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Chapter 42 Justifiably


Looking at Wang Gong's head held in his son's hand, Zhu Jian burst into laughter.

His laugh is weird.

There is not only the pleasure of successfully killing the Jiedushi, but also the excitement of being about to gain power, and even a trace of inexplicable fear.

This matter is not over yet!

"Let's go to the military mansion!" Zhu Jian ordered.

Everyone's mood was similar to Zhu Jian's, they were excited and scared, and their voices trembled a little when they spoke.

According to the "standard procedure" of today's rebellion, the next step is to occupy the Jiedushi Yamen, and then convene the military generals and assistants to discuss matters and decide on the rankings.

This is another mix of interests.

We are all yamen generals and outer town generals with the same status. Why should you be the governor? Do you need to be compensated?

This step is also very critical.

Generally speaking, if there is a legitimate rebellion, there cannot be many soldiers.

The military power of the Yamen generals was tightly controlled, and the only ones who could use it were the Ding family generals.

Zhu Jian was a general from outside the town and had more than 3,000 soldiers at hand, but it was impossible to recruit them all. That would be too ostentatious and would be discovered halfway, so he only brought 300 confidants and secretly came through a small road.

Shaanxi City is isolated and extremely difficult to capture. You must have someone inside to open the city gate and fight if necessary.

But Jiedushi is not a fool. There have been so many examples of inferiority overcoming superiority over the past hundred years, so more restrictions must be imposed.

Taking back the military power of generals is the first step. The second step is to limit the number of personal soldiers and generals for each person, and at the same time, more control over armor, hard bows, and powerful crossbows.

Zhu Jian had weapons secretly hidden in his home, but there could not be too many. The number of generals in the Ding family was limited, and even including the 300 soldiers and temporarily armed slaves he brought over, it was still not enough to control the whole city.

The news of Wang Gong's death will be known to everyone tomorrow. By then, no one will care whether there is an order to mobilize troops. If they cannot be satisfied, if they gather together to besiege, failure is inevitable.

There are already sergeants lining up on the street. These are troops who are somewhat loyal to Wang Gong.

When the leading ten generals saw the rebellious sergeants, they would order a suppression.

"Wang Gong's head is here, do you still want to stop me?" Zhu Jian picked up the head and threw it in front of the ten generals.

All the troops were in an uproar.

General Ten picked up the head and looked at it carefully for a long time.

If Wang Gong is not dead at this time, he will naturally lead troops to rescue him. After the incident is completed, it will be easy to achieve great success.

But Wang Gong is dead, who will pay you the reward?

At first, Wang Chongrong was careless and was killed by the Yamen general Chang Xingru.

Chang Xingru didn't have enough prestige to win the support of others, but he still went to Duyu every day and no one did anything to him, as if nothing happened.

It was not until the imperial court appointed Wang Chongying as the governor of Hezhong, and he took his people to the post, that Chang Xingru was finally arrested, taken to Wang Chongrong's tomb and beheaded with a thousand knives.

"Wang Gong is dead, and if General Ruo Ding supports me as his post, the post of General of Lingbao Town will be vacant." Zhu Jian saw that he had not taken action for a long time, so he felt confident and began to win over him.

"The sergeants were frightened late at night..." General Ding said.

"I was given four strings of money and ten bolts of silk," Zhu Jian said generously.

He didn't know if Wang Gong's family wealth and the goods in the state and county treasury were enough. If not, he would be satisfied if he allowed him to plunder the people for three days.

After hearing this, the sergeants looked at General Ding Shi with expectant eyes. There was a faint trace of sweat on his forehead, and it felt like the sergeants' eyes on him were like knives. What should I say at this time?

"Avenge Wang Shuai!" A large number of soldiers suddenly poured in outside the south gate.

Zhu Jian was shocked. Where did this army come from?

General Ding Shi was also at a loss, and the sergeants were even more confused. Who are these people? Are they all fools? Avenging a dead man?

Thousands of Fengxiang soldiers swarmed into the city.

Zhe Silun, riding on his horse, said: "Zhu Jian is making trouble and wants to kill the commander-in-chief. Kill him! Anyone who dares to stop him is Zhu Jian's comrade. Neither Lingwu County Prince nor Langya County Prince will let him go."

All the soldiers agreed with a roar.

More than a hundred archers came forward and fired several arrows. The Shaanxi and Guo sergeants standing on the street lay down on a large area.

Then, a large group of soldiers came forward with guns in formation and advanced quickly.

Zhu Jian turned around and ran away the moment Zhe Si Lun appeared.

The servants of Zhu Mansion and Sergeant Lingbao also dispersed behind him.

The sound of horse hooves sounded again on the east side street.

When the more than a thousand cavalrymen who entered the city killed anyone standing on the street, they didn't care who was the rebel sergeant and who was the queller sergeant. Who could tell the difference at night?

There were a total of five thousand infantry and more than two thousand cavalry, not even the camp outside the city. Fighting soldiers and auxiliary troops entered the city together, and everyone was armed to suppress the rebels.

Zhu Jian ran like crazy on the street, with fewer and fewer people around him.

Some people were hit by arrows and fell down while walking, while others turned into the dark alley without making a sound.

"The one who brought the troops over just now was Zhe Si Lun, right? A thief!" Zhu Jian cursed secretly, jumped to an intersection, and carefully argued the direction.

"Grandpa, there are others in the house..." The two sons were still with him, but they had taken off their armor, otherwise they wouldn't be able to run fast at all.

"Don't worry about it." Zhu Jian scolded: "Find a way to get out of the city and go to Bianzhou. Why should a man worry about not having a wife?"

There are still wives, daughters-in-law, and dozens of grandchildren in the house, but we can't take care of that much. It's more important to save our lives first.

Just as they were about to continue moving forward, a group of people suddenly came from the darkness ahead and shouted: "Hugh, leave Zhu Jian and his son!"

"Li Fan?" After seeing the person clearly, Zhu Jian was shocked and angry: "You also want to kill me?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Killing the handsome man is a treasonous act. I don't have a friend like you! Come on!" Li Fan said righteously and sternly.

Zhu Jian's eyes darkened. This Li Fan has led hundreds of soldiers and generals. I will die from heaven.

While a series of dramas were going on in Shaanzhou City, Shao Shude also quietly arrived in Shaanxian County and waited for news at Gantangyi outside the city.

There was nothing in the letter Zhu Quanzhong sent to Lingbao, but by now, the matter is almost clear.

The Bian army marched westward in a large scale, divided into two groups. One group was led by Zhu Quanzhong himself and headed for Luoyang, with an army of 100,000; the other group was led by Pang Shigu, with an army of 30,000 Yuqi, heading north from Ruzhou.

If we do something else in Shaanxi and Guo, for example, let Zhu Jian entertain Lu Huaizhong, Zhe Silun, etc. at the banquet, ambush and kill them at the banquet, and then suddenly make a surprise attack, if they are not protected, they will suffer a big loss.

The Weihan Valley Road in Shaanxi and Guoan has several vulnerable points. Once it is manipulated, how long it takes to get through is secondary. The most important thing is that it will shake the morale of the frontline troops.

In ancient times, morale was very important in battles!

If Pang Shigu sends troops to invade Shaanxi and Guo through mountain roads, things will be even more troublesome.

Henan Prefecture is really not a plain terrain.

While Shao Shude was waiting for the news, he looked at the map by light.

There are many mountains in western Henan, from north to south, Wangwu Mountain, East and West Erxiao Mountains, Xiong'er Mountain, Funiu Mountain, Waifang Mountain, etc. are arranged in sequence. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, stretching for hundreds of miles, and they are connected with Shaanxi and Guoxi.

In such a place, the role of cavalry is quite limited and is far less useful than infantry.

In the intermountain basins and valleys there are farms and counties and towns, and the valleys are criss-crossed by trails, which is extremely complex.

Previously, Ge Congzhou wanted to penetrate directly from the mountains of western Henan into Shaanxi and Guo, and attack Feng Ba and Hao Zhenwei on the north bank of the river. This strategy was actually the right one. However, he did not expect that Shao Shude would leave a large number of troops in the rear, and Zhu Quanzhong's appetite was also

It was too big, and I wanted to attract the main force of the Xia army deeper and further, and eat it all in one bite, but in the end it failed, and instead it deceived Hao and Feng.

The four prefectures of Shaanxi, Guo, Ru, and Luo (Henan Prefecture) were considered by the imperial court to be the "two important cities", and they were "countries of Guogong" with "small land" but "popular people" who had always "stealed relatives".

"No promotion" means that local power has never been granted to outsiders. Take Shaanxi and Guo as an example. Before the Chao Rebellion, there were 46 vassal commanders, 40 of whom were civil servants. At the same time, Shaanzhou was once one of the outer towns of the Shence Army.

After the Chao Rebellion, it eventually lost control, but was also deliberately divided into two vassal towns, namely the Baoyi Army Jiedushi (leading Shaanxi and Guozhou) and the Youguo Army Jiedushi (leading Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou).

In the future, he and Zhu Quanzhong will inevitably compete for this area again and again. He has actually controlled Luo and Ru, and has been operating for many years, so he must control Shaanxi and Guo, and stabilize people's hearts as soon as possible.

Ruzhou, this location is the most uncomfortable, because you can take the mountain road and penetrate directly behind Xiashi, so Shao Shude has to abandon strategic places such as Huguo Village.

More Xiangshan people from the Hengshan Party should be recruited!

"Commander, we have captured Zhu Jian and his son, it's almost time to take action." Chen Cheng walked into the tent and said softly.

"Okay!" Shao Shude slapped the case and said, "Send my order and all ministries will take action immediately to control the following points."

"The Yi Congjun sent a force out of Tongguan and immediately took control of Hucheng County."

"The Wuwei Army under Lu Huaizhong seizes Lingbao County."

These two counties are the intersection of the two north-south highways from Tongguan to Shaanzhou. Their locations are very critical, even more important than Hongnong County in Guozhou.

"After Zhe Silun took control of the city, he immediately divided his troops into one unit and continued to control both sides of the Qilijian Pass and the Taiyang Floating Bridge Ferry."

The south of Shaanxi and Guo is full of mountains, and the north is a plateau terrain like the Loess Plateau. It looks flat, but there are many deep ravines and steep valleys between the plateaus. The post roads pass through them, and there are many ambush places, among which the most dangerous places are none.

Qilijian Pass Road.

This place is located seven miles west of Shaanxi Province. It is the ruins of Caoyang where Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty ran eastward and slept in the open. It is also called Caoyang Keng. In the later Han Dynasty, there was Caoyang Pavilion.

Because of the dangerous terrain, many battles have occurred in history.

The earliest record in history books is that Chen She sent Zhou Wen into Guanzhong, where Zhang Han defeated his army and killed Zhou Wen.

During the imperial dynasty, 4,000 infantry and cavalry soldiers from Huaixi Province rebelled from Yifang. When passing through this pass, more than a thousand Shaanxi soldiers lay in wait on both sides. They fired all their bows and crossbows. With only one strike, Huaixi soldiers who were crossing the post road were defeated.

The soldier "one of the four dead".

There are too many deep pits and steep valleys like this in Shaanxi and Guo. This is one of the reasons why Shao Shude is worried about being approached by Bian soldiers. It is so easy to ambush that they don’t even need many people.

The Sun Floating Bridge, the ancient Maojin Ferry, connects to Hebei. Needless to say, its importance.

"Order Ye Liyu, the deputy envoy of the Tielin Army, to lead the Xiangbing Division of the Xiangshi Party to control Shaanxian County, Anyang Ancient City, Zizizan, and Xiushiwu between Xiashi and Xiangshi."

These three places all served as the governor of Xia Shi County. Among them, Zuizizan has the most dangerous terrain, where Anxi general Wei Boyu once defeated Shi Siming.

More than ten thousand members of the Hengshan Party have been repairing the defense system here, and these three places have the highest priority.

The entire Xiashi County is a land crisscrossed by mountains. The roads are difficult and dangerous and can easily be cut off.

Many literati in the past dynasties have walked this road, and they have described the steepness of the road, such as "the guest road opens on two cliffs", "the earth stands like a deep wall", "the sky light peeks through", "the cliff is as steep as a thousand feet", etc.

There are thousands of ravines, narrow roads, and towering cliffs. Pushing rocks down from the top of the cliff can cause heavy losses to the soldiers and horses passing by, or directly block the main post road, forcing you to go into the ravine.

No one who has walked this road thinks that Marshal Shao is making a fuss out of a molehill by worrying about his future.

Let’s see if Zhu Quanzhong dares to come from the front!

"Order the guards and troops to rush to Shaanxi and Guo immediately and seize Ruicheng County on the other side of the river."

Ruicheng County is in Hebei and one of the counties under Shaanxi Province. It is to the east and west of Pinglu County. It can be used as two strongholds for Shuofang's army on Hedong Road to control the area south of Zhongtiao Mountain and wait for opportunities to penetrate behind the mountain.

After issuing this series of orders, Shao Shude undressed and rested in the inn.

He didn't wake up until early the next morning. Zhe Silun had been waiting outside for a long time.

"Congratulations, Marshal!" Zhe Silun said with a smile as soon as they met: "Shaanxi County has been captured without bloodshed. This county is a highway, isolated on three sides and facing a river. If I were to attack, I don't know how to attack.

If we garrison a large army and leave the city overnight, the way out from the east will be cut off."

"The Weihan Valley Road is extremely difficult and dangerous, and it is more important than just a Shaanxi city?" Shao Shude said with a smile: "Zhu Jian, his father and his son, will first conduct a good interrogation. After the interrogation, the whole family will be sent to the river and handed over to Wang Chongying. This is

The case must be solidified and planted on Zhu Quanzhong's head."

"You should obey your orders." Zhe Silun smiled and nodded.

Shao Shude was also very satisfied with him.

If you have a strategy and a brocade in your belly, you can be of great use.

At this point, it is no longer possible for Shao Shude to do everything personally and cover every aspect. Many things need to be done by his subordinates. He is only responsible for grasping the general direction.

Zhe Shilun's recent two performances made him very satisfied.

What he said just now is also correct, "A battle can be fought without bloodshed."

If the local soldiers resolutely resist the terrain of Shaanxi and Guozhou, how much effort will you expend and how many elites will you sacrifice to conquer them one by one?

If we collude with outsiders, such as Zhu Quanzhong, or if we send reinforcements from Hezhong, we will probably not be able to defeat them, and we will be locked inside Tongguan.

The false plan to attack Guo has now come true.

He justly avenged Wang Gong. Those officials who disobeyed and dared to resist, such as town generals, military envoys and other miscellaneous officials, were Zhu Jian's comrades and should be punished.

"Let's go into the city and have a look!"

This chapter has been completed!
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