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Chapter 37 Where can I do it?

"The King of Liang has escaped! The King of Liang has escaped!" The soldiers of Tianxiong Army who were attacking Liang Jun's camp heard the shouts one after another in the camp. Their morale was boosted and they speeded up their actions unconsciously.

The defending Liang soldiers were already weak, and many people were running away secretly. At this time, when they heard the shouts, arrows suddenly fell sparsely, and they were half pushed and half driven off the wall.

"The thieves are in a huge rout, kill them!"

"Catch Zhu Quanzhong, don't let him escape!"

"Catch the red thief and you will be rewarded with thousands of pieces of silk!"

"Catch the red thief and you will be rewarded with thousands of pieces of silk!"

The morale of the Tianxiong army was so high that some people climbed over the wall of the village and raised their swords to kill the Liang soldiers who were running around in front of the gate of the camp. They raised their swords and lowered them, opened the gate, and then lowered the trench bridge.

"Kill!" Warm cheers erupted outside the camp, and countless sergeants rushed into the camp holding torches.

There were no oncoming arrows, no soldiers with spears charging straight at them, and no counterattacks. Everything went so smoothly that it was unbelievable.

The Liang army was defeated like a mountain. They chopped and killed in the dark, not distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy, and trampling on each other.

The Xia army carefully gathered together, marched in line, and slaughtered the lives of the Liang army's rebels.

During the advance, some people continued to surrender. Some soldiers of the Xia army left the queue and asked Sergeant Liang to throw down their weapons on the spot and return to camp as a whole. Anyone who dared to run around and make noise would be executed without mercy.

Those who were able to surrender were all Liang soldiers who had calmed down. They were very obedient. They found the nearest barracks and tents, got in and sat on the ground, waiting silently.

As for those Liang Bing who lost their minds, they need to calm down.

"Buzz..." Sergeant Xia held a rifle bow and fired continuously.

In the chaos, Liang Bing was caught off guard and fell in pieces.

Some people were so frightened that they hid in the barracks and escaped with their lives.

Some people turned back to fight and were crucified mercilessly.

Most of them fled forward in a chaotic manner. There was another tragedy of pushing and shoving at the camp gate. I don’t know how many people were squeezed into the ditch and screamed. The Liang soldiers who were lucky enough to escape from the camp ran away. They were lucky, because Xia

All the cavalry of the army were transferred away, and no one came to chase them. As for whether they would run into the large group of cavalry that intercepted Zhu Quanzhong while running eastward, it depended on their luck.

Zhu Quanzhong had already left the camp far away at this time.

He was accompanied by Jing Xiang, Li Zhen and other close generals, as well as his own soldiers, Ta Bai, who totaled less than two thousand horses.

Zhu Quanzhong looked back at the blazing camp and burst into tears.

This time he was really sad, and it was not a false sentiment. He knew better than anyone what it meant when Xiongwei Feisheng and his second army were destroyed. He has now fallen into the same situation as Shi Pu, Zhu Xuan, and Zhu Jin, and is even worse than them.

It would be even worse. At least Yun, Yan, and Xu towns all supported their Jiedu envoys, but the Bianliang Yamen he created did not have such a foundation. They were the first generation, and they were deeply entangled and close to the Party.

Although it is a bit far away, it is difficult to have as deep a foundation as those century-old feudal towns.

It’s not that he hasn’t made some changes. In fact, in recent years, he vigorously promoted local officials and generals in Bian and Song Dynasties. He married his eldest son Youyu, the daughter of Liu Renyu, a military academy in Bianzhou, and married his younger sister to Yuan Jingchu, the head of the Yuan family of Songzhou.

To continue, all actions are slowly being localized, aiming to lay a solid foundation.

If the old Zhu family and Xuanwu Yajun are given two or three generations of time, they will slowly lay down the foundation, just like the three towns of Yun, Yan and Xu.

If the time is longer and his career is more successful, the Xuanwu Yamen army will intermarry with each other after taking root, and even become one like Wei Bo and Chengde, and become a huge political and military group. Of course, for

For those in power, this may not be a good thing.

"Let's go!" Zhu Quanzhong sighed, turned and left.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?" Li Zhen asked.

"Yeah, where are you going?" Zhu Quanzhong smiled miserably and said, "I'm sorry for you."

"What did the king say? On weekdays, we enjoy the popular food, get so many rewards, and have beautiful concubines to play with. These are all the virtues of the king. Wherever the king wants to go, we will go there without any hesitation."

"Yes, we are not wolf-hearted people. This life is worth it. We can only die and follow King Ding."

"Your Majesty, give the order and I will follow."

The soldiers and sergeants of Tabaidu shouted one after another.

Zhu Quanzhong was somewhat pleased.

Of the 200,000 troops, there were still two thousand people who felt grateful for his kindness and were willing to follow him, which was not too bad.

"Go north, bypass Guandu City, and go to Wansheng Town." Zhu Quanzhong said resolutely.

"What?" Li Zhen was a little surprised.

Jingxiang remained silent and had no objection.

"More than 30,000 people broke out of camp today and ran all over the place. How can you expect to see the Xia bandit cavalry coming out to chase them?" Zhu Quanzhong asked.

Everyone shook their heads. Large-scale cavalry cannot be hidden, and chasing down broken troops is their job. There is no reason why they should not use them. In this case, there is only one explanation.

The total cavalry of the guards and the Tianxiong Army is almost 20,000. It seems that many of their country warriors also have horses, with more than 20,000 cavalry.

The fact that so many cavalry did not show up already speaks volumes.

Where are they deployed? Are they waiting to ambush them halfway? In the dark night, the troops are in chaos, and it is almost a sneak attack.

"I think Shao Shao has set up a dragnet in the east to intercept me." Zhu Quanzhong turned his horse's head and looked at the night sky in the north, saying: "Go north! Take a detour back to Bianzhou. If you really can't go back...


Everyone's expressions froze and they waited quietly for what he would say next.

"If you really can't go back, go to Suizao first and then make a long-term plan." Zhu Quanzhong said decisively: "Let's go!"

After saying that, Yi Zhangwu quickly jumped out and galloped away. Everyone followed and disappeared into the vast night sky.

There are more than 5,000 Tianwei troops in Suanzao, all commanded by Wang Yanzhang. This man is relatively loyal and very brave. In the confrontation with the Xia Zei Zhen national army, he led the troops into the battle many times and captured several members of the Xia Zei army alive.

It was a good fight to demoralize the thieves.

It's a pity that Guangsheng's army was transferred back to Bianzhou, otherwise Huazhou would have another army to fight. However, Wang Yin, the governor of Huazhou, still had thousands of state and county soldiers in his hands, which was also a force.

After he escaped from the river, he has been working in Bianzhou. His wife and daughter stayed in the river and were rewarded by Wang Yao to his subordinates. They should not be able to go back.

Every penny counts these days!

While Zhu Quanzhong was running for his life, he was thinking carefully about how to make a comeback.

When we brought 500 people out of the town of Bianzhou, we overcame all the difficulties. Now the worst thing is that we have to start all over again and fight the Shao thief to the death.


Shao Thief didn't sleep all night.

In the vinegar ditch camp, he kept listening to the news sent back by the generals.

Most of them are about Zhu Quanzhong's camp, and occasionally there are some news from elsewhere, such as the news that Wei Sheng's army conquered Xiangyi and entered the southeastern territory of Bianzhou.

Zhe Zongben's methods were brutal. After breaking the city, he slaughtered more than a thousand remaining members of the Shenwu Army.

Shao Shude read the small report sent back by the "Supervisory Army" and felt that it was necessary to give his father-in-law some advice, because this was not the first time he had killed and surrendered, which was not good.

It is so difficult to conquer Xiangyi. Although there is a reason why Zhu Quanzhong led his army to rescue the siege twice, how can we know that there is no other reason? If you continue like this, everyone who encounters you in the future will fight to the death. I really think that the Weisheng Army is like the Tianxiong Army.

Elite, can you take care of everything?

Another piece of news is about Caozhou.

Tielin's army went north, defeated Zhu Zhen's tribe again, and killed more than a thousand thieves. Liu Zhijun, who was stationed in Leize County, Puzhou, led an army of ten thousand people to surrender.

Li Tangbin ordered Liu Zhijun to move his troops to attack Jinxiang and fight the incoming Qingzhou soldiers.

Ding Hui had captured several counties in Anzhou and defeated the Huai people again, capturing and killing more than a thousand people. The Huai soldiers were too frightened to come back, so the Youguo army besieged Anzhou with peace of mind. Shi Zan still had more than 3,000 defeated soldiers left, and returned.

Ding knows how to be moderate.

"Your Majesty, the bandit camp has been pacified." At Yinshi, Shao Shude felt a little sleepy, and Chen Cheng came to report happily.

"Chen Changshi is not young anymore. You can just leave some small things to the people below, why bother doing it yourself?" Shao Shude poured him a bowl of tea himself and advised.

"Your Majesty, it's not like you don't know my nature." Chen Cheng smiled and said, "The more things happen, the more excited I become. I wish I had to ask about everything."

Shao Shude shook his head and laughed. Is this the prime minister's desire for power? However, Chen Cheng's two adult sons have not served as officials and are said to be studying at home. Shao Shude asked several times to arrange positions for the two brothers, but Chen Cheng rejected them all.

Know what to think.

"There are tens of thousands of people. Quanzhong has lost all his last capital." Shao Shude laughed and said, "Every road is blocked, right?"

"Your Majesty, not only have people blocked the post road, but they have also sent cavalry to ambush and guard key points such as Banqiaodian in the west of Bianzhou City, Dashiqiao in the north of the city, Shahai in the southwest of the city, and Chenqiao Post in the northeast. As long as Zhu Quanzhong dares to come back, they will

If you delay, the cavalry troops from all walks of life can quickly gather together and surround and kill them." Chen Cheng said.

"With so many points to be defended, do we have enough manpower?" Shao Shude asked worriedly.

"Your Majesty, there are too few cavalry and the area is too big, so this is the only way." Chen Cheng replied: "Quanzhong doesn't know how many troops I have. His troops are newly defeated and people are panicked. Once they see that I am prepared, they will definitely not dare to attack forcefully.

Just scare them away."

"That's the truth." Shao Shude said: "As long as Zhu Quanzhong cannot return to Bianzhou, the situation is settled. Let him go wherever he goes, and there will be no big waves."

The two then chatted about the details of the next siege of Bianzhou City, becoming more and more excited and not feeling sleepy at all.

At two o'clock in the morning, Shao Shude arrived in the wilderness outside the camp, escorted by his bodyguards and soldiers.

Someone came to report early in the morning. After a night of counting, Tianxiong's army beheaded more than 6,000 soldiers last night, captured more than 11,000 soldiers of Xiongwei, Feisheng, and Longxiang armies, and more than 6,000 Tutuan peasants.

People. After today's daylight, it is estimated that many broken soldiers will be captured in the wilderness, and the number of people will further increase.

Shao Shude calculated silently. He had captured about 9,000 people before, and there were more than 10,000 here, bringing the total to 20,000.

Zhu Quanzhong's "military assets" gradually came into his own hands, which was very good, very good.

"Your Majesty, the envoy of the Flying Dragon Army Qibi has sent a military report." The messenger flew over on horseback and handed over an ultimatum.

Shao Shude took it and took a look and said: "Liu Chongba who was guarding Bajiao Town has surrendered."

Liu Chongba, the commander of the Longhu Army, had more than 6,000 soldiers. As soon as he surrendered, the last obstacle on the Zheng and Bianda Post Road was gone.

Now, Shao Shude can go straight to the gate of Bianzhou City and no one can stop him.

This chapter has been completed!
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