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Chapter 62 Recuperation and Rectification

"General Zhao, are you satisfied with today's banquet?" In the pavilion, Su Junqing raised his wine bottle and asked with a smile.

"After Fang lost the battle, he held a banquet. If the commander knew about it, he would definitely not be happy." Zhao Ji raised his head and took a big sip of wine and said, "It's just this once, don't do this next time."

"It's really just this time." Su Junqing smiled.

A soldier brought the mutton to Zhao Ji. When Zhao Ji was not prepared, he pulled out a sharp knife from under the plate, stabbed it into his heart, and stirred it vigorously.

Zhao Ji was having a banquet and was not wearing any armor. He fell to the ground softly in pain and screamed miserably...

The soldier stepped forward and cut off his head with a sharp knife.

Zhao Ji's soldiers were having a banquet next door at this time. When the wine was in full swing, dozens of soldiers suddenly came out. They first shot a wave of arrows and then slashed with their swords. Their movements were fierce and quick. It looked like they were warriors who killed many people. Any extra effort was not wasted.

On the turret field in the city, arrows were fired in unison.

Wave after wave of arrows were shot from everywhere, as if there was no end. The five hundred Bian people in the field were caught off guard, and they all fell into a pool of blood, screaming and wailing. There was no cover here, and no one was injured. A, there is no other ending except death.

Since the Ming Dynasty, the battlefield has been a "holy place" for vassals and generals to kill people. I don't know how many arrogant soldiers and generals hated it, and today is no exception.

Jie Bin led a thousand state soldiers and veterans into the execution ground, walking in a pool of blood.

The sergeants carefully searched each corpse. When they saw some that were seriously injured but not dead, they went up and stabbed them. Some people cried and begged for mercy, but it was in vain. All the heads were cut off and the number was counted.

Two thousand new soldiers guarded the four gates, and five hundred cavalry patrolled the city. Everyone was driven back to their homes. Anyone who went out without permission would be killed without mercy.

There were only a few hundred households in the city who didn't know what happened. Rumors spread and they were panicked.

"Quickly, send an envoy out of the city to contact the Xia people." Su Junqing hurried to the execution ground, endured the discomfort, and suggested to Xie Bin.

"Where does Judge Su want to put Zhang Shuai?" Jie Bin asked angrily, holding a bloody long knife.

Zhang Quanyi still met with Zhu Yougong in Nancheng. If the Xia army arrived at the city, would you open the city or not?

Kaicheng, people come in, what do you want Zhang Quanyi to do? His subordinates rebelled and became a mere commander. Can he go back to Luoyang? Can he go back? And what is the value of Zhang Quanyi who is alone? Not to mention he can farm, he can There are many people farming, but others may not appreciate them.

If you don't open the city, Xia Jun thinks you are teasing him, but then it will be a mess, and both parties will not be pleased.

Therefore, the best policy is to block the news and wait for Zhang Quanyi's return. But it can't be delayed for long, because the ultimatum given by Xia Jun is tomorrow morning. The army led by Gao Renhou is already nearby. What can be done in one day?

The two people on the other side were waiting anxiously, while Shao Shude on the other side had already gone north to Jiyuan.

Towering mountains, vast wilderness, and meandering rivers are the main theme of this land.

Song Le also arrived in Jiyuan together.

"The two states that were merged this year look a bit dilapidated." The empty village was full of ruins. It looked like no one had lived in it for a long time. Shao Shude almost thought he had gone back to the time when he regained Lanzhou many years ago.

"Commander, my subordinates suggest not to force the people to raise horses." Song Le quickly stepped into the role of Heyang Jiedushi and suggested in a low voice.

"But the people are suffering too much?" Shao Shude seemed to have some realization.

"Of course." Song Le said seriously: "As long as there is a choice, people will never raise horses. They would rather raise cattle, sheep, or pigs than horses."

The income from raising horses is too low, and it is not economical at all. Even on the grassland, herders are more willing to herd cattle and sheep. In fact, it can be seen from the livestock of the Tibetan people who have moved here. There are few horses, many cattle, and sheep


"The commander-in-chief already has many horse farms such as Yongqing, Yinchuan, Xiedan, Xishi, etc., and recently added Heishui and Dongshi two ranches. There are enough war horses, pack horses, and riding horses. Why should the people of Heyang continue to raise horses?

It is necessary to plan the migration route and prepare hay, grain and beans along the way. It is not difficult to transport horses from these pastures." Song Le suggested: "Heyang is new and the people have nothing. Please ask the commander to give them a little more freedom."

The imperial dynasty once set up four envoys, east, west, south and north, in Helong and the western part of Guanzhong to supervise horse breeding. The west envoy's city was at the junction of Hui and Wei, the south envoy's city was in Fengxiang, the north's envoy's city was in Liangzhou, and the east's envoy's city was in Jingyuan.

Except for the Beishang City, all the towns in this area were within the territory of the Northern Song Dynasty in later generations.

Sizhicheng adopts a free-range farming model, that is, the pasture has large areas of mountains, rivers, pastures and farmland. Grass is eaten when there is pasture, and hay and grains are mixed in the winter when there is no pasture. For example, Liangzhou has specially allocated 1,900 hectares of farmland to grow alfalfa.

and wheat to prepare winter food for the horses.

The method used in pastures in the mainland is the same, and the proportion of grain feeding may be higher. After all, land resources are precious, and the area occupied by pastures is too large. It is better to reduce the supply of pasture and increase the proportion of grain supply.

The pastures in Henan during the imperial dynasty planted a large amount of millet and wheat grains to feed horses. The pastures in Hedong, Hebei, Huainan, Jiangnan, Shannan, Fujian and other places also operated in this way.

It is actually a false proposition to say that there is no land for raising horses. If we follow the Mongolian approach, the entire north can be used as pasture, and it is also a high-quality pasture. It is much better than many pastures in the Western Regions that cannot grow food and can only grow grass.

But over time, even government-run pastures will deteriorate. For example, a pasture in Guozhou raised pigs, and the court acquiesced, so much so that local officials reported that there were too many pigs, and they had become wild and became a nuisance.

Ranches in Fujian, Xiangyang, and Huainan were abolished because local officials and wealthy families objected, occupying precious farmland. However, these lands could not reach the hands of the people, and most of them were divided.

The pastures in Henan are still there, but the number of horses has dropped significantly, and the pastoral supervisors have ordered sheep to be raised for profit. If the court wants to investigate, they will either bribe or send out "horse plague". For example, a certain ranch in Xiazhou "died" of 180,000 people in one go

Horses are all routine operations.

No one wants to raise horses because they don’t make money. If they made money, Henan could raise one million horses.

"Forget it, we can only suffer for the people of Jingzhao Prefecture." Shao Shude sighed: "After the war horses enter Jingzhao Prefecture, the counties along the way need to supply forage, grain and beans."

There is probably not much pasture, so they can only provide food. Just like the Tibetan people crossing the border before, it is also a big burden. The people of Jingzhao Prefecture have to pay for their own safety, and they have to pay for it for a long time.

"In addition, the commander-in-chief also needs to provide some livestock for the people." Song Le added: "The Tibetan people are poor and may not have many livestock. If the three-field system is strictly implemented, too many livestock will be needed."

"What kind of livestock do you want?"

"Is there any choice now?" Song Le said with a wry smile: "I want anything, preferably big livestock."

"The pig farm in Guozhou used to supply the Shence Army stationed in Shaanxi in the past. I sent someone to ask Huang Tao how many are left, and don't let them all be slaughtered." Shao Shude thought for a while and said again: "Same.

There are many cattle, sheep, horses and camels in Shayuan Prison of the state, I asked Ren Yuji to send them all over."

At the same time, there is no doubt that the livestock in Guo Erzhou's pastures belong to the imperial court. But the imperial court always puts the property in Marshal Shao's territory. It's really hard for me to resist.

Of course, it won't be taken for free. It will definitely be supplied to the imperial court later. For now, it is just a borrowing.

"It's not enough." Song Le said again: "Far from enough."

Shao Shude glared at him, but Song Le refused to give in and insisted: "It is better for the commander to set up another official ranch in Heyang. Anyway, there are not many people now, and a big horse farm is enough."

"Wait a minute, Zhe Siyu, Yang Yue suppressed the Tibetan people in the Qingtang Dynasty, and there may be some captures."

"Commander, I can't wait."

"That's all, I'll listen to you." Shao Shude said helplessly, "I'll let Lingxia Shang handle this matter."

"The commander-in-chief is very receptive to his advice. He is indeed a benevolent person." Song Le got what he wanted and didn't mind flattering him.

"Sir, I see how hard you work day and night, so I can still tell the difference." Shao Shude said with a smile.

The imperial court promoted him to Queen Xia, and he originally planned to leave the position of Fu to Song Le.

Fu, from the third grade, "the master who praises and guides each other and corrects his faults", is simply the prince's teacher, but in reality it is more complicated and far beyond the scope of a teacher.

However, since Song Le left the town, this position naturally could not be given to him. He planned to find someone to transition him first, and then return to the palace to take up this position when Song Le was no longer the governor.

As for this transitional candidate, Marshal Shao does not intend to hand it over to outsiders. He prefers to appoint Yanqing.

The old man was over seventy years old and had only a few good years to live. He was also popular in the river. By making him the king of Xia, he could better win over the forces in the river and get them to support his campaign.

There are also some duties in the Prince's Palace.

Among them, the long history from the fourth rank, and the Sima from the fourth rank are very important, "the post of commanding government officials and discipline", Shao Shude plans to grant it to Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng respectively.

Compared with Fu, his rank is not that high, but he has real power.

It was discussed that a person joining the army, who was on the fifth rank, would "counse the left and right", and transferred Xiao Yu, the governor of Longyou, to be the commander. As for who should be appointed as the commander of Longyou, Shao Shude wanted to kill Wei Zhaodu when he wanted to, but he had to do some more maneuvering, anyway, he himself was

Strongly willing.

A friend of yours, from the lower rank of the fifth rank, "accompanied Guixie", transferred Shuofang to the Academy of Music and was promoted to Zhao Guangyin, the acting officer.

Each of them belongs to one person, and they are all above the sixth rank. They are in charge of judging the merits of the Canghu, soldiers, cavalry, and magicians. Seven Cao Cao are involved in the military affairs. The Shuofang shogunate supplies the army to make the strong victory. Chen Yishen, the magistrate of the collection department, is divided into positions. These are all positions of real power.

The chief secretary, from the sixth rank, was in charge of Wangjiao. Pei Yuchang, the governor of Jiangzhou, was transferred to the post. The governor of Jiangzhou was changed to Xiao Qu, the deputy envoy of Longyou Jiedu.

There are two military personnel in the Record Office, from the sixth rank, who are responsible for writing and writing. They are assigned by Lu Siye and Du Guangyi.

The person who records affairs and participates in the military affairs, from the sixth rank, is in charge of banknotes, and is held by Zhao Zhi, the judge of the shogunate's field division. This is also the position of real power.

The two literary people, from the sixth grade, "Yu School Classics and Attendants' Articles" are appointed by Du Honghui and Zhao Guanwen, Shao Shude's teachers.

There is one person each in the east pavilion and the west pavilion to hold the wine ceremony. From the seventh rank, the person in charge of "receiving the guests" is Zhao Guangyi, the post inspector of the Shuofang shogunate, and Pei Tong, the listening and watching magistrate. They are also the positions of real power.

Because this is not just an organization like a reception room, each of the two is in charge of a business, for example, Zhao Guangyi is in charge of the inn and reception, and the latter is in charge of external liaison, intelligence, instigating rebellion, etc.

This is the Prince's Palace. In fact, there are far more official positions. For other positions, Shao Shude is still slowly observing and looking for candidates.

As for the Marriage Office, Dianjun, and Deputy Dianjun who manage the army, he hasn't thought about it yet, so he can only take his time.

As for the position of the Prince's Palace, it was done when Taizong wanted to seize the feudal kings. The court could not give it to him. Shao Shude planned to take his own time and mix it with the position of the Prince's Palace.

In short, the principle is to gradually weaken the power of the Shuofang shogunate and use the orders of the Xia Prince's Palace to directly or indirectly manage the feudal towns.

At first, Prince Xia's Mansion only had direct control over Shuofang Town.

However, the scope of Shuofang Town will be slightly adjusted: Weibei Town will be eliminated, and the four prefectures of Yanfang and Yandan will be merged into Shuofang Town; Tonghua Town will be established to lead Tong, Hua Er Prefecture, and govern Hua Prefecture, with Ren Yuji as the governor.

Wang Bian still has to find a position for him; Shuozhou will not be included in Shuofang Town on the surface, but Bai Yicheng, the governor, will gradually be sidelined later. In fact, he has no sense of resistance. Facing the huge pressure from Li Keyong, he can still rely on


In this way, the Prince of Xia's Mansion is temporarily in charge of fifteen prefectures and sixty counties in northern Guan. After the institutions are gradually improved and operations are smooth, the scope of jurisdiction will be gradually expanded.

The war with Zhu Quanzhong has come to an end, but internal rectification has just begun. This is also the only way to support the next stage of the campaign and must be done.

On June 22, Gao Renhou came quickly to report that Tiande's army had arrived outside Mengzhou City.

After hesitating for a long time, Xie Bin and Su Junqing opened the door at noon, but Zhang Quanyi was not in the city.

Shao Shude thought for a moment and realized that it was probably Su and Jie who had made their own decisions and wanted to "support" Zhang Quanyi to surrender. However, Gao Renhou's advance was very fast, and they had no choice but to open the door.

Lao Zhang was tricked!

But Shao Shude doesn't care. He has now passed the stage of most scarce talents and is not short of farm hands.

Aren’t agricultural students great?

If Zhang Quanyi comes to vote, he welcomes him. If he doesn't come, it doesn't matter. That's all.

This chapter has been completed!
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