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Chapter 67 Conflict

 After leaving Jingzhou, we headed eastward.

Apart from necessary rest and recuperation, they did not even stop in Chang'an for too long. They collected good horses, gave a group of severely run-down horses to Jing Zhaoyin, and then galloped eastward like a gust of wind.

The people of Chang'an watched the excitement on the roadside. They were passing troops all day long, and the sound of horse hooves never stopped. One group in the east, another in the west, one group after another. By the end, people were numb, even to the point where

After nightfall, they heard the sound of horse hooves, which stopped at about midnight.

On the 25th, Shao Shude arrived at Shayuan Prison in Tongzhou.

This ranch was nominally owned by the imperial court, but in fact it had always been managed by Tongzhou. There were thousands of horses and even more sheep in the ranch. Shao Shude was not interested in sheep, he only wanted horses.

It is still the old method along the way, sending the fat horses to the court, and taking away the good horses that have been fattened and strong. A group of troops passing by have been replaced, and there are still many left. Auxiliary soldiers, hurry up

Time to choose and replace.

The main body of the bodyguards had also arrived. It was much easier for them. The journey south from Cansheng was not very far, and the horses they brought over even had time to fatten up in the pasture.

"Don't waste the horses you brought this time. You've already come, why should you send them back?" Shao Shude ordered: "The pig farm in Guozhou should be filled with horses. There are no horses in Guangchengze, Ruzhou. Even the Longpi Prison in Caizhou


Guozhou Ranch raised horses in the early years. Later, the horse administration was corrupted and it was actually used to raise pigs. After the nest chaos, it completely fell into decline. Wild boars became a disaster. This time it was time to rectify the situation.

Guangchengze and Longpi were both Zhu Quanzhong's pastures and were controlled by the Xia army. The former area was large, with water and grass, but Ding Hui had taken away the horses, leaving it empty, and the pastures had probably begun to grow.

Just enough for horses. The latter was originally the pasture of Wu Yuanji, the governor of Huaixi. After the imperial court pacified the Huaixi rebel vassalage, it set up a prison to raise horses. It has mountains and water, and the environment is good, but it is too close to the front line and is not safe.

Forget it once.

"Heyang Ranch..." Shao Shude pondered for a while and said: "That's all. Leave an additional 30,000 horses for Shayuan Prison, Guozhou Ranch also gives 30,000 horses, and I will think about the rest of the prisons."

Guozhou Ranch is close, so there is no problem in sending it there. Shayuan Prison is right at the foot, and there are many empty pastures, but there is not enough food for 30,000 horses, so all the livestock raised by the imperial court can only be killed and made into meat.

The preserved meat will be included in the next batch of materials transferred to the front line and sent there. At worst, it will be returned to the court afterwards.

In fact, there are many imperial hunting grounds and large open spaces in Guanzhong and Hezhong. The population density is just like this these days, which is too low, but he is too lazy to look for it for a while.

There are about 90,000 horses left, and Shao Shude plans to take them to Heyang. Heyang built a ranch a few years ago and has been providing military horses to the front line. After fighting for so long, the horses have been consumed a lot, so it is just a good time to replenish the number.

After the plan was finalized, Shao Shude did not delay and took action that day. He went straight to Hezhong Mansion with one person and three horses. He arrived in Hedong County in the evening and stayed on the bank of Sushui River.

After declining the banquet of Wang Yao, the governor of Hezhong, he set out early the next morning and traveled a hundred miles to reach Jie County. After one person and three horses, the speed slowed down significantly.

At noon on the 27th, Shao Shude passed through Anyi and was too lazy to go to Longchi Palace to see the beauty Chen. He didn't want the beauty now, he only wanted Zhu Quanzhong.

On the night of the 29th, the entire army arrived in Huaizhou one after another.

On the 30th, Shao Shude ordered 30,000 horses to be sent to Heyang Ranch. On the same day, one man and two horses went south to Mengzhou.

On the first day of April, we crossed the pontoon bridge and headed south to the border of Luoyang. At this point, the grain and horse feed carried from the river had been exhausted. Shao Shude was also very emotional. He had been very careful along the way and tried not to increase the burden on the front line.

The whole army rested in Luoyang for three days to recuperate their energy and strength. After twenty days of rapid march, many people were very tired. It may be not only physical fatigue, but also psychological fatigue.

The auxiliary soldiers of the Tiande Army also came to help. They trimmed the horseshoes when it was time to trim them, and nailed the horseshoes again when they were needed. Other equipment needed to be repaired, so hurry up and get it done as soon as possible.

Luoyang is the most important material transfer node for the Xia Army in Henan, and it has a large amount of food and grass. But how can I put it, the supply on the front line was already very tight, and nearly 30,000 people and 60,000 horses came, and the material reserves were greatly consumed.

Feng Wei, the deputy envoy of Henan Province, frowned. He could bear it for a few days. If these cavalry stayed in Henan for more than a month, they would really die.

Shao Shude looked at Feng Wei's face and laughed loudly, saying: "Why is Dalang so sad? Today I will let people go out to herd horses and try to eat as little grain as possible."

"It's certainly gratifying that the king's magic soldiers have descended from the sky, but you might as well wait for two more months before coming again. When the wheat is ripe in June, there will be much more abundant resources by then, so why rush to come now." Feng Wei said with a bitter smile.

"Li Tangbin gave me hope, but then disappointed me. Caizhou's mouth was clearly torn open, and then disappeared again. The opportunity to fight was fleeting, but it's a pity. I had no choice but to come in person." Shao Shude leaned back with a sense of comfort.

Sitting on the bed, he said with a smile: "I heard that Ge Congzhou fought very hard. Don't worry, I will leave on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. I will only feed you for three days. Can I still be exhausted?"

Feng Wei laughed, and Cai Songyang, the envoy of the Tiande army, stepped forward to invite the battle: "Your Majesty, I will lead the Tiande army to fight."

"Why are you so anxious?" Shao Shude glared at him and said, "It has only been a year since Henan Mansion fell into my hands. People's hearts have not recovered yet, so we have to leave troops to guard it. This is also the general grain station, and it must be guarded by elite soldiers."

, Otherwise, would Zhu Quanzhong be allowed to successfully attack Wuchao?"

Cai Songyang was overjoyed when he heard the words "Elite Soldiers and Fierce Generals". He nodded repeatedly and said: "The last general will guard Luoyang and nothing will happen."

"I heard that you study the war situation all day long, what do you think about Sishui?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Ge Cong has been surrounding the city for a long time, and the intensity of the siege has obviously increased. The Tutuan villagers suffered heavy losses and mutinied frequently. Ge Cong was helpless. Ten days ago, Ge Cong sent his Longwu Army to besiege day and night. He heard that there were also casualties.

Not small." Cai Songyang said: "He has been fighting for so long and failed to defeat Sishui County. Zhu Quanzhong will definitely doubt his ability. The final general estimates that Ge Congzhou will launch a fierce attack."

"I'm just afraid that he won't attack fiercely." Shao Shude said with a smile: "Let's rest for a few days to use up the enemy's energy, and then give him a surprise."


Ge Congzhou personally stepped onto the platform, pushed the drummer away, picked up the drumstick from the stand, took a deep breath, and started banging hard.

"Dong dong dong..." As the drums sounded, Liang Jun launched another overwhelming attack.

A large group of sergeants, eyes wide with anger, followed the ladder body and charged towards the dilapidated city wall.

Everyone could see that the defenders in the city were at the end of their rope. Perhaps if they just put more effort and launch another desperate attack, they could take down the city that had blocked them for many days.

It was too easy to throw away at first, but now it has to be captured with blood. This is really fucked up!

The sound of crossbow firing was heard again on the city wall. Arrows also fell, and the ladder truck was covered with a layer of white hair almost in an instant.

The fastest group of people had already climbed up the ladder. There were people running around at the top of the city, shouting loudly. Everyone looked at Liang Bing with vicious eyes as he climbed up like ants, steaming with heat.

The golden juice is ready and ready to serve guests at any time.

There were still people digging tunnels under the city wall. In fact, they had already dug a tunnel before, leading directly into the city. However, the defenders discovered it and flooded it, drowning many people.

Many rockets were shot down from the top of the city and landed on the roof of the dug tunnel. They were quickly extinguished and did not cause any disturbance. However, at night, there was always the military academy member named "Martial Arts Student" who came with a desperate plan.

The soldiers rushed out of the city and destroyed these tunnels.

This goes on and on, with both the offensive and defensive sides using all their means to fight for it. They have both suffered heavy casualties, and their physical strength and energy have reached a stage limit.

Ge Congzhou continued to beat the war drum without looking tired at all.

A new cavalry charge began in the southwest area of ​​the city.

A group of thieves riding from the direction of Xuanmen Pass circled far away, firing cold arrows in an attempt to harass the infantry attacking the city.

Zhang Cunjing, the envoy of the cavalry army, personally led his men and charged forward. The cavalrymen dispersed with a roar and fired arrows around them.

Ge Congzhou glanced at him and smiled, "It's Fanqi again! He can't fight head-on, so he can only shoot arrows secretly, but he's not very capable."

The pro-cavalry army was recently replenished, and there were about 800 more cavalry. After charging for a while but failing to catch up with the fast-running Fan cavalry, they finally pretended to be defeated. The Fan cavalry gathered again, thousands of

The rest of the cavalry came roaring towards him, chasing after him and firing arrows desperately.

Both sides ran away and chased each other, and in the blink of an eye they had covered several miles.

Ge Congzhou laughed loudly, the Xia thieves had fallen into the trap!

Sure enough, another burst of drums sounded from the east. More than 2,000 horsemen from the Desheng Army on the left and right came out of the woods in batches, slowly accelerated, and rushed straight towards the Fan cavalry, trying to cut them off.

The Fan cavalry roared loudly, and the attacking formation suddenly became scattered. Some people slowed down their horses, some walked back in circles, and some continued to move forward. It was all chaos.

Desheng's army rushed in freely. He Delun waved his big spear and mopped down two people one after another.

What a pleasure!

These fan cavalry are very slippery, and it’s really not easy to catch them. If I hadn’t played some tricks today, I’m afraid there really wouldn’t be anything I can do to them.

The pro-cavalry army turned back and fought back. Thousands of cavalrymen fought together. Smoke and dust billowed in the field, and their shouts moved the ground, covering their ears and eyes.

Ge Congzhou threw the mallet to the drummer and smiled at the thieves who were beaten to death. He wanted to teach these Tibetan people a lesson and let them know that horse battles cannot be won by just being able to shoot arrows. With such weak close combat ability,

One charge can take you away.

The sound of horse hoofbeats sounded.

First there were a few riders, then dozens of riders, and then there seemed to be hundreds or even thousands of riders, and in the end even the ground was almost shaking.

"Huh?" Ge Congzhou turned around, surprised in his heart. The thieves still have reinforcements? They have thousands of cavalry, but I haven't seen them for a while. Are the heroes from Heyang constantly dying?

There was so much smoke and dust in the distance that I couldn't see clearly. But the sound of horse hooves was really dense, and it sounded like there were tens of thousands of horses riding on it.

"No! The bandit cavalry has arrived!" Ge Congzhou tried his best to open his eyes and distinguish the cavalry in the dust and fog.

He quickly gave up, hurriedly got off the small earth platform, and climbed up to the high command platform. When he looked to the southwest, it was like a basin of cold water being poured from head to toe.

In the vast wilderness, knights in brown armor rushed towards this direction as far as the eye could see, boundless and boundless.

But that's not the most terrifying thing. What makes him most unbelievable is that there are cavalry pouring out from the horizon in the distance, seemingly endless.

"Come here, strike with the hammer and retreat!" Ge Congzhou shouted loudly.

After listening to the order, the order rider immediately got on his horse and spread the order separately.

Ge Congzhou looked back at Sishui County. Above and below the city, countless soldiers were still fighting desperately.

They must be made to retreat. As long as they return to the camp, there will be salvation!

The wave of brown cavalry moved from far to near, like a sharp knife, rushing into the Liang Army cavalry whose formation was a bit disordered due to intercepting the Fan cavalry, and instantly drowned them.

The large group of cavalry that followed passed around from both sides and rushed towards the city. They pushed their horses to the extreme speed, with no intention of cherishing the horses. They seemed to be charging like this once in their lives. Their faces were ferocious and they rushed towards the city with roars.

Liang Bing was retreating in panic.

"Buzz!" An overwhelming barrage of arrows was shot out, and the unarmored thieves in the rear formation screamed again and again.

"Crash!" The knights took out their swords, maces, sabers, and swords from their sheaths, and entered a gap without hesitation.

Push forward, push forward, and push forward again!

This chapter has been completed!
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