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Chapter 22 The Fierce Battle

 The carriage swayed gently, and the sound of the wheels making people drowsy.

Shao Shude gently put aside the small letter sleeping in his arms, took a letter from the car window, and examined it carefully.

Xiao Feng woke up and looked quietly at Shao Shude, who was frowning while reading.

She sat up with all her strength, lying on Shao Shude's back, stretched out her slender hands in front of her, and relaxed Shao Shude's frowning eyebrows.

Shao Shude chuckled, put his delicate fingers into his mouth, and took a bite.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" He threw the letter written by Ximen Zhongsui in the corner of the carriage. Shao Shude held Xiao Feng in his arms and said, "We are almost at Tiande Army. Come down and take a walk."

"Okay." Xiaofeng sat aside, took out a bronze mirror, and carefully arranged his appearance.

After her daughter passed away from illness, Xiao Feng had not put on makeup for a long time. This is actually relatively rare in a wealthy family. No matter how bad a woman's mood is, no matter how uncomfortable she is, she cannot show it in front of a man. She must force a smile and not be careless.


But Xiao Feng had such a temper, and Shao Shude pampered and pity her, and that was it.

Shao Shude picked up the letter written by Ximen Zhongsui again.

The court waited for a long time and finally agreed to issue the decree.

The Zhaoxin Army was established in the four prefectures of Lingjin, Shang, Jun, and Fang, with Li Yanling as the military envoy.

Li Bai was appointed as the military governor of Xingning. However, he was currently a lawless official and had to lead troops to attack Fangzhou.

His movements were so slow, revealing a deep reluctance and fear.

In fact, it is not just a matter of saints. The Nanya and Beisi offices mostly have the same attitude on this matter: non-violence and non-cooperation.

The rise of Shao Shude has been like a huge mountain weighing on their heads, making people breathless.

What happened this time is probably a reflection of this sentiment.

The court is still not used to it. If you come here a few times, you will get used to it and it will be fine.

After getting off the carriage, Shao Shude held Xiao Feng's hand and walked on the lush grass.

The three major plains in Shuofang and Xitao Lingzhou have developed very deeply and can even be said to be saturated. Qiantaoshengzhou is also developing at a high speed, and the number of registered residents is increasing day by day.

However, the development of Houdao is lagging behind, and its population and economy are not as satisfactory as expected.

According to data from the second year of Dashun (891), Fengzhou had about 7,300 households and more than 44,000 people. As the hometown of Marshal Shao, its development has indeed been obviously neglected.

The land that is conducive to irrigation has long been divided, and now most of what is left is land with higher terrain and cannot rely on artesian canals to divert water.

The water resources here are abundant, the land is very flat, and the fertility is good. However, we need to build large water trucks to carry water. What can we do?

Shao Shude once wanted to do an experiment. The shogunate funded an organization to manufacture and maintain waterwheels to see if he could get this "enterprise" running by charging water fees.

Now it seems that the progress is not ideal.

The common people can understand renting cattle, but they cannot understand that waterwheels have to be paid for. After the waterwheels are built, there are not many users who are willing to pay for them, and they cannot support the craftsmen, and they cannot make their money back at all.

Another attempt at budding capitalism failed shamefully.

Of course, there are also gains, that is, it strengthens his view: without completing the agricultural revolution, monetary revolution, commercial revolution, and then producing an ideological revolution, there will be no soil for the industrial revolution.

Any revolution must first achieve a prerequisite economic foundation, then induce a revolution in social thought, allow the whole society to experience the baptism of new ideas, reach a certain consensus, and change the social atmosphere before it can be carried out in depth.

Without this process of ideological baptism—which often takes decades or hundreds of years and cannot be interrupted—you won’t even be able to find like-minded people, and whatever you want to do will be a castle in the air.

This primitive society!

Marshal Shao has given up completely. Just do as much as you can, and don't do Gao Yuanyuan's things well.

There are many water boats passing by on the Yellow River.

This is starting from Lingzhou and transporting money, food and supplies to Weibei.

After all, Wang Chongying refused to use the river, so these ships could only dock at the docks in Yan and Danzhou, which made people very irritated.

His ferries are in excellent locations. If you are willing to use them to transport supplies, you can save a lot of costs.

There are also three cities in Pujin Pass. If the pontoon bridge is willing to be released to allow ships to pass by, a lot of road can be saved. What's more, this pontoon bridge still guards the gate to Guanzhong. If it falls into the hands of Li Keyong or Zhu Quanzhong

Here, it is also a big trouble.

Sooner or later, you have to find an opportunity to snatch it away!

"Your Majesty!" Feng Xuan waved from the distance as he was very close to Tiande Military City.

"Feng Dalang" Feng Yanqing has also come to Fengzhou in the past few days, and Shao Shude only came after he had been kindly invited many times.

He is Feng Xuan's father, and he is considered to have lived a long life, being almost seventy years old.

The old man had rich experience. He was a Jinshi at a young age, but his progress in the court was not smooth, so he went to the shogunate in eastern Zhejiang to apply for a job and became a judge. Later he entered the court again, but he did not become a high official. He went to serve in eastern Zhejiang and became the governor of Taizhou.

, until he returns to his hometown in old age.

Old man Feng is very concerned about face.

If Shao Shude hadn't given several Feng family members the opportunity to serve as officials in the Weibei shogunate, the old man probably wouldn't have come to Lingxia to visit his daughter whom he hadn't seen for many years.

However, the Feng sisters were very happy, especially Xiao Feng, who felt much cheerful after seeing their relatives, and that was enough.

"Let's go, we will talk about some intrigues with 'Feng Dalang' later." Shao Shude squeezed Xiao Feng's hand and said with a smile.

Xiao Feng looked at him angrily, but his steps were much more brisk.

Shao Shude took another look at the boat sailing on the river.

One after another, the boats were very deep, loaded with grain, and sailed to the lower reaches of the river.

Looking from a distance, it looks like it is coming from the sky, it is very spectacular.

This is the "blood" of tens of thousands of soldiers who are fighting fiercely on the front line!

Under the Wei Village, a fierce battle involving thousands of people had just ended.

The horse-rejecting gun had been burned, leaving wisps of smoke.

There are many screen carts left in a mess on the mountain road, left behind by the Bian army, and they are full of arrows.

The other types of equipment were similar, scattered everywhere, some were scattered into pieces of wood, and some were still burning. There were corpses inside, half of them were charred, and the air was filled with a weird smell.

Fu Cunshen walked to a wooden ox cart, kicked it, and a corpse rolled out.

The corpse was in extremely miserable condition.

His face was charred until almost nothing was left but a pitch-black skull. His right hand was in front of his face, as if he was blocking the approaching raging fire before he died.

His fingers and toes melted into a ball, and the leather armor and military uniform on his body had long since turned into ashes.

He sighed and looked away again.

A corpse was lying in front of the grass, with a broken stomach and intestinal bleeding. The blood had long solidified, and the eyes were wide open, and he refused to close his eyes.

A fierce offensive and defensive battle!

The Bian army attacked Weishan for more than ten days. Except for the huge momentum in the first few days, the last ten days were basically a false story.

The hillside is so narrow that only bicycles can go up and down.

The mountain is steep and the climb is extremely difficult.

There was plenty of food and grass on the mountain, and there was no shortage of arrows. The most important thing was that the Bian army was unable to cut off the communication channel between the Wo village and the rear. The Xia army could even transport the wounded down the mountain, so why fight? It was just a waste of lives.

Liu Kangyi will definitely die when he returns!

Last year, Ge Congzhou led thousands of men to defend such a dangerous stockade, but Marshal Shao did not even order a strong attack. You actually lost him, forcing the soldiers to risk the enemy's arrows and stones to attack. This is a huge crime.

The worst part is that it can’t be conquered yet!

Instead of taking this stronghold, do you dare to leave the flank alone and let tens of thousands of troops pass by the foot of the mountain to attack the Xia army's garrison at the back?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this person has no chance of survival!

After walking around for a while, Fu Cunshen returned to the village.

The main body of the defenders were actually the 5,000 Hengshan Dangxiang Mountain residents transferred from the rear.

Their original equipment was very poor, and some used hunting bows. But after Liu Kangyi sent a wave and seized a large number of Bian army equipment, these mountain people were quickly armed with iron armor, leather armor, rifle bows, and spears.

There is no shortage of horizontal knives either.

Fu Cunshen even found 500 heavy long swords. He specially selected 500 mountain people who were tall and strong, brave and brave to fight, and organized them into a separate battalion. They held heavy swords and practiced constantly as preparations.

The team went out to put out fires everywhere, killing the Bian soldiers so hard that they were able to save the crisis several times.

In such a terrain, it is useless to have too many people.

Just like fighting in a narrow valley, the best way is to select elite warriors, with a strong crossbow at the front, a large shield, and heavy armor at the back, and charge bravely to have a chance of victory.

The sergeants from the Tianzhu Army were sitting on the ground and were resting. They were all old warriors who had been fighting for many years. Fu Cunxen had nothing to worry about. His most energy was still devoted to those mountain people.

"Have you seen the land in Xiaoxian County? How does it compare with Hengshan Mountain?" Fu Cunshen pulled over a mountain man who could speak Chinese and asked.

"It should be much better than the land in Hengshan." The mountain man bowed first and then replied, "I just don't know if I can grow highland barley."

"When we arrive in Henan, why should we grow highland barley?" Fu Cunshen laughed: "Isn't it okay to grow wheat? Isn't it good to grow millet?"

Hengshan Dangxiang has an astonishingly high proportion of highland barley cultivation, which may be the agricultural production habits they brought with them when they fled Tibet.

"The land is in the rear, sixty acres per person, and it's all given to you for free. I'll farm the land for the leader in Hengshan. You don't need it now. From now on, the land will be yours. All you need to do is repel the enemy's attack and make the county go smoothly.

Once it is built, you can bring your family here and plant millet and wheat every year, and you will have no worries about the harvest."

The mountain people were delighted to hear this.

Before Marshal Shao went to Guanbei, Hengshan Dangxiang went down the mountain to plunder, sometimes just to rob pottery pots, farm tools and the like. They were so poor that they were so poor. And their tribal slave system led to an absolute division between rich and poor. Ordinary Mountain

People don't even have personal freedom, let alone property. The nobles are nobles, and slaves have been slaves for generations.

The concubines that Marshal Shao took in, such as the Yeli clan and the Wuzang clan, despite being disliked by some aristocratic families in the town for their low origins. But if they were in Hengshan, they were well-deserved proud daughters of heaven, and ordinary people would not even talk to them.

Qualifications are not necessarily required.

Li Tangbin ordered to recruit talented people from Huazhou Confucius and Dangxiangshan people to enrich the household registration in Xiaoxian County. Many people applied, and they were interested in the free land.

"Leader Zhebu, your team played the most important role in today's battle." Fu Cunshen pulled another person over and praised him.

This man was a small officer from Yeli's vassal tribe. In the afternoon, he led dozens of light-footed and strong men to climb a mountain path to observe the Bian army's formation. Then he climbed down, first killed the enemy with a strong crossbow, and then held the sword again.

In close combat, several enemy siege engines were burned down, which was a great achievement.

"Fu Guiren, there is no need to say more." The leader of the Zhebu team sighed and said: "I fought bravely, not for the sake of that place. I was afraid that the Wu soldiers would be defeated and bring disaster to the Hengshan party. Those plots in the Tang Dynasty

There are not many good people among Du Shi's generals. It's rare to find someone who is willing to treat everyone equally. If he didn't work hard and fight hard, life would have been difficult if it had been someone else."

This idea is quite strange!

However, the military discipline of the officers and soldiers is indeed not very good, and it is an old problem since the difficult times.

As the saying goes, "Although the soldiers and horses in front of the palace are brave and brave, they are as violent as the Qiang Hun. When I hear that people are killing people on the Han River, most of the women are among the officers and soldiers."

To the common people, some of the actions of the officers and soldiers are no different from those of the Hu people. Of course, they do evil not only against the Han people, but in this regard they "treat all people equally". If the Han people can rob, the party members cannot? We don't

If we engage in discrimination, women in the party will also take advantage of it!

In the northwest vassal town, the military discipline of the Shuofang Army is the best. In the Central Plains vassal town, the military discipline of the Bian Army is really the best.

Li Keyong's troops and horses were even robbed by Hedong's own people. When they passed through Weibo, they couldn't help but plunder them. They were a group of daring thieves.

This was the reason why the leader of the Zhebu team was willing to fight for Marshal Shao, which made Fu Cunshen glance at him.

Fu Cunshen then had a conversation with more than ten people to encourage everyone's morale.

From the top of Xiaoshan Mountain, you can see the Xiaoxian City under construction in the distance.

Tens of thousands of slaves worked day and night to build the building.

Thirty thousand soldiers dug ditches and built forts, and were ready to attack.

We are finally going to gain a foothold in Henan Prefecture.

Corn, wheat, pasture, beans, and livestock will soon be produced continuously to serve as supplies for the army to support their continued war.

The battle for Luoyang may become a reversal point for the offense and defense of Xia and Bian.

This chapter has been completed!
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