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Chapter 43 The future


Zhang Huaiding, the Kongmu officer of the Shuofang shogunate's military envoy and the Yamen's transportation department, hurried to the Qingliang Hall of Longchi Palace.

Several women were chatting and laughing as they left the palace gate...

Mrs. Pei's belly was slightly bulging, and she walked in the middle. Mrs. Xiao was half a step behind her on the left, coming to see Mrs. Pei. Mrs. Xiao discussed Du's music and poetry, and Mrs. Wei walked at the end.

Zhang Huaiding did not dare to look further and lowered his head slightly.

"Judge Zhang, the commander is waiting for you." Zheng Yong said as he walked out of the palace gate.

"Thank you, General Zheng." Zhang Huaiding bowed and saluted.

Shao Shude did not dare to offend any of the soldiers and generals around him.

I heard that the soldiers often have to learn battle formation knowledge and compete with each other in martial arts. Whenever there is an opportunity, they will be transferred to the army. The senior officials will be military envoys, deputy envoys, and Du Yuhou, and the junior officials will be ten generals, deputy generals, and no officials.

It is also possible to mix a team leader and team deputy.

Zheng Yong has been with Shao Shude for a long time, and he might one day become the military envoy or deputy envoy of the First Army. Zhang Huaiding's status is embarrassing, how dare he offend him.

After Zheng and Zhang entered the hall, Shao Shude immediately asked them to sit down.

Zhang Huaiding glanced quietly and saw that there were many people in the palace. He knew Lu Siye and Du Guangyi, and everyone in the town knew a famous person like Chen Cheng.

There are also two children, as everyone knows, the handsome eldest son and the legitimate eldest son.

A maid brought tea to Zhang Huaiding.

When Zhang Huaiding took a look, he actually recognized him with his blond hair and green eyes! Kang, the great-niece of the great businessman Kang Fojin.

There is an anecdote in Lingzhou that the commander-in-chief once said after drinking that he would like to have beauties from all over the world as his wife. It is not surprising that there are Sogdian women around him to serve him.

"Dashuai, Yuan, Wangwu, and Mianchi counties discussed with Dr. Wang of Xiazhou Agricultural Science about the sandy land in the three counties. They first plowed the land deeply, and then planted the purple sparrow (gorse) brought by the Tibetan people to make the sandy soil sticky.

"Okay, after two years, cut the flowers and grass to feed the livestock, and dig up the lower fertile soil, so that the sandy land can be used." There was someone reporting work in front of Shao Shude, who sounded like a Shaozhou official. Zhang Huaiding listened carefully.

Shao Shude nodded slightly.

In fact, he doesn't understand much, but he needs to nod and show that he understands.

What is the gorse flower? I have never heard of it. Maybe it is a specialty of Tubo? Is it the gorse flower that he has heard of before?

It actually has the effect of fertilizing fields. Is it also leguminous grass?

That’s all, let’s not go into details. Since the Tubo people planted this kind of pasture, there must be a reason. If this kind of pasture is competitive enough and can grow in a large area, and the sandy land that is not suitable for growing food can be utilized and transformed, then

It couldn't be better.

People from Henan and Longbo have been migrating inland over the years, and they have brought many exotic crop seeds with them. Some of them are not found in the Central Plains, such as Uighur beans (chickpeas) and donkey-like beans; some have been introduced from the Central Plains, but there is not much difference between them and those that have not been introduced.

You can hardly see them at ordinary times, such as watermelon, alfalfa, purple sparrow, etc.

There was a certain scale of cotton planting in Dunhuang under the Yijun Army, and Shao Shude sent people to introduce some and plant it in Huaiyuan County.

There is a botanical garden under the name of Lingzhou Agricultural Science, which covers a large area and has two major functions: first, to collect and cultivate exotic plant seeds; second, to cultivate crops in a targeted manner.

The second point was brought up by Shao Shude. He was very speechless about the watermelon he ate. There was too little flesh and too many seeds! What I didn’t say before was to learn from horse administration, purify the “bloodline”, and optimize the breeding.

Every seed in modern society has been purposefully cultivated for hundreds of years, such as watermelons; every livestock species is strictly speaking a "pure-blood" breed that has been purposefully cultivated through artificial breeding, such as the Holstein cows that are popular all over the world.

Using things native to nature, it's like the watermelon Shao Shude ate, which is astonishing.

"After the Tibetan people in Yuanxian County are reorganized into households, can agriculture be taught to them about farming?" Shao Shude asked again.

He is not too worried about the Tubo people and the Dangxiang people. At most, they have poor agricultural skills, but they can really farm. The Qiang people are worse, but they can more or less farm, the Uighurs, the Tuyuhun people, and some nomadic people.

Party items and Tubo are very troublesome.

Among the five counties of Shaozhou, Xiaoshi County was originally part of Shaanxi Province, with a small population and mainly cultivated millet and wheat; Wei, Yuan, Mianchi, and Wangwu were all originally white land, and the people were from Helong and Hengshan who were divided after the war.

Fan people.

The current policy is that Lingzhou Agricultural Sciences will support Mianchi County; Xiazhou Agricultural Sciences will support Wangwu County, Suizhou Agricultural Sciences will support Yuan County, and Yinzhou Agricultural Sciences will support Xiao County.

Shao Shude is also thinking about the future of these agricultural doctors, teaching assistants, lecturers and many students.

There is no doubt that in the current social atmosphere and values, they, like medical students, engineering students, and arithmetic students, are inferior to economic students.

This is not good!

Shao Shude has a plan recently. After occupying Heyang, Meng and Huaizhou will definitely have a large number of immigrants, and these "miscellaneous studies" students will be indispensable. He plans to take this opportunity to promote some miscellaneous studies students with outstanding achievements to prefectures and counties.

Officials with real power and persist in doing so throughout their lifetimes, forming traditions and improving their social status.

Shaozhou Yingtian Inspector Du Xiao, who was reporting to him, did not have much discrimination against medical, arithmetic, agricultural, and industrial students. This may be an act, because Shao Shude attaches great importance to these miscellaneous students, but regardless of whether it is true or not, Du Xiao is still willing

to highlight their merits.

"Returning to the commander-in-chief, Dr. Wang is in Wangwu County. He has been working hard, wearing stars and moonlight, and has been to almost every village. He taught the Tibetan people to grow alfalfa and cut it three times a year." Du Xiao replied: "There are also cowsheds and sheep pens to accumulate manure.

, cover it with sand or mountain peat in several layers and pile it up before transporting it to the field. I took the trouble to teach it all."

In the three-crop rotation system, the raising of livestock is the core part. In summer, they are generally driven to the fields to graze, and the urine and feces of the animals are directly dumped in the fields. In winter, they are kept in pens and fed with hay harvested in the fields.

The manure produced is usually covered with sand or peat, which can be covered with several layers in a winter, and then collected and transported to the fields.

Shao Shude is very enthusiastic about promoting this production model that combines agriculture and animal husbandry. The time-travelers have been smelting steel since they came up. There is a high probability that people will die and the government will cease, which will not change society, but maybe this agricultural production model can? This is the ambition hidden in Marshal Shao's heart.

Of course, this is only one of the prerequisites. It only unlocks the most basic shackles of the Industrial Revolution, the supply of food and raw materials. The second shackle is the money supply, which can only be discussed later.

Some things are easy to be destroyed by people and governments from the top down. Shao Shude has been thinking about things that will not be destroyed by people and governments, and the most viable things often only exist at the bottom, and you have to create them.

It is not only beneficial to his own war, but also a contribution to the nation. Marshal Shao is not a selfless saint, but he is still willing to do this kind of thing that can not only satisfy his own desires but also satisfy his feelings.

"Who is Dr. Wang?"

"Wang Yong, Doctor of Agriculture in Xiazhou."

Shao Shude nodded, picked up a pen and wrote down his name. Then he glanced at Du Xiao, secretly wondering what the relationship between them was, could they be in-laws?

Du Xiao felt a little uncomfortable when he looked at him.

Shao Shude smiled, he must not be an in-law. Your sister Du Shi was wearing scantily attire just now and was playing the piano in the side hall for me to appreciate.

"Judge Zhang." Shao Shude waved his hand to Du Xiao to step back and let Zhang Huaiding step forward.

"See you, Marshal." Zhang Huaiding saluted.

"Sit down." Shao Shude stretched out his hand and pressed it softly, saying: "Zhang Shuai of the Guiyi Army has recently attacked the Gaochang Uighurs. From your point of view, how do the Gaochang Uighurs compare with the Ganzhou Uighurs?"

"It's much stronger." Zhang Huaiding replied: "But if the commander-in-chief sends out all the cavalry, flying bear, and flying dragon armies, and chooses a good general to lead them, he will be defeated."

"Can Shazhou afford to maintain these three armies, consisting of 20,000 to 30,000 men and more than 60,000 horses?"

"I can't afford it." Zhang Huaiding replied honestly.

The Guiyi Army only had more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, most of them infantry, and they were struggling to maintain them. With tens of thousands more cavalry, their finances would immediately go bankrupt.

"Can we make peace with the Gaochang Uighurs?" Shao Shude asked: "What they ask for is nothing more than wealth. Although I am not short of horses, I can also use horses from the Central Plains silk market, or maybe I can caress them for a while?"

"This..." Zhang Huaiding thought for a while and was not sure, so he could only say: "Maybe you can give it a try."

Shao Shude stood up, walked to the map, pointed to the two towns of the Guiyi Army in the west of the river, and said: "If we make peace with the Gaochang Uighurs, I will mobilize five thousand Yumen troops to march eastward. Do you think Long will obey the order?"

The Yumen Army was often ordered to enter Dunhuang to assist the Guiyi Army in resisting the intrusion of the Gaochang Uighurs. But to be honest, the effect was not good, because it was impossible to stay for a long time, and the Gaochang Uighurs came and went like the wind, so they were often of no use. But Shao Shude did not

Do you dare to transfer them away? What if the Gaochang Uighurs are defeated and the rebels occupy Shazhou?

If they can be temporarily appeased, they will mobilize the Yumen Army to march eastward and fight with the Bian Army.

In fact, Shao Shude now wants to test the obedience of the vassal vassal town. Longjian Zhao Jian is fighting the Maozhou Qiang people, and he doesn't know what the meaning of those poor ravines is. What if they beat them down? Since being defeated by Zhu Mei,

He didn't dare to go south. Shao Shude felt that he couldn't be supported and had no bright spots.

However, his granddaughter Zhao Shu is really good and pretty, but she is too young and doesn’t know much about things. She often uses clumsy tricks to seduce Shao Shude. Shao Shude wants to laugh in his heart, but this method is too low-level, so he often pretends to be seduced and has sex with her.

She plays some games.

There are not many soldiers in Longjian Town, and Shao Shude wants to send some people to go north to practice, but considering the location of the four states of Longjian, he might as well forget it.

Shannan West Road will definitely send troops to the north this time, at least 5,000 people. If Zhuge Zhongfang is unwilling, or Xingyuan sergeants make a rebellion, then they will suppress it. After so many years, Shao Shude still has some people in Xingyuan Mansion.

Jiang Dewen, deputy envoy of Jiedu, wrote to him regularly to report on the situation in the town.

Fengxiang, Xingyuan, Suzhou, Huazhou, and Hezhong jointly sent 20,000 to 30,000 troops to replace the vacancies after the Tibetans withdrew to rest. However, some benefits must be given, and they cannot be consumed blindly.

Shao Shude loved and hated these miscellaneous troops.

But if you want to devour the world, you can't treat the motley crew as ferocious beasts. There are so many armies in the world, can you kill them all?

Don't pursue the purity of the army too much. There are so many heroes. Who doesn't know the benefits of eliminating all the unknown names and retaining only your direct lineage? But if you can't do it, you can't do it. Don't think that everyone is a fool, and you are the only one.

Chang Kaishen, who has the worst attitude towards miscellaneous troops in the world, doesn't he also pinch his nose and give them wages, weapons and ammunition?

The speed of digestion cannot keep up with the speed of collection. This is normal.

"Returning to the commander-in-chief, Long Dare not refuse to obey his orders." Zhang Huaiding said: "After Li Renmei was pacified, everyone in Shaqi and Hexi knew the reputation of the commander-in-chief. Some Tibetan people gave the commander-in-chief the title of 'Supreme Khan'.

.How virtuous and capable is the dragon? Dare to resist the orders of the Great Khan?"

Supreme Khan is a distinguished title recognized by various ministries when the Turkic Great Khan unified the grasslands.

After the Turks were defeated, this title was stolen by the Khitans, but they only dared to entertain themselves behind closed doors. Who are the Khitans? They also dared to call themselves "Supreme Khan". Wouldn't it make people laugh?

"What if the families of the five thousand members of the Yumen Army are also brought over?" Shao Shude asked again.

Zhang Huaiding's expression changed, and he was no longer as sure as before. Population is always the most concerned thing for the rulers of various forces. If you take his penis, it is almost like killing him, which is very uncomfortable.

"That's all, let's trick the soldiers here first," Shao Shude said with a smile.

He wants to take control of the place in Suzhou. The Long family tribe has a large population. The most important thing is that they are descendants of the Tocharians with high noses, deep eyes, and red hair. They look very different from the Central Plains people. If

If you want to assimilate, the first thing you have to solve is the problem of appearance. It is better to move to the mainland and rely on the huge population of the Han Dynasty to swamp them.

This trick was learned from Zhu Yuanzhang's assimilation of Semu people, that is, forcing them to intermarry with Han people and slowly digesting it. However, Lao Zhu's policy was relatively successful in the mainland, but it did not work well in the northwest, perhaps because there were too few Han people there.

"Zhu Quanzhong's army of 100,000 came to Heyang. If we can repel it, I will have to fight across the river. If I don't prepare more troops for him, Quanzhong will not be happy," Shao Shude said.

This chapter has been completed!
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