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Chapter 40 The Daily Life of a Saint

 The saint now likes Linde Hall very much.

It's open, vast and clear at a glance. As long as the sound is lowered, there is no risk of being overheard.

Cui Zhaowei and Wei Zhaodu came hand in hand and saluted the saint, who returned the salute.

The two prime ministers sat on one side, and the palace attendants retired after serving tea.

The three of them first talked about the Double Ninth Festival.

Wei Zhaodu talked about several gatherings of scholars and said that another excellent work had been published.

Cui Zhaowei also echoed a few words, but didn't say much. In fact, he was born in the number one scholar and was very good at it, but not good at it. His current status was not suitable for attending such gatherings of private scholars, and he would be gossiped about.


"It's a pity that the war in Xiangyang has not ended, otherwise more scholars will arrive in Chang'an." Wei Zhaodu sighed: "There are also frequent wars in Sichuan, and the roads are blocked, which means that there is no way for scholars to study."

"The road from Henan, Hebei, and Hedong to Guanzhong is still open. I heard that there is an endless stream of pedestrians on the Wuling Road in the middle of the river, and there are people rushing on their way even at night." Cui Zhaowei said: "The Ministry of Rites exams are scheduled to start in February next year, but at this time

It’s a bit tight, why not postpone it until the end of March?”

If the exam starts in February, it is best to arrive in the capital before the twelfth lunar month, so that you have nearly three months to adapt to the environment, travel around, and attend parties.

"Cui Qing thinks the February exam is too hasty?" The saint hesitated for a moment and said, "I am eager to select talented people and can't wait to take the exam now."

"Your Majesty has the art of resurgence. At this time, we must not rush. We might as well postpone it until the end of March and let more scholars come to Chang'an. If there are more people, we can choose the best from the best. Pei Xie's talent may be among them."

Cui Zhaowei replied.

Wei Zhaodu also agreed: "I heard that Zhu Mei has captured and killed the Yang family and annihilated Dongchuan. The road in the middle of Shu may be reopened. Your Majesty may wish to wait for more than a month."

"In this case, let's set it in March." What the two prime ministers said was very reasonable, and the saint followed the good deeds.

As for the other people, he didn't want to ask, so he just decided.

Previously, Mrs. Chen advised that only two or three people could see the Holy Face, and the rest of the officials went to and from the court together, just like the servants, just to support the scene. The Saint was not happy at the time, and many things happened later.

Come to think of it, this is still the habit.

Yanying asked, "I haven't opened it for a long time!"

"Since Zhu Mei is equal to the Yang family, can there be tribute and gifts sent to the capital?" the saint asked again.

The financial problems of the imperial court are indeed becoming more and more urgent. The number of vassals and towns submitted to the government is getting smaller and smaller year by year. Even if the supplies continue to be provided, the quantity of goods is also greatly reduced. Prime Minister Zheng Yanchang is busy all day long, calculating carefully and financially.

Still unable to make ends meet.

The first major expense is the Shence Army.

The rewards for the Shence Army, which has now expanded to more than 40,000 people, are still extremely generous, far exceeding the soldiers and horses of all vassal towns in the world.

After Shi Zan brought 3,000 Xu Zhen general school children into the Yushan capital, they were all amazed by the generous rewards. Coupled with the prosperity of the capital, everyone was happy to miss Shu. The living standard was actually much better than when they were in Xuzhou. Tell it like it is.

Who dares to believe it?

Of course, if there were only more than 40,000 people, it would not be so difficult for the court.

The saint's meaning is very clear. Prepare more money and silk. He wants to expand his army to 100,000, which will be too much pressure.

After the Shence Army, the second largest expense is naturally official salaries.

In the culture of the country, talking about money is normal and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Scholars should not write too many business-related poems. Even scholars who passed down poems and books would describe the business of a small commodity in detail through poems and poems, without feeling at all insulting and polite, so that a large school of poetry was formed.

A legacy of the Northern Dynasties, being brave and ruthless and talking about money without hurting feelings is very realistic and natural.

Loyalty to the court also requires money. Who will become an official if there is no money?

"Zhu Mei said she wanted to send her away, but she hasn't seen her yet." Wei Zhaodu was a little embarrassed.

He is still wearing the hat of Xichuan Jiedushi on his head, but he has returned to Chang'an.

The soldiers of the Shence Army who were brought to Xichuan were obedient at first, but as time passed, his difficulties as a scholar in charge of the army became more and more exposed.

After all, it’s still not good enough!

Although there were civil and military officials in the country, the legacy of the Northern Dynasties was so strong that there was almost no distinction between civil and military affairs. It was normal for generals to become prime ministers. As you can see from the official position of governor, he was not only in charge of civil affairs, but also a military general.

Can Wei Zhaodu know how to ride a horse and shoot arrows? Yes, but he is far from the standard of a martial artist and can only be regarded as an amateur.

Can Wei Zhaodu command an army? Yes, he is familiar with military books, but he is limited to being familiar with military books. He lacks the ability to adapt to the situation.

What he is good at is managing personnel.

But the atmosphere at this time was that relying on power alone was not enough. Civil servants in other dynasties might have been able to control generals by power, but this was really not possible in the late Tang Dynasty.

Shencejun was relatively obedient and could endure it for a while, but as time went by, he still couldn't bear it anymore.

You don’t know how to fight and don’t understand warriors, and yet you dare to command us? Get out of here!

So Wei Zhaodu was forced to leave. It's hard to say what would happen if he didn't leave.

"Zhu Mei is domineering and unruly, and it is difficult to control it. Your Majesty, I would like to appoint Ximen Wentong as the governor of Jiannan and Xichuan to control Zhu Mei." Wei Zhaodu came back dejected, but he still wanted to clean up the mess, otherwise he would always feel

Feeling uneasy.

Cui Zhaowei glanced at him and didn't raise any objection.

Checking and balancing each other has always been a trick passed down from generation to generation by officials.

The bunch of vassal towns in the Central Plains whose boundaries are as sharp as a dog's gnawing are all made by them.

When the saint heard the word "Ximen", he became irritated and asked: "The Yang family is the fake son of Yang Fugong, so I want to punish him. The Ximen family is also the fake son of Ximen Zhongsui. How can I be named Zhen Jingjie?"

"Your Majesty, when I was in Sichuan, I had many contacts with Ximen Wentong, and I always knew that his nature was not bad." Wei Zhaodu said: "Furthermore, today, who else can control Zhu Mei? Dragon Sword Zhao Jian? Or Manchu

Cun, Li Yuan’s generation?”

In short, you have to push someone to compete with Zhu Mei, and you cannot let him dominate the Sichuan family.

"Your Majesty, maybe you can give Ximen Wentong a name." Cui Zhaowei suddenly suggested.

As for why Ximen Wentong was not allowed to revert to his surname Song, it was because since he had become someone else's adopted son and entered the family tree, it was extremely despicable to change his surname back to his surname in terms of the social atmosphere at this time.

It's not impossible to do this, but it would have to bear a very bad reputation, and Ximen Wentong would probably not be willing to do so.

When the saint heard this, he thought this method was good, but he was still a little worried: "What does Ximen Zhongsui have in mind?"

"Your Majesty, if Ximen Wentong is really stubborn, he will naturally refuse to accept it. If he accepts the name, Ximen Zhongsui will only vent his anger on Ximen Wentong. What harm will it do to Your Majesty?" Cui Zhaowei said confidently: "Besides, sometimes now

Zan is in the Ming Dynasty and Ximen Zhao is in the dark. Thousands of elite soldiers in both capitals obey His Majesty's orders. Why should we fear Ximen's family? Just do it..."

The rest of the words were spoken in a very low voice, which can only be understood but not expressed.

Wei Zhaodu's eyelids jumped when he heard this, and he subconsciously felt a little cold.

"This..." The saint was a little excited, but after all he knew that this was not the place to talk about such private matters, so he said: "We can discuss this later."

Cui Zhaowei was happy when he saw that his suggestion was adopted by the Holy One, so he struck while the iron was hot: "Your Majesty, Hangzhou Qianliu's tributes are endless, which is very respectful. Now that there is chaos in western Zhejiang and the local unrest, it is better to entrust him with the naval military governor to serve as Your Majesty's.

Clean up the land of these six states. If the local government is well governed, things will be prosperous and the people will be prosperous, and the imperial court will also have more wealth."

Wei Zhaodu was still thinking, but the saint had already agreed.

It's about making money, it's not shabby.

Cui Zhaowei once again conquered the city, and he was extremely happy, so he said: "Your Majesty, Dong Chang of Yuezhou wants to be granted the title of King of Yue, but the court thinks it is not possible. I also feel that titles should not be used indiscriminately, but Dong Chang is very respectful and respectful, which is a rare loyal minister.

Officials, it is better to follow his wishes and make him the King of Yue."

Dong Chang is indeed capable.

Every ten days, the people were plundered, and they were very punctual. The goods were moved into the mansion, and then a batch was sent to Chang'an.

Each time, five hundred sergeants were sent to escort them. If anything went wrong along the way, all five hundred of them would be executed.

What is this but a loyal minister? He is extremely loyal!

"When the imperial envoys came to Yuezhou, everyone praised Dong Qing. It seems that he is indeed a loyal minister and a virtuous minister." The saint said it, but he still hesitated.

Wang Jue, once sealed, you can't hold it back!

Wei Zhaodu sighed. According to his true nature, he didn't want the court to open this hole. Guo Ziyi had no more achievements than a county prince, but now the county princes all over the country have gone too far, and they still want to grant him a prince with a different surname?

However, he has felt tremendous pressure recently, mainly from Beisi.

There were rumors in the capital that Dong Chang bribed Ximen Zhongsui. He didn't believe it at first, but now it seems to be true. Perhaps Cui Zhaowei also received the benefits?

He didn't want to offend Dong Chang, Ximen Zhongsui, and Cui Zhaowei at the same time. Besides, Zheng Yanchang also secretly said once that after Dong Chang got what he wanted, he was willing to donate 500,000 pieces of silk and hundreds of treasures to Dong Chang.

imperial court.

The court was in desperate need of money and had no choice.

Selling an official position to get a title! Alas!

"Your Majesty, I second the proposal to make Dong Chang the King of Yue." Wei Zhaodu said.

The saint choked.

He was already hesitant, and might have been slightly inclined to reject Dong Chang's thoughts. In fact, he didn't know why he felt this way, but he was really reluctant to do so.

But neither of the two prime ministers objected, so he had no choice but to agree.

After talking about these things, the sage ordered some snacks to be served and a new pot of tea.

As a prime minister, of course you get this kind of treatment. He's not your servant, so he should be treated with extra courtesy.

This was considered a break after the conversation. The three of them talked about the harvests from various places in Guannai Road this year. Fortunately, it was not a smooth harvest, but the harvests were not bad.

"Speaking of Shengzhou, Shao Shude, the king of Lingwu County, will leave Shengzhou and go south to Guanzhong in October..." Wei Zhaodu seemed to say casually, provoking a new topic.

The saint's heart trembled.

He still remembered the disaster that year, when Jingshi Baocheng was defeated by Xia Bing. Later, he sent the good concubine Pei to secretly contact Shao Shude, but she did not act secretly. Ximen Zhongsui captured him halfway and was executed secretly, which made him hurry up.

Clear the relationship.

He felt very guilty for Mr. Pei and even wrote a poem in memory of him.

Cui Zhaowei coughed and said: "Your Majesty, Shude has announced that this year we will send tens of thousands of cattle, sheep and miscellaneous animals to the four towns of Shayuan, Pi, Xiang, Tang and Qi. We must make a decision early."

The saint was upset and rebuked: "Cui Qing thinks that the imperial court is a beggar? Zhe Zong was originally the commander of the Tang Dynasty, and Zhe Si Lun was the commander of the Qi Dynasty. They are both members of the same family and have two degrees, and they are still virtuous in-laws. Zhao Kuangning has always been respectful,

With constant offerings from the Lord, An has to live in three states? How can I treat my loyal ministers and virtuous people so harshly?"

"Your Majesty..." Wei Zhaodu felt that the conflict with Shao Shude should not be intensified at this time. It was a fait accompli. What else could he do if he did not admit it?

So he advised: "I judge the three divisions, and the towns on the Guan Nei Road are very diligent in providing services and have never stopped. Shuofang, Weibei, Huazhou, Jinshang, Xingning, Jingyuan, Fengxiang, Hexi, Longyou..."

"Don't mention Hexi, Longyou!" The saint was a little angry.

The two prime ministers did not serve as good court officials, so one left for Hezhou and the other for Liangzhou, which hurt his self-esteem.

Especially that Xiao Yu!

The two brothers wrote many poems about Hehuang, in which they repeatedly mentioned "flying generals" and "divine generals". Who are they praising?

Xiao Yu even sent his biological daughter to Shao Shude to serve him, and he was ashamed!

With Xiao's status and talents, she should be the emperor's concubine. How can she serve such a vulgar warrior who doesn't understand the style?

Du Rangneng is not a pure minister! Is this what Du Ruhui’s descendants are?

"Your Majesty, the Palace Supervisor of Ximen is here." Mrs. Yang Kezhen of Xinqin County came in to report.

The three of them were shocked.

Yang Kezheng looked at his words and expressions and sighed secretly.

Just now he was impassioned and had every pearl of wisdom in his grasp, but when Privy Envoy Beisi arrived, he immediately missed the point.

Suddenly it felt like they were playing house.

This chapter has been completed!
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