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Chapter 40 Memorial and Monk

 Chapter 1689 Memorial and Monk

After living in Shangyang Palace for more than half a year, Shao Shude moved back to Ziwei Palace.

It's mid-October, and Shangyang Palace, a waterscape palace, is full of dead branches and leaves, and the scenery is greatly reduced. There is nothing to see anymore.

The prime minister and the privy envoys continued to work in the imperial city, and sent a bunch of memorials every day. Shao Shude had someone pick out the more important ones and put them on his left hand for easy viewing at any time.

As for the less important things, he can just take a quick look at the prime ministers' opinions on how to deal with them. He usually doesn't interfere.

The least important and most complicated matters will probably not be sent to him. They will be sent directly to Zhongshu and the two provinces, and then the decree will be issued.

If you hire a CEO, it will be difficult for the chairman to express his opinions casually. If you are not satisfied, you can change the person, but the rules must still be followed.

In this world, there is still a strong tradition of aristocratic governance. The aristocracy may no longer exist, but the tradition is still there. Shao Shude does not want to destroy it completely. He feels that it is better for future generations to be restricted by the prime ministers—— Restrictions from the fundamental system.

From an institutional point of view, the empire he created may disintegrate, but the possibility of a powerful official usurping the throne is too low. There is no need to smash the prime minister into dust and make himself very tired.

Shao Shude read memorials very quickly——

The Xianghan Cao Canal has opened to traffic this year for more than 200 ships, adding more than 150,000 hu of rice from Huguang to Hanjiacang City. This news made Shao Shude happy, because it was also a relatively important event in his life. The result was achieved—reluctantly achieved after many years.

All industries in Sichuan were restored, tea production increased significantly, and the most famous brocade was once again sold in Guanzhong and Henan after a few years.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but write some notes to encourage officials in Sichuan to achieve greater success.

There has been peace in Shu for some years, but this is only on the surface.

In the process of the Great Xia's attack on central Guizhou, Zhangzhou, and Bozhou, and the subsequent attack on Changhe, and the suppression of rebellions in Quzhou, Kunzhou, Tonghai and other places, the people of central Sichuan worked tirelessly to transport supplies over long distances and consume Extremely huge.

There were even many rebellions of varying sizes, which made the state soldiers anxious and rushed to suppress them.

Now everything is settled.

The people in Shu got a rare respite. The court didn't give much rain or dew, but they relied on a little trickle to slowly recover, and then regained a vague sense of the past.

Developing the economy and improving life is the best comfort to the people. They have no reason to cause chaos now.

The relatively well-preserved large families in Jiangdong and Jiangxi began to face reality.

Complaints and dissatisfaction have been forgotten, and fewer people are writing "Records of Monsters" and "Words Between Flowers" while dreaming. The sales of books such as "Zhizhi" have increased greatly, and everyone who is interested in officialdom is searching for them. look in.

There is no more controversy or debate because the outcome cannot be changed.

The first batch of scholars who are desperate to study miscellaneous subjects have arrived in the capital with the envoys from various states, registered with the Ministry of Rites, and are eager to take the imperial examination next spring.

Lu Deshan, a scholar from Jiangnan, publicly wrote an article criticizing Han Yu and Pi Rixiu, believing that their ruthless pursuit of other doctrines was not in line with the path of saints.

The traditional scholars were very angry about the betrayal of their own people, but after arguing for more than a year, everything calmed down.

Shao Shude paid attention to this great scholar who argued for him, admired him very much, and planned to promote his descendants to become officials.

The tumultuous situation on Fujian Road has come to an end.

The Dongman people didn't dare to scream anymore. The stab head was either killed by the sword, or the whole family went to Liaodong and suffered in the harsh climate that was unbearable to them.

The wars since the late Tang Dynasty have greatly accelerated the development of Fujian.

The large influx of scholars and people from the north completely completed the Chineseization of this place. So much so that in the later Northern Song Dynasty, Fujian people were very proud of themselves in the imperial examinations and performed miracles one after another.

Commercial fires also burned through this mountainous area.

With the increasing development of navigation technology and the repeated iteration of sea-going ships, offshore navigation along the coastline has become relatively safe. Fujian people have no choice. Foraging in the soil is a dead end, and doing business has become the only option.

Shao Shude once vigorously promoted the development of marine industries in Hebei and Huaihai, but northerners have too many choices. The great plains in Hebei are lacking in Fujian. Fujian people are destined to be hungrier and have no way out. They can only go to the infinite sea.

, looking for profits in the storm - the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.

Although Annan under the rule of Lingxi Road has not been completely tamed after many years of high-pressure rule, the intensity of their resistance has changed from angry strong men to the showy tricks of coquettish little women.

In this land that is somewhat difficult for the Central Plains people to adapt to, there are still many big families sharing the profits and playing the ancient trick of fighting between wealthy families - which is a bit boring.

They used to compete for land and population, but now they compete for the "leftovers" rewarded to them by the Annan Trading Company.

The pepper trade made them huge profits, and they were extremely commercially satisfied, even if the bulk of the money went to others.

The big families of Ruan, Jiang, Huang, Li, and Zhao were so wealthy that they built buildings one after another and lived extravagantly. Some people even spent a lot of money to buy many Persian female slaves from Luoyang and formed a group.

The music and dance team enjoys and plays with it day and night.

They have been alienated by capital and have become slaves of money.

After leaving Daxia, they could no longer find such a huge market to digest their mountains of spices.

When spices cannot be turned into splendid houses, charming slave girls, sweet and delicious food or even top-quality porcelain tea, they will be extremely anxious.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality, it is nothing more than this.

Hedong, the source of the turmoil in the Five Dynasties, is now a bit ridiculously well-behaved.

Tingwangsi's people wandered east of the river, trying to catch some "rebels", but they gained very little.

Shao Shude also didn't like this kind of spy rule and told them not to bother.

Hedong was not destroyed, thoroughly cleaned, and turned upside down. This is a fact.

The prince is very close to the people from Hedong, and it is also true that these people who got on the train late actively turned to the prince.

But Shao Shude didn't care.

Just ten days ago, he held a military parade in the southern suburbs of Luoyang to thunderous cheers.

Yes, the Forbidden Army has gone through a new round, and more and more recruits have joined the army since the founding of Daxia. They have been on the battlefield, and basically everyone has seen the battle no less than three times. They have rich combat experience, and their combat effectiveness is still second to none. And these,

All were completed under the leadership of Shao Shude.

Especially during the Western Expedition, under the leadership of the Supreme Emperor, they were invincible and unstoppable.

Who has brought them glory and who owns this world? The soldiers of the imperial army know clearly.

No one can shake Shao Shude's status until he dies.

After reading all the memorials, Shao Shude closed his eyes and felt silently.

Reading between the lines, he seemed to see every mountain, every river, every plant and every tree in the empire he ruled.

I really miss it!

Since returning to Beijing in the first year of Tongguang, he has been confined to the two capitals for five full years.

After five years, all the ministers were very satisfied.

Because the empire's Dinghai Shenzhen is recuperating and continuing to provide them with the protection of a towering tree, allowing them to free their hands and feet and do many things that they did not dare to do before.

But the leader of the empire wanted to go out and see his country, and he no longer wanted to be restrained.

Of course, there are some things that need to be dealt with before leaving.

On October 18, Shao Shude summoned Xiang Xiong in the Zichen Hall of Ziwei Palace to make Wu Lu sleep.

"Brother Tie is really so arrogant?" Shao Shude stood in front of the map and asked.

"He won over people from the Juechen clan. The Tuwang of Pulan was persuaded by his few words and said that he would build the Red Castle for him. Several princes came from Shannan -" Bu Lujue said.

"How?" Shao Shude asked.

He has already learned that the Juechen family is another big family in the Zhangxiong area, the Yangtong people. Their power is not as powerful as that of the Wulu family, but they are more dedicated. After all, the Wulu family has moved a lot of resources to the country, and has always been with them.

The Juechen clan with roots in Zhangxiong and Zhongbalazi areas is different.

"The prince of Shannan was not very enthusiastic, but he also expressed his surrender and donated his children and tribute." said Wu Lujue.

"If it's just this level, it's nothing." Shao Shude said, "Don't tell me, you can't do anything to him."

"Your Majesty is joking." Wu Lujue said: "Brother Tie didn't trust the Wu Lu clan and the monk soldiers sent to him in Khotan, so he recruited many people from the Juechen clan. This year, he sent people to Shannan to recruit desperadoes.

Expand the Guard."

Shao Shude listened quietly.

Wu Lujue glanced at him secretly and continued: "It's really chilling that he is so alienated and supports the old minister."

"Some birds don't want to be kept in a cage all the time." Shao Shude said: "Are you treating him harshly?"

"It's absolutely not the case." Bu Lujue exclaimed: "The family specially recruited slaves, built a beautiful palace for him, and donated a lot of property. There are many people who ask for advice on important matters in the country. To do this, Iron Man

If brother is not satisfied yet——"

"How are you doing?" Shao Shude turned around and looked at Wu Lujue.

Unconsciously, he subconsciously felt a little creepy. The Tibetan man, who was fearless, felt as if he was being targeted by a wild beast and felt very uncomfortable. Of course, he knew that the murderous intention of the Supreme Emperor was not directed at him.

"But it's up to Your Majesty to make the decision." Bu Lujue said obediently.

Shao Shude pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head and said: "The prince is still young, so it is not appropriate to act rashly."

Wu Lujue lowered his head and listened respectfully.

"I will send an envoy back to Xiangxiong with you to give Brother Tie a beating. If he is still stubborn..." At this point, Shao Shude pondered for a moment.

Suddenly Lujue raised his head and waited quietly.

"Let's send him to become a monk." Shao Shude made the decision lightly.

Of course, becoming a monk is not very safe. Galdan went to Tibet to study Buddhism when he was a child and was away from home. But when he was 27 years old, because his brother was killed, didn't he return to secular life, return to his tribe, and gain great power?

If Brother Tie becomes a monk, he can return to secular life at any time, but there are still hidden dangers. But under the current situation, it is not easy to kill him openly, after all, he is still young.

This is all we can do for the time being.

"According to the order." Wu Lujue responded.

As representatives of the big family, they are very submissive, even more submissive than the descendants of Tubo Zampu. It has to be said that it is a huge irony. But this is a matter of vision. People who do not have the Lu family are very aware of Daxia's strong strength and do not want to violate it.

Going against the will of Zanpu, the Lion of Han Dynasty, at least not now.

"You can go back now. Some small things keep bothering me." Shao Shude waved his hand and said: "The situation should be more stable, and it will be stable for another three to five years. The prince, after all, does not have the blood of the Lu family, and it is indispensable.

It’s good for you.”

The sleepless head bowed humbly.

Everyone is smart.

Perhaps Cai Bang's people were still in the dark, but Lujue had already noticed clues from his sister's every move and went back to report to the family.

My sister is not someone who hides her worries. She has exposed some things long ago.

But the clan members said nothing and even helped to hide it.

Perhaps, as the sage said, the young prince does not have half the blood of the Lu family.

As for whose bloodline the other half belongs to, of course it belongs to Tiege Zampu. Don’t go into details, anyone who touches it will die.

"The princes of the feudal states in Shannan have been restrained by me, and we must not let them escape." Shao Shude warned a few more words.

The princes in Nepal and Sikkim now worship Xiangxiong and Poutie Ge. In his heart, Shao Shude does not want them to break away from the Tubo family.

But - he can only do this.


This chapter has been completed!
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