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Chapter 64 Recovery

 Above the water, the fleet began to sail again.

This was originally a commercial route.

Shenzhou, Guangzhou, and Shouzhou are rich in tea. Shenzhou tea is transported by ships on the Huangshui River, Zhugan River, Guangzhou tea is transported by Huangshui, Huishui, and Bailu Rivers. Shouzhou tea is transported by Shihe River, Feishui, and Feishui.


These are all tributaries of the upper reaches of the Huai River, flowing from south to north, and merge into the Huai River. There are a large number of ancient ferries with a long history in the riverside area, such as Changtai Ferry, which is close to the historical site of Chu King City and is located on the north bank of the Huai River, Langshan, Caizhou

Within the county, the south bank is Yiyang County, Shenzhou.

In the Qing Dynasty, the shipping here was still very busy. There was a poem that said: "Linhuai Huyedu, Tongbai has a long origin. The rise is sharp and the pole can't disappear, but the waves are flat and the reed is navigable."

Shao Shude sat on the bank of the Huaihe River and enjoyed the scenery leisurely.

Frogs were croaking in the willow bushes, and the sun had already set behind the hills. The goats were driven back in groups, and the shepherd boys used wickers to drive them away, and from time to time they greeted the children playing games next to them.

The silent young men straightened up from the field. Their skin was tanned and dark, and they walked barefoot on the field ridge. Looking at the warriors with bright armor from a distance, they wanted to throw away the hoe in their hands.

What’s the use of farming?!

If you can't even afford a pair of shoes, you might as well become a martial artist to fight for wealth.

The old man sat quietly under the eaves, enjoying the warmth of the sunset.

He had struggled for wealth for half his life, but he had only earned dozens of acres of land for his children and grandchildren. His children and grandchildren practiced martial arts whenever they had free time, and he didn't want to stop them, but he couldn't stop them.

If King Xia can succeed, it may be a good way out.

Shao Shude withdrew his gaze and touched another military flag: Zhu Yanshou's handsome flag captured on the battlefield.

"Put it away and put it in Jinxian Temple." Shao Shude draped the general's flag over the two women kneeling in front of him and said, "My spoils of war."

Jinxian Temple has been expanded and has a huge collection room, which contains many weapons, armor, flags and other trophies.

Shao Shude will go and take a look when he has time.

Tuoba Sigong's favorite sword, Han Lang's armor, Hao Zhenwei's sword, Wang Gong's favorite gold and silverware, etc. are all Shao Shude's private collection, demonstrating his great achievements in the military for more than ten years.

There are also some living "collections" in Jinxian Temple, namely the captured enemy generals, wives and daughters, and there are two more today.

In fact, Shao Shude wanted to get rid of X Qingqing, but the two women knelt down and begged to take them away. Their intention was very clear. They would rather be humiliated by one person than become a camp prostitute and be humiliated by hundreds of people.

Zhe Silun glanced at Shao Shude helplessly.

My brother-in-law is good at everything. He is good at managing people's livelihood. The people in Guanbei have enough food and warm clothes. Everyone praises him and calls him "Shao Sheng". He is good at employing people. The generals he promotes are all talented and win many battles. He has always won the military morale.

, so everyone wanted to die, and he had the qualifications of a famous general; his words were so eloquent and his promises were so important that even the enemy generals had to praise him for this matter; he regained his homeland and taught him a beautiful style, and the remaining people of Helong shed tears of gratitude.

But I just like to play these bad things in the third lane.

"Did you see that? Huaixi is actually quite prosperous, but it's a pity that it can't settle down." Shao Shude pointed to the Huai River, Huai River, and said: "Zhu Quanzhong built Guanghe and Banzhu cities in Hebei as outposts. I occupied Baibai in Huaibei.

The three cities of Gou, Xinxi and Wulongji are also outposts. With these three towns here, Shen Guang will have no worries."

Wulongji is actually a ferry and commercial port. It is located near today's Huaibin Port, more than a hundred miles away from Xinxi County in the west and more than twenty miles away from the Ruhuai Interchange in the east. It has always been a distribution port for Huaiyan salt and tea.

After Pang Shigu retreated, the Xia army only had a large number of volunteer troops in Huaibei, and the troops were insufficient to launch an offensive. However, they were not idle. Cui Hong ordered the people to build a city near Wulongji as a stronghold on the north bank.

Shao Shude is about to leave. And as soon as he leaves, Tianxiong and the Yi Cong Army will of course also leave. From now on, the Huainan area will be completely dependent on Zhejia himself.

Zhu Jing in Shouzhou has five thousand soldiers. With Shouzhou's manpower and material resources, he can maintain them easily, and there is even a slight surplus, which can be used to supply Jiedushi.

Chen Su in Shenzhou has three thousand soldiers left, and with the number of soldiers in Shenzhou changing hands, he can only keep them alive. Perhaps the situation will improve after the scattered people come back.

Zhe Silun can only use the manpower and material resources of An Erzhou for the time being. He has almost plundered all the elites in Fengxiang Town, bringing a total of 5,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry. Shao Shude will also bring more than 4,000 Cui Hong's troops.

If people are left to him, they should be able to support him.

After waiting until next year to recuperate and recuperate, we can try to raise a few thousand more soldiers the year after.

But don't forget that there were still 10,000 people in Zan's tribe. Huaixi Town had to scrape together some of the money and food to support them, Du Hong gritted his teeth and provided some more, and Guanzhong spent a lot of money to transfer some more, so he could barely provide it.

"Is the strategy given by the king a defense?" Zhe Silun asked.

"I have promised to reduce taxes, but I cannot break my promise to enrich myself. This year and next, I will focus on defense, and occasionally go north to plunder some grain, grass and property to support the army and cooperate with the offensives in Heluo and Heyang. You don't need to bear the heavy burden."

Shao Shude said: "After all, Huaixi Town still has to devote some of its energy to keeping an eye on Yang Xingmi."

"In that case, I understand." Zhe Silun said.

"I will take away the captured Huai soldiers and more than 10,000 Liang soldiers. I will leave you with more than 4,000 soldiers from Cui Hong's tribe. You can choose the best of Wu Yu's Anzhou soldiers to join the army, and the rest can be dismissed. A while ago, my uncle came from

Fengxiang drew some troops, and then went to the north of Guan to recruit thousands of troops. You can look at the coordination." Shao Shude said again: "Huaixi Town, the imperial court has given the military title 'Huaining'. From now on, you will be the leader of the Huainan West Road.

Jiedu is the envoy to observe and deal with, and the Huaining Army is the envoy to Jiedushi."

Fengxiang has 20,000 soldiers in four states. In the past, he went south and took 7,000 cavalry with him. A while ago, in order to build the right wing of the Weisheng Army, he transferred troops from Fengxiang and returned to Lin, Yin, and Sheng.

Waiting for the state to recruit troops. This time Zhelun brought another 6,000 infantry and cavalry. As the basis for forming the Huaining Army, Fengxiang Town actually only had 4,000 troops left, so that they could not even gather the troops to go south to Sichuan.

Shao Shude has already petitioned the imperial court to transform Fengxiang Mansion into Qizhou. Qi, Long, Xing, Feng, and Yangzhou were merged into Shuofang Town. He lost his family, which meant that he completely moved all his family assets to the Huaixi area.

Shao Shude plans to draw out the best of the few thousand soldiers left in Fengxiang Town to replenish the Tianxiongs who were damaged in the battle, and join the Second Army (the shortfall is nearly 2,000). The remaining 2,000 soldiers will be dismissed, and the rest will be merged into the state.


In Huaixi, Zhe Zongben's Wei Sheng army numbered 20,000, and he planned to expand it to 25,000, divided into left and right wings.

Then support his son Zhe Silun with 2,000 elite troops. In this way, the Huaining Army will have about 22,000 people after annexing the Anzhou Army. Among them, the 14,000 infantry and cavalry in the hands of Zhe Silun will be the core.

The eight thousand people in the hands of Chen Su and Zhu Jing of the Yamen Army belong to the outer town army and are defending Shen and Shou Prefectures.

Financially, it's definitely very tight, there's no doubt about that.

Jingzhao Prefecture and Fengtian Town will mobilize a large number of masters this year and next to provide blood transfusions to Tang, Deng, Sui, and the seven states in Huaixi regardless of cost to help them survive the most difficult two years.

In order to deal with these thorny historical issues without hurting the harmony of his relatives, Shao Shude also racked his brains.

The Zhejia is now the largest group in the Kansai warrior group established by Shao Shude, with tens of thousands of troops, and the key internal affairs are still monolithic. A large number of local positions in Tang and Deng states have been occupied by warriors, and these warriors are from the Zhejia army, both military and civilian.

As one body, they have great power. If they were given a few decades, how could they possibly become another Hebei Three Towns?

Under Zhejia, Yeli, and Buzang, these tribal tycoons are also in the mountains. They also have territory and soldiers. Moreover, their system does not distinguish between soldiers and civilians. It is not a problem for a family to recruit 20, 30,000 people. Their real combat power may be greater than that of Zhuge Liang.

Zhong Fang's Shannan West Road, Zhao Jian's Longjian Town, Wang Yao's Hezhong Town, and Li Fan's Shaanxi Town are all powerful.

For these Qiang and Hu chieftains, Shao Shude made huge sacrifices. The royal family came from the Hengshan 2 tribes, Dijin Zeweicai clan, Yinshan 5 clans, Helong clans (Bai clan, Luo clan, Yang clan, Liang clan), etc.

There are quite a few maids in the tribe.

Shao Chengjie, the eldest son, in addition to choosing Zhu as his wife, Shao Shude also made him a concubine with a daughter from the Yeli family and Wu Zang family. The poor child was only eleven years old, and his father "pimped" him.

I really worry about it for the sake of eternal peace.

"The Huaining army will definitely live up to the king's trust." Zhe Silun said: "With the six thousand warriors I brought, and the Cai people and the An people, they will be trained well. In less than half a year, they can be kneaded into shape. One year

You can go into battle, and in two years you can attack the Cai and Ying states in the north."

"Haha!" Shao Shude seemed to be laughing happily and said: "With the young man here, Huainan has nothing to worry about."

Although the enfeoffment system has great hidden dangers, it can indeed greatly stimulate people's enthusiasm and combat effectiveness, and is much more efficient than direct rule. As for when this mine will explode, and whether it will explode, it depends on how well you handle it.

On May 23, the second year of Qianning, Shao Shude left Yiyang County.

Zhe Silun was very efficient. He had sent thousands of people to go north to replace the Yi Congjun stationed in Baigou and Xinxi cities. At the same time, he asked Shao Shude to divide the time and send 5,000 people from Zan's army to go north to garrison at Wulong Town. Shao Shude agreed to do so.


From Shenzhou to Suizhou and then to Xiangzhou, we walked very slowly.

The winter wheat planted last year is almost ready for harvest.

In Xiangyang and Nanyang areas, there are both rice and wheat, which are harvested twice a year. Looking at the yellow wheat in the field, Shao Shude was in a good mood.

The dry and cracked earth needs rain to nourish and restore it.

The southern states, which have experienced half a year of war, are economically in dire straits. After harvesting this season's wheat, they should be able to take a breather.

Next year, all the fourteen states will reduce taxes to restore their vitality. But it is also true that tens of thousands of soldiers need money and food to support them. This burden is just passed on to Guanzhong, which has a relatively abundant population. And it is still very uneconomical. , the losses on the road are staggering.

When passing through Zaoyang County, Shao Shude made a special stop.

Many households from the five counties of Qianzhou have come here. The first batch of 3,000 households has arrived and they have all divided their land.

Guanzhong is a narrow and densely populated area, and it is well protected by Shao Shude, so the population is a bit overpopulated. In Huazhou, where the situation is most serious, some families only have a few acres of land, and they are still cultivating it intensively, digging in the soil for food, and they still don't have enough to eat.

Shao Shude was speechless when he saw it. Wouldn't it be nice to go to another place where a family owns dozens of acres of land? But the people just don't want to.

He remembered an old incident in the Sui Dynasty. Yang Jian inspected Guanzhong and found that the soldiers of the government were supposed to grant one hundred and forty acres of land to one person. However, due to the rapid increase in population, Guanzhong actually only had more than ten acres per capita.

If there are more than ten acres of land, what is the quality of the soldiers raised?

Fu soldiers are different from soldiers in the pre-Qin farming and warfare system. The difference lies in whether they participate in agricultural labor.

Fu Bing's family owns 200 to 300 acres of land and has some farmers. They only occasionally participate in agricultural labor during busy farming periods. Most of the time they are idle, eating and drinking, practicing martial arts, and participating in training. At the same time, they have money to bring their own equipment and even horses.

At that time, the population of the Later Zhou Dynasty (Northern Zhou Dynasty) was about 7 million. As a result, there were only 48,000 soldiers in the country, who became the core elite of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

Yang Jian was distressed by the corruption of the imperial military system, so he forcibly relocated the military households in Guanzhong to various places. This was considered to have extended the lives of the imperial soldiers in the Sui Dynasty. Otherwise, there would probably be no strong soldiers available until Yang Guang ascended the throne.

Fu Bing was actually a small landowner, not a farmer.

"How many people have come to Zaoyang County in total? How many fields does each household have?" Shao Shude asked.

"Commander, three thousand households have been sent from Qianzhou, and more than a thousand households from the Tuyuhun Helian clan have also arrived." Chen Cheng replied.

"What can't be done with accounts? Register households as soon as possible." Shao Shude said: "This is more than 20,000 people. Let's resettle them. As the saying goes, a blank piece of paper is easy to draw on, so Guanxi agricultural students should be in place as soon as possible."

"Have Dengcheng and Gucheng been resettled?" Shao Shude asked again.

"There are not enough grain, farm tools, and livestock, and not many people have come here yet. In Gucheng County, more than a thousand households of Qianzhou people have come, plus some Tuyuhun tribesmen, totaling eight to nine thousand people," Chen Cheng said.

"This matter really cannot be rushed." Shao Shude sighed: "Ten thousand households in Qianzhou and more than 40,000 Tuyuhun tribesmen, please take your time. Xiangyang, Nanyang, and Huaixi have been neglected by the imperial court for many years, and there are many wars. Restoration It's not that simple. These three counties must be firmly under our control."

Chen Cheng understood. The people were relocated and donated food, livestock, farm tools, etc. Of course, it was not to benefit Zhe Zongben or Zhao Kuangning. He resettled 100,000 people in these three desolate counties, cultivated the fields, and produced money and grain. From now on,

This is the perfect way for Prince Xia's Mansion to intervene in the affairs here.

Marshal Shao was very generous with his rewards. He gave them to the Weisheng Army in three states and the Huaining Army in four states. But he never let it go. Instead, he kept adding sand to build a base that obeyed his orders.

Just the basic operations of political biology!

This chapter has been completed!
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