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Chapter 22 The New Year

 Dashun’s fifth year of New Year is coming soon.

There was a large army stationed at Qiziling in Wangwu County, and Shao Shude did not return to Longchi Palace.

He sent his two sons back and continued to live in Jinxianguan.

In fact, Jinxian Temple has always had female crowns, until the fierce god Li Hanzhi took over Zelu, and it has been empty since then.

However, recently there is another nun who became a monk here and realized the mysteries of Taoism.

In the side room hidden among the green pines and cypresses, the Xuan Cui female crown has just been washed.

The powerful king of Lingwu County in the northwest was lying on his back, still reading official documents in his hand...

Nü Guan went out and walked around for a while, then came in with breakfast.

With a smile on her lips, when she saw the man waving, she sat directly in his arms without any pretense.

The common name of the Xuancui female crown is Tuoba Pu.

She was an old girl in her twenties, but she had never married, which was not a problem, so she became a nun and sought immortality, but she also became pure.

"It has been some time since I entered Taoism, have you gained any insights?" Shao Shude asked, stroking Tuoba Pu, who was as obedient as a kitten.

Wangwu Mountain is known as the "No. 1 Cave in the World". The place where Sima Chengzhen practiced Taoism, there are very dense palaces and temples.

Jinxianguan was where the princess practiced Taoism. After the Anshi Rebellion broke out, the princess found that she could not break away from the fetters of the world, so she ran away to Sichuan to avoid being captured by the rebels.

Jinxian Temple has now become Tuoba Pu's place of cultivation. Ten hectares of land are rented to some distant relatives of the Tuoba family for farming and serving as guards for the Taoist temple.

Her father, Tuoba Sijing, has great supernatural powers and has recently expanded his business to five counties in Shaozhou.

In fact, Shao Shude was also very surprised.

He could understand that Tuoba Sijing was doing business in Chang'an, and it would make money. But if he went to Shaozhou to do business, selling daily necessities and farm tools, he might also make money, but the distance was long and there was the risk of war. Is it worth it?

But come on.

Everything Tuoba has done in the past few years has been to Shao Shude's liking, and his impression of their family has changed a lot.

Tuoba Pu has been with him for so many years and has transformed from Tuoba's young lady into a female crown, which makes Shao Shude feel quite guilty.

Zhejiushi, that's a little too much.

Maybe some of the talented people in the Tuoba family who can be used should be observed more.

"My practice is still shallow and I have no insights." Tuoba Pu shook his head honestly.

Shao Shude patted the bed and said with a smile: "I entered the Tao here last night, and I almost reached the realm of heaven and man."

Tuoba Pu's face suddenly turned red.

Zheng Yong, the tenth general of the army, was wandering outside. When Shao Shude saw him, he called him in directly.

"Commander, we have a military report." Zheng Yong raised his hands above his head without squinting.

Tuoba Pu ran out.

Shao Shude took the military newspaper and read it, then laughed: "Qi Banzhang's luck is really good."

Qibizhang led three thousand mounted infantrymen of the Feilong Army and raided a convoy near Huaizhou, killing dozens of enemies and capturing more than a hundred people.

After an interrogation, it was revealed that this was the convoy of Zhao Keyu, who had just resigned as the governor of Heyang and the governor of Huaizhou.

We have been fighting for several years, and this is the first time we have captured such a big thief, even though he has been dismissed.

Zhao Keyu and his entire family have been sent to the river, while Qibizhang continues to stay in Heyang, wandering around to see if there is any chance.

The military newspaper also added information about Li Hanzhi. This man led his army out of Taihang Xingdao to defend, but he plundered.

Weizhou is a prefecture under Weibo Town, with five counties and a population of no less than 300,000. To the north of it is Xiangzhou, with six counties and a population of 600,000 to 700,000.

The two states have a combined population of one million, are rich in products, and have developed commerce. If Li Hanzhi had not been killed by Wei Bojun, he would have gained a lot.

"Zhu Quanzhong's territory and vassals are on fire everywhere. I would like to see how he responds." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Let him worry about it. I will go home to celebrate the New Year."

Xiao Fu invited two guests to his home for a banquet: Wang Yanzhang of Bianzhou Yamen, and Zhu Youwen, the righteous son of Zhu Quanzhong.

One is his new best friend, and the other is his subordinate, but his status is not low, and he gets along well with them on weekdays.

"Yang Xingmi's army besieged Shezhou, and it is said that it has surrendered. After pacifying the place, there will be no major events inside." Zhu Youwen dressed up as a scholar, drank wine, and said with a smile: "Xuan, She, and Chi are the three states where he started, but he can also

Rebellion, is this person capable?"

"Don't underestimate Xingmi." Xiao Fu glanced at Zhu Youwen and reminded: "The commander wanted to marry his daughter Yang. Although Xingmi refused, it shows the importance of this person's status."

A man who was defeated and defeated repeatedly by Sun Ru made a miraculous comeback and attracted the attention of all parties because he was in such a good position.

There was news in Xuanzhou that Shao Shude sent an envoy to recruit Yang Xingmi to deal with the king of Dongping County, but he was rejected.

Later, the king of Dongping County wanted to marry a girl and have a good relationship. What kind of luck did Yang Xingmi have? All parties are fighting for it.

Zhu Youning smiled and raised his glass to apologize.

"There is news from Sizhou that Zhang Jian, the governor, is impressed by the secret gift of grain and wants to surrender. I am afraid that the commander-in-chief will turn his eyes and close his eyes and not care anymore." Xiao Fu also returned a toast and said: "Now actually

No one wants to offend him."

At that time, Sun Ru encouraged all the scholars and people of Yangzhou to cross the river, taking with them all their belongings and food, and formed a "wandering legion" to go to the south of the Yangtze River.

Due to lack of transportation, a lot of food was abandoned in Yangzhou. Sun Ru ordered it to be burned and not left to anyone.

After Sun Ru left, Yang Xingmi's men sneaked into Yangzhou City to put out the fire and pulled out hundreds of thousands of dendrobium grains from the fire. Zhang Jian, the governor of Sizhou, was short of grain and asked Yang Xingmi for help, and Yang Xingmi gave it to him directly.

From then on, Zhang Jian felt that this person was unusual, and he began to want to seek refuge with him.

"This is luck. Yang Xingmi's luck is too good." Zhu Youwen said: "I think my grandfather's intention is to win over him and not let him cause trouble behind. But Xingmi also has ambitions and wants to expand his territory. My grandfather has already

It has been a long time since I sent an envoy to Hangzhou. If Qian Liu and Dong Chang are attacked by Yang Xingmi, I will not say a word."

This is called the helplessness of reality.

Without Shao Shude watching eagerly from the side, Yang Xingmi's life would not have been so easy. If he dared to attack Qian Liu with all his strength, Dong Chang was not afraid of being beaten all the way to Yangzhou?

But things are different now. The Shao bandits are attacking from the north and south. The five states of Huai, Meng, Luo, Ru, and Cai are facing the threat directly, and they really have no energy to take care of Huainan anymore.

The three of them smiled bitterly and sighed, urging each other to drink.

After drinking for a while, Zhu Youwen started another topic: "Zhao Keyu's family was trapped by thieves, and it spread all over Kaifeng. The Xia thieves' cavalry actually moved to Huaizhou. Zhang Shensi didn't know how it happened. It's not helpful.

.I think after spring, Heyang will also need to change its staff."

Xiao Fu nodded and said: "Zhang Quanyi may be appointed as the governor of Heyang."

This is not surprising. Zhang Quanyi is good at caring for the people. He is a good hand in persuading farmers and mulberry trees, and he can also win over his subordinates. Now Luoyang is full of troops from various states, and the power of Henan Prefecture is gradually seized by Hu Zhen. Zhang Quanyi’s men

There were not even many soldiers left, so it was not very interesting to be a military governor.

In this case, it is better to go to Heyang and start over. Take in the scattered people, reward production, and develop the two states and ten counties to resist the Xia thieves.

I just don't know if this move will irritate Li Hanzhi. Back then, Li Hanzhi was sneak-attacked by Zhang Quanyi and escaped over the wall late at night. This was a big deal. Maybe in the future, it would be common for Li Hanzhi to leave Zezhou and go south.

"Why is Wang Dalang just drinking and not saying a word?" Xiao Fu turned around, looked at Wang Yanzhang, and asked with a smile: "The Xia army's cavalry appeared in Huai, Meng and Zhang Du had few soldiers and could not drive them away.

In your opinion, what should we do?"

"If you give me a thousand cavalry and go north to Heyang, I will definitely defeat the Xia bandit camp." Wang Yanzhang drank a lot of wine and his face turned red.

Although he was promoted to a military officer, he still had no chance to lead troops on expeditions. This was a great pity for a warrior who was in his golden age, so he was always depressed and wished he could fly to Heyang right now to fight the Xia thieves.


Xiao Fu smiled and said, "Maybe there will be a chance."

He is the grain envoy, and the distribution and distribution of grain, equipment, money and silk in the army are all in his hands.

It was a plan made at the beginning of the month to ship to Heyang enough grain and grass for an army of 50,000 people to use for half a year.

In March next year, after the river thaws, the navy will also be dispatched, and more grain, grass and equipment will be stockpiled in the Baiyacang area. The intention of increasing troops in Heyang is very obvious.

Next year, a war may break out in Heyang.

This war may not be particularly large in terms of scale, perhaps at the level of 30,000 to 50,000 people, but its importance is undoubted.

If Zhang Shensi and Zhang Quanyi were defeated, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were lost, and the situation in Heyang was completely ruined, then the Xia thieves would have pushed the battle line to the bank of the Yellow River. Luoyang was attacked from both sides, and the situation was worrying.

The three of them were chatting and drinking. Suddenly, a servant came in and reported something to Xiao Fu in a low voice.

The more Xiao Fu listened, the brighter his eyes became. In the end, he fisted his fist, laughed loudly, and said, "Shi Pu is defeated."

Wang Yanzhang and Zhu Youwen looked at him together.

Xiao Fu calmed down and said: "Shi Pu Mountain is exhausted, and there is no money or food. On the day of the winter solstice, the rewards have not been distributed, and the official day is approaching, and there are no rewards. The soldiers are hungry and tired, but Shi Pu still entertains guests at home, which causes the soldiers to be dissatisfied

, and chaos ensued. Pang Dutou learned of the situation in the city, launched a fierce attack, and finally defeated Pengcheng. Shi Pu and his family burned themselves in Yanzi Tower, and Xu Town was finally in peace."

Counting from the time Zhu Youyu sent troops, the Battle of Xuzhou had been going on for more than half a year. During this period, Zhu Jin's 20,000 reinforcements were defeated, and he resisted the thought of retreating. He persevered and finally captured the famous city.

The people in the five states of Song, Bo, Su, Hao and Shou were also very tired, and their farm work was affected.

Now everything has paid off. Shi Pu has been destroyed. Not only has he gained a large area of ​​territory, but most importantly, he has solved the threat in one direction and freed up a lot of troops.

Xiao Fu thought of the Xiao clan members in Guanzhong who had just contacted him recently.

At that time, the Xia Army launched its northern and southern campaigns together, and people were talking about it in the streets and alleys of Bianzhou. Xiao Fu was a little surprised and doubtful for a while, so he contacted them secretly.

Now it seems that there may be no need to be so anxious.

With the general trend of the world, it is hard to say who will win.


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