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Chapter 37 Xin'an and Shangzhou

 Twenty thousand troops arrived at Xin'an City.

Yes, he divided his forces again.

Previously, tens of thousands of people from the Hengshan Party were left to renovate forts and guard the place in Xiashi County.

The total distance from Xiashi County to Xin'an County is about 200 miles. It is impossible not to leave troops to guard the country. After all, this is enemy territory, and there are no local armed forces such as our own state soldiers to help guard the home.

Qianhao Village, Mianchi County, Xia Shibao and nearby important places were guarded by 5,000 infantry of Tianxiong Army and more than 3,000 infantry and cavalry of Shunyi Army.

In fact, it is not enough at all. More than 9,000 people are spread out over a distance of 200 miles, and they are sparsely populated, which is symbolic.

The troops around Marshal Shao now include 12,000 cavalry from the Tielin Army (3,000 cavalry from the army have returned to the army), 7,000 cavalry from the Tianzhu Army (same as above), and 2,000 cavalry under Xu Hao, the Heluo Youyi attack commander. , there were originally 5,000 auxiliary soldiers from the Silver Spear Command, but they had already gone south to join the Silver Spear Command soldiers.

The Loyal and Shun Army has grown to more than 4,000 people, but its combat effectiveness and fighting will are questionable, and its loyalty is also questionable, so it cannot be relied upon at all.

The population of Henan Prefecture is still too small. It has been moved back and forth between Qin Zongquan and Sun Ru. Now it only has 50,000 households. It is a problem to recruit surrenders, recruit rebels, and create a servant army.

There was no servant army, so the tens of thousands of people he brought over were scattered everywhere. Shao Shude suddenly remembered that when the Japanese invaded China in later generations, only a few hundred people from a squadron were placed in one county...

The military strength was stretched to the extreme.

We still have to get the support of the big clans and military leaders in the Central Plains. Alas, this population is suddenly no longer easy to plunder.

"Commander, is there anything you don't understand?" In the newly set up camp, Chen Cheng observed his words and asked.

At this time, except for the soldiers, there was no one else inside or outside the big tent.

"I'm wondering if we can consider granting real power to Jiedu envoys?" Shao Shude said this vaguely, but Chen Cheng understood it immediately.

Jinyang Li Keyong, this group only provides territory and soldiers to his subordinates, similar to other vassal towns in the world.

For example, Li Hanzhi was the governor of Zezhou and was actually in charge of Luzhou.

After capturing the three prefectures of Hebei, An Jinjun was appointed as the training envoy of the Xingming regiment, which was also the real power, and he was in charge of the military and political power of the three prefectures of Xing, Ming, and Ci.

Historically, when Datong was captured, Ke used Biao Shi Shanyou as the defense envoy of Datong.

Youzhou was also handed over to Liu Rengong, Zhou Dewei and others.

It means that a large military leader has a medium-sized military leader under him, and the medium-sized military leader divides the territory among his smaller military leaders.

The old-school warlord rule system was also the model adopted by most vassal towns across the country at this time.

Speaking of which, among the towns in the north, Shao Shude and Zhu Quanzhong are two different species.

Hu Zhen in Huazhou was an old man from Zhu Quanzhong who served as the governor of Xuanyi and led the two states of Hua and Zheng. However, he had no real power and was all held by Zhu Quanzhong. It was essentially the same as the towns of Yingning and other towns in Shuofang.

Both models have advantages and disadvantages.

The former can greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of his subordinates. After all, who doesn't want to be a local emperor? But it also has disadvantages. If others say it, they will do it, and there will be no big obstacles.

The latter unified government orders and could better coordinate resources, but the pursuit of his subordinates was only wealth and wealth, and they did not have the satisfying feeling of having real power.

In fact, in the later stages of his career, Zhu Quanzhong couldn't stand it anymore.

The surrounding feudal towns are too difficult to conquer.

Can you imagine that the main force of Yan and Yun'er Town has been lost, but with the second wave of soldiers recruited, can they still hold on tenaciously?

Wang Zhong's division attacked the Yanzhou soldiers' camp and charged with heavy armor. He was injured eighty-nine times and almost died. It took him more than a month to recover. And Zhu Quanzhong had many people like this who dared to fight.

But it was so laborious to attack these Central Plains vassal towns, and they still had to annihilate their main elite forces in field battles.

He had no choice but to compromise, because others refused to preach and wanted to resist.

Wei Bo compromised, Zelu compromised, Hezhong also compromised...

Why can't the warriors clearly see the general trend of the world and surrender early? With half the world attacking a corner, you still have to resist and make trouble? Why can't you understand the current affairs like the separatist military leaders in the last years of other dynasties?

These cheap people from the Central Plains are killing talented people!

And the consequences of compromise are of course very serious.

Weibo, Youzhou and other towns were in constant rebellion, and it finally took five dynasties to reluctantly take over the power of the military governors in various places.

If Shao Shude is willing to let people "bring capital into the organization" and entrust them with power like the Zhe family and the Zhuge family, he will definitely be able to make faster progress on paper, but does he dare?

"Commander, you should not give away famous weapons lightly. Just go slow and be sure." Chen Cheng said: "If someone rebels and seizes power, we can still rely on the new master, but how can the Shao clan rely on us?"

In fact, Chen Cheng cannot rely on the new master. His core staff, like Jing Xiang, will probably hang themselves...

"Now we have captured Shuofang, Longyou, Hexi, Binning, Jingyuan, Weibei, Huazhou and other towns. We are also close to Fengxiang and Xingyuan. We will then capture Jinshang, Shaanxi, Guo, Hezhong, and the four fortresses."

Well, Jingzhao Mansion isn’t just letting it be manipulated?” At this point, he lowered his voice and said, “It’s okay to split the earth and become emperor, so why bother?”

"That's right." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Even if I offered Zhang Quanyi the post of military envoy, he would not dare to accept it. Xuanwu is close at hand, while Lingxia is far away. It is not difficult to make a choice."

"We will not attack this Xin'an County." Shao Shude said: "If too many elites are lost and Zhu Quanzhong's army comes over, how can we fight? If we continue to plunder the population, the worst case scenario is that I will close my door and become the emperor of the country. From now on, the day will be east.

He went out and harassed Quan Zhong, making him exhausted and exhausted. Eventually he was exhausted and unable to fight."

"Then the commander-in-chief must pay attention to two directions." Chen Cheng said: "Shaanxi and Guo, one is the middle of the river, and the other is the Shannan East Road. These are the two iron arms that strangle Quanzhong."

In the middle of the river, Shaanxi and Guo are the passages from the north to the east. The prefectures of Xiang, Deng, and Tang in the east of Shannan, and the prefectures of Cai, Ru, and Xu in the northern expedition to Huaixi are all very critical.

"Zhejia..." Shao Shude pondered for a while.

The position of Shao Chengjie's heir cannot be moved. This is the biggest support for the family. The next generation may need to continue to marry children and in-laws to deepen the relationship.

It is absolutely impossible to marry a daughter of the Zhe family, as it will upset the political balance in the town, so the only option is to marry a daughter. And a child of the Zhe family who marries a daughter of the Shao family will of course become the head of the Zhe family, this is a must.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Shao Shude sat at the top of the meeting and said: "The cavalry army defeated the Bian army and captured more than 2,000 people. Can these people be used?"

"It cannot be used for the time being." Chen Cheng replied: "If Quanzhong's power is declining, the troops can be used as much as possible. However, it is at the peak of the sun and cannot be used. It is better to send it to Feng, Sheng, Liang, Gan, break it up and resettle it."

"They are all elite soldiers. It's a pity." Shao Shude sighed: "We can't let them go to Liang, Gan, and Jingyuan. The 17,000 surrender troops are stationed there. If the two are connected in series, trouble may occur. Send them to Qing

It’s not appropriate to go to Tang Dynasty. It’s better to go to He, Lan, Cheng and Qi states.”

Especially Jiezhou, after it was taken back from Tibet, it was almost deserted. Xiao Tao moved households from Guanzhong, and there are only 800 households so far. They farm, raise silkworms, herd sheep, and cultivate tea trees just in the past two or three years.


According to the data from the first year of Dashun (890), the thirty-two counties in the ten prefectures of Longyou continued to relocate households and encroached on the Tibetan and Qiang people. There are now more than 74,000 households with a population of more than 370,000.

There is no need to think too much about property. Taxes cannot be collected based on more than 70,000 households. This is because both private households in Guanzhong and the annexed Qianghu have a ten-year tax-free preferential period. The first batch of people have just entered the fourth year.

Tax-free, this is the fifth year.

Xiao Yu has taken good care of this place, and it has become somewhat prosperous in four years. He also provides some money, grain, cattle and sheep, leather, wood, herbs and other goods every year. Although it is not much, it is not without small things.


After all, the foundation is too poor. I don’t know when we can restore the prosperity of the Tianbao period?

The population of ten states is about the same as that of the same state and one place. This thing makes...

But don't underestimate Longyou too much. The local Tibetan people are very large, far more than the Tang people.

Longyou is still the same Longyou as before. The land has not changed, but the people have changed. Now it is slowly getting on the right track and recovering slowly.

The Tibetan people can come to fight. Although the combat effectiveness is hard to say, they can reduce the casualties of the Tang people.

Although this will allow a large number of Tibetan people to climb to high positions due to their military exploits, their numbers are too small, and the middle and lower classes are still Tang people, and they will eventually be assimilated.

It's better than the Tang people serving as soldiers, leaving nothing out of ten, and the Tibetan people farming and herding to provide goods for recuperation and recuperation. I don't dare to forget the old story of the Xianbei war and the Han people farming.

"Commander, this is a move to solidify the fundamentals, and you will win the world in the future." Chen Cheng was afraid of flattery and said: "When I attack the Huaixi states from the south to the north, the whole loyalty will be exhausted, and the more we fight, the weaker we will be. And I have Longyou,

Hexi, Shuofang continuously provides goods and soldiers, and the more we fight, the stronger we are. Quanzhong has no rear, but I have it."

"Quanzhong still has a rear area. The Xuanwu and Xuanyi states are connected. Although they are connected to the territories of Erzhu and Shipu, they can't penetrate these places, so they are not the front line." Shao Shude said: "My rear area also has a rear area.

It’s not too peaceful. This year there was a Tibetan rebellion in the Qingtang Dynasty, which was suppressed by the Heyuan Army, the Jishi Army and other Tibetan tribes. Ganzhou Uighur Li Renmei led the Hexi party to invade Liang, Gan, and Tuoba Renfu didn’t take action yet. This guy

I really don’t want to think about it anymore!”

To rule so many Tibetan people, and to plunder their property, and to go to war in Dingkou, one must be prepared for rebellion.

In the Helong area, it is inevitable to guard tens of thousands of troops all year round. This is the cost.

"The Uighurs in Gaochang raided the rebel army, and Zhang Huaishen was unable to control it. Suzhou Long led the Yumen Army to help, but he could only force them back. If the Tibetan people in Hexi rebel again, it will be great fun." Shao Shude said with a bitter smile.

: "Originally I wanted to transfer some of the Yumen Army to the rebel army, but now it seems impossible. It would be nice if you could help me block the Uighur forces in the Western Regions, and take care of some places."

"Well, everyone has their own troubles. I have troubles, Quanzhong also has troubles, and we all have each other. Now we have to magnify Quanzhong's troubles. This is the chance of victory." Shao Shude said: "Today Quanzhong is the vanguard to protect the enemy.

The first part of the victorious army was defeated. Hu Zhen and Zhu Quanzhong should be shocked. This gave us some time to deal with the population first. Since Quanzhong's people came less, I would not leave and even took the opportunity to eat one of them.

.There are too many people coming, so let’s go. From now on, I’ll come to Henan Mansion when I’m in a good mood, and I’ll come when I’m in a bad mood. What can Quanzhong do to me?”

"Commander, Li Kuangwei of Youzhou has raised troops, and Helianduo of Datong has also sent troops south." Zheng Yong, the tenth general of the personal army, suddenly walked in and reported: "The envoy of Yang Jun of Xinquan Army hastily sent it."

The vanguard led by Zhe Zongben arrived in Shangzhou.

The old man was also unwilling to admit defeat. He led two thousand elites out of Fengxiang, walked through Guanzhong, marched lightly, traveled day and night, and finally arrived in Shangzhou.

However, this journey was very tiring, and the large army was left far behind. The three thousand soldiers of Xingyuan Mansion even trekked through mountains and rivers in the Qinling Mountains to rush to Jinzhou.

Zhe Zongben is currently the commander of all the troops and horses in Qiuchi, Qinling Mountains.

Shao Shude's appointment was not an imperial edict, and it was impossible for the imperial court to give him this position.

Zhe Zongben's original plan was for him to personally lead a group of soldiers and horses to set off from Shangzhou, go to Jindao, leave Wuguan, and directly attack Dengzhou Neixiang (today's Neixiang County, Nanyang City). Why bother to attack Junzhou?

However, Shao Shude felt that the land of Shangzhou was barren and the people were poor, and the Shangshan Road was not easy to walk, so he was afraid that it would not be able to support a large-scale military expedition.

Is it safe to send a small number of elite troops out of Wuguan to attack Dengzhou?

The eight states of Deng, Tang, Shen, Guang, Cai, Ru, Xu and Chen have strong folk customs and the famous "Huaiyi" separatist forces have been resisting the central government for a long time and are not so easy to fight.

It would be fine if he could mobilize a large army, but Zhe Zongben faced the same problem as Shao Shude. It was difficult to go on an expedition with many troops, and it was impossible to bring many troops.

Even if you have an army of millions, it will be in vain if you cannot bring it to the front line, and people will not be afraid of you.

On the other hand, the same goes for attacking from the Central Plains, which is full of difficulties.

"I've seen Mr. Zhe." Under Guo of Shangzhou, Li Tong bowed and saluted.

Li Tong was the second son of Li Xiang. He served as the governor of Shangzhou and as the defense envoy of Wuguan.

"Li Shijun has been guarding Shangzhou for many years, and it's terrible that the Cai thieves dare not look west." Zhe Zongben gave him a top hat as soon as he came up.

Cai's thieves didn't come, not because Li Tong defended it well, but because Shangzhou was too poor.

Li Tong's abilities are also very average. His army is extremely sparse and he doesn't look like he can fight well.

"I just took a look at the soldiers of the Zhe family. They are indeed magnificent. Feng Xing of Junzhou attacked with rampant behavior. He will definitely suffer a lot this time." Hearing Zhe Zongben praise himself like this, Li Tong was also very happy. His father

I always say that I am incompetent and not as good as my brother. Could it be that I have not discovered my advantages?

Zhe Zongben laughed when he heard this.

With this little ambition? Let’s just let Feng Xingxing suffer a little bit. Is it possible for everyone to do without killing him?

Zhe Zongben didn't take Feng Xingxi seriously at all.

The commander-in-chief was not only worried about the difficulty of walking on Shangshan Road, but also worried about directly forcing Zhao Deqi from Xiangyang to Zhu Quanzhong's side.

The former is not really a problem, just conscript the people, draft animals, and die, no matter the cost, Zhe Zong doesn't care at all.

But the possibility of the latter cannot be ignored.

The Zhao family in Xiangyang should not have great ambitions. They only want to separate themselves and become the local overlord. You have legitimate reasons for attacking Junzhou. This matter can be turned around and discussed, but if you go straight out of Wuguan and invade Dengzhou, you will definitely let it go.

Xiangyang was panicked.

If the Zhao family couldn't handle it, wouldn't they have to ask Zhu Quanzhong for help? Wouldn't it be great if Quanzhong got a whole town in vain?

"Li Shijun, I heard that there is another road leading to Lantian, which is easier to walk. Now it is possible to pass the army?" Li Tong invited Zhe Zongben to the city for a banquet, and the two of them talked as they walked.

"There is indeed one." Li Tong nodded and said: "In Jinglongzhong, Prime Minister Cui Shi presided over the construction. A mountain road was opened from the western border of Shangzhou to Shimen, and it went north to Shimen Valley in Lantian County. Dachang Pass was set up here to keep troops.

There were tens of thousands of soldiers in the garrison, and fifteen of them died, but it was a pity that it was abandoned."

"Why is it abandoned?"

"In summer, water floods the roadbed and often collapses it, so we don't take this road."

Zhe Zongben is thoughtful.

Shangzhou alone cannot support large-scale military campaigns, so food, equipment, and goods must be transported from outside.

For outbound transportation, the most expensive section is from Guanzhong to Shangzhou.

"Is there water transportation in Shangzhou?"

"Of course there is." Li Tong introduced: "There is a wharf outside Shangzhou City, which can be transported by Danshui River and transferred to Hanshui River to Xiangyang. The southeast rented tax is transferred to Guanzhong. In addition to taking the Bianshui Rating Road, the rest is

It was transported by water from Xiangyang to the foot of Shangzhou City, and then took the Shangshan Road to Chang'an."

Zhe Zongben's heart moved.

"Is Xiangyang rich?" he suddenly asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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