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Chapter 58 What can I give?

 The roaring horses are choking, the brave brave is majestic, and the thousands of troops swallow up the mountains and rivers.

Well, actually there weren't many people there, just over two thousand riders, but standing there it was impressive.

They came from the west, leading their horses all the way until they encountered the enemy in front of them.

Recently, Shao Shude has been rectifying the custom of traveling on horseback in the army when there is nothing to do.

As the direct descendant of the main force of the Tielin Army, Xu Hao, the commander of You Yi, certainly did not dare to hit the knife edge, but he actually did not think so in his heart.

The commander gave an example of a Khitan man named Yelu Abaoji. He said that his cavalry had one man and three horses, but the military discipline was strict and even harsh. The cavalry had three horses and could only walk unless they encountered the enemy. Only then was he ready to mount his horse.

Who is Yelu Abaoji? He is just an unknown person... He is so capable, why don't you go and rob Youzhou?

But these words were nothing more than a private slander. He had to contradict the commander in person. He had not thought about it so much, but the anger in his heart had to be vented, so he could only attack the enemy in front of him.

"Master Pang is an ancient rat who huddles in a rat hole all day long. I didn't expect Mengzhou soldiers to dare to leave the city. I'm tired of living. Put on your armor and mount your horse!"

After giving the order, the sergeants put on armor for each other in pairs, and then auxiliary soldiers came forward to take away the excess pack horses. After the two thousand people mounted their horses, they divided into several groups and went towards the enemy cavalry who were also hurriedly forming a group.

The first wave of three hundred cavalry to attack raised their long spears at an angle and accelerated slowly. Xu Hao was not among the first group to attack. He still stood on the high slope overlooking the enemy's situation.

There are 500 enemy cavalry in front and 3,000 infantry in formation. The bows should have been cocked and the lances were raised, gleaming with cold light.

The enemy cavalry had no desire to fight, and the "Zhang" flag slowly retreated, as if looking for the protection of the infantry.

"Haha, you coward!" Xu Hao laughed, grabbed the wine bag and took a sip of wine, then looked around guiltily.

The soldiers looked intently, while the soldiers stared closely at the battle ahead. Xu Hao breathed a sigh of relief and put away his leather bag.

The horses galloped, the roars were thunderous, and the three hundred cavalry charged, with an extraordinary momentum.

"Raise the spear!" The leading officer controlled the speed, held the long spear under his arm, and held it straight forward.

"Hoo!" The soldiers also controlled the speed of their horses, maintained their body balance, and raised their long spears flatly.

The enemy's infantry formation is slightly loose.

Zhang Jiye bit his lip tightly, suddenly feeling regretful.

Those who shouldn't retreat should probably lead the 500 cavalry to fight for a while before leaving. This would be too timid before fighting, which would hurt morale too much.

But when the cavalry is fighting, both sides are holding long horses, and the dense crowds are facing each other, what should they do if they die?

The possibility of death is very high, right? There are so many people, there is no way to hide, so you can only rely on your quick eyes and quick hands to stab the enemy to death first? But if you stab one to death, are there others? The oncoming trees are densely packed with long branches, it’s up to you No matter how great you are, you still have to suffer the consequences, right?

It is right to rely on infantry to kill cavalry. I am not wrong. The Bian Army has always done this.

"There's a show!" Xu Hao took out the wine bag again and said, "Second batch, rush!"

After giving the order, another three hundred cavalrymen rushed out, following closely behind the first group.

Not all of this group of people carried horses, only the hundred riders at the front were holding them, and the two hundred riders at the back were brandishing sabers, maces, and bones.

Suddenly a cloud floated in the sky, and the ground became dark. Zhang Jiye was startled, and subconsciously exerted force, causing the horse to raise its head and neigh.

Xie Bin was loudly encouraging morale.

He also regretted that he should not have brought out two thousand new soldiers. But when he was going to the ferry, he needed people to work, so he brought them out. Now he had a vague feeling that something bad might happen.

His son-in-law's panicked behavior made him unhappy. He usually talked loudly and did things in a very orderly manner. Why was he so timid at this critical moment when he needed to risk his life?

The cavalry continued to advance.

They saw the panic of the infantry formation, so they no longer controlled the speed of their horses, and their roars became louder.

"Kill the thieves!" the cavalry officer shouted.

"Kill the Bian thieves!" the sergeants responded in unison.

"The thieves will be wine and rice bags! The third batch, rush!" Xu Hao threw the wine bag, got on his horse, took a long spear, held it diagonally and rushed out.

Four hundred cavalry followed closely behind, with great momentum.

The clouds drifted away, golden sunlight fell down, and the tremors on the ground became more and more violent.

The one thousand cavalrymen of the Iron Forest Army were divided into three groups. Looking down from the sky, they looked like three distinct wavy lines, surging forward.

A hail of arrows flew out from the enemy formation. It was the nervous recruits who fired without waiting for orders.

Their actions also misled others. Most of them shot the arrows without hearing the sound of the trumpet. After shooting, the veterans looked at each other in confusion, while the recruits turned pale and were at a loss.

The sound of horse hooves was also heard from the front left.

Hundreds of horsemen lined up in a loose formation, holding long spears. Behind them, smoke billowed, and cavalry appeared and appeared vaguely from time to time. It was unpredictable how many. It looked like there were tens of thousands of horsemen, preparing to outflank them from the side and rear.

"Don't panic, they don't dare to charge! Hold your ground! Even if people want to charge, the horses don't dare to charge. Hold on, hold on!" Jie Bin shouted loudly, but he didn't know how many people could hear him.

"Kill the thieves!"


The roar from the opposite side seemed to be close to their ears, and seeing that they were still speeding up without stopping at all, the recruits panicked.

"Run!" Someone let go of the spear inserted diagonally into the ground, turned around and ran, but his feet went numb and he fell to the ground. It turned out to be because he had been half-kneeling on the ground with the gun for a long time and could not hold on anymore.

The spear slowly fell to the ground.

If one branch falls down, there will naturally be a second one and a third one...

Jie Bin almost covered his face with his hands, refugee recruits do bad things!

He once followed the king of Dongping County to challenge the Qin clan. When Cai's cavalry rushed up, the sky was blocked and the sun was blocked. It was even more terrifying than today's scene. But the infantry of the Bian army held small antlers, piled them in front of the formation, and shot them calmly with their rifles.

He didn't panic at all when he killed Cai Cai's cavalry, but what did the gang in front of him look like?

"Crash!" The sound of spears falling and colliding came one after another. The originally calm veterans were also affected by the new recruits and panicked.

"Kill!" Seeing that there was an advantage to be taken advantage of, the Xia Army cavalry officer increased his horse speed to the extreme.

The three hundred cavalrymen behind him also became excited and were ready to wave their swords.

The second wave of three hundred cavalry was still a short distance away from them. At this time, it slightly spread out in point formation and was no longer so tight.

The third wave still controlled the horse speed and followed behind.

"Boom!" The cavalry rushed into the chaotic crowd.

The leading officer fell off his horse.

He rolled skillfully, picked up a spear, and shouted: "Kill!"

One shot penetrated and the enemy soldier was killed.

More and more people fell off their horses. They picked up the spears left by the enemy soldiers and killed them on foot.

Behind them, some robes were waving heavy horseshoes, sweeping away a large area.

Someone abandoned his horse, reined it in with one hand, and chopped it with a dagger in the other.

The second wave of cavalry arrived.

They controlled the speed of their horses well and went around to the flank. The cavalry on horseback rushed in first, brandishing their sabers and maces, followed closely by Gu Duo's robes, trampling them with horse hooves and drawing blood from their swords.

The three thousand infantry army collapsed almost instantly, and rebels ran everywhere.

"Hurry up!" Jie Bin rode out and rushed out of the chaos, followed by seven or eight blood-soaked soldiers.

Zhang Jiye woke up suddenly, turned his horse's head and ran towards the city gate.

A wave of arrows shot from behind, and Zhang Jifeng suddenly had two feather arrows as "decorations" on his body.

He ran away faster.

The five hundred cavalrymen have never seen such a useless general.

However, their morale had dropped, and they had no intention of fighting anymore, so they all retreated.

There was a bad-tempered man who, while galloping on his horse, scolded Zhang Jiye: "Seeing as you are Lao Jie's son-in-law, you think you have some ability, is that all?"

"Damn it, you coward, do you dare to lead us back to fight?"

"If you dare to go up, I will go up. Do you dare to kill Thief Xia?"

"Brothers, why not tie him up and present him to Shao Shude? We can still get a reward."

"Haha! I'm afraid this weakling is worthless, but his wife and daughter are."

Zhang Jiye turned a deaf ear and just ran away.

The suspension bridge had been lowered, and the wind-like man rushed into the city gate first, leaving a series of curses behind him.

The defeated soldiers also ran towards the city gate like crazy.

But they were a step late, and they were met with dense arrows. I don’t know how many strong bows and crossbows were shooting at them. They were everywhere on the city walls and behind the city gates. Even the Xia army cavalry who took the opportunity to pursue them fell down.

A big piece.

The suspension bridge was slowly pulled up, and the cries of the defeated soldiers were loud.

Zhang Quanyi pursed his lips tightly and walked down the tower with a solemn expression.

Today's "big show" shattered many of his illusions.

Three thousand people went to the ferry to carry the grain and grass that had finally been transported, but they encountered the Xia bandit cavalry and were wiped out in a battle.

Now there are more than 2,000 state and county soldiers and more than 1,000 new refugee soldiers in the city. They are all guarding the city with great vigor, let alone doing anything else.

His soldiers, from the Huang King era to the Zhu Quanzhong era, were unable to defeat Shao Thief!

But he doesn't want to surrender yet. He wants to wait and see to see what benefits Shao Shude can give him.

Judging from his past behavior, it seems that he will immigrate to Heyang in large numbers. If the household registration becomes prosperous, it would be good to have him become the governor of Heyang.

In this world, it is absolutely impossible to have no territory and no soldiers.

The vassal towns have been divided for more than a hundred years, and the land is full of arrogant soldiers and powerful generals. Even the hero who sweeps all directions may die in one day and the country will be destroyed, blown away like the rain and wind.

Waiting and watching with troops, relying on the hero, and waiting for the price to sell seems to be the safest method.

With territory and soldiers, even if Shao Shude or Zhu Quanzhong were defeated, they could still rely on the new master and continue to maintain the wealth of the Zhang family.

What can Shao Shude give him? Can it exceed his interests in Luoyang?

Su Junqing silently followed Zhang Quanyi with a serious expression, neither sad nor happy.

Some things are very different from what you see with your own eyes and what you hear with your ears.

Unlike Zhang Quanyi, he was just a civil servant in the shogunate, and his roots were in Heyang. Now Heyang seemed to be changing, and he was very worried.

However, he was not sure whether Shao Shude could win, because Kou Yanqing on the east bank of Qinshui River held a heavy army and Xia's army had few soldiers. He was so frightened by the power of his troops that he did not dare to pursue him. The two armies faced each other across the river, and the situation seemed to be deadlocked.

But in the end, Shaw Brothers has a better chance of winning.

Because Zhang Guihou and others were coercing the people to cross the river and go south to Zhengzhou, it seemed that they had no intention of staying for a long time. Maybe the entire army would not withdraw, but some strongholds would be left on the north bank, just like how many forts were built in Hezhong Prefecture in the later Zhou Dynasty as bridgeheads. Same, but what does this mean to him, Su?

People's minds change.

Zhang Jiye stumbled over, with two ridiculous arrows stuck in his head, and he swayed as he walked.

"Sir!" Zhang Jiye choked with sobs.

"Pah!" Zhang Quanyi waved his hand vigorously and slapped him seven or eight times. Zhang Jiye felt like the world was spinning.

A large group of cavalry followed, shouting that the horses neighed.

Xie Bin got off his horse and wanted to stop him, but stopped when he saw the cold and contemptuous eyes of the sergeants.

As a warrior, being as cowardly as a mouse and fearing the enemy in battle is enough to be despised to death in this era, without any chance of improvement.

"Poof!" Zhang Jiye spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted to the ground.

"General Xie, you will command all the soldiers in the city. Guard the city carefully and don't make any mistakes." Zhang Quanyi turned around and left without looking at his son.

Su Junqing signaled with his eyes, and several sergeants hesitated for a moment before stepping forward and carrying Zhang Jiye away.

"General Jie..." Su Junqing called softly.

"Judge Su, I still have to patrol the city, and we'll talk about it later if we have anything to do." Xie Bin straightened his clothes and armor and said with a sad face.

"It's okay, let's patrol together, patrol together." Su Junqing smiled and said.

"That's fine." Jie Bin hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

He is not stupid and knows that Su Junqing must have something to say. As for what to say, he can guess pretty well.

He didn't mind hearing it.

This chapter has been completed!
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