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Chapter 29 Huizhou (3)

  The sun is high in the sky and the mist is gradually dissipating.

On the gray field, one brown phalanx was moving forward one after another. On both sides of the phalanx, people screamed, and groups of cavalry collided with each other, facing each other with swords, fighting fiercely.

Li Shaorong's horse was gone. It stabbed a Tibetan cavalryman in the chest, so he could only throw it there. But he still had an iron mace, and with his thick arms, he had almost endless strength to rush into the enemy's formation.

Afterwards, he was truly invincible.

With a muffled sound, the mace hit the head of the Tubo cavalry who passed by him. He didn't even need to look back, but he knew that the enemy's head must have been dented to a large extent and he would not be able to survive!

 Another enemy rider rushed towards him, still holding a spear in his hand. Li Shaorong narrowly avoided the sharp spear point, and then subconsciously pounced forward to avoid the enemy's subsequent slap.

 Having experienced so much in the field of life and death, he can now keenly sense danger.

Hunting his legs between the horse's belly, Li Shaorong stepped forward quickly, walked around behind a Tibetan cavalryman who was fighting with his comrades, and struck the horse with his mace, causing another head to deflate.

"It's so good! Knocking on the head is more comfortable than chopping off the head!" Li Shaorong urged the horse, squeezing towards the crowded place. The cavalry on both sides collided with each other, lost speed, and were tangled with each other. On the outside, the cavalry on both sides

The garrisoned cavalry also began to accelerate, and a new round of collision began.

"Bang!" The iron mace hit the breastplate of an enemy chieftain, and a large piece of it was dented. The man couldn't bear the strength and fell off his horse. Li Shaorong ignored him and continued to look for a new head. The man who fell off the horse could only

I wish you a lot of luck.

"Who is this? He is so brave, but he dares to charge straight into the enemy formation with only a dozen or so riders." Shao Shude stood on a hillside, overlooking the battlefield.

The Tubo people, or the Tubo-led party members, were a type of opponent that he disliked very much. The reason was that they had a lot of cavalry! When the Dingnan Army fought, they liked to send out large groups of cavalry first to kill the enemy's cavalry, and then calmly deal with the enemy.

The main force of infantry.

This Tubo tribe called Kangnu has only more than 4,000 infantry and more than 2,000 cavalry. This configuration is very abnormal!

Fortunately, he also has a lot of cavalry. The Tielin Army has 2,000 cavalry, the Managerial Army has 500 cavalry, the Iron Cavalry Army has 3,000 cavalry, and the Zhongyong Army has another 2,000 cavalry. They are all professional warriors trained off-duty, and their equipment is better than that of Tubo.

He was much stronger, so he only charged twice, and the enemy's cavalry couldn't stand it any longer.

“The commander-in-chief must be from the cavalry army. He has a recognition flag on his back, so it’s hard to see clearly. After the war, I’ll look for someone to ask. If he survives, let him come and see the commander-in-chief.” Chen Cheng replied from the side.

Zhao Guangfeng glanced at him. Judge Chen has been in the army for many years and is familiar with all departments. He can basically answer the general's questions. If he wants to be a good counselor, it is not enough to just contribute strategies to the general. He must also be familiar with the military.

Only in this way can you excel in business.

“The captive cavalry must have been defeated.” Shao Shude looked at the Tibetan cavalry who were waving their whips and said, “Without the cavalry, how can the infantry succeed?”

“Commander, since ancient times, the Hulu have been able to achieve success by relying on cavalry and infantry. I have never seen anyone achieve success by relying on infantry.” Chen Cheng replied: “My troops are in great shape and have high morale. We should be able to defeat the enemy in one battle.”

Tielin Army has more than 10,000 infantry soldiers. They train and fight all year round. The sergeants are familiar with military orders and have excellent martial arts skills. How can they resist the 4,000 Tibet infantrymen wearing fur coats?

 The sound of drums and horns is heard on the battlefield.

Guan Kairun, who was fully armored, commanded the four battalions of infantry in the front line to press forward hard.

 Intensive arrows flew past the body, and people kept getting hit by arrows, and people kept catching them.

"Woo!" The trumpet sounded, and the soldiers stopped consciously, lowered their long spears to the ground, took off the strung bows, picked up the bows and arrows, and launched a volley.

This was a volley fired from a distance of thirty steps. A large piece of the Tibetan formation fell down on the opposite side. There was a lot of noise and the formation was somewhat scattered.

 “Woo!” was heard again, a second round of bows and arrows were fired, and more enemies fell.

At the same time, there were also dense arrows coming back, and soldiers kept falling down with groans.

 “Dong dong dong!” The drum sounded.

Guan Kairun was a little surprised. He looked back down the hillside and saw that it was indeed a signal for troops to march. Looking ahead, he saw that the Tubo people had been killed so hard that they could not stand. Some wanted to run away, while others rushed forward to kill them. For a moment, there was a sense of confusion.


"You really have a lot of brute strength. No wonder you can defeat the Jingyuan army who stayed behind." Guan Kairun laughed secretly: "But if you can't even buy all the leather armor, why fight? Is it enough to fight with bravery alone?"

 “Kill! Kill! Kill!” The sergeants picked up their rifles, hit the ground with their rifle poles, roared three times, and then lined up in a strict formation and marched forward unhurriedly.

 It doesn’t matter who is braver, less afraid of death, or rushes faster. Only by rationally distributing physical strength, maintaining a good formation, and obeying the orders from the trumpets and horns can we win the battle.

The Tubo people quickly reached the front of the formation. They did have a lot of brute force, but it was not easy to cross the dense jungle. Some people were holding large shields and just blocked the spears coming from the front, but they were stabbed by the long spears coming from the side.

Death. Someone rushed in with his back bent, and was knocked down by a big shield. Then he was nailed to the ground by a spear stretched out from the back.

 But more people were stabbed to death directly in front of the battle.

The long brown jungle is still advancing slowly, like a precision-operated machine. Some people do this, some do that, and the coordination is perfect. The Tibetan infantry who are constantly stabbed to death become the nourishment for this machine.


From the perspective of the desperate Tubo soldiers, it was indeed a huge devil. The sharp long branches were the tentacles of the devil. Everyone who rushed past was killed by the tentacles and then devoured.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground. The devil stepped on the corpses and swayed slightly, but it looked more like his teeth were chewing.

 “Dong dong dong…” The drum sound suddenly became fierce.

 “Kill!” The infantry of the Dingnan Army shouted in unison, accelerated suddenly, and rushed forward bravely with long spears in hand.

 The formation of the Tibetans is like a broken door, which will fall down if kicked down.

Marshal Shao watched with fascination another great victory, beheading thousands but not running away. But he remembered another thing. This elite infantry army he led single-handedly had such high morale and such a high proportion of veterans.

Gao, with such a tacit understanding of cooperation, if one day he suddenly suffered heavy losses, where would he go to make up for it?

 It is not easy to cultivate an army, and it is even more difficult to cultivate an army that is good at fighting. He put too much effort into the Dingnan Army. If it is gone, rebuilding it will not be as easy as touching the upper lip to the lower lip.

 Elite teachers are hard to come by, and if they are gone, they will be gone.

 At the end of the battle, Shao Shude got on his horse and galloped on the messy battlefield. A large group of soldiers followed behind, holding a big flag high, and the golden sunshine shone on it. Looking from a distance, it actually had a sacred feeling.

Zhao Guangfeng looked at the big flag infatuatedly. Wherever he went, the soldiers cheered loudly.

"It is better to be a centurion than a scholar!" Zhao Guangfeng also got on his horse and wandered slowly in the wilderness.

 As far as the eye can see, there are corpses of captive soldiers everywhere.

It turns out that these are the Tubo people who have been ravaging Yuanzhou for several years! Zhao Guangfeng was very emotional. If he was still an official in the court and read the official documents and newspapers about the Tubo conquering several states, he would definitely advise the saint not to use weapons rashly.


But now, how could he win so easily? He thought of the old events in the Dazhong period, when a hundred thousand troops marched westward, recaptured six states and seven passes, and the rebel army launched an uprising in the west.

Can we regain more lost ground with some food and salary?

It's a pity that there are no ifs in the world. If you miss some opportunities, you will miss them.

While he was thinking about it, the sergeants suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers. Zhao Guangfeng rode forward, grabbed a sergeant and asked him why.

"The commander ordered the cavalry troops and all the loyal and brave soldiers to go to the grass valley. The captive army was defeated. There were no strong men left. Most of the tribesmen were old, weak, women and children. All the cattle, sheep and goods that were stolen were given to everyone as rewards." That was a reward.

An infantryman of the Tielin Army, his teeth are a little yellow, but he smiles very happily.

Zhao Guangfeng also laughed when he heard this and said: "The wild geese fly every night with mournful sounds, and the wild geese shed tears. I see you now."

The sergeant looked at him with some confusion. Breaking grass and grain was the specialty of our disaster relief army. It was rare and strange.

On the fourth day of the second month of the second year of Guangqi, the Dingnan Army defeated Tubo in the southeast of Baiquan County, beheading more than 3,000 people and capturing 2,000 people. On the same day, they captured Baiquan County.

At the same time, the Yingning Army and the Jingyuan Army, with a total of 11,000 infantry and cavalry, also moved to Weizhou, preparing to march north and encircle Yuanzhou City.

 The coordinated operations of the three towns had to be organized by the court in the past. But this time, it was possible without a court. If we come here a few more times in the future, it seems that it doesn’t matter whether there is a court or not?

This chapter has been completed!
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