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Chapter 60 Zhu Yanshou, the man in white robe!

 Zhu Yanshou stood on the gentle slope, feeling a little surprised.

He thought he was already very conservative and had deployed a Yanyue Formation that was both offensive and defensive. If he had followed his past temperament, he would have just used a Front Arrow Formation to pierce through the enemy's formation. Why would there be so much trouble?

But facing Xia Jun, who was powerful in the north, although he was furious, he gave him enough respect.

The Chinese army has five thousand men, with strong combat effectiveness and high morale. All the spoils obtained from previous battles have been distributed among the sergeants.

Zhu Yanshou believed that they would not abandon him.

But what the hell is the Xia Thieves forward who is charging over?

It is understandable that all members are wearing armor and holding heavy swords and Mo Dao, but the morale is really high. The pace is neither fast nor slow, which not only maintains speed and pressure, but also fully maintains physical strength. Even under the harassment of bows and arrows, There is still no change in the formation, this is a strong army!

Chai Zaiyong has left the gentle slope.

He led the cavalry army with ten banners to the front, and the Xia bandits also had 300 cavalry to rush out from the rear.

The two sides started a fight on one side of the battlefield.

One of the Xia generals was so arrogant that he fired his bow continuously and shot down two people. Then he accelerated forward, cut down a knight, and then returned with one person alive, which greatly damaged his own morale.

Zhu Yanshou looked bad...

If they are his own people, they will be killed when they come back. If they are not effective in fighting, why should they be kept alive?

The Xia thieves' five hundred soldiers gradually approached.

Thousands of arrows were fired in the Chinese army's formation, and the first row of men and their shields were shot backwards and fell to the ground. Within the next few rows, there was a constant stream of screams.

But this did not stop their offensive, and they could not even delay it. Hundreds of people shouted "It's just death".

He accelerated forward and rushed directly into the formation.

Li Lin turned sideways to get out of the way of an impaling spear, and slashed down with his heavy sword. The blade of the sword penetrated diagonally from the neck, and when it encountered resistance, he drew it sideways, and blood gushed out.

In an instant, he was hit by two bullets, one shot slipped away, and the other penetrated through the gap in the nail leaf and was blocked by the second layer of armor.

With another slash of the sword, the traitor subconsciously fired his gun and retreated. Li Lin gained the upper hand and rushed forward quickly, slashing the enemy soldier's head with force like a black cloud covering his head.

"Crack!" Even on the chaotic battlefield, Li Lin seemed to hear the sound of a broken neck bone.

Kicking out with his left foot, the enemy soldier's corpse flew to the rear, blocking the two thieves. Li Lin bullied him, taking advantage of the enemy soldier's confusion, and executed another slash, killing the enemy soldier in front of him.

There are countless people rushing forward like him.

The warriors bravely penetrated into the enemy army, slashing left and right, and were hit by countless swords and spears. Two layers of heavy armor could not help them block all attacks, but no one cared about this. Great swordsmen and Mo Daoshou were all Fight for your life, try your best before falling,

Kill more enemy troops.

It’s just death!

The rebels' front line did not actually collapse, but they were overwhelmed and couldn't stand still. The further they retreated, the more crowded they became, making it harder for them to use their abilities.

The Xia Jun who rushed forward were all veterans. Seeing this, they sped up their men's movements, facing the swords and spears coming towards them, and kept charging to kill them.

Li Lin's heavy sword was full of gaps, but he still kept slashing.

He Piao shot an arrow in the air and killed a Huai military officer.

Li Chong had already changed to his second weapon, which was a spear abandoned by the enemy soldiers.

Everyone was fighting desperately, and the rebel front line began to collapse bit by bit.

Zhu Yanshou's complexion was livid, and the Luzhou generals around him were also a little pale.

The thousands of people in the Chinese army, Qian Liu's soldiers from western Zhejiang came to charge, but they were tenacious and unmovable; Du Hong's Ezhou soldiers came to charge, but they were tenacious and unmovable. But after a short period of fighting with the Xia thieves, the Chinese army's front line was already collapsing.

the edge of.

No, it has collapsed!

More than a thousand people were killed by five hundred, and the formation was like a fallen porcelain plate, shattering on the ground.

Li Lin killed the last enemy soldier and had already broken through the enemy formation. He turned around and saw that Zhang Qi, who had been following him, had died in battle. Two Qian Qi were still standing, but one of them had been seriously injured.

If you keep trying to hold on, your spirit will relax and you will fall to the ground.

Li Chong, a martial arts student, stepped forward and held the flag.

Li Lin looked forward and shouted: "The commander of the thieves has set up a flag at a high place. The one in white robes under his flag must be Zhu Yanshou. Brothers, follow me and charge!"

"Kill!" All the troops agreed in a loud voice and followed him with their big swords, Mo Dao.

Behind them, a full two thousand infantry were marching forward in columns along the wall. Their troops were in order and their momentum was like a rainbow.

Further to the rear, Shao Shude's main force of 5,000 soldiers was also slowly advancing.

The archers and crossbowmen wandered around in separate groups, and the cavalry was divided into several groups, taking turns to go out and fight with the enemy's cavalry.

Li Lin led the great swordsmen and rushed forward in a hurry.

The enemy's second formation was in a panic. However, the officers reacted quickly. With a wave of the command flag, dense arrows were shot out. The defeated troops were shot and killed in large areas. The Xia army that followed also suffered many casualties.

Li Lin remembered the muffled groans of twos and threes in his ears. He quickened his pace, jumped up, and slashed hard with his heavy sword. A thief spearman fell down in response.

There were a lot fewer sergeants rushing over after him, and all of them were injured. They were covered in blood, and their faces were ferocious. They looked like evil ghosts emerging from the underworld. They didn't care about themselves at all. They held up and dropped their swords to kill them.

Fight for your life.

The second formation of the Luzhou Central Army was cut open again.

The soldiers poured in along the gap, and some people fell down from time to time, but they still rushed forward, killing the thieves and making them retreat step by step.

Li Lin seemed to hear a familiar cry of pain, but he didn't have time to distinguish it carefully. A thief stabbed with a gun and got in through the cracks of the broken armor leaves. Even the second layer of heavy armor was pierced.

"Poof!" The heavy sword slashed down and got stuck in the thieves' neck bone.

The spear that penetrated Li Lin's body suddenly lost its power. Li Lin took a painful breath and staggered two steps.

Seeing the advantage, the thieves rushed in one after the other.

"Whoosh!" One person fell to the ground after being hit by an arrow.

Li Lin swung his heavy sword, struck the second person, and roared: "It's just death!"

"It's just death!" the sergeants responded loudly.

The voice was a little sparse, but full of momentum.

The "murderous devil" kept walking, driving the bandit soldiers who were wavering in their position, and rolled forward.

Zhu Yanshou was so angry that he wanted to go out and rush to kill him, but he was stopped by his own soldiers desperately.

"Where are the cavalry?" Zhu Yanshou said angrily: "I have as many cavalry troops as I can throw out. Horizontal attack! Horizontal attack! Don't be afraid of casualties. Cut off the Xia thieves with a horizontal plane! Hurry!"

Someone will soon deliver the order.

The Xia Thief's five hundred warriors who dared to die charged the most fiercely. They broke the first formation, and the second formation was probably about to collapse. But no matter how sharp the sword or ax is, it will curl up and become dull after being used too much. Now

The most important thing is to block the direction of the Xia bandits' second wave of 2,000 infantry, and not allow them to follow the front army and charge in. Then the 5,000 Chinese troops in Luzhou will be completely destroyed.

How could five hundred great swordsmen charge and kill so fiercely? Zhu Yanshou was a little confused, wasn't he afraid of death?

No one could answer his question.

Under the banner, almost everyone stared intently at the powerful arrow troops.

They are still moving forward!

The second formation has been defeated, and the next one is the high ground where they are. The Xia thieves won't come here to kill, right? That's too crazy!

"Zhu Yanshou, the man in white robe, kill Zhu Yanshou!" shouted shouts on the battlefield.

"Kill Zhu Yanshou!"

"Behead Zhu Yanshou's dog!"

The torrent of iron armor did not stop at all. They were panting heavily, covered in blood, and rushed over diagonally with swords in hand.

Dozens of Luzhou soldiers were frightened by them and dispersed. However, there were still men in the Luzhou army who dared to fight. Hundreds of them held out their spears.

Bu Yang came forward to greet him.

Curses, screams, exclamations, and cries sounded continuously.

From Zhu Yanshou's point of view, the hundreds of people who came forward were no longer in tight formation because they had walked a while, so they were rushed in by the Xia thieves, and the two sides started a complete chaotic battle.

A Xia bandit general led more than a hundred people to break through the encirclement and rushed towards them.

Zhu Yanshou stood still, biting his lips, and his eyes almost burst out of fire.

The fact that five hundred soldiers could penetrate his formation and seize the central army's banner was simply devastating.

Are the soldiers who have been training for three years just a piece of paper?

How many times did he get up at night and inspect the camp?

How many times have I dispersed my wealth and rewarded the entire army?

How many times did he kill people to establish his authority and improve military discipline?

It took a lot of effort to build the Luzhou Army into a combat-effective team. Although it may not be as good as Heiyundu, it should not be much worse than King Wu's 30,000 people who returned from the north.

If he is given another three to five years, with the wealth of Luzhou, Zhu Yanshou is confident that he can further rectify and sublime these ten thousand people, and surpass those of Beigui.

"Your Majesty, the matter is urgent. Please take care of my little one." The general knelt down and bowed to Zhu Yanshou. He then took off his clothes and armor, exposed his body and came out, saying: "I usually eat well, drink and play with women.

, are you happy now? The time has come to repay the envoy for your great kindness, follow me and charge!"

More than a hundred soldiers followed silently.

More than a hundred people on one side went uphill, and more than a hundred people on one side went downhill. The two sides collided head-on, and started a fierce fight.

He Piao shot two arrows in a row, killing the two men. A bandit soldier raised a knife to chop him. He subconsciously avoided it, went around behind the enemy soldier, put a bowstring on the enemy soldier's neck, and strangled the enemy soldier's neck.

Someone raised a gun and stabbed him, but Paoze ran over to block him.

Another bandit soldier rushed towards him, and Pao Ze waved his Mo Dao and continued to come.

More than two hundred people from both sides fought together.

Li Lin knocked down a thief in the military academy and led more than ten soldiers to rush up the hillside with heavy steps.

He had already seen the white-robed thief general.

His eyes were full of disbelief, and maybe a little bit of fear.

"Finally I caught you!" Li Lin raised the epee and his pace suddenly quickened.

"Your Majesty, please leave quickly!" The cronies and guards surrounding Zhu Yanshou rushed up like crazy.

Some people hugged Li Lin's body desperately, regardless of the sword.

Someone fell to the ground with only one breath left. He stretched out his hand to grab the feet of the Xia army soldier who was about to chase Zhu Yanshou.

Zhu Yanshou got on his horse in confusion and left in a hurry.

No one fled with him, everyone was desperately trying to intercept the pursuers.

It can be seen that after years of fighting, he still has some cronies who are willing to die.

Li Lin shook off the thief Military Academy who had been cut into pieces by him, glanced bitterly at the direction in which Zhu Yanshou was fleeing, and looked up to the sky with a long sigh.

But he soon came to his senses, strode to the big banner, picked up an ax and chopped it off.

Zhu Yanshou's handsome flag reluctantly fell from the sky...


This chapter has been completed!
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