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Chapter 2 Forest Farm

 At the foot of the Daxue Mountain (Haas Mountain), a wooden raft has just been bundled in place.

As you can tell from the name, Daxue Mountain has a climate that is different from the surrounding areas.

Helan Mountain is very similar to it.

At its western foot, there are many streams, water pools, and abundant water and grass originating from the mountains. It has always been a place where Marshal Shao's trusted tribe can graze their cattle.

A little further away, it becomes drier, and the quality of the pastures gradually declines. The herdsmen are miserable and rob if they can't survive. This has given Hexi Dangxiang a bad reputation.

There is not much precipitation at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, but the Yellow River flows through it. Since the Northern Dynasties, ditches have been dug and ponds built. After Shao Shude took over, after another ten years of construction, it has become a land densely covered with farmland, pastures and orchards.


There is no rainfall in the eastern and western foothills, but Helan Mountain has more rainfall, forming a unique green island climate. The vegetation on the mountain is dense, and there are wild beasts such as leopards. When Shao Shude lived in Lingzhou, he often hunted in Helan Mountain, otherwise where would he get the best tiger skin?

The Daxue Mountain is a replica of the Helan Mountain. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round. The microclimate in the nearby area is relatively humid. The forest is densely covered and stretches far and wide. In fact, during the Chinese Dynasty, the vegetation coverage rate of the entire Helong was surprisingly high. I don’t know how many years it has been growing.

Giant trees abound in the sky.

So much so that by the Ming Dynasty, the forests in Gansu provided the wood needs of the people, officials, and royal families in most areas of the north. Large tracts of forests were continuously cut down. In the Qing Dynasty, the situation continued, and Qinghai's wood supplied Shanxi.

Most markets in Henan and Hebei.

The convenience of water transportation on the Yellow River means that after these trees are cut down, they can be bundled into rafts and sent down the river to several northern provinces with very low cost.

Daxue Mountain has been cut down for many years because Shao Shude did not want people to destroy the forests of Helan Mountain and Yinshan Mountain. However, as Lingzhou is the center of governance, both the government and private parties have huge demand for wood consumption, so they can only cut down the Daxue Mountain in Huizhou.


Although new trees are replanted, they can never keep up with the speed of felling. Not to mention the survival rate of newly planted saplings, the light coverage rate cannot keep up with the speed of felling, not to mention that they are basically not fully grown at this time.

But no matter what, these measures are still useful, at least slowing down the rate of forest disappearance. After a few decades, the newly planted saplings will grow up, and the current unsightly "bald patches" will be covered up a lot.

Wang Quan led a team to arrive at the forest farm with a batch of supplies.

It is difficult for everyone to escape from corvee. In comparison, the corvee served by Wang Quan, who is known for his bravery, is relatively easy: escorting a batch of living supplies from the Huiningguan warehouse to the Daxue Mountain Forest Farm.

Isn’t it easier than digging a river?

"These are fine fir trees. They are straight and strong. If the junior high school frees up this business and lets me do it, I won't even change the county magistrate." Wang Quan jumped off the horse lightly and said in a loud voice.


This horse is really good. It was originally the mount of Xu Hao, the general of the Tielin Army. He rode it like lightning and galloped from Tiandu Mountain Pasture to Daxue Mountain Forest Farm in one day. It was very enjoyable.

Tiandu Mountain Ranch is lush with vegetation and is shared by Guihui Prefecture and Wonju Prefecture. However, in fact, these two prefectures have no control over it. For many years, it has been under the jurisdiction of the Shuofang Shogunate's Stable and Animal Husbandry Division, which raises large herds of cattle, sheep, horses and camels, mainly sheep.


The news of Shao Shude's promotion to the imperial court has been spread to Huizhou. The state and county governments sent a large number of riders to all townships, li and tribes to spread the news. I don't know how the local wording is, but the three counties of Huizhou have some social status.

Everyone now knows this: the fifteen states and sixty counties in northern Guan are called the Xia Kingdom, and the king is Shao Shude.

It's true that lies are spread among lies!

Tiandu Mountain Ranch has a large piece of land in Jingyuan Town, which now belongs to the "Xia Kingdom". It is under the jurisdiction of the Prince of Xia's Palace of Cavalry and Military Affairs, including stables, animal husbandry, riding, cultural relics, equipment and other matters.

It seems that the Sakuga Shogunate Makiji can also take charge of it, but most of the people in this organization have now moved to Qi Cao. In the future, there will be fewer and fewer places where the name of Shogun Makiji is used.

Wang Quan and his Tutuan fellows escorted the supplies, and Cao Cao was in charge of household registration, accounting, roads, travel, farm affairs, livestock, passing places, talismans, miscellaneous corvee and other matters.

Of course, when extracting supplies, you have to deal with Cang Cao. Cang Cao is involved in military affairs, managing public houses, measurement, cooking, warehouses, renting taxes, expropriating taxes, farming, and shopping malls.

Among the seven cao, there are:

Meritorious officers are involved in the military affairs, in charge of official examinations, appointments, elections, sacrifices, auspiciousness, Taoism and Buddhism, schools, memorials, writings, medicine, and furnishings.

The Bing Cao participates in the military affairs and is in charge of the election of military attachés, armor and weaponry, the management of doors and keys, and the matters of beacon watch and post.

The Fa Cao participated in the military affairs, and was in charge of laws, orders, patterns, styles, prisons and punishments, supervising the arrest of thieves, and those who committed adultery, investigating their falsehoods, and regulating their grammar.

The scholar-cao participated in the military affairs, and was responsible for the affairs of Jinliang, boats and chariots, houses and houses, and all kinds of craftsmanship.

The Qi Cao Tong was under the jurisdiction of the Xia King. It was almost a miniature version of the government agency, covering all aspects of civil affairs.

As for the army, it is still managed by the shogunate. Among them, the Yamen army is returned to the capital Yuhousi, the capital is coached by the envoys, and the Tibetan soldiers are managed by the Duhufu.

The Duyu Housi is responsible for commanding and dispatching troops, while the Duyuhousi is responsible for recruiting and training troops. This remains the same as before.

The army supply envoy Si Yamen was abolished. From then on, the army's grain envoys directly connected with Qicao, and the power of logistics was transferred to the Xia Prince's Mansion.

The evaluation, promotion and promotion of military attachés were also separated from the Duyu Housi, and were also returned to the Xia Palace.

Qi Cao Shenjun is a royal position. In each state, there are corresponding officials such as Judicial Candidates and Sihu Military Officers. At the county level, there are Sihu Zuo, Judicial Assistant, etc. These are miscellaneous officials.

In short, the governing institutions of the fifteen states in northern Guan were gradually changed from the Jiedushi Shogunate to the Xia Prince's Palace.

Perhaps this is why some people understand these fifteen states and sixty counties as "country".

The imperial court only granted a virtual title, but someone made it real.

"The fir trees are to be sent to Lingzhou in exchange for money. The king is fighting in all directions and needs money urgently." Sihu Zuo, who was stationed at the forest farm, looked at Wang Quan, a famous warrior in Huizhou, and said politely: "It is rare for the commander of the capital to come.

Why not stay for dinner?"

The Daxue Mountain Forest Farm belongs to Huining County. There are three Si Huzuo, five Shi, and one Zhang Shi in the county. Nowadays, one Si Huzuo and two Shi are here as permanent residents, which shows that they attach great importance to this forest farm.

"With so many people leaving Lingzhou, why do we still need so much wood?" Wang Quan asked his men to unload the goods, while Sihu Zuo asked a subordinate (Sihu Shi) to do the docking.

"A lot of people left, but there are still a lot of people buying wood." Shidosa said: "It is mainly used to build houses. But it is indeed less. Our work here is much easier, and now there are mutant trees."

People in forest farms, except for prisoners, are generally recruited to take care of the food. For them, planting trees is indeed a relatively easy job.

"I heard that people in Lingzhou like to build brick houses now, why do they need so much wood?" Wang Quan sat in front of Sihu Zuo, casually looked at the workers who were peeling the skin, and said.

"How expensive is a brick house?" Sitozuo said with a smile, "It would be good if we could replace the mud house with a wooden house."

His house is a brick house with front and back entrances. It was built a few years ago in Huining County. But he has the financial strength, which does not mean that ordinary people also have it. Or even if he can afford it, he is reluctant to part with it.

It was the Kaiyuan Dynasty, the prosperous age of Tianbao, and most of the people in the country lived in adobe houses. Those who could own wooden houses were considered to be doing well, let alone brick houses.

People in Lingxia have been buying wood to build houses on a large scale. This happened in the past two or three years. It happened before, but not so much.

After people have extra money, the first thing they want to change is their housing needs, not other expenses. This is surprising but also seems reasonable.

The price of lumber has fallen steadily over the past five years, not because demand has decreased, but because output has increased.

Daxueshan Forest Farm is just a large-scale forest farm. In fact, there are many large and small forest farms in Longyou Town. On the Yellow River, you can see wooden rafts carrying goods down the river almost every day. After arriving at the field, the goods and Merchants deliver the goods and dismantle the rafts to sell them, which has become a common mode of transportation and sales.

It is true that the great increase in timber production is due to the increase in forest farms, but the increase in forest farms also means that more people are engaged in the forest industry. Some of them are prisoners assigned to the forest industry, some are ordinary people who do odd jobs during the off-season, and many are full-time workers. workers.

Full-time workers have been separated from agricultural production. They do not farm, graze, or produce food. They rely entirely on their salary income to purchase food in the market to support themselves and their entire family.

This is the benefit of abundant food supply and affordable prices on the market.

The prices of corn, wheat, milk, vegetables and fruits have not risen sharply in Lingzhou counties for many years. Even in bad years, Huiningguan warehouse will allocate grain and beans from other states and ship them downstream to stabilize grain prices. Not to mention, Long Food from Youzhen can also be transported down the river to Lingzhou.

In autumn, you can also see huge flocks of sheep heading north along both sides of the Yellow River to Lingzhou for slaughter and sale.

The Tibetan people on the grasslands often came to sell their livestock in exchange for grain, because they found that eating grain was more cost-effective, and their economic ties with the Han region became closer and closer.

In the Lingxia prefectures, there is no longer a need for so many people to directly farm and graze. It is better to turn to other industries to avoid being "suffered" by the decline in income from growing grain. I planted more, and as a result, the output increased greatly and the price of grain fell.

The income continues to drop and I continue to plant more and more.

The more you plant, the lower the yield, and the more you have the urge to plant more. This is called "volume", and it is also an important reason why later Europeans controlled the prices of colonial agricultural products and basic raw materials.

Cocoa growers in West Africa blindly expanded their planting area because of the promising international market conditions. As a result, prices were artificially manipulated and plummeted. Planters who took out loans could only desperately expand their planting area, increase production, and try to recover cash. However, prices fell further to the bottom.

Eventually it went bankrupt. At the same time, people in Europe and the United States enjoyed cheap cocoa and lived a happy life.

Volume, must not.

"There are many people building wooden houses in Dingxi County and Township." Wang Quan suddenly thought of his eldest son who had been away from home for a long time. How is Dalang doing in the Baoyi Army? Did he build a house there, marry a wife, and take root in Shaanxi and Guozhou?

In September, the state is going to escort a group of livestock to Heyang via Shaanxi and Guozhou. Maybe we should find someone to smooth the relationship and take the initiative to volunteer?

No, no one wants to do this job, so there is no need to smooth the relationship.

Wang Quan looked at the horse that had just been riding. Da Lang was already the leader of the team and should have a horse of his own. He could also bring the heavy sword made by someone new.

No, don’t bring the heavy sword. Using this thing to fight will certainly help the gods and ghosts overcome changes, but it’s easy for others to take advantage of it. It’s a life-threatening fighting style, so don’t use it.

With a loud "boom", the raft was pushed down the river. After loading the goods, it slowly left the forest farm dock and headed downstream under the control of the boatman.

There is Lingzhou, once the center of rule, now struggling with population loss.

This chapter has been completed!
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