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Chapter 7 Courage to serve

 Du Guangyi is working in the tent.

In fact, he also likes this kind of outdoor life. When he is tired, he will go out of the tent for a walk, practice sword practice, and relax his muscles and bones.

Don't think that just because he is a scholar, he doesn't know martial arts.

Like Meng Haoran, he studied and learned swordsmanship with his younger brother when he was a child. Scholars since the Northern Dynasties have been able to ride horses, shoot arrows, and wield swords. After all, the distinction between civil and military is not obvious, and the social atmosphere is very martial. It is really impossible to have some martial arts.

Of course, their martial arts skills are at the level of amateurs. If they really want to fight in battle, they have to undergo high-intensity training, but the basics are real.

There is no shortage of daily necessities inside and outside the tent. Thanks to King Xia's favor, the supply is pretty good.

Carloads of newly mined smokeless coal from Xiuwu County arrived. King Xia had just issued an order to call the coal "coal". There seemed to be no reason for it, it was just his personal preference.

Mengzhou Kuaima sent carp, Qinshui also sent fish and shrimp caught. Huaizhou sent cattle, sheep and miscellaneous livestock. Plus fruits and vegetables from Xiuwu and Huojia counties, life was still very comfortable.

This year's summer and autumn harvests in Heyang harvested a total of 400,000 husks of millet and wheat. In addition to the grains and beans from the river sent via Zhiguan, as well as the grains from the north of Guanhai shipped to Heqing by adventurous ships, tens of thousands of troops were stationed here.

You deserve it.

It’s just that King Xia’s appetite is a bit big!

He had just finished processing an official document related to Heyang immigration.

Last month, the Jingzhao Mansion was recruiting people to Heyang again. The upper limit of those who came in the name of the imperial court was 10,000 households, and the first batch of more than 1,400 households were already on the way.

In addition, seeing that this year's summer and autumn harvests were successful, and Jiedushi Song Le promised that the area for autumn sowing would be larger, King Xia planned to continue sending 10,000 households from Huazhou to Heyang and send them in batches to further enrich the harvest.

Household registration in Heyang.

Too much money has been spent in Heyang!

Du Guangyi could not imagine what would happen if Zhu Quanzhong broke through the Yellow River defense line and entered Heyang.

Well, it seems that the Huaizhou camp did not deploy any Yellow River defense line at all. It was light in the front and heavy in the back. The city defense in the front was lagging behind, and the large cavalry was placed on the second line.

This is what happened! Du Guangyi put down his pen and when he saw that Lu Siye was not there, he was about to go out of the tent to get some fresh air. Unexpectedly, he suddenly saw his sister.

"Brother." Mrs. Du saluted.

"Why was this girl born?" Du Guangyi was a little surprised and asked in a low voice.

"Your Majesty has a call." Du said, and then reminded in a low voice: "Shao Lun, the governor of Puzhou, was adopted by the king as his adopted son, and he wanted to send someone to Puzhou. It is really hard to say why. Depending on what the king means, he may want to

Let brother go."

Du Guangyi was startled, my dear, this job is not easy to do! And it seems that the king is already preparing for the next war, and the target is still Zhu Quanzhong.

"I understand." Du Guangyi took a deep breath, and then asked in a very low voice: "After my sister became Shang Yi, she always accompanied the king, did she ever..."

Du Shi shook his head, looking a little relaxed and happy, but also a little disappointed and unwilling. He looked quite contradictory.

Du Guangyi sighed and left.

If there was a choice, a woman as knowledgeable and talented as my sister would of course want to be the hostess of a famous family, but now she obviously has no choice.

Du Guangyi soon arrived at Shao Shude's tent. After being informed, he came in and sat down.

The king of Xia is talking with Chen and Zhao and is temporarily unavailable.

After a while, my sister Du Shi also walked in and stood in the corner.

Now King Xia's rules are getting bigger and bigger.

When he was out on an expedition, he would usually be surrounded by a team of civil servants like Lu Siye and Du Guangyi when commanding operations. Everyone was used to this.

But now we are on tour, which is equivalent to the emperor living in the palace, and many things are taken over by the palace officials.

His younger sister, Du, stayed with King Xia all day long. King Xia loved to read, and there were more than ten cabinets of books that accompanied the army. They were divided into sections and kept in mind when the time came. She could not leave at ordinary times, so she kept several cases, papers and pens at her disposal at any time.

My sister was also responsible for the furnishings and arrangements of King Xia's office and reception areas. When there were banquets, my sister would be given extra manpower to praise and guide the guests and be responsible for banquet etiquette.

It is becoming more and more formal and solemn. Compared with the Caotai teams in other vassal towns, it is indeed much smarter. Of course, the most important thing is that Chang'an has many talents who are familiar with such matters, either in the palace or in aristocratic families. This is

Advantages of a terrace near water.

"It is impossible for Luo Hongxin in Weizhou to be completely devoted to Zhu Quanzhong." Shao Shude stroked the map and said: "Now that Quanzhong has suffered a new defeat and lost all the states in Huainan, Luo Hongxin must have thought about it."

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng obviously agreed with this view.

Yes, Zhu Quanzhong saved Luo Hongxin this year and helped him repel Li Keyong's army. But do you think that with the character of these warriors, they will be grateful and loyal to Zhu Quanzhong from now on? That is not necessarily the case.

"What the Marshal said is absolutely true," Chen Cheng said: "Luo Hongxin sent an envoy here and was quite polite. According to what Pei Jijiu said, as long as the Marshal does not attack Weizhou, Luo Hongxin is willing to give tens of thousands of gold and silk."

"I don't want his gold and silk. Opening the road will allow our army to take the road to Yun, just Yan." Shao Shude said: "Li Keyong attacked Wei Bo. He won the first battle, right? He captured and killed more than 10,000 Wei Bo's troops.

.This group of killers shouldn’t be very capable of fighting. I’m afraid, so I’ll scare them first.”

Yang Shihou stationed troops in Weizhou in the year of Zhu Quanzhong's death (912), and then colluded with Wei Bo's generals to expel Luo Zhouhan, the Jiedushi envoy, and stole Wei Bo's power. All of a sudden, the number of soldiers was less than 10,000, and he became a supporter.

A great warlord with more than 50,000 soldiers. Then he selected soldiers from the six states and obtained 8,000 brave men, so he built a silver spear army.

More than ten years ago, Wei Bo was not tortured enough at this time. Shao Shude judged that their combat effectiveness had not yet improved. Li Keyong's latest victory over Wei Bo was the best proof.

Of course, if the judgment is wrong, it will be more troublesome.

Zhao Guangfeng frowned and thought deeply, then said: "Commander, we need to hurry up on this matter. According to Shao Lun, Quanzhong has sent envoys to win over the Tianping Army. If the win over cannot be achieved, will the next step be to fight against each other?


Shao Shude tapped his fingers on the table, and after a long while he said: "I wrote a letter to Shao Lun. He is also my first adopted son."

Du stepped forward and handed over a pen and paper.

Shao Shude waved it off, and Pei stepped forward and handed over the seal. After stamping the seal, he took it back and marked the seal's use record in a booklet.

"Does Du Dalang dare to go to Puzhou?" Shao Shude looked past Chen and Zhao and towards Du Guangyi who was waiting behind.

Now that the conversation has come to this point, Du Guangyi has no room to refuse. He immediately steps forward and says, "I will obey the king's order."

"Good! I like people who are brave enough to do things." Shao Shude said with a smile: "In the past, I was granted Wei as an envoy to Yan, Yun, Xu, and Qing towns, and made great achievements. Now I am Henan Yin. If Da Lang can fulfill his mission,

Help me stabilize Puzhou, the position of prefecture and county is not a problem, and the position of prime minister is not out of reach."

These words made Du Guangyi feel a little proud.

The envoy, that is the Jiedushi! Today's most prestigious position, even if it is just a subordinate vassal with limited power, is also very attractive.

After lunch, Shao Shude continued to study the map.

Gao Renhou has left Huaizhou and gone to the front line in person.

The two states of Meng and Huai now have three thousand state soldiers each, so Gao Renhou took Fu Cunxen's returned army to Wude.

The Yumen Army and the Guanbei Fan Army were also sent south by Shao Shude.

Eight thousand returned to the German Army, five thousand from the Yumen Army, and five thousand from the right wing of the Baoyi Army, plus 20,000 local peasants from the Tutuan Recruitment, totaling 30,000 to 40,000 horses, laid siege to Banzhu City.

The Guanbei Fan soldiers deployed four thousand cavalry on the second line, ready to attack any enemy reinforcements that might arrive at any time.

Shao Shude still had 37,800 cavalry left by his side. If Zhu Quanzhong did not want to lose Banzhu City and was willing to increase the number of troops, he would not mind following him.

After reading for half an hour, Shao Shude asked Du to put away the books and books.

In fact, we are all familiar with everything, and there is no need to read it again. Before launching the large-scale military operation against Zhu Quanzhong, uprooting the Liang people's strongholds in Hebei was a "warm-up exercise." Now that Guanghe Town has been conquered, if Banzhu is attacked again

City, the next step is to attack Heyang Zhongli City.

This city is relatively difficult to defeat, but it is not impossible. It just depends on how much you are willing to pay.

After leaving the big tent, I went to see the princess first. It was very good. The children were treated badly and were learning knowledge painfully.

Shao Shude slipped away directly, called Li Zhong, and drove to the countryside of Xiuwu County with his soldiers to have a look.

Some veterans of the Wuwei Army who were injured and retired were placed in Xiuwu County. According to the old rules, they served in grassroots miscellaneous positions such as Li Zheng.

"Liu Sanhu?" Shao Shude was a little surprised when he saw the township chief who came to greet him, and then felt very sorry.

Liu Sanhu, the deputy general of the Wuwei Army, was a man of genius who forced Shao Shude to reward Meiji twice.

Looking at his broken left elbow, Shao Shude was speechless and didn't know what to say.

It is inevitable for a general to die before the battle. Liu Sanhu fought so bravely and risked his life. To be honest, it would not be bad to have this ending and retire to enjoy wealth and wealth, but it is still a pity.

"Commander" Liu Sanhu smiled and said: "Actually, it's nothing, at least he's alive."

"After you are all gone, who will fight for me?" Shao Shude patted Liu Sanhu on the shoulder.

"Commander, the old men in our army are all brave enough to fight." Liu Sanhu also felt a little sad after hearing this, and said, "Outsiders can't believe it!"

"Yeah, outsiders can't believe it." Shao Shude sighed and asked, "Is your family here?"

"They've all moved here." Liu Sanhu pointed to a newly built house in the distance and said, "A wife, a concubine, and four children are all here."

"Is that a brick house?" Shao Shude took a look and said, "It comforts me that you can live in such a big brick house."

It was a brick house with front and rear entrances, with willow trees planted in front of the door, facing the main road. Across the road was a small ditch, and on the other side of the river was a large area of ​​farmland.

The fields have been harvested and are bare. Large flocks of birds are hovering above, falling down from time to time and pecking at the grains left in the fields.

Shao Shude made a gesture, and Mrs. Shanggong Xiao understood and asked the female historian to hold out some silk and said: "The township chief has always been praised for his bravery and outstanding achievements. Now I will reward you for your sincerity."

"Thank you, Marshal, for the reward." Liu Sanhu didn't dare to look at the group of bright palace officials behind Shao Shude, and bowed his head in thanks.

Xiang Zuo, Li Zheng, seeing that Liu Sanhu was inconvenienced, immediately stepped forward and took the silk for him.

"Let's go and have a look in the countryside." Shao Shude stepped forward and inspected the "young land" under his rule.

The four palace officials of Xiao family, Pei family, Du family and Wei family and the female historian followed closely behind, and were guarded by a large group of personal soldiers.

"Commander, after the forest was cleared, I had people level it. As soon as the native Ding men had free time, I had people gather together to hone their martial arts and practice formations." Liu Sanhu pointed not far away.

Said a piece of flat ground.

Shao Shude took a look. There was a forest there with many towering trees. There was an open space beside the forest with target stacks and straw men. The mud was firmly trampled. Apparently many people had gathered here to practice. This was

It’s a rural schoolyard.

There are cottages one after another beside the road. They all look like they were built not long ago. They are small in size with branches and thin earthen walls made of clay. There are also simple livestock sheds next to them. The livestock are tied to one side, and there is a small mountain of dung.

Stacked on the other side.

Some people also built houses out of thick adobe. Dirty children hid behind the houses and cautiously peeked over. Wild flowers bloomed in the corners and swayed in the wind.

A peasant woman was sitting in the yard, mending clothes. When she saw a large group of warriors passing by, she was so scared that she hid back.

She walked in such a hurry that she accidentally knocked over a round plaque and scattered the mung beans all over the floor. A few birds quickly landed and pecked at them quickly. The peasant woman hid behind the crack of the door and watched with distress.

She is a flat-haired beast, but she doesn't dare to come out.

There is a huge pool in the distance, with a river running across it, flowing eastward.

"Is this the Yongji Canal flowing eastward?" Shao Shude asked.

Liu Sanhu was a little confused and hesitated to answer.

"Your Majesty, it is true that the Yongji Canal flows eastward." Du said softly: "The Book of Sui Dynasty: Chronicles of Emperor Yangdi says, 'On Yisi, the first month of the fourth year of Daye, an order was sent to more than a million men and women from all counties in Hebei to open the Yongji Canal and divert it. Qinshui reaches Yuhe in the south and connects to Zhuojun in the north.'"

Shao Shude praised: "My father said that you have been smart since childhood, well read in classics and history, good at writing and writing, and good at poetry and prose. It seems to be true."

"Your Majesty." Mrs. Xiao also spoke up: "I read the "Daye Miscellaneous Records" and it says, "In June of the third year, we ordered the Yongji Canal to be opened to divert Qinshui into the river. A canal was opened in the northeast of Qinshui and the Qingshui was merged to Zhuo. More than two thousand miles of the county are connected by dragon boats. This canal should be opened in the third year of Daye."

Mrs. Du glanced at Mrs. Xiao calmly.

Shao Shude was dumbfounded, is it rolled up?

Qingshui is the Wei River. This canal connects the Wei River and leads directly to Weizhou, and its strategic value is very huge.

It is a pity that Song Le spent the past year mainly renovating the main channel of Qinshui River, excavating blocked irrigation canals, and repairing the old Pichi, and did not have time to take care of the Yongji Canal.

If the siltation can be cleared and the canal can be opened to navigation again, it will be much easier to attack Weibo.

"Xiao Shanggong and Du Shangyi are both well-read, but you don't know." Shao Shude casually pinched Webster's face.

Webster is the youngest, with a childish face and a bit of baby fat, which Shao Shude likes to pinch the most.

"Your Majesty, the Qinshui River is turbid and sandy, and its turbulence is even greater than that of the Yellow River. Every June when it rains, and between July and August, the Qinshui River floods, and the sediment and sediment fall down, which inevitably accumulates. Therefore, great efforts must be made to dredge it." Webster He said with a blushing face.

Shao Shude was stunned.

The Du family, the Wei family, the Xiao family, how much effort did these families spend on them? They know all kinds of dance and music, are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, are well-read, and are good at poetry, writing and calligraphy. How much have they been ruined by a vulgar warrior like me? Is it a pity?

"We will discuss the opening of the canal later." Shao Shude coughed and said to Liu Sanhu: "In various counties and villages, I remember that there are many people who have retired from the army. Do you know them?"

"You know the Wuwei Army, but the others don't." Liu Sanhu said: "Commander, you are actually an old man, we only listen to you. When I was practicing the Tuan Tuan in the countryside, I told them that King Xia is This world-class hero never treats his brother badly. If you fight for the King of Xia, as long as you are not afraid of death, you will be rich and honorable. Marshal, Heyang cannot overthrow the sky. Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong are attacking. Let's rally the local braves. Fight with him. If anyone dares to confuse the people with evil words and rebel and stand on his own initiative, as long as he dares to come to the countryside, we will capture him. Even if my other hand is cut off, I will bite the thief's head and kill him. Look, Commander."

"I believe you." Shao Shude said with emotion.

Liu Sanhu smiled and said: "I know that the commander is going to attack Weibo, otherwise I wouldn't come here to see it. Commander, please be at ease. I am a countryman from Tutuan. He has been practicing constantly. From time to time, he will go into battle to attack the city and fight with the thieves. Fight for a few battles. Once we go to war, Heyang may not be able to recruit tens of thousands of men to fight, so why worry about Wei Bo not being destroyed?"

Shao Shude laughed happily.

Although Liu Sanhu guessed his intention wrong, he was right about training Xiang Yong.

Attacking Luozheng in the south and Zelu in the north, they can both be of great use.

This chapter has been completed!
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