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Chapter 1656 Comfort

 After the two brothers had a drink and talked, they parted soon.

The prince will go to Jiangning Mansion in Nanjing for inspection, and will even go to Hangzhou and Mingzhou before returning north.

Shao Mianren must first return to Luoyang, wait for the saint to arrive in Tokyo, and then report on his duties before going to Beijing to take up his post.

On the evening of the eighth day of the lunar month, the boat continued northward along the canal.

The scenery along the way is very pleasant.

There is no doubt that the people of Huainan are hardworking. They are not afraid of floods, work hard to develop, and organize the fields, creating the myth of a land of plenty.

Rivers, lakes, and swamps were greatly dredged and deepened, forming dotted lakes.

The black silt is piled up layer by layer, allowing the rice and wheat to absorb nutrients and grow vigorously.

Among the soldiers from Jiangning Prefecture who escorted Shao Mianren on his way north, some had been to Liaodong and bluntly said that this was the best fertile ground.

Shao Mianren was inspired to dig a piece of land, but after digging for a long time, there was still dark mud at the bottom of the lake. It is not known how long the local people had piled it up.

All in all, this is really a fertile place to live in, when there are no floods.

I recall that during the Anshi Rebellion, the rebels intended to go south and march directly to Huainan to seize a grain and grain base that was not affected by the war. However, they failed in the end, but it can be seen that at that time, people had a deep understanding of the richness of Huainan.

After the Anshi Rebellion, Huainan ushered in waves of immigrants, and the level of development was even deeper. Now it can basically be described as mature land, although it still has considerable potential to accommodate the population.

In mid-March, Shao Mianren arrived in Xuzhou and stayed outside the city.

On this occasion, he saw a large group of warriors heading south.

After asking someone about it, it turned out that there were more than 3,000 people from the Wei army unit, stationed near Xuzhou.

The saint really started to do this. The Forbidden Army took turns to garrison the three cities in Mobei, and the grassland Tibetan soldiers went south to guard the Han Dynasty. Xuzhou should not be the only garrison, there are other cities.

"After the opening of Haizhou as a port, Xuzhou's prosperity was even greater than in the past." Shao Mianren looked at the endless stream of horse teams and convoys heading east, silently comparing them with his previous impressions, and concluded that there were more merchants coming to sell goods.


Wang Zhenbai felt a little uneasy as she watched the extremely powerful draft horses struggling to pull the carriages piled up like a hill all the way eastward.

The reason for his uneasiness is that this world is somewhat unfamiliar to him, and it is different from the simple society described in the books of sages, which naturally makes people feel insecure.

Shao Mianren took in all his expressions.

Traditional scholars must have suffered a great impact in recent years, right? Especially after the saints returned from their expedition to the Western Regions, a series of reforms were carried out frequently, which is dizzying.

The seeds of more reforms were actually planted many years ago. As time goes by, their impact on the entire world becomes more and more obvious. The recent years have just been a period of concentrated outbreaks.

But this is the general trend, and there is no possibility that the momentum will be reversed. From the people in the head of Guizhou to the emperor's relatives, everyone is involved in it, being carried forward by the torrent.

Someone who learns to swim is like a fish in water.

Some people have learned not to drown and can still cope with it.

Someone gradually sank to the bottom of the water, looking reluctantly at the water surface getting further and further away from him.

Correspondingly, with every change, some people gain, some make nothing but lose, and some lose money.

And their joy, numbness and even hysterical hatred together constitute the note of an era and are not dependent on anyone's will.

Wang Changshi still has a good writing skills, so he will not starve to death.

Shao Mianren smiled, feeling a little calm and relaxed.

But in fact, he couldn't see the way forward clearly.

In this world, perhaps only my father can see a little further.


The boat stopped and went, and when we arrived at Bianzhou, it was already late March.

Bian, the Song states, is really the core hinterland of this country.

The old Xuanwu Jiedushi had jurisdiction over the four prefectures of Bian, Song, Bo, and Ying. He supported 100,000 warriors and looked down upon the surrounding towns. He was the number one thug of the Tang Dynasty in suppressing the towns in Hebei and rebelling against the vassal in Huaixi. The number two thug was raising 50,000 warriors.

Hedong of men and horses.

Its dense population is still amazing even after the Huangchao and Qin Zongquan rebellions.

However, after the founding of the Xia Dynasty, the population growth in these places became very slow and even regressed.

The reason is not complicated: emigration.

Especially in Songzhou, when Shi Yanci was the governor, whenever he issued an edict to "recruit" immigrants, he was always the first to go to the eunuch, saying that the people of Songzhou were "happy to move". As a result, the people of Songzhou dispersed to Yingzhou.

Andong Prefecture and the Liaodong prefectures went to Xiangyang and the empty Huguang, and some were even sent to Yunnan.

Shi Yanci's reputation was so bad that people avoided him.

However, his official position has become bigger and bigger. He first served as the prison envoy of Jiangxi Province, and then took over as the transfer envoy of Hebei Province, taking over from Su Junqing who had become an official. It has been more than three years now.

Because Feng Wei, the governor of Henan Province, died of illness last month, Shi Yanci is likely to go to Bianzhou and become one of the officials in Fengjiang.

Although he was born in Xuanwu Jiangren, Shi Yanci really knew how to be an official. He took many blames and never changed his original intention, so that he achieved what he has achieved today.

When Shao Mianren stopped in Wansheng Town in the northwest of Bianzhou, he saw a large number of people from Bianzhou staggering westward, supporting the old and the young.

The state soldiers had a look of intolerance on their faces, but they still resolutely carried out the order. When they encountered those who were making noises and causing trouble, they would directly kill them without any mercy.

"Twenty years ago, when people immigrated like this, when the common people cried, the warriors would cry too, and then they would revolt together." After Wang Zhenbai went out to inquire about it, he came back and said vividly: "But those state soldiers, even if they were scolded by the villagers, they still

I didn't dare to let them run away. When I met those who walked slowly, I would use the scabbard to swipe them. The saint really dealt with these Qiu Ba very hard, and they had to obey orders even if they pinched their noses."

At the end of the sentence, Wang Zhenbai's face turned red again, and his expression was very happy. In his opinion, the saint did so right in this matter, making the warriors fearful and no longer unscrupulous - of course, other things

, such as the agricultural science examination currently under examination, still needs to be discussed.

"You just went to inquire about this?" Shao Mianren came over after supervising the children's homework, looking a little bit dumbfounded.

"One more thing." Wang Zhenbai said: "When I was in Bianzhou, I heard that King Han was transferred to Nanjing to stay in Nanjing. Jiangning Yin resigned, and the person who succeeded King Han was King Chu."

"Seventh brother is going to Zangzhou?" Shao Mianren was stunned, and then sighed slightly: "Those cave masters and barbarian chiefs are afraid that they will suffer."

King Shao Huixian of Han was appointed as Nanjing's left-behind guard. He had expected this.

The fifth brother worked in Liaodong for several years, and then went to Zhangzhou to serve as the governor and the pacification envoy to several nearby states.

Before that, Shao Mianren was doing this job.

Half of the seven counties in Zhangzhou were obtained by conquering the natives. Later, the natives were converted and the disobedient families were sent to Liaodong. At the same time, the people of Henan and Hebei were moved to build villages and cultivate fields.

Of course, this process cannot be peaceful.

In fact, there are as many as 5,000 Zhouzhou soldiers, mainly soldiers from Chengde and Yiwu towns. This number is very shocking. I have searched all over the country and cannot find a few places to raise 5,000 soldiers.

And he is also a fierce Hebei martial artist.

They're just here to do the dirty work.

The imperial court had no intention of reforming the whole of central Guizhou, but it was still possible to concentrate on some prefectures and counties.

Under the relay of the two princes, the transformation of the seven counties of Zhangzhou has achieved great results. Although due to geographical factors, there are still a large number of tribal leaders in many villages and river valleys, at least it has been completed in form. From a certain perspective

Generally speaking, Zhangzhou is even more like Zhengzhou than Zhengzhou with a long history in the north of Qianzhong Road.

"Is the seventh brother going to take action against Bozhou this time?" After sighing, he added: "When I was in office, Luo Taiwang was actually very obedient. He led nine soldiers and horses of Bozhou to conquer the imperial court.

The fifth brother had been in office for several years. He heard that there were many turmoils in Bozhou due to the reform of the land. Luo Taiwang and the Zhouzhou soldiers put them down. The seventh brother's temperament has changed greatly in the past few years. I don't know what happened. He went there.

I'm afraid there will be frequent unrest."

The seventh brother, Shao Shenli, was originally a hedonistic person, but he didn't know what stimulated him, and he suddenly became determined to improve himself. Not only did he study military strategy hard, he also practiced martial arts hard and strengthened his body. When the saint conquered the Western Regions, he even took the initiative to ask for troops.

He actually went there and fought with thieves several times.

Shao Mianren was both happy and sad that his seventh brother was like this.

However, now I may need to feel sad for the cave masters and leaders in Bozhou. A few years ago, when Wang Shizheng and the Golden Spear Army were stationed in Bozhou, they were a little unhappy. The leaders of the various ministries actually wanted to wait and see. This was a risk of death.


"Did the seventh brother lead troops there?" Shao Mianren suddenly remembered this question.

"Yes." Wang Zhenbai said: "I heard that some troops from Fengguo, Tianwei, and Shengjie armies, totaling 3,700 people, moved their families to Bozhou, were granted land and houses, and served as state soldiers in this state.


"There are more than a thousand state soldiers in Bozhou, most of them surrendered from central Guizhou." Shao Mianren said, "That's four to five thousand people. Where did you find out about these?"

Wang Zhenbai was a little frightened when he heard this, and said: "During the Qianning period in the late Tang Dynasty, Shen Song, a Fujian native, and I were admitted to Jinshi together, and we became close friends. Later, he was appointed Secretary of Jieduzhang by Qian Liu, and I returned to my hometown to live in seclusion. It was also a few days ago that I heard that he had been transferred north from the post of governor of Wenzhou to serve as governor of Bianzhou, so I went to reminisce about the past but did not report it."

Shao Mianren glanced at him and said, "It doesn't matter."

But I felt a little dissatisfied in my heart.

This Wang Zhenbai, after the fall of the Tang Dynasty, resigned and returned to his hometown, unwilling to serve as an official. After seeing the prosperity of the new dynasty, he may have become more active, so he accepted the appointment of the Wei Palace and became the chief historian.

After hearing that he passed the Jinshi examination, he had to wait several years before the Prince of Le'an County came to see him and grant him an official position. Others who had passed the examination at the same time had already been officials for several years.

Zheng Gu, who was also from Jiangxi, wrote a poem to comfort him because of this incident.

After becoming the school secretary, Wang Zhenbai remained cynical and repeatedly criticized his colleagues. Although what he said was true, he was indeed not very understanding of the world.

This man, alas! Try to use his advantages as much as possible.

His thoughts soon turned to matters in central Guizhou.

The seventh brother serves as the pacifier of several states, and he will definitely launch a war in Bozhou and other places. On the one hand, he will send the disobedient natives to Liaodong, and on the other hand, he will move the people of Henan to settle there.

It won't be stable for a few years.

In central Guizhou, three princes came out of town in a row, and nearly ten thousand Central Plains warriors went south to "pacify" them. What a blessing!

He suddenly thought of his second brother again.

The brothers are all working hard for you. You must be stable in this world.

This chapter has been completed!
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