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Chapter 58 True and False

 "Xu Fu's Postscript", "Secret Stories of the Yin and Shang Dynasties", "The End of the Sea"...

A month later, Shao Shude had taken two sea dog pills, and the secretarial staff had written several books.

As soon as he saw the name, he had a strong desire to complain.

Fake, so fake!

But no matter how fake it is, the writers still wrote the book according to his requirements.

There are many details in it that look like they are happening and can be very deceiving.

Of course, this is what Shao Shude wants to see. If it is a fake, it is natural to make a complete set. For example, for the navigation details mentioned in the book, an old sea dog who often wanders at sea is invited to give guidance to ensure that outsiders cannot see any flaws.

As for the route, Shao Shude personally participated in the "falsehood".

I don’t know whether the pen is genuine or not, so I just wrote it as written. I even asked an artist to draw a sea map, which was a bit outrageous.

Well, only Shao Shude knows that this chart is true, at least it is close to ten.

The Kuroshio route is a real thing, and it was also a secret treasure once kept secret by the Spaniards.

During the Manila galleon trade that began in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Spanish merchant ships departed from ports on the Pacific coast of Mexico, sailed westward along the North Equatorial Warm Current, and arrived all the way to Manila, the capital of the Luzon colony.

After the ship was maintained and repaired, it headed north to China. After finishing the trade, it sailed northeast along the Kuroshio (Japanese Warm Current).

The Kuroshio Current and the Oyashio Current (Children Cold Current) meet to form the largest fishing ground in the world. Driven by the strong westerly wind, the Kuroshio Current turns eastward and becomes the North Pacific Warm Current. Following this ocean current, it crosses the North Pacific Ocean.

When you reach the west coast of North America, you can connect to the California cold current and go south along the water to reach the port of Acapulco in Mexico.

This was the so-called Manila Galleon trade route.

Crossing the Pacific Ocean twice, the first time sailing westward along the North Equator, the distance is longer, and the second time sailing eastward along the North Pacific Ocean, the distance is closer.

At that time, many foreign merchants knew about the Manila sailing ship trade, but they did not know how the Spanish did it. The Spanish also strictly kept the secret. After all, they paid a huge price to explore this route, and of course they could not leak it to the public.

other people.

Shao Shude has considered that crossing the Pacific Ocean from the North Equator requires relatively high navigation skills, and it is also very difficult to go from west to east. It can even be said to be almost impossible. But crossing the Pacific Ocean from the North Pacific is much easier, the distance is closer, and the ocean currents are smaller.

It is very powerful, and the speed is generally above four knots, or even higher. Moreover, the route itself is far away from the Bering Strait, with less floating ice, making it relatively safe.

The only drawback is probably that the wind and waves are bigger and there are more bad weather. I remember that the Nagumo Chuichi fleet that Japan used to attack Pearl Harbor took this route, and encountered heavy winds and rain.

"Call Han Zhaoyin and Zhao Ying." Shao Shude ordered after flipping through a few books.

"See your Majesty." A moment later, secretaries Han Zhaoyin and Zhao Ying came hand in hand and bowed in salute.

"Sit down." Shao Shude pointed to the two chairs and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the seat." The two of them sat down, one on the left and the other on the right, and waited quietly.

"Sit over here." Shao Shude waved, motioning for the two of them to come closer, and then pointed to a certain section of the chart in "The Postscript of Xu Fu" and said, "Add some islands here."

The two of them came over to take a look.

"May I ask how many islands your Majesty wants to add?" Han Zhaoyin asked.

"Add a dozen or so." Shao Shude said casually: "You can decide the specific number, it's just in this area."

Open your mouth and there are a dozen of them!

Han Zhaoyin originally had some doubts that this was true, but now seeing His Majesty's ridiculous request to add islands, he has already confirmed in his heart that this chart is extremely fake.

"What's the name of the island?" Zhao Ying asked.

"The local natives call them 'Aleuts,' so let's call them the Aleutian Islands," Shao Shude said.

After speaking, he wrote down the words Aleutian.

Of course there are indigenous Indians in the Aleutian Islands, known as the Aleuts, and the islands are named after them.

During the period when the Russian-American Company of Tsarist Russia colonized Alaska, there were probably tens of thousands of Aleuts who made a living by hunting whales, seals, sea otters, sea lions, walruses, reindeer, bears and other animals. Their level of civilization was low and they were still in the Stone Age overall.

, its whaling equipment is mainly stone, wood, and ivory spears, and canoes are used to enter the sea and shuttle back and forth between various islands.

After leaving the Thousand Islands, follow the ocean current and sail northeast for a few days, and you will see the Aleutian Islands, which are rich in fishery resources and home to tens of thousands of native Indians. It is actually an ideal shelter and transit station.

Shao Shude felt sorry for Li Ergou and others before, but this was actually the reason.

Now that they have seen the Kamchatka Peninsula, they are actually very close to the Aleutian Islands. After passing through the Aleutian Islands, they can see Alaska and the North American continent in front of them.

To some extent, it is much easier to arrive in North America from China than from Europe.

The voyage is relatively short, driven by strong ocean currents, and there are many supply islands along the way, so the conditions are very favorable.

The only shortcoming is that the indigenous civilization level in Northeast Asia is relatively low, and they lack the conditions and technology to travel to the North American continent - they may have been there in history, but they have no writing, so no one knows about it.

After listening to Shao Shude's words, Han Zhaoyin and Zhao Ying wrote down the key points on the spot for fear of not being able to remember them, and prepared to go back and revise them.

Shao Shude took a look and simply explained a few more words: "The end of the sea is the 'land given by heaven', and the number of bison is no less than ten million. After the natives hunted and killed them, they only ate the meat from the back of the eyes and discarded the rest.


After hearing this, Han Zhaoyin suddenly thought, "Is there such a waste? If it is really written like this, those natives are very rich. They only eat the most delicate part of the meat of the cow and discard the rest. How extravagant is this?"

So he put forward his opinion.

Shao Shude smiled awkwardly and said, "Han Qing, you can see for yourself that ten million bison are real."

"Yes." Han Zhaoyin nodded repeatedly, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

"Let me also mention that there are several crops in the local area, and one acre can produce ten thousand catties." Shao Shude said again.

"Your Majesty..." Han Zhaoyin trembled in fear, and the ink fell on the paper, forming a black spot.

"Haha, that's a bit much." Shao Shude said, "The yield per mu is a thousand catties."

"Yes." Han Zhaoyin wrote it down honestly.

He opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut, talking nonsense to the point where he couldn't add more nonsense. Han Zhaoyin suddenly felt a little ashamed. If people knew that he participated in the fraud as a top scholar and secretary, he would probably be laughed to death.

But this is a matter assigned by the saint himself. What can he do?

A month ago, he heard that the saint was looking for someone with good writing skills to write a book. He volunteered and participated personally, but now he regrets it more and more.

Making false claims for saints to fool the world seems not what scholars should do.

These fake books may trick many people into going out to sea in search of treasures and the legendary elixir of life. This is not what scholars should do.

He has committed so many scandalous things, and once his reputation is exposed, his reputation will be completely ruined.

However, in things in this world, there must be gains and losses.

I am a kind person and I will definitely compensate him. Maybe in two years, he will be able to go to the local area and get a state and county position. After some experience, he will return to the central government. By then, the position of the six departments and nine temples will still be there.

It's not just a random pick.

It's just that - I just don't know if the saint is still there at that time.

Alas, sorrow!

Compared with Han Zhaoyin, Zhao Ying didn't think so much.

In fact, he really doubted that the saint had collected some one and a half volumes of ancient books through some special channels. After reading them, he believed the descriptions in them, so he planned to correct them, revise them, and publish them again.

Because the sage asked them to add the Aleutian Islands, 10 million bison, and 10,000 kilograms of crops per acre and other false information, other aspects are still very reliable.

At least, it looks real.

Zhao Ying believes that there is no need to make the fraud so real, and it is impossible to make it so real.

When the Bohai Trading Company and the senior captain of the Ping Navy, who had sailed many times before, were invited to consult the ocean currents and routes, those people looked doubtful and hesitated to speak.

Zhao Ying asked her in private, but the captains actually believed her 60-70% of the time, which was terrifying!

What is the concept of deceiving professionals through fraud?

Is this true?

It's a pity that no one can give him the answer, so he can only record it doubtfully.

Shao Shude looked at their expressions and laughed.

True and false, false and true, everything in the world is like this.

He has worked hard for more than 20 years, really, it is no exaggeration.

After capturing Ziqing Town, he began to think of ways to drive people into the sea. He couldn't remember exactly how many methods he used.

Later, they supported the Bohai State, vigorously developed Liaodong, and used the resources of the Bohai State to establish a solid base in the Sea of ​​Japan.

It's really not easy to go through one thing after another for more than 20 years.

Up to now, he has only managed to lure seafarers to Sakhalin Island and a small amount of the Kuril Islands. From now on, the next generation will take over.

It is not an easy step to cross from the Thousand Islands to the Aleutian Islands and then to North America and Canada. The biggest obstacle is that future generations lack reasons and motivation.

Legend has it that the elixir of life was intended for the emperor.

Gold is for pirates and maritime merchants.

One hundred million bison and a yield of ten thousand catties per mu are prepared for ordinary people.

After "Zhizhi·Population" became a textbook for the imperial examination, the official class became aware of the contradiction between man and land, and might consider this aspect.

Fishing, maritime trade and shipping food will continue to iterate, improve navigation technology, improve shipbuilding levels, cultivate the marine industry chain, and expand the base of industrial workers.

By that time, the population and wealth of Liaodong were estimated to have accumulated to a considerable extent. The spontaneous gathering towns of pirates in Sakhalin Island, Hokkaido and other places were estimated to have reached a certain scale, and even many people had settled in the Kuril Islands - after all, the world's largest

A fishing ground is located here.

He had prepared all the prerequisites and was waiting for future generations to take this step.

It's done! It's good! If things have reached this point, if future generations still can't get out, there is nothing he can do.

He has done everything he can and has a clear conscience.


This chapter has been completed!
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