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Chapter 35: The Thief

 The northwest wind blew so hard that it almost broke the flagpole.

Except for a few people who stayed at the camp to guard the horses and baggage, most of the cavalry troops got on their horses and quickly maneuvered to somewhere, sweating profusely as they worked.

Some people who were captured by them were also mobilized and kept busy.

At the same time, there were nearly a thousand horsemen cruising around the Bian army, venturing close from time to time, and trying every possible means to delay the march of the Bian army, although with little success.

Oretsugu calculated the time, and the Bian army would probably rest in that fortress for one night tonight. Then they would march again, and they would arrive at the preset attack location around noon tomorrow.

Hope the weather doesn’t change tomorrow!

Shao Shude received the urgent message from Oritsugu Yu the next morning.

He asked someone to simulate the situation, and then fell silent, as if he had seen the scene in the Battle of Qigou Pass where Cao Bin was besieged by Brother Yelvxiu's cavalry.

At that time, Cao Bin used a grain truck as a peripheral barrier. Brother Yelvxiu attacked it and suffered heavy casualties, so it turned into a confrontation.

It stands to reason that Cao Bin has the grain, grass and equipment that he just brought from Xiongzhou, and the Liao army will be unable to do anything to them for a while. Isn't it just to contain the Liao army's cavalry and create opportunities for the other two armies?

But Cao Bin's response was to open the car barrier late at night and lead the people to escape...

With this fighting will, Li Keyong, who is surrounded by Chengde cavalry, can beat you for eighteen streets.

In this battle, the Song army lost ten thousand people.

After Cao Bin fled with the remaining troops, the Liao army came after him, and his troops collapsed in the face of the wind.

It is not that Li Keyong has never been defeated by Chengde and Youzhou, but he can always repel the chasing cavalry and calmly deal with the defeat without breaking his bones.

Both are mainly infantry, why is there such a big gap?

Perhaps, almost seventy or eighty years have passed since the establishment of the Bianliang Forbidden Army by Zhu Wen to the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty. According to the decline curve of the Shence Army, it is almost at this level. Perhaps because of many wars,

The decline is slower than that of the Shence Army, but it is inevitable for an army that has existed for decades to become sluggish.

"Send a message to the Zhejun envoy and I will wait for good news. If we can defeat the Bian army in this battle, we will be credited with the first victory." After Shao Shude finished speaking, he left the camp and inspected the newly captured Xiashi Fort.

These are all small scenes. The elite infantry is used to defeat Zhang Quanyi's county soldiers and field soldiers. There is no big suspense. Maybe Xin'an County is more difficult to fight. Zhang Quanyi actually repaired the city for the first time and paid so much attention to "Han Valley"


There were many carriages and horses on the Zhengzhou and Luoyang post roads, and Liu Han, who was the first to set off, had a huge head.

The Xia army's cavalry was different from the Zhu Jin and Luo Hongxin's cavalry they encountered.

They don't force it.

Zhu Jin was born as a cavalry general. At first, he always used elite cavalry to rush into the infantry protected by baggage vehicles, resulting in heavy casualties.

After several losses, I started to disturb the grain channels, but it still had no effect.

In the end, maybe people became crazy. This year, they actually used cavalry to rush into the infantry formation, hoping to take a gamble. In the end, the entire army was wiped out and fled in confusion.

The Taining Army, which once had more than 5,000 elite cavalry, surrendered and died no longer a concern.

"General Liu, have the Xia thieves given up their harassment?" Zhu Yourang, an important officer accompanying the army, asked as he looked at the Xia army's cavalry scattered in the distance.

"Senior Zhu, the Xia army may not have given up. They may be waiting for us somewhere. However, our army rested all night last night and has sufficient strength and high morale. We are not afraid of Xia thieves." Zhu Yourang was originally a wealthy businessman in Bianzhou and was captured by Dongping County.

Wang accepted him as his adopted son and now serves as an important member of the army. In fact, he has a bit of a supervisory role, and he does not dare to offend him too much.

Liu Han, like Yang Yanhong, was a general in the old Xuanwu Army.

Yang Yanhong commanded the Xuanwu Cavalry Army and had a high position. However, it was precisely because of his high position that the Prince of Dongping County was jealous of the cavalry in his hands, so he attracted Li Sian and others under him, causing him to be gradually marginalized.

But it is impossible for the old army generals to be completely eliminated.

We all come from a family of generals who have passed down generations, so we have a lot of inheritance, and we still have some skills.

If Yang Yanhong is not needed, Li Sian must be used. Otherwise, will there be enough cavalry generals? Is it enough to rely solely on the Chao Army cavalry generals such as Ge Congzhou, Huo Cun, and Xie Yanzhang?

Liu Han is now the commander of the left and right victory armies, commonly known as Dutou Shiye.

He set out from Zhengzhou with 4,000 men, acting as the vanguard of the army, and entered Luoyang to aid.

I just didn't expect that the Xia Army's cavalry had already moved into this area. It seemed that the west of Xin'an County had been completely destroyed. Maybe the main force of the Xia Army had arrived at Xin'an City and was about to besiege the city.

The wind got stronger and stronger, and with a sharp squeak, a flag flag was broken on the spot.

The faces of those who saw it were frightened, and Zhu Yourang screamed in fright.

"Cang" Liu Han drew out his horizontal sword, looked around and said, "The west wind is blowing strong, what's wrong with this weather and time?"

He asked someone to put away the broken flag and put a new one on it.

"Don't stop, keep going! Is it possible that the Xia thieves can still charge straight at my cart?" Liu Han stared at the crowd and said, "My blood is so hot that I have gone so far and killed the thieves with both hands."

You can't even count them, so why are you afraid of this? As long as the soldiers work together, they can dig a hole even today."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and their morale was restored.

After so many years of fighting in the north and south, we have killed everyone in the wind, rain, blood and fire. If the mere thieves dare to rush over, let them see the killing skills we have been pondering all day long.

"If a summer thief comes, the long spear in his hand will surely drink his blood, one for each."

"If there are more thieves in the summer, how will you treat them?"

"Isn't that simple? One shot and two."

"Ha ha."

A few people adjusted the atmosphere, and everyone's morale improved again.

This is the advantage of having many veterans who have been tempered by blood and fire in the army. They know when to do something, they are not very afraid of death, they dare to fight and fight hard, which is of great help to the war.

The convoy continued to move forward.

Some scouts ventured forward bravely, but were quickly pushed back.

Everyone didn't care, they were used to it and it didn't affect them at all.

The only dissatisfaction may be that the wind and sand are a bit strong, which makes people very irritable. The draft animals pulling the cart are also a little restless and not very obedient.

Valley/span> After walking forward for a short distance, the wind and sand became stronger and stronger. The sound of horse hooves could be faintly heard from the gray sky.

"Mou!" A cow went crazy in an irritated manner. The driver could not control it, and the grain cart was pulled crookedly and clanged.

"Not good!" Liu Han strode onto a donkey cart. The dust was overwhelming. Although it wasn't hard enough to open his eyes, it was still extremely uncomfortable.

Where does the wind and sand in Henan come from?

The sound of horse hooves became more and more urgent.

"Clang!" A bullock cart rushed out of the queue, went down to the field, and then rolled over on its side.

Most of the draft animals became anxious and were not adapted to such an environment.

In fact, not only the animals were forced to work, but the people were also uncomfortable. The sound of "bah bah" was non-stop.

Some people used their hands to cover their nostrils, but Changsha couldn't hold it anymore.

"Ah!" A driver fell to the ground in pain.

He was about to calm down the donkey pulling the cart, but was kicked.

The donkey cart rushed out at a staggering speed, and the few sergeants standing on it staggered around and cursed.

Like an infectious disease, the anxious and painful cries of the draft animals kept coming one after another, and the queue gradually became chaotic.

"Crash" the two cars collided with each other.

It turned out that the draft animals in the car in front refused to leave, and they were "rear-ended" by the car behind them, and the mule cart behind them rushed out of the queue.

"It must be Xia's plan!" Liu Han yelled.

The wind and sand poured in, blocking the second half of his sentence.

"Whoosh!" More than ten feather arrows took advantage of the wind and nailed the carriage hard.

One of the cows was shot. It was so painful that it rushed forward regardless of it. Some sergeants were caught off guard and were hit directly, screaming in agony.

The cow's blind movement also brought along other draft animals, and the entire convoy was in chaos, with people and horses turning upside down.

"Why did Xia Thief get so close?" Liu Han asked angrily.

"It's too messy," someone replied.

Some junior officers spontaneously gathered some crossbowmen and fired in the direction where the arrows were flying. Some screams were faintly heard in the wind and sand.

"Boom!" An ox cart rushed past, knocking the crossbowmen upside down.

The sound of horse hooves was close to my ears, and a huge gap appeared on the right side of the convoy.

This can actually make up for it. As long as sergeants rush over and line up with long spears, supplemented by bows and crossbows, they can block it.

But now the convoy is in a bit of chaos, with the sergeants running around to avoid the mad animals and making a mess.

However, the lower-level officers of the Bian Army still had good initiative. Someone led some sergeants, panting, climbed over the grain truck and rushed to the gap.

"Buzz!" A hail of arrows fell, and the dozen or so sergeants who had just climbed over the car screamed.

"Boom!" The first cavalryman rushed in, smashed the hammer in his hand, and a Bian sergeant fell down silently.

But the camp was too chaotic, which was not conducive for the Bian army to form a formation, and it was also not conducive for the cavalry to charge and kill. Therefore, only a few people rushed in with him, hacking and killing randomly.

Most of the cavalry were galloping around the perimeter, taking advantage of the chaos in the Bian army to send an overwhelming rain of arrows over.

Zhu Yourang got directly under the car.

Liu Han roared and rushed over with his soldiers.

One soldier raised a long-handled ax and knocked off the horse the cavalryman who had just rushed in. Another soldier stepped forward, raised his sword and killed him.

"Don't retreat!" Liu Han picked up an abandoned branch and knocked down a Xia Army cavalryman.

The cavalryman looked braver and stood up quickly, but was knocked to the ground by the sudden attack of the hook and sickle.

"Poof!" He was nailed to the ground with a spear.

The arrow rain became more and more intensive.

Liu Han's armor seemed to have white hair on it. He rushed to another place, stabbed a Xia army cavalry to death, and asked angrily: "Where are the crossbowmen? Drive the Xia thieves back!"

No one answered.

Most of the crossbows were placed on the cart. Who could find them in such a mess? Someone had already climbed over the cart and escaped.

"Buzz!" Another group of cavalry crossed the field, went around to the other side of the convoy, and fired arrows continuously.

Enemy from both sides!

The collapse started in one corner and then spread to the entire car formation.

There were brave Bian soldiers who still relied on carts and fought back with rifle bows, while there were also soldiers who waved their long spears and fought desperately.

However, the establishment system is in chaos, there is no cooperation, and the resistance is not systematic, so naturally the results are very little.

The situation is over!

As some of the Xia army's cavalry dismounted and the whole team charged towards them, the destruction of the Bian army was inevitable.

Oritsugu Yu stood in the wind and sand, watching quietly.

After a long time, he sighed: "We are short of mounted infantry."

This chapter has been completed!
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