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Chapter 38 Floods and Situation

 The scorching sun hung in the sky and the heat was extremely intense.

It’s strange to say that last winter there were heavy snowfalls and it was extremely cold, but in the summer it was quite hot again. It’s August now, and it’s supposed to be autumn, but it’s still like this scorching heat, which is really annoying


After the scorching sun, there are continuous heavy rains.

In late August, there was a hole in the sky, thunder and lightning, and rain pouring down.

The Yi, Qin, Ru, Ying, and Bian rivers all swelled. The floods broke down their banks, submerged farmland, and houses. The people were displaced and miserable.

It was not until early September that the successive floods slowly receded.

The Little Ice Age was not a simple cold or drought, but a disordered climate with frequent extreme weather. A typical sign is that the rain that was originally evenly distributed over a long period of time would be concentrated in a short period of time, and it would erupt violently.


The water conservancy facilities built by various states cannot be designed according to extreme weather. It would be a huge waste and financially unbearable. If you encounter such weather, consider yourself unlucky.

Of course, if floods of this level occur frequently, you should seriously consider whether the rainfall belt has moved. From now on, the average annual precipitation here will be greatly increased. There are already countless historical data, so you should seriously consider it.

Flood control standards have been improved.

Strictly speaking, the heavy rain in Daxia Henan was an accident, because there was a hint of drought in the previous two or three years. It is not a drought, because it can be overcome with complete water conservancy facilities, but the rainfall has indeed decreased, which is very obvious.

I just didn’t expect that something like this would happen this year...

"The most feared thing after the disaster is the emergence of epidemics. As you can imagine, it's good." Shao Shude told a group of officials in Dengfeng County, Henan Prefecture.

Dengfeng is Ji County, and the county magistrate is the Prince Consort He Ning. The saint came all the way to inspect, and he did not hesitate to take a detour to Dengfeng to have a look. Why he came, no matter who asked, he knew.

After Shao Shude finished speaking, he stepped on the muddy road and said: "Fortunately, the autumn grain has been harvested, otherwise the losses would have been huge this time. However, I heard that winter wheat had been sown in some places, and it was probably washed away this time. The organization replanted it

Yes, don’t delay.”

"Your Majesty, I am already working on this matter." He Ning said.

Shao Shude nodded with satisfaction.

This son-in-law, let alone his ability to do things, at least has a clear head and knows when to do what.

It's just that he is unlucky enough. He will probably not do well in the official examination next year - even though it is a natural disaster, if you are unlucky, there is nothing you can do about it.

Of course, He Ning is also lucky. Because Shao Shude has been watching him. As long as he has actual results, it is not difficult for him to personally promote him.

After talking to his son-in-law, Shao Shude climbed to a high ground and overlooked the entire county.

The situation this year has disrupted a lot of arrangements.

Li Siyuan sent an envoy to report that the Persian envoy had arrived in Shule. According to the previous conditions, the peace negotiation had basically been reached. He had sent someone to send the treaty to the capital. If the sage had no objections, the war would stop - at least temporarily.


The Persians were lucky and caught up with the good times.

Well, not really. The floods in Henan will have a certain impact on tax revenue. For example, the washed-out mulberry forests will definitely reduce silk production. But Daxia collects more than 10 million pieces of silk every year.

Henan's loss of millions of pieces of woolen cloth is certainly painful, but it is not impossible to make up for it. After all, we have endured the wars every year in the past, so what does this "small battle" in front of us mean?

The real good luck of the Persians is that Shao Shude didn't want to fight, that's all.

"The people whose property was seriously damaged in the flood will be counted as soon as possible." Shao Shude said: "If anyone is willing to immigrate to Liaodong, Yunnan or Anxi Road, the state government along the way will be prepared to pay the expenses, and the three official governments will dictate the land."

Shao Shude said this to the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs who were accompanying him.

"According to the order." Everyone responded immediately.

At the same time, I also felt a little emotional, the saint really knows how to choose the right time.

But it's not surprising.

The scale of the flood this time was really not small, and many people's houses were washed away. It was originally an adobe house. It was not surprising that it collapsed after being soaked in water for several days.

If you have the money to renovate it, it will be no problem.

What if you have no money? What should you do? Being in debt is not a good thing. Whether it is a debt owed to a private person or a debt issued by the government, it is very difficult to repay it. If you take into account the family property, the livestock has also been seriously damaged, and you owe

The debt will be larger, and it may never be repaid.

Based on this consideration, I dare not say all of them, but there will definitely be some people who choose to move out and start a new life elsewhere. At least, the government provides more fields, and also provides two to three years of rations, seeds, farm tools, etc.

They will also be given out for free. Even cattle are not unavailable for rent, you may just have to queue up.

The conditions are still very favorable, as long as you are willing to leave.

The officials were trying to figure out what they were thinking, and some people were already considering whether to intimidate the people and not give them relief rations until they left...


After touring various counties, it was already late September when I returned to Beijing.

Shao Shude officially received the second memorial from Li Siyuan in Shule.

"It's time to put it down..." He picked up the pen, marked "yes" on the memorial, and then had it sent to the Political Affairs Hall.

After the war with Persia was over, the remaining expenses would be used for immigration expenses. This was his idea.

The consumption of war is very huge, not only the consumption of food, materials, but also manpower is also very huge.

Two years after returning to Hexi and Longyou, Shao Shude filled the vacancies with masters from Henan, Hedong and other places - they were not without complaints.

If the war ends, these wives can go home and tidy up their own courtyards and farmland, without having to travel around and work hard, or even face death.

Immigrants have their own legs. Whenever they arrive at a place, they can just open a warehouse to store grain. That is, the local government only needs to provide the so-called "transportation" expenses on the spot. There is no need for long-distance transportation, and the burden is greatly reduced.

The only suspense now is probably how long the Persians will keep their promise.

In fact, Shao Shude was very curious about how the powerful Grand Vizier Jayhani convinced the palace officials and local nobles.

It is impossible to get everyone's support. The most likely possibility is that the prime minister spent his political life and suppressed it by force.

I heard that he will also send a mission to Luoyang to hire a group of talents from the Central Plains to visit Bukhara.

When he saw this, Shao Shude couldn't help but smile slightly.

This is really learning and selling now. I am poaching talents from you, but you also want to poach talents from me?

Thinking of this, he called Wang Yanfan and asked: "What is the reputation of Marquis Yansheng in Huaihai?"

"Back to Your Majesty." Wang Yanfan said: "Marquis Yansheng once served as the captain of Lianshui County and the chief registrar of Sishui County. He is said to care about the people, is familiar with the people's hardships, and is praised by the people for his virtues."

This answer surprised Shao Shude.

Wang Yanfan did not dare to deceive him. This Yansheng Hou Kong Guangsi may have a really good reputation in the local area, at least he has done practical things for the people.

Since it's so good, then I will "reward" you this time and send you to travel abroad. Of course, it still depends on what conditions the Persians offer in exchange.

If you are not sincere, forget it. Shao Shude is tired of the Persian missions coming and going. By the time those people arrive in the capital, he may have already left the capital and patrolled eastward.

Love it!

After handling this matter, he looked at the affairs of another mission.

Yes, the Japanese couldn't stand it anymore. They sent an envoy, which had already landed in Dengzhou and was heading to the capital.

The reason why they can't stand it is that there are so many pirates who come to cause trouble, so many that it makes their scalp numb.

The Japanese are now in a state of confusion.

In the past, the pirates who dared to rob them were usually Silla people or Jurchens.

The former has better ships and more people, but its combat effectiveness is average.

The latter had fewer ships and fewer men, but it had strong fighting power and was not afraid of death. It often rushed to the point where the Japanese could not stand their ground.

However, in recent years, the number of pirates in offshore waters has surged, with a significant increase every year. Moreover, the places where they come ashore are no longer limited to the Noto area, but have spread everywhere, landing in places that seem to have weak defenses.


Sometimes they would get bruised and bleeding and run away in embarrassment.

Sometimes they succeed, burning, killing and looting the place, making it unbearable to watch.

The most outrageous thing is that they not only robbed gold and silver treasures, but also robbed their mothers. Men, women, and children were all taken away. It was said that they were sold to the Xia Kingdom and Liaodong Road as slaves. This made the Japanese a little embarrassed.


So, they hurriedly sent a mission to Luoyang to request the Xia court to help them fight against pirates.

Shao Shude read ten lines at a glance, threw aside the memorial sent by the governor of Dengzhou, and picked up another copy.

After Gong Yi, the leader of the Taifeng Kingdom, sent Wang Jian and his family away, the domestic situation became somewhat stable. Xu got carried away and began to vigorously purge Wang Jianyu's party, which eventually caused turmoil.

Seeing this, Baekje and Silla were a little ready to take action.

Under such circumstances, the peninsula, which had been temporarily calm due to the canonization of Daxia, once again entered the rhythm of war. Although the war has not yet started, anyone with a discerning eye can see that as long as a spark is thrown out, it may ignite the accumulation.

It has been used as firewood for several years.

In the melee of the Three Kingdoms, Silla was the most dangerous, there is no doubt about it.

So they sent envoys to Beijing again to bring up the old matter again. They wanted to open a port and asked Daxia soldiers to help them calm down the situation.

The memorial was also written in a very humble way, with a large list of all kinds of compliments. Shao Shude simply skipped it and only read the last paragraph: "Please follow the Khotan story and send heavenly soldiers and generals to guard the country to protect the country and the people."

As a vassal state of the Great Xia vassal, it is no secret that Khotan has a garrison stationed there. Silla mentioned it last time, but Shao Shude did not answer directly. This time, forced by the situation, he begged again. It seemed that he was really scared.

"Please come to the Guanfeng Hall, all prime ministers. I want to ask you about it." Shao Shude put down the memorial and ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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