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Chapter 44: Patrol (3)

 On May 27, the sixth year of Qianfu, it was sunny in Daizhou.

More than 3,000 officers and soldiers from Zhongwu Town crossed the river in a chaotic manner early in the morning.

To be honest, the Zhongwu Army can still fight. The elite soldiers of Chen, Xu, and Cai states have become famous in this era. A while ago, Cui Anqian, the governor of Jiannan and Xichuan, sent a general to Chen, Xu states to recruit troops and brought them back to Xichuan

Later, they mixed with the Shu soldiers and obtained 3,000 people, who were divided into three armies, wearing yellow hats and named Huangtou Army.

Cui once served as a military commander in the Zhongwu Army and highly praised the Henan sergeants for their good fighting skills. After being promoted to the Jiedushi of Jiannan and Xichuan, he made sense. This is like being the leader of An Yu from an ordinary prefecture-level city to a sub-provincial city.

The Shu soldiers who were not enterprising were very dissatisfied with the current situation and decided to bring some "struggle force" from Henan to change the army's atmosphere and improve its combat effectiveness.

Those who have just crossed the river now are the genuine "Yellow Head Army" (the Zhongwu Army also wears yellow hats). They are really powerful in combat, but their morale is not strong enough. This may be related to the treatment they have suffered from low-class people for a long time. In the previous Battle of Honggu,

The Zhongwu Army followed Marshal Cao and lost troops and generals. However, they did not loot any place after being defeated, so they were more civilized than the Zhaoyi Army.

At this time, there were about five or six thousand Zhongwu troops on the ground in Hedong, with three thousand in Daizhou and two thousand in Jinyang Kinki. They were basically in a dawdling state and had no spirit of taking the initiative to attack, which was a pity.

After Li Kan made the decision to capture Fanzhi County yesterday, the local troops and horses in Hedong were dragging their feet and moving slowly. Only the coach of the capital ordered Zhang Yanqiu to send thousands of Fan and Han cavalry to cross the river in advance to guard the surrounding areas. However, soldiers and horses from other towns such as the Zhongwu Army were because of the

We relied on Hedong to supply military supplies, so we still had a certain respect for the commander. After the order was issued, we completed the crossing of the river early and formed an array outside Fanzhi County to cover the subsequent movements of the brigade.

Li Kan crossed the river in the second batch under the escort of Tielindu generals. He was very angry at the silent resistance of the Hedong generals. In the morning, he had ordered Fengyin to send out more than a dozen groups of messengers to ask for Zhang. Guo Zhujiang quickly reorganized his troops and horses, and the whole army

The army crossed the river, but the effect seemed to be limited.

At this time, Shao Shude escorted Li Kan to Hebei. Also coming with him were a large number of native Tuan folk. They began to set up camp and prepare food, grass, and equipment.

Shao Shude looked at Li Kan, who was frowning, and silently arranged for the soldiers to set up defenses. He understood Li Kan's mood very well. When he went to Hedong, he originally wanted to make a career, but he was hindered by the generals and it was difficult to do anything.

He must be able to understand the feelings of Cao Xiang and Cui Jikang now. Unfortunately, they are dead and can no longer exchange their experiences. If there is a chance to meet Dou Han in the future, we can have a chat about the battle of wits with the local indigenous forces in Hedong.

Brave things.

In the afternoon, the army continued to cross the river, but the movement was still slow. Only a section of the Yicheng Army with more than 2,000 people, plus more than a thousand Daizhou town soldiers, drove thousands of native Tuan folk across the river. In other words, not counting the auxiliary troops, one person

All day long, only more than 8,000 infantry and cavalry troops arrived on the north bank of the river and camped about three or four miles away from Fanzhi County. This was too inefficient. The core reason was that the main force of the Hedong army was not active.

The night of the 27th was calm and strange. Shao Shude climbed up and looked into the distance, but saw that Fanzhi County not far away was completely shrouded in darkness, without a trace of light. He didn't know where the main force of Li Guochang's army was according to the intelligence.

Ten thousand people, even if there are many cavalry, cannot be completely hidden. It is a pity that there are only more than a thousand cavalry across the river, and they have to protect the safety of the commander's tent, so they cannot spread out too far to search for the enemy. Otherwise,

At least you can determine how big the surrounding safety zone is, so you don't have to be constrained when doing things.

Shao Shude didn't sleep well the whole night. He got up several times to patrol the night. He believed in the combat effectiveness of Tielin Du's soldiers, but he didn't dare to make fun of his own life and that of Commander Jie. In case the enemy troops reached the camp gate.

Nearby, no matter how brave the sergeants were, they would make mistakes in panic, a result he could not afford.

Tielindu, and only Tielindu, is the only capital he has accumulated in the five years of joining the army. The rest, such as money and connections, are unreliable! In troubled times, nothing is more valuable than an army that can be used by oneself.


On May 28th, the sky was gloomy and the wind suddenly rose. The Hedong Army group that was crossing the river screamed and their speed suddenly slowed down. In the morning, Li Kan was going to go out to inspect the camp. According to the order, the cavalry went out first, followed by the infantry.

Shao Shude took most of Tielindu's guard Li Kan to a small high slope about two miles away from Fanzhi County. On the left front and right front were the Zhongwu Army and the Yicheng Army. More than a thousand cavalry were raiding the formation on the right rear. One was not very standard.

field formation.

"There are three thousand rebels in Fanzhi County. Most of them are Daizhou soldiers who surrendered to Li and his son. It is not difficult to get them. I am afraid that the soldiers will not die." While hunting in the north wind, Li Kan's mood became worse and worse.

.Conquering Fanzhi County was already the result of him lowering his goal. If it were according to his original intention, this border patrol would be tens of thousands of troops marching north together to recover all the lost land in Daizhou. If possible, he would attack another dozen bottles

It is the most important transportation channel between Zhai, Duanyunzhou and Yuzhou.

However, along the way, he was very irritated by the various behaviors of General Hedong. He did not object openly, but secretly resisted. With such military morale, it was impossible to fight a decisive battle with the enemy. But he could not return empty-handed, with such

A lot of people are hunting in the north, shouldn't they spend money? The capture of Fanzhi County is almost manageable. We will talk about the future matters later. The battle with the generals of Hedong is a long-term one and cannot be solved overnight.

At noon, just as Li Kan finished his inspection and was about to return to the camp, he suddenly heard the rumble of horse hooves on the horizon in the distance. Shao Shude's expression changed and he was about to say something when he saw Li Kan dismounting and returning to his original position.

On the ground, look carefully.

Shao Shude saw Li Kan leaving and returning, and without waiting for his orders, Shao Shude ordered the Tielindu soldiers to arrange an emergency formation on the spot. They surrounded the small high ground and formed a thick small circular formation, with long beams on the outside and foot bows on the inside.

There are also four reserve teams of 200 people, ready for battle.

In fact, if Li Kan had not returned just now and rode directly back to the camp, he would have been able to do so in time. However, that would have been more embarrassing and would have damaged his prestige as a commander. In addition, it would have probably caused other troops to collapse, and their morale was not very good.

Gao. It's too late to say anything now. The cavalry, which is probably the enemy, is already very close. If it runs again, it will be overtaken halfway, so it's better not to run.

There was a commotion among the more than 5,000 soldiers and horses of Zhongwu and Yicheng towns who were arrayed in front. They looked back and saw that Li Kan's flag was still standing high on the hill. They immediately gave up their thoughts of escaping and forced themselves to

Zhang Yanqiu, the coach of Hedongdu, had just crossed the river at this time. When he saw a large group of enemy cavalry approaching, his face changed drastically. He immediately led hundreds of cavalry around him and took over the command of more than a thousand cavalry.

Right, and then after a little mobilization, the cavalry was divided into three sections, slowly accelerated, and faced the enemy cavalry group, which was also gradually increasing its speed.

"Zhang Yanqiu is very interesting!" Shao Shude praised. The Tielin soldiers have done everything they can. Now it depends on what step the friendly forces can take. If they can hold back the main force of the enemy's cavalry, then it's no big deal. If they can't, it won't be a big deal.

, then the infantrymen would have to fight to the death.

The enemy cavalry was quite organized. Even during the charge, they still separated into a group and charged directly at Zhang Yanqiu's headquarters, trying to block him. The main force of the cavalry continued to move forward, speeding up while aiming at Li

Kan's location was known, and he rushed straight away without wavering.

The Hedong cavalry tried their best to intercept. The cavalry was blocked, while the rangers spread out to attack the rebel flanks. Thousands of cavalry from both sides were caught in a chase and melee in the wilderness.

However, the enemy cavalry had the upper hand in the end. Even if they were blocked several times along the way, there were still six to seven hundred cavalry that escaped the interception and did not dare to take a detour. They rushed in directly from the junction of Zhongwu Army and Yisheng Army. Zhongwu

, waves of arrows flew out from the Yicheng infantry formation, shooting down the large group of five northern tribesmen who were scattered. Instead of being afraid, the remaining soldiers were not afraid, but instead aroused their ferocity. They raised their horse speed to the extreme,

With thunderous momentum, he rushed towards the small slope where Li Kan was.

Shao Shude had already taken off his bow and looked solemn. The enemy cavalry came very unexpectedly, the timing was very good, and the target was very clear, which was Hedong Festival Commander Li Kan. Any blind action at this time was wrong, the only way to fight was to fight to the death.

Contain the momentum of the enemy's cavalry charge, and then rely on strong military strength to strangle it.

"Bang! Puff! Crash!" Staring at the dense rain of arrows, the charging cavalry almost instantly ran into Tielindu's long spear formation. The sword and shield men in the first row tried their best to block the enemy's spear horses.

However, the powerful impact almost knocked their bodies apart. The sword-shielding hand and the long-handed man fell down several rows. They may not be dead, but it is true that they were knocked to pieces by the strong impact.

However, the enemy's charge only stopped here. Tielindu's long formation was not penetrated. On the contrary, it was still slowly recovering. They had already passed the most dangerous moment.

"Shoot!" Beside Li Kan, two hundred soldiers in reserve kept picking up their bows and arrows, shooting deadly arrows at the enemy cavalry rushing into the formation. They were sitting on their horses, their targets were obvious, and they had no speed.

They were basically living targets for bows and arrows. Li Kan's personal soldier Fengyin also led his men to join the shooting ranks. A dense rain of arrows poured down from the slope, shooting down one enemy cavalry after another.

"Your grandma, come down for me!" In the chaotic crowd at the foot of the hill, Lu Huaizhong waved a fallen gate flag, mowing down three enemy riders one after another. This guy is really strong, usually it takes two people to carry it.

The gate flag was like a toy in his hand. Wherever he swept it, the enemy cavalry was knocked down.

The soldiers of Tielindu have now recovered from the chaos of being charged. Without too many greetings, they automatically start fighting in groups of three. The routine is basically the same as that of Lu Huaizhong. One person uses a hook and sickle to restrain the war horse, and the other holds a long spear.

Weapons were used to knock people down. One person held a horizontal sword and a round shield, and used the precious window of time when the enemy's cavalry landed to quickly kill them.

In fact, as long as the infantry is not afraid and does not retreat, they will most likely have an advantage when facing the enemy's cavalry charging in organized form. Later, during the Northern Expedition of the Song Dynasty, during frontal battles, the elite cavalry of the Liao State could not overtake the infantry, but suffered heavy losses.

So much so that Brother Yelvxiu established the military principle of "keeping in line, not fighting".

The soldiers in Tielindu are all veterans. The officers are basically from the Tiande Army. They may have dealt with cavalry more times than they have dealt with infantry, and they are very experienced. The soldiers are not naive, especially those who came from the Zhaoyi Army.

, once you solve the ideological problem and have the courage to fight, killing the enemy cavalry that has lost speed is like chopping melons and vegetables.

To put it bluntly, they are all professionals. As long as they don't turn around and run away at the moment of the battle, but fight to the death with their long branches, then the situation will slowly turn against them.

This chapter has been completed!
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