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Chapter 13 Xiazhou (2)

 November 28th of the first year of Guangming was the day of Shao Shude’s wedding.

The marriage certificate, betrothal gift, etc. had been settled before, and the woman also sent the bride to her newly bought house in Xiazhou and sent the marriage certificate in return. Because Shao Shude had no elders, Zhuge Shuang received the marriage certificate, and auspicious times followed.

Zhuge Shuang and Zhe Zongben, who came in person, agreed that both parties had no intention of delaying the marriage and unanimously decided that it would be better to get married as soon as possible.

As soon as the sky darkened today, Shao Shude put on his wedding clothes under the service of the house servants. According to the procedure, he would personally hold the candle and ride to the bride's house, while the groomsmen would follow in two carriages and a newly decorated bride's carriage.

Follow at the end, this is for the bride to take when she comes back.

The following procedures are tedious and complicated. After arriving at the door of the bride's house, Ori Munemoto personally welcomes the door, thanks the guests, and then welcomes the groom in. Next is a set of thank-you procedures, and the musicians also start to play music and dance, and the whole walk

When we came down, it was already an hour or two later.

Someone had told Shao Shude about this procedure before, but he couldn't remember it clearly when it came to it. He could only complete it step by step according to other people's prompts. After completing this circle, it was time for the bride to take a car to her husband's house. Shao Shude

He drove the woman's car for a while, then handed it over to the driver. He took another car and returned to the house, waiting outside the door.

By the way, the bride at this time did not wear a red hijab. When Shao Shude was welcoming the bride, it was also the first time he saw the bride's face. However, he was quite tall and had a pretty face. He lowered his head slightly, as if he did not dare to look at himself.

He also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although marriage with the Zhe family was inevitable, as his head wife, he still longed for her beauty in the bottom of his heart, right?

Many people gathered on the street in front of the house to ask for money. When the women's car was approaching, Fan He led his soldiers to distribute money and silk to the people and ordered them to disperse so that the women's car could drive in.

This is the so-called "barricade" part, that is, onlookers block the streets and ask the groom for food, drinks and money. This is a traditional custom.

Zhuge Shuang also brought the generals and shogunate officials to the Shao Mansion today to watch the ceremony. Shao Shude was so busy that he was dizzy. He didn't know if Tuoba Sigong was here. He should have come, so he wouldn't even lose the commander's face.

Not given.

The last part of the wedding is the worship ceremony. According to custom, you first worship the gods of heaven and earth, then go to the family temple to worship the ancestors, and then worship the parents. There is no legendary part of the husband and wife worshiping each other. This will happen a little later, close to the fifth generation.

It will become popular only in some areas. This program will only be available in some areas.

After the wedding ceremony, Shao Shude released a pair of wild geese that had been prepared in advance. The bride was sitting on the saddle, which meant "peace". After this, the couple entered the wedding room, where the wedding geese had been prepared.

Wine and roasted livestock meat are the so-called Gong Lao He Ning rites.

"Mrs. Xian." Shao Shude took a ladle of bitter wine and drank it all, and also used the formal title.

"Mr." Zhe Fangxiao also took a scoop and drank it all, and boldly raised her head to look at her husband.

Arranged marriages these days are such a pain in the ass, the newlyweds cannot see each other until they are welcomed. Zhe Fang Ai didn't have the nerve to look more at each other before, but now that there were only the newlyweds in the room, she could see enough.

It was already late at night, and the guests outside had arrived before the groom arrived, and had already finished eating. Fan He took his soldiers to guard the outside, and there was no one else in the backyard except the servants.

"Mrs. Xian." Shao Shude stepped forward and took Zhe Fangxiao's hand. The following content will not be displayed due to national laws and regulations.

On the second day, there was originally a part of worshiping parents. However, since Shao Shude was alone, this could be omitted. The newlyweds just bowed in front of the mirror and that was it.

Zhe Fang Ai was already the wife of the Shao family at this time. She may have received the education from a young age, so she naturally ordered the servants to clean up the mansion. Seeing that she was familiar with it, Shao Shude ignored her and went to the front hall to ask Fan

He called Song Le and Chen Cheng.

"Congratulations on your wedding."

"Congratulations to the military envoy for marrying his bride."

The two of them smiled and congratulated each other as soon as they arrived.

"Sit down, Fan He, send someone to make tea." Shao Shude smiled, waved his hand, and said: "I have something on my mind, so I came to discuss it with you two, which is about the commander-in-chief going south to hunt down thieves.


"To be honest, the commander-in-chief treats me with great kindness. If he wants the Tielin Army to go south, I will definitely accompany him." Shao Shude made it clear as soon as he came up. Song Le pondered a little when he heard the words, and Chen Cheng frowned. The two of them had obviously been together last night.

There have been exchanges.

"Since the Commander-in-Chief said this, it's not easy for Mr. Song to comment." After a long time, Song Le spoke first, and he was heard to say: "The Commander-in-Chief's high righteousness has made you remember it in your heart. This is normal."

"The envoy of the Ran Army is connected with tens of thousands of people in Suizhou." Chen Cheng continued: "Tuoba Dangxiang, in the past, only Yanfu County, and later Changze County in Xia, with rich water and grass, and the benefit of salt ponds, gradually became more powerful.

Qiang, hidden as the head of the Pingxia Party Department. Military envoys, if they are allowed to capture Xiazhou again, with strong cities, equipment, cattle, sheep and goods, as well as elite Yamen troops, their power will be established and can no longer be controlled.

.How should the military envoy deal with the situation in Suizhou?"

Song and Chen sang and harmonized, and it seemed that they had discussed it in private.

"Did Tuoba Sigong come yesterday?" Shao Shude felt irritated and asked again.

"Here comes his younger brother Si Jing, who gave hundreds of cattle and sheep as gifts, which was quite a gesture. However, he didn't stay to eat and left early." Chen Cheng said.

"Perhaps you can persuade the marshal to go south with Tuoba Sigong?" After hesitating for a while, Shao Shude asked.

"It's difficult." Song and Chen almost shook their heads together.

"You two gentlemen must have a solution." Shao Shude stood up and walked around the room habitually. This habit seemed to be influenced by Qiu Weidao.

"Why don't we let the court issue an order first, ordering Tuoba Sigong to reorganize his troops and go south with Marshal Zhuge. If Sigong refuses, the court will definitely not be happy. Maybe there will be a change in the future?" Shao Shude came up with this bad idea.


Song Le stroked his beard after hearing this, as if he was sorting out his thoughts, while Chen Cheng said directly: "I'm afraid there are still some shortcomings."

"It's not enough, but can everything in the world be perfect?" Shao Shude had made up his mind and said, "If I were in the position of commander-in-chief, I would leave Zi Zhongfang in Xiazhou to temporarily deter everything in the town, and only then can things be settled.

Then lead a trustworthy army to the south, control the guest troops under his command, and look for an opportunity to start a war with Huang Chao. Think about it, gentlemen, Zhuge Zhongfang is the post-retention army, and his 3,000 personal troops are stationed in Xiazhou. Can the commander-in-chief just do this?

Did he lead the Tielin Army away? He doesn’t make much of a command of the Administrative Army or the Party Army. There are 6,000 people in the two-sided Yamen Army and 4,000 people in the Tielin Army. Who would you choose?"

"Last night, Qiu Supervisor already knew what Feng Yin said." After Shao Shude finished speaking, Song Le also sorted out his thoughts and said: "Today someone will go to Chang'an to tell you that you will be able to manage the army well and be brave and good at fighting.

Then he recommended that the monarch should know about Xia Sui's affairs, but the court would not allow it. Now it seems that we have to add one more thing, ordering Tuoba Sigong to rectify the troops of Xiangfan tribe and go out with Marshal Zhuge. Sigong mostly delayed the time, and pressed

The army is uncertain, but the ruler and his ministers are determined to be evil. Comparing the two, the ruler can temporarily surpass Tuoba Sigong in the hearts of saints and prime ministers. If we can win some more battles, this difficulty may be resolved."

This idea is indeed somewhat feasible. Tuoba Sigong is a cunning and cunning person. The advantage is that he has Tuoba headquarters and affects many small tribes that depend on them. He has great autonomy. The court wants to mobilize him.

They can refuse within a certain range. But they also have a disadvantage, that is, they have no access to the court, and they will be eaten to death at the upper level.

On Shao Shude's side, it's almost the other way around. He has connections at the top, but for the time being he has to obey the court's orders, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble. Coupled with the various favors Zhuge Shuang has given, Shao Shude also wants to protect him.

The right way to fight is to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses? Make full use of your advantages at the top to offset your disadvantage of following Zhuge Shuang in sending troops, and then survive in the face of death to seize the slightest chance.

Nothing in this world is easy. Is it easy to farm? Is it easy to do business? Not to mention things that involve power and family wealth. It is common for people to have lots of people. If you want to get Tuoba Sigong through upper-level connections,

It's unrealistic. You have to be tough to fight. To fight against Huang Chao, you have to have some eye-catching results.

"Farewell Song, Judge Chen, you two must return to Suizhou as soon as possible and make preparations." Having made up his mind, Shao Shude no longer looked forward or backward, and only listened to him say: "Suizhou is the foundation of Song Dynasty.

Don't worry, after planting next spring, some people can be recruited to dredge the rivers and create some arable land first. Don't make it too big, beware of civil unrest, and the state doesn't have that much money and food to spend. Judge Chen,

When I got back, I immediately took stock of the silk, money, food and equipment, and made up for anything missing as soon as possible. I didn’t want the army to be short of this or that on the day of the expedition, and the sergeants started making noises, and I couldn’t suppress it.”

"I will have to make a few more trips to Commander Jie and Qiu Shijun to make preparations first." Shao Shude said, "Then I will return to the state. Next month, I will review the Tielin Army and the state soldiers."

This chapter has been completed!
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