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Chapter 40 Surprise

 The city below Caizhou has now become a killing ground.

Lisuo Ruyang County, as you can tell from its name, is located to the north of Rushui, opposite Lisuo Ruyin County in Yingzhou.

Zhe Zong himself led 10,000 cavalrymen to camp in Beiguan City. There were two villages outside the city, each with 5,000 people. On the other side of Ru River, more than 10,000 people set up camp and built a temporary pontoon bridge.

We can provide assistance to Beiguan City at any time.

On the small post road between Tang and Cai, the Tibetan cavalry transferred from the Yingshui area were marching quickly. They pulled a large carriage and horses, marching thirty miles a day, and quietly arrived in Langshan County to protect them.

Lived in Liangdao.

The main forces on the core battlefield between Xia and Liang were still locked in a stalemate, but on the flank battlefields, the war broke out and became more and more intense.

Today is another sunny day. Zhe Conggu rushed out with hundreds of riders to fight against the thieves.

The ones fighting him were the Zhongwu Army cavalry brought by Yang Shihou. There were more than a thousand cavalry in total. They were very orthodox Central Plains cavalry, specializing in frontal combat. The Zhejia cavalry was unprepared at the beginning and directly broke up for him.

After riding, he went directly back to put on his armor, took the horse's spear, mounted his horse and fought with the thieves.

Both sides did not use bows and arrows to bully others. They just stabbed each other head-on and hacked each other in a hard-core style. They killed each other very happily and were covered with bruises.

Zuri Zongben was wrapped in the blanket given to him by his grandson, watching the fierce battle of the cavalry under the city from a distance, secretly judging the combat effectiveness of the Zhongwu Army.

It looks like the fighting ability is pretty good.

After the difficulties, the towns rebelled. As time went on, the vassal towns in Henan became more unruly and created more trouble. For example, the rebellion of Li Shidao in Ziqing, the rebellion of Silver Blade Capital in Xuzhou, the uprising of Pang Xun, the rebellion in Huaixi, etc. Xuanwu,

The three towns of Zhongwu and Yicheng are on the front line of counterinsurgency, and it seems that they have been trained.

The royal thugs of the imperial court! Zhe Zongben snorted, and even Yang Fuguang recruited new soldiers from Badu in Chen Xu, took them to Guanzhong, and participated in the battle against Huang Chao. After Yang Fuguang died, Zhongwu Badu had no master and jumped into Sanchuan

.This group of new recruits caused a huge stir. If it weren’t for internal strife, what would have happened in the end might not have happened.

The sound of clanking sounded in the field, and both sides dispersed in a tacit understanding, each cleaning the battlefield, collecting the corpses, and even helping to send the other party's body and war horses back.

After the cavalry retreated, Zhe Zongben sent people to mobilize the infantry out of the city to form a formation and invite the Zhongwu Army to fight.

Zhang Quanyi brothers in Caizhou City looked expectantly at the Zhongwu Army who was setting up camp outside the city, but Yang Shihou refused and refused to fight.

Zhang Quanyi felt a chill in his heart. As a veteran warlord, how could he not understand Yang Shihou's thoughts? This was to preserve his strength and support his troops with self-respect.

To be honest, he felt that Yang Shihou was a bit stupid. If you still wait and see at this time and play tricks, it will only make your reputation worse. If you are like this, do you still expect others to come to rescue you when you are in trouble in the future?

After receiving the report from the people below, Zhe Zongben narrowed his eyes. The military leader knows the military leader best, so Yang Shihou may have some ideas.

Of course, this is just his guess. Yang Shihou's reason is very legitimate. There are less than 7,000 infantry and cavalry, and there are tens of thousands of Xiangyong on Zhe Zongben's side. The formation is scary, and it is understandable that he is unwilling to fight in the field. But before he combined, Yang Shihou was

Shang Cai's slow movements and hesitant attitude made him somewhat suspicious.

"When the building was about to collapse, some people tried to turn the tide, some thought that a gentleman cannot stand under a dangerous wall, some even fought back, thinking that they were the only way to advance, and so on." Ori Zongben looked at the sky and said with a smile: "

Come, write a letter to General Fu, the envoy of the camp in Luoyang and the envoy of the German army. The opportunity has come for him to make a contribution. Whether it succeeds or not, let's give it a try."

Dai Siyuan raised a lot of draft animals, grain and grass in Yancheng, and the place was actually quite wealthy.

The city of Yan was originally located south of the Anshui River. In the 20th year of Kaiyuan, a flood occurred and the city was damaged, so the city was moved to the north to build a new city.

This city has been very important since ancient times. It "serves as the collision between Chen and Song Dynasties, the meeting of the Huaihe River, and the divergence of boats and vehicles", and is the key point of the military road between the north and the south.

Duke Huan of Qi attacked Chu and allied with the princes at Zhaoling, which is forty-five miles east of the county.

Dai Siyuan was not stationed in the city, but stationed in Huiqu in the southeast of the county. The water flowed here, which was convenient for horses to drink, to collect firewood, and to cross the river.

However, Dai Siyuan is uneducated and has no skills after all.

During the Yuanhe period of Emperor Xianzong, Prime Minister Pei Du oversaw the army's crusade against Wu Yuanji in the west of Huaihe. He built a town at Tuokou, twenty miles southeast of Lin City. Wu Yuanji garrisoned at Huiqu, ten miles away, and sent General Dong Chongzhi to lead his cavalry to attack.

They approached Pei Du's army. Fortunately, Pei Du stabilized his position and did not run away. Instead, he commanded his sergeants to defend against the enemy. Only then did he kill the arrogant Cai thieves and finally put down the Huaixi rebels.

Dai Siyuan is stationed in Huiqu, which is not a good sign.

The Feilong Army finally marched south from Yancheng on the 25th. The march went smoothly at the beginning. Eight thousand infantrymen, with more than 18,000 horses, donkeys and mules, sometimes walked and sometimes rode horses, and they marched eighty miles in one day.

Li, arriving at Shangcai County, fifteen miles east of Ru River, was extremely fast.

After a night's rest in Shangcai, Dai Siyuan originally wanted to go straight to Ruyang, which is 70 miles away. However, the number of horses and mules was small. After yesterday's high-speed march, it was not impossible to walk another 70 miles today, but it was unnecessary.

Treating draft animals so harshly, he decided to lead the horse on foot first to maintain its power, and then make further calculations after inquiring about the news ahead.

Before leaving, Dai Siyuan received news: The Xia thieves Wei Shengjun and Yang Shihou fought in Beiguan City, with no winner or loser.

"Why is there no distinction between victory and defeat?" Dai Siyuan sneered, fearing that the fight was not real and that he was just filling in the story.

"How is the deployment of Xiangyongzheng going?" He called several generals and asked them one by one.

"We have a team in Xiping, and we are still gathering manpower."

"Lancheng County is not doing well. We just received the news and have recruited more than 4,000 people."

"Wufang County is the leader of both sides. I think they are going to capture the thieves."

"The magistrate can't be found in Shangcai County. I heard that Yang Shihou was killed because he was evil. The county magistrate, the chief registrar, and the county captain were afraid and fled away. We can't find anyone even if we try to find them."

Dai Siyuan's face darkened as soon as he heard these complaints. What nonsense are they all about? Can't he save himself some trouble?

"I'm not leaving!" he said angrily: "First we have recruited the brave men from the countryside and collected 20,000 people. We have also purchased food and grass. Then we will go south. With Yang Shihou here, Caizhou City cannot be lost."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and finally agreed and dispersed.

The soldiers were watching and peeping on one side, maintaining the status of a fresh force. But the question is, Zhe Zongben has been fighting for his whole life. Is he that stupid? There are 20,000 to 30,000 people watching from the side, and they still want to storm Caizhou City or the Zhongwu Army Camp.

?is it possible?

The Feilong Army stopped at Shangcai for three days.

Within three days, the county recruited thousands of warriors from the countryside and gathered outside the county seat. This is Caizhou. Every household has weapons hidden in it. Many people even have prohibited military bows and iron armor in their homes. I don’t know where they came from.

Most of the people who were robbed had horses and mules. After all, this is one of the hometowns of the mule army.

On the 29th, Dai Siyuan heard that Zhe Zongben attacked Yang Shihou's camp. When the battle was in full swing, Zhang Quanyi went out to attack. He also attacked Caizhou Zhongcheng. Yang Shihou stroked his side, but the two attacks did not go well.

Dai Siyuan felt that he could find an opportunity to surprise Zhe Zongben. When Li Su entered Caizhou on a snowy night, should he also have a sneak attack on him on a snowy night?

Looking at the increasingly cloudy sky, Dai Siyuan thought he had a plan.

Qi Bizhang did not find the Feilong Army in Chenzhou, but he also found out the news: they went to Yancheng.

At that time, Qi Bizhang had just arrived at Xiangcheng County in Chenzhou and was heading towards Lushui County. Looking at the dusty sky, Qi Bizhang got off his horse and smiled.

"Send the order to set up camp today." Qi Bizhang said.

The generals were a little surprised, but they still carried out the execution.

The Feilong Army has been fighting abroad for a long time, and its military discipline is somewhat different from other armies. It is very strict in places, mainly in military operations, and very lax in places, such as turning a blind eye to disturbing the people. As long as it is not

If the commotion goes too far, the shogunate's direct officials accompanying the army will generally not take care of it.

Qi Bizhang ordered the camp to be set up. Even if the meeting has not yet arrived, it must be carried out resolutely and there is no room for bargaining.

The place where they camped was in the wilderness in the southeast of Xiangcheng County. There were no villages around, and there were wild meadows everywhere, with foxes and wolves roaming around. It was very desolate.

The auxiliary soldiers were busy everywhere. Some went to the stream to cut ice to get water, some went to pick up dead branches and leaves, some loosened the girdle of the horse and jogged it for a few laps to collect the sweat. Some had already taken out the salted horse.

Meat, cheese and other foods.

Qi Bizhang found a trusted official and asked, "Mr. Qiu, last night I was lying in the tent, talking loudly in my sleep, and feeling frightened. What's the sign of this?"

"Mr. Qiu" carefully observed Qi Bizhang's face and said with a smile: "The ancients called divine help when planning a plan. Don't worry, military envoys. This is a good sign."

Qi Bizhang also had a smile on his face and said: "I got a horse in my dream last night. I rode it so fast that it almost flew up. What's the explanation?"

Mr. Qiu frowned and thought, and said: "There are many people in the army. I dreamed that my horse could move fast, and I would win the battle. I dreamed that my body was flying, and my victory was famous for thousands of miles. Congratulations to the military envoy, this is going to be a great victory!"

Qi Bizhang looked happy.

Although he had made a plan, he was still a little worried. Now that he heard Mr. Qiu's interpretation of dreams, it was well-founded and convincing, which strengthened his confidence.

Today, the whole army went to the camp to boost their morale, rest their horses, repair their equipment, and get information. When everything was ready and the time came, he would rush out and give the thieves a surprise.

When marching and fighting, sometimes you have to take risks.

Xu Cai, this battle has entered a decisive moment. In fact, everyone has a chance. After all, no one dares to guarantee victory in this kind of battle. So what about hundreds of thousands versus thousands? Even the rain of fire and meteors from the sky will be destroyed by you.

, are you convinced?

If the Liang people won a great victory in Caizhou, and in turn took care of Yingzhou and relieved their worries, they could directly march into Tang and Deng, and in turn threaten the rear of Li Tangbin's main army. However, it seems that Pang Shigu did not dare to make a desperate move after all.

All the reserve teams that could be mobilized were sent south, but the gambling spirit was still not strong enough.

Today I made a bet with my old enemy Dai Siyuan. The bet was my life.

This chapter has been completed!
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