expanded again.

They are like a stubborn disease in Persia, a lingering nightmare that has never been truly eradicated.

Perhaps, the Great Wall will start to be repaired again.

"The Dikhkans all requested the Guards to go north." Seeing Jia Yinhanni's question, Shahib Balad immediately answered.

Jia Yinhanni did not answer immediately.

In fact, in his heart, he had already rejected this proposal.

The main force can only be invested in the direction of Bukhan.

Tens of thousands of the most elite palace guards, private gulams cultivated by nobles with great efforts, dynasty regular army, noble regular army, Turkic mercenaries, elite troops directly under the Creator, jihadists and a larger number of levies,

Those who can be beaten and those who cannot be beaten, all put them into the sweat...

Using reasonable tactics, the probability of winning is more than 90%.

He did not believe that these elite warriors in the country, who had been fighting for decades and had returned from the dead, would be unable to do anything to the enemy.

If the Emperor of the East can be captured alive, all problems will be solved.

He knew exactly where the source of the problem was.

"At the latest by the end of this month, all the troops will be assembled. The month of Dai Yin (October) is when the enemy dies." Jia Yinhanni concluded, and then asked officials from various ministries to speed up the process.

There is no need to ask the emir for instructions. He is only nine years old and knows nothing.

The group of people gathered around him, hum! They wanted knowledge but not knowledge, they wanted martial arts but not martial arts, but they all wanted to be officials and were eager to make money.

If the country falls into the hands of such people, I'm afraid it will be doomed.

Jia Yinhani came to his office hall. The furnishings were very simple and there were no servants. There was a bed in the innermost room, where he slept when he worked all night.

After quietly looking at the map on the wall for a while, he returned to the table, crossed the governor of Khorasan Province, and wrote letters to the nobles and imams of the major cities, urging them to send troops as soon as possible.

Later, he asked someone to call Auqaf (I can't find the transliteration...the minister in charge of religious property).

He had a hunch that things might not be that simple.

The Central Plains has probably completely expanded to nearby areas. With their nature, it is very likely that they will continue to expand westward.

There is precedent for this matter, just over a hundred years ago.

In order to withstand this wave, we must obtain support from the entire Creator World, whether it is human or financial assistance, it is very important.

Thinking of this section, he picked up the paper again and wrote a letter to the Grand Imam of Baghdad.

This chapter has been completed!
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