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Chapter 47 Entering Beijing (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, Fat Brother Jiangxi)

 "Meet the Prince of Lingwu County." In the governor's office of Tongzhou, Wang Bian bowed directly.

"Why is your Majesty like this?" Shao Shude sat firmly on the chair, supporting himself with his hands, and said, "You and I are officials in the same dynasty, so there is no need for this."

"The King of Lingwu County has the virtue of helping a helping hand, and I dare not not repay him. From now on, if I have any assignments, I will obey them." Wang Bian said loudly.

"Get up quickly." Shao Shude smiled and said: "We are all in Guanzhong Fangzhen. We should help each other. If there is any difficulty in the future, just write a letter and I will make the decision for you."

"Thank you, Prince Lingwu." Wang Bian stood up and stood aside respectfully.

The soldier brought him a chair. After looking at it, he carefully sat down.

"I heard that Erlang Wang is a man of great erudition, good at poetry and poetry, and is knowledgeable about ancient and modern times. Shandan, Ganzhou, is short of a county magistrate. I wonder if I would like to give in?" Shao Shude asked again.

"This is a dog's blessing, which he cannot ask for." Wang Bian said with a look of surprise on his face.

"Then it's settled." Shao Shude nodded and said.

Wang Bian, whether he surrenders sincerely or pretends to surrender, let's do this for now.

Shao Shude also doesn't want to do things to perfection and make the world look at him with suspicion.

The person who went to Ganzhou as hostage was Wang Bian's second son, not the eldest son who was a general in the army. If you really want to make up your mind to give up, it will not be difficult.

As it is now, it's enough to be neutral while maintaining a little bias.

"There is one more thing that needs to be reported to Prince Lingwu." Wang Bian said again.


"The imperial court went to Guandong to recruit troops, and has already recruited more than 24,000 people. The war with China was raging a while ago, and they were stranded in Shaanxi and Guohan. They marched westward in the past two days and prepared to return to Beijing. These people were detained by a certain dispatcher." Wang

Bian replied.

Good guy, you are very courageous!

Wang Bian now has 3,500 infantry and cavalry (including the 500 cavalry lent to him). The 500 cavalry used by Hao Zhenwei to monitor him have fallen again, leaving him with 4,000 soldiers. With the 4,000 soldiers, he "captured" more than 20,000

It's not surprising that a strong man has no weapons.

But, how dare he?

Zhao Guangfeng and Chen Cheng, who were sitting in the hall, also looked at each other with speculation in their minds.

Most likely, Wang Bian wanted to be the governor of the national army, and used this as a pledge to bargain with the court.

What a war leader in troubled times!

Before, Wang Bian and Hao Zhenwei were not domineering, but they were intimidated by the more than 50,000 Shen Ce troops and did not dare to make any changes, so they could only act honestly.

But the imperial court marched westward to Jingyuan and lost all its capital. Who is still afraid of you now?

This battle really had a far-reaching impact.

"How do you treat the soldiers recruited by the imperial court?" Shao Shude asked.

"I heard that the King of Lingwu County has recruited some strong men, so he should be forming a new army. If there are any shortages, you might as well choose from more than 20,000 people."

"Hmm..." Shao Shude wanted to pretend, but this was indeed a big temptation. After hesitating for a while, he said: "Send half over, and the rest will be released to Chang'an."

Wang Bian follows his own example.

The new soldiers were sent to Tongzhou within a few days.

On the tenth day of November, more than 7,000 soldiers from the four prefectures of Yanyan arrived in Tongzhou.

Shao Shude inspected the armies near Shayuan Prison and ordered the formation of Chishui and Wuxing armies on the spot.

Three thousand soldiers were selected from the army of Yanyan, and another three thousand were selected from the soldiers who surrendered from Tongzhou. These six thousand soldiers were divided into groups, and six thousand new soldiers from Guandong were added to form the new troops of the two armies.

From these two armies, half of the troops will be selected from each and replaced with the four armies of Tielin, Tianzhu, Tianxiong and Yicong. More than two-thirds of the officers at all levels will be served by people from the old army.

This is not the first time that Marshal Shao has done this kind of thing. The people below him are also very familiar with it. They have their own set of planning procedures and completed the establishment within a few days.

The Chishui and Wuxing armies will each have two thousand cavalry. The Chishui army's cavalry will come from the Hewei and Fan tribes, while the Wuxing army's cavalry will come from the Qingtang and Tubo tribes. Naturally, people will be sent to recruit troops later.

After the reorganization was completed, there were still more than 4,000 soldiers in the town of Fuyan. Shao Shude ordered that 2,000 new soldiers from Guandong be supplied to them, and then dispersed again to rebuild the state soldiers of the five states in Weibei.

There are still four thousand new soldiers left, and one thousand more will be added to the Tielin Army, bringing the total strength of the Tielin Army to 11,000. Later, another thousand cavalry will be added to the Tielin Army, which means 9,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry.


There are a lot of changes in personnel, and they need to be carefully trained. This is the key task next year.

The current Shuofang Army is like inhaling too much foreign energy through the Star Absorbing Technique. It must be slowly adjusted and digested before it can regain its vitality and return to its previous combat effectiveness.

In fact, this is not only true in the military, but also in civil affairs. Otherwise, the foundation will be a bit empty. It is okay to keep winning the war. If there is a disastrous defeat, if everything is not maintained, ambition will arise.

On November 13, the army set off in batches for Chang'an, arriving on the evening of the 24th and camping at Bashang.

In the newly built Linde Hall, the lights flickered and shone on the faces of the saint and several ministers, adding to the gloomy look.

"Your Majesty, the reason why the Shence Army is so weak is due to the monopoly power of the eunuchs." Kong Wei said: "The eunuchs accepted fake sons and formed cliques for personal gain. In the past, Yang Fugong had more than 600 fake sons, and they all got official positions. They were colluding in the army and bullying.

Hidden from above and below, the loyal and brave men were squeezed away, leaving behind all the villains who were lucky enough to join. If we reorganize the Shence Army now, we must not fall into the hands of this person again."

Xu Yanruo and Du Ranneng remained silent.

Although they had strong opinions against Kong Wei, they also had common interests in dealing with Zhongguan.

"If the Shence Army is sent to Nanya and reorganized, will it be possible to fight?" the saint asked with some earnestness.

"Your Majesty, since the difficult times, the middle-ranking officials have been favored and become more and more arrogant. When the crown prince ascends the throne, Jingzong also needs the approval of the middle-ranking officials and generous rewards, including brocade, gold and silver, and crimson robes, are all used up by the state. In the second year of Baoli, the eunuch Liu

Keming killed Jingzong and wanted to establish King Jiang, Liang Shouqian, and Wang Shoucheng instead established King Jiang (Wenzong). In the fifth year of Kaicheng's reign, Wenzong became seriously ill and ordered the prime ministers and others to appoint the prince as the supervisor of the country. The eunuch Qiu Shiliang and Yu Hongzhi corrected the imperial edict and established King Ying (Wuzong) instead.

Xuanzong was established by the eunuchs who secretly made decisions in the ban. In the 13th year of Dazhong, Xuanzong became seriously ill and secretly ordered him to establish King Kui. However, the eunuch Wang Zongshi did not obey the edict and instead established the crown prince Yunwang (Yizong). In the 14th year of Xiantong

Liu Xingshen, the lieutenant of the left army, and Han Wenyue, the lieutenant of the right army, secretly discussed the appointment of the young son Pu Wang (Xizong) as king. It is unknown who Emperor Yi originally wanted..."

Kong Wei did not answer the saint's question directly, but changed the subject and talked about the various misdeeds of the eunuchs.

Don't mention it, this trick is quite effective. The saint's attention was immediately attracted and he forgot to ask the court official or the eunuch who was better at running the army.

"Your Majesty, the corruption of state affairs all stems from the exclusive power of eunuchs." Kong Wei finally concluded.

It seems that as long as the power of the eunuchs is taken away, and the Nanya court officials are put in charge of the army, and the people are in full swing, the country's affairs will immediately improve.

"The mobilization of the Forbidden Army is under the control of the Privy Envoy of the Northern Division, and the Tenth Army is envoyed. The lieutenants of the two armies have been serving as soldiers for many years. What can be done?" The saint said this in a low voice, as if he was afraid of being heard. But Linde Hall

It was so vast that it was difficult for anyone to eavesdrop. It was purely because of the fear in his heart.

"Xia soldiers are stationed in Bashang..." Kong Wei said vaguely.

"Who can be the envoy?"

No one answered.

The emperor was a little discouraged.

He was not stupid. It was not a day or two before the court official wanted to kill the eunuch. But he also had a deep-rooted fear of the eunuch.

During the Manna Incident, most of the courtiers with integrity were probably dead, and the atmosphere in the court was getting worse day by day.

If the court official is unwilling to go, then the only choice is to send the female official from the inner court to come forward.

After leaving the Linde Hall, the saint returned to the Changsheng Hall, where Mrs. Wei and the concubine Chen came forward to serve him.

"Court officials, middle officials, all of them must not make people worry." The saint sighed.

Mrs. Chen hesitated for a moment, but still persuaded: "Since Your Majesty came to the throne, only three ministers have looked up to Longyan and asked the Holy Spirit. The rest of the court guests have come and gone together, and they have not heard about political affairs. As a result, they have not given any loyal advice.

When you reach the holy hearing, the road to righteousness has not yet begun."

This is a subtle way to advise him not to listen to one side or to believe one thing to another, but to have more contact with other ministers, listen to more opinions from all sides, and make comprehensive judgments, instead of being tired of spending all day with the three prime ministers.

"What do you know!" the saint reprimanded, saying: "Xu, Du, and Kong are really talented, but the rest are mediocre and timid. The middle officials are so domineering. Without them, how can we accomplish great things!"

Mrs. Chen didn't realize it at first, but after thinking about it for a while, her face gradually became surprised.

"Your Majesty." Mrs. Chen sighed, feeling that she had to remonstrate directly, otherwise she might not be able to survive this life. She has no ambitions and does not want to fight with anyone. This is not in line with her character. She just wants to be quiet.

, live a comfortable life, practice calligraphy, read and write poems in my free time, that's all.

"In the past, after the execution of Yu Chao En Fu, internal officials no longer commanded soldiers. Emperor Dezong professed Bai Zhizhen, a civilian official on the military committee. Zhizhen accepted bribes and recruited soldiers indiscriminately. At that time, many people were not in the army, but they were rewarded by their names.

"During the Jingshi Rebellion, the emperor summoned the imperial army to guard against thieves. At that time, no soldiers came to serve the king. Only the middle official Dou Wenchang and Huo Xianming led the eunuchs and princes to protect him..." Chen said softly.

The meaning of this sentence is also very clear. Dezong originally trusted the civil servants, but at the critical moment the civil servants let him down. He accepted bribes and recruited a bunch of bad people. Normally, it was fine, but when he needed to be diligent, he "didn't

There is no one who can do it." In the end, a group of middle-ranking officials came to King Qin with all their weapons and equipment to protect the saint as he escaped.

If you were Dezong, who would you trust more?

Although eunuchs are domineering, is it really good to kill them?

The saint heard some truth, but then he thought of Ximen Zhongsui's old face, the eunuch's contempt from time to time, and the humiliation of Tian Lingzi being whipped in public. His anger surged up again, and he waved his hand and said, "You don't understand!"

After that, he walked away angrily.

Pei, a female official in the inner court, quietly followed behind.

She was born in the Pei family of Wenxi and was a public minister. She had served beside him since the time of King Shou. She had made great contributions and gained the status of the wife of Hedong County.

But she is not just a "maid chief". In fact, she often handles some confidential matters. She is also favored by saints from time to time, and her influence is quite large.

In fact, the saint had not really made up his mind about what Kong Wei said. Chen's remonstrance just now was not really angry, but just a temporary stress reaction after someone saw through his inner thoughts.

Women, being too smart is not a good thing!

This time, we still have to send Mr. Pei to test Shao Shude's tone. If he is willing, he may try it so that he can truly concentrate the power in his hands instead of letting the eunuchs manipulate him. If he doesn't want to, then forget about it.

The risk is still too great.

Mr. Pei has served the saint for many years, how come he doesn’t know his inner thoughts? He forgets his righteousness when he sees small gains, and cherishes his own life when doing big things...

This chapter has been completed!
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