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Chapter 37 Attempt


More than two thousand riders rushed down from the hill.

"Formation! Formation!" The infantry of the Bian Army who had just crossed into the northwest side of Heqing County were hurriedly adjusting their formation...

Seeing that his own infantry was under attack, Zhang Cunjing's cavalry troops who were raiding the formation in the rear immediately dispatched. More than a thousand cavalry got on their horses and began to accelerate, rushing from east to west.

More than two thousand Xia Army horsemen passed by the Bian Army infantry at a distance, then dismounted and formed a formation to fight.

The Bian Army cavalry urged their horses repeatedly and slowly approached. At this time, more than a thousand Xia Army cavalry rushed down from the hill. They got mixed up with them and fought repeatedly.

"Kill the thieves!"

"Kill the Xia thief!"

Without the cavalry to interfere, nearly 4,000 infantrymen from both sides collided head-on. Their spears stabbed and their swords drew blood.

The north gate of "Zhiga" county town opened, and five hundred Tibetan cavalry came out first, followed by two thousand infantry.

The cavalry rushed towards the due north, where there were many Bian army men, carrying shovels, pickaxes, chisels and other materials, ready to dig trenches here. At this moment, seeing the Tibetan cavalry rushing towards them, the whole army burst into an uproar.

They have no weapons at all. Could they use shovels and shovels to fight against the enemy?

This was impossible, so they simply broke up.

Five hundred cavalrymen chased them into the crowd, fired their horned bows, and danced their sabers and swords wildly, driving more than two thousand Bian army masters everywhere.

Thousands of cavalry were dispatched from the rear of the Bian army, again the personal cavalry army, rushing westward with thunderous momentum.

But the battlefield was too narrow, and there were already thousands of cavalry fighting in a melee. No matter how many more cavalry, they could not charge forward. The cavalry of the Bian army was blocked by the defeated Confucius, and their speed suddenly slowed down.

Five hundred cavalrymen sped up to meet him, and when they got close, they were suddenly pulled apart from left to right.

"Buzz!" The arrows flew like a gust of wind and rain, and the masters and cavalry of the Bian army screamed in agony.

After shooting the arrows, they gathered together again and quickly headed west, directly behind the infantry of the Bian Army who were fighting with the mounted infantry of the Feilong Army.

"Buzz!" Another burst of arrows fell, and the Bian army's position was shaken. They suddenly couldn't stand their strength, and some people began to flee.

The thunderous sound of horse hooves from the east gradually approached. The cavalrymen of the Bian army, who had escaped from the master's entanglement, were furious. They carried long horses, gnashing their teeth and came to fight.

The Fan cavalry headed south, running along the walls of the city god and sheep and horses on the outskirts of the county town.

The cavalry of the Bian army pursued them relentlessly, regardless of the fact that their two thousand infantry had begun to collapse. They were focused on holding on to the cavalry and giving them a good look.

Unexpectedly, huge crossbows were fired from the top of the city, and sheep and horses fired volleys of bows from behind the wall. Immediately, more than a hundred horsemen lay down. Only then did the rest of the people wake up, startled and retreated into the distance.

"Haha!" Gao Renhou stroked his beard proudly.

In the first battle of the Bian army's attack on the city, they sent people to penetrate between the county seat and the northwest camp, trying to dig trenches and build earthen walls.

The Xia army's cavalry repeatedly advanced from that camp. The threat was too great. How could we attack the city without cutting off this threat?

Hence the battle today.

Two thousand strong infantrymen escorted two thousand masters to dig trenches. The Xia army dispatched two thousand mounted infantry and one thousand cavalry from the northwest. Heqing County dispatched another two thousand infantry and five hundred cavalry.

Attack from the south, attacking from both sides.

The masters of the Bian army had long been defeated. The two thousand surrendered infantry were harassed from the sides by the Fan cavalry, and they were suddenly in chaos. At this time, they were fiercely beaten by the Feilong army's mounted infantry, and the formation collapsed uncontrollably.

"Kill the Bian thieves!" Two thousand Xia army infantrymen who came out from the north gate of the county shouted in unison.

Obviously, they dealt the final blow to the infantry of the Jianrui Army. The two thousand thieves were routed in disarray, and were chased to the north by the Feilong Army and massacred.

Another cavalry troop was dispatched on the opposite side, and it looked like they were from King Danbu of Tabaidu. They were very angry.

The sound of clanging cannons was heard from the tower in Heqing County, and the two thousand infantry troops quickly gathered their formation and turned.

The infantry of the Feilong Army who were chasing the defeated rebels also slowly gathered up and formed a formation to meet the enemy.

More than 800 cavalrymen from Tabaidu circled the battlefield half a circle without finding an opportunity. At this time, the battle between the two cavalrymen below the hill had also ended and they had broken away from each other.

The battlefield fell silent for a moment.

The south wind blew across the earth, bringing with it the aroma of green grass mixed with the smell of blood. From time to time, moans and screams of pain could be heard from the ground. The ownerless war horse lowered its head and licked its master's face, but the master would never wake up again.

The colors of the flags on the towers and hills are constantly changing.

The two infantry phalanxes of the Xia Army began to move forward slowly, advancing in a wall-to-wall formation.

Wang Tan saw that his defeated troops had almost been gathered together, so he joined forces with his own cavalry troops and retreated alternately. As for the wounded soldiers and armored soldiers left on the battlefield, they definitely couldn't be taken care of.

In this battle, the Master was killed between 700 and 800 people, the elite army lost 1,000 people, and the personal cavalry army also lost 300 cavalry. The loss was not huge, but it was not good-looking, and morale was also damaged. It is not appropriate to go back today.


After the Bian army retreated, the auxiliary soldiers of the Feilong army who stayed behind brought the horses over. The sergeants got on their horses and ran towards the hill, preparing to return to the camp.

The 2,000 infantry and 500 Fan cavalry who attacked from Heqing County still stayed in place. More than a thousand Fan people came out of the city. They began to clean the battlefield and collect trophies. After finishing their work, most people returned to the city through the suspension bridge. There were still three people on the battlefield.

Hundreds of people were left to bury the bodies.

The Bian army would not have arrived to attack them.

It is in line with everyone's expectations to let the deceased Pao Ze be buried in peace.

The atmosphere in Heqing County is lively.

The bandits have been logging and making equipment for the past few days, and today they finally moved out. The first battle was to sever the connection between Heqing County and the fortress, because there were more than a thousand cavalry and more than 4,000 horse infantry stationed there, posing the greatest threat.

, Bianjun has been observing for so long and has already figured it out clearly.

There is no doubt that the Bian thieves have their own rules.

Heqing County and the northwest fortress are at an angle to each other. If you attack one area, you may be attacked from two sides, which is very passive.

If you abandon the camp and concentrate on attacking Heqing County, it will not work. If people are not surrounded by you, people and materials will come in and out, and the combat effectiveness and morale will remain strong.

The most important thing in attacking Heqing County is to isolate it and turn it into an isolated city. If we cannot do this, everything will be at a loss. It is hard to say whether we can defeat it or not. Even if we defeat it, the casualties will be huge.

It's unbearable.

But their attempt today failed.

It is estimated that he will continue to think of ways to attack the fortress and Liaowu in the future. Gao Renhou has already made preparations.

"Report your victory to the commander, win the first battle, kill two thousand enemies, and capture two hundred horses." Gao Renhou ordered.

"As ordered." The staff quickly went to do it.

"To the city god, send an order to the other side of the Sheep and Horse Wall. There may be a sneak attack by the bandit army tonight. Keep your eyes open." Gao Renhou ordered again.

The city attack and defense battle involves only a few tricks, which are not new.

In fact, the atmosphere in the Bianjun camp did not change much.

It was just a probing attack, something I had never encountered in any siege over the years.

But He Qing is indeed difficult to fight. After this battle during the day, everyone saw clearly.

"The morale of the Xia thieves is very high." Huo Cun, who had been watching the battle from the rear, rarely mocked Guo Shaobin's troops who were fighting hard.

"When it was time to leave the city to fight, we left the city without hesitation at all. The formation movements were also very fast, and the formation changes were as expected." Huo Cun said: "This is an old pawn."

Shao Shude assumed that the full score of the army was 100. He recruited honest farmers, absented themselves from work, trained strictly, maintained strict discipline, and were familiar with the formations. He rated such an army at 60, which meant it was qualified and could be sent out to fight.

It is not difficult to improve from zero to sixty points, as long as you have enough food and salary, clear rewards and punishments, and ensure the most basic training.

But if you go above 60, with the same resources, the improvement will be very limited, which is the so-called diminishing marginal effect.

Sixty to eighty points consume even more resources than zero to sixty points, because not only do you need to make the soldiers obedient and disciplined, but you also need to make them skilled enough to survive the stalemate between the two armies.

This training cost is too high, because the training period for skills in the cold weapon era is too long, and those who can master various skills proficiently are old soldiers.

Eighty to one hundred, it also requires junior officers to take the initiative to read the battlefield situation and respond in time before the superiors have time to issue orders. This requires energy and rich experience, which is generally rare.

The Bian Army also has this kind of standard for classifying military strength. Although it is not clearly stated in the text, everyone is born among the dead. They have experienced countless battles, large and small, so they naturally have a strong balance in their hearts.

It can be seen the level of the infantry of the Wuwei Army who went out to fight today. The proportion of veterans is extremely high and the discipline is strict.

"How are the soldiers in the northwest camp of the rebel army?" Pang Shigu turned to look at Zhang Cunjing and Guo Shaobin and asked.

"The cavalry is elite and good at fighting, and it is a powerful enemy." Zhang Cunjing cherished his words like gold. Although he was not willing to speak well of the enemy, he did not bother to belittle him. It is quite good to have the evaluation of "strong enemy", at least Zhu Jin's cavalry is better

Although Zhu Jin's cavalry was mainly defeated by the Bian army's infantry.

"The bandit army also has a number called the 'Flying Dragon Army', which dismounts and fights on foot. But it can be seen that it is not as elite as the infantry army that attacked in Heqing County." Guo Shaobin asked the tribesmen who escaped back, and combined with his own observations, he came to the conclusion

reached this conclusion.

These people have very vicious eyes.

Feilong Army is mainly composed of 5,000 Yinshan Fan tribe and 3,000 mounted infantry trained by Zhu Shuzong in Lingzhou. Its combat effectiveness is naturally uneven. It cannot be said to be bad, but compared with Wuwei Army, it is not on the same level.

Pang Shigu was silent after listening.

The siege has begun, but it is not strictly an attack on the city wall. It is still in the stage of cutting off the outer perimeter.

Only after completing this step can you besiege the city and then attack it repeatedly.

"Your Majesty has given me an army of one hundred thousand, and it costs a lot of money. It's not just for outings and fun." Pang Shigu sat back on the handsome chair and said with bright eyes: "Tomorrow, the powerful army will be on the right side, the mighty army, the flying dragon.

The army, the cavalry army, and Tabai are all ready for battle. I want to attack the rebel camp again."

"I will obey the general's orders." Everyone responded one after another.

Xiao Fu, the grain commander, watched silently.

Pang Shigu said that sending out an army of 100,000 people would "cost a lot of money". The warriors may not feel deeply about this, but he knew it clearly.

With so many people here, if there are no results, is it justified?

Pang Shigu has won consecutive battles in recent years, and even made great achievements in conquering Xu Zhen. Is it plausible that he is now attacking Heqing County?

Xiao Fu had a bad premonition: this war might be long-term, just like the siege of Xuzhou, it would be an arduous battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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