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Chapter 71 Greed

Liu Wei arrived at the Yuanshan area and set up camp.

The area here controls several states and is a thoroughfare, which is very important. In addition, the mountains are crisscrossed, making it difficult for the cavalry to drive away, and can cover their march and logistics food routes, so it is very wise to choose this place for defense.

He brought with him 10,000 infantry, 5,000 cavalry, plus more than 10,000 local peasants recruited temporarily, for a total of nearly 30,000 troops.

The war came quickly and urgently, and the mobilization speed could not keep up. By now, the Tutuan countrymen had only recruited a total of 30,000 to 40,000 people.

The shogunate meant to recruit more than 100,000 local regiment soldiers to cooperate with more than 50,000 government troops and outer town troops to fight to the death against the Xia thieves.

Private vehicles are also slowly being collected. Horse-drawn carriages, donkey carts, mule carts, and ox carts are all being collected to transport all kinds of materials to the front line.

In the early years of the dynasty, this kind of organization was not possible.

However, during the separatist period of the vassal towns, because Wu Fu came to power, the organization of each vassal town was greatly improved. Among other things, just sending people on horseback to check the conditions of the fields, and whipping the people who did not cultivate the land well or allowed the land to become deserted was not something that ordinary political power could do.

It was achieved, so historians used a sentence when commenting on the military administration of feudal towns: "Winning the sentiments of the people."

The advantage of the Takeo regime is that it has a better grasp of the actual situation in the town than the civilian officials, and its power penetrates into every corner of the feudal town. It has strong control, high organization, and strong cohesion.

The disadvantage is that the governance is simple and rough, the punishments are severe, and there is no mercy when the taxes cannot be paid. Even if you are a scholar, you cannot escape the taxes, otherwise the warriors will come to collect the taxes, and the situation will be ugly.

After Liu Wei left Yidu, he directly issued orders to various large households. Within a few days, people began to arrive with grains. There was no need to worry that the burden would be passed on to the common people, because there were many warrior families living in the countryside.

As well as the farmers, gentry, and wealthy people who were related to them, if they really deceived their superiors and passed on the money and food they should have paid for themselves, the end would probably not be good.

After all, warriors dare to kill even Jiedushi, so what if you kill a gentry?

In the final analysis, we still have to tolerate each other for the sake of the country. A feudal town is a country. Those who have money will pay more, and those who have no money will work hard for money. Everyone makes do with each other and don't let warriors from other towns come to harm us. They start looting

, he is not as measured as the warriors in this town, but he can do anything.

"Liu Dutou, the bandit general Qi Bizhang is moving around and plundering the countryside. Should we make a move?" Wang Shilu, the marching Sima of the shogunate in Ziqing Town, asked quietly: "When the bandit army robs, it is usually divided into more than ten groups.

, some even have less than 1,000 people. If we find the right opportunity and use more to attack fewer, we may be able to boost morale."

Wang Shilu was the younger brother of Wang Shifan. He was born into a family of generals and was not incompetent in military affairs. The strategy he pointed out was quite feasible. It pointed at the Feilong Army’s Achilles’ heel of high food consumption and the need to constantly divide the troops to plunder food and grass. After the plundering was completed,

To gather together.

In order to improve the efficiency of raising grain and grass, generally speaking, the more dispersed the better, sometimes the number of a grain-raising team is only a few hundred people. This provides the opportunity to rely on the local warriors' familiarity with the geography to ambush in advance and wait for the rabbit.

Fight with more and less to achieve victory.

This was actually a strategy used by Zhu Zhen and Shi Shucong back then. It was effective, and it also caused the Feilong Army's extremely high personnel attrition rate: after more than a year of fighting, one-third to one-half of the personnel were replaced.

"Yes." Liu Xi's words were like gold: "But only the troops you brought can be used."

"Okay!" Wang Shilu walked away excitedly.

He brought over three thousand sergeants, named "Zhaiyuan Army", who were personally mobilized by his brother Wang Shifan. The Wang brothers are true brothers, friends and brothers, and their relationship is indeed relatively close. It is unusual for Wang Shi Luneng to be treated like this.

"By the way." Wang Shilu just walked out a few steps, then turned back and said, "I just heard that Zhu Quanzhong was defeated."

"How did you lose?" Liu Wei asked without any surprise.

"Zhang Yun, the deputy envoy of the Jianrui Army, led two thousand men to the battle and defeated Zhu Youjie, beheading a thousand people. However, Han Qing then led his men to regain the battlefield, defeated Zhang Yun, and beheaded hundreds of people." Wang Shilu said.

"I know." Liu Wei said: "Han Qing is a general. He and Wang Yanzhang should control Zhu Quanzhong's most capable troops, but they are only a few thousand. This time, the Jianrui Army was leaked

After that, no one will dare to cause trouble for him. Zhu Quanzhong should have lost confidence and be about to run away by now."

As the saying goes, people are reflected in the shadow of famous trees. Zhu Quanzhong can still scare some people just by his name, but he must not let it slip. If he leaks and is found to be not as powerful as he thought, then his life will be difficult next.

Wang Shilu left in a hurry, and Liu Wei settled down to look at the map again.

Because of the frequent activities of the Feilong Army, Jiedushi Wang Shifan did not allow him to leave Qingzhou, but ordered him to lead his troops southward and set up a stronghold in Yuanshan as a peripheral barrier for Yidu.

There are still more than 10,000 cavalrymen in Qingzhou City, all of whom have been gathered recently. The work of recruiting native Tuan villagers is still going on. By then, there will be tens of thousands of troops inside and outside the city, and it will be basically stable. No matter how strong the Feilong Army is,

They also had no ability to capture Qingzhou, so they could only wander in the wilderness, feeding off war with war, and that was it.

Wang Shike, the commander of the yamen capital, marched westward with 30,000 infantry and cavalry, including more than 10,000 yamen troops, more than 10,000 foreign town troops, and more than 10,000 local peasants. They joined Zhu Qiong's soldiers and horses in Qizhou and occupied Changqing County. They are currently along the post road.

Advancing westward to the area around the ancient city of Pingyin, the fighting was very fierce.

Zhu Qiong still had an army of 7,000 men and recruited 10,000 troops in Qizhou. He was very determined to regain Yunzhou.

Li Renyu's 3,000 cavalry also went south from Dizhou. On the orders of Wang Shilu, the governor Shao Bo led 5,000 infantry troops and went south together.

This was intended to completely defeat Pu in front of them. Xu Erzhen had more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, and surrounded Yunzhou. Hearing that the Jianrui Army sent 4,000 sergeants eastward, reinforcements were sent, but they were still less than 20,000.

There is no problem with the overall deployment. At this time, we should do our best to defeat the Shao bandits who are still in Yanzhou and can't advance any further.

But there are still hidden worries. Liu Wei's fingers were scratching on the map, and the troops in the rear were mobilized too sharply. If Qi Bizhang bypassed Mizhou and broke into Dengzhou and Laizhou, the countryside would be completely destroyed.

"Alas!" Liu Wei sighed: "If I were to command this battle, I wouldn't be able to fight it like this. We should use the strategy of luring the enemy deeper. It's a pity."


"Pack up your things and prepare to evacuate." In the newly occupied Yanggu County, Zhu Quanzhong pushed the woman in his arms away and gave the order.

The military academies who were having a banquet felt a little pity when they heard this.

Then a batch of women and goods were sent to Weibo. The second batch has just started. Everyone hasn't grabbed enough yet, so they are about to withdraw.

However, everyone trusted the King of Liang. They attacked Dong'a and Yanggu, and robbed a large number of women, money and food. This was all the fault of the King of Liang. He should have accepted it as soon as he could.

"Your Highness, why are you in a hurry to leave now? It's just a small defeat. Don't worry, in the past few days, someone from Bozhou will come over again, no less than two thousand, all waiting to get benefits. How can you leave now?" Chen Zhongzhong

He licked his tongue and said, "The Yun soldiers have been almost killed by Shao thief, which just makes us happy."

Zhu Quanzhong smiled when he heard this and said: "General Chen doesn't know something. Shao is ruthless. He can't lay siege to Rencheng. He will definitely divide his troops and go north, leaving the surrendered troops to continue attacking the city. This is just a waste. This person has never sent us soldiers outside the town.

As you can see, if you fall into his hands, your life will be worse than death. Oh, that’s a long way off. After Shao thief divided his troops and sent his elite troops to Yunzhou, they will definitely seek bad luck for us. The Tielin army is quite good at fighting, so we’d better stay away from them.

It’s better to avoid the edge.”

"What are you talking about!" Chen Zhong still couldn't let go of women or property. When he exerted force on his hands, the naked upper body woman in his arms immediately cried out in pain.

Everyone looked over and laughed.

"Woman, when will there be no wealth? If you want to rob it in the future, there will be plenty of opportunities." Zhu Quanzhong said patiently: "Although Pu and Xu Bing were suppressed by the Qi people and had no time to look west, there is still Tianxing Army in Puzhou, and Shouzhang is still there

With the Peng Sheng Army and thousands of troops in Yunzhou City, there is little hope of continuing the fight, so it is better to play it safe."

Having said this, Zhu Quanzhong was a little shaken again.

Zhu Zhen secretly sent an envoy to express his willingness to respond to his call, surrender to the city, and then cooperate with Ziqing. The Taining army defeated the Shao thieves, drove the Xia people out of Yunzhou and even Puzhou, and asked for the governor of a state.


Zhu Zhen is greedy. Zhu Quanzhong knows very well that this request is very reasonable. But he does not dare to completely believe Zhu Zhen. People are separated from each other. Who knows what he is thinking?

But how can I put it, in this current situation, he has no room to act cautiously. If he wants to gain territory as soon as possible, seizing the chaotic Yunzhou is indeed the best opportunity, and probably the only opportunity.

If you miss this time, there may not be a next time.

Wu Fu's desire for power continued to bewitch him, slowly eroding his normal judgment, and for a while it even wavered.

Chen Chong glanced at him, laughed loudly, and said: "If King Liang leads us to do this, everyone will be virtuous and praise us. We will all be brothers from now on. If you say hello when something happens, you will be rewarded."

Zhu Quanzhong pondered for a long time, then suddenly called Jiang Xuanhui and gave some instructions in a low voice.

Jiang Xuanhui nodded repeatedly when he first heard it. Later, his face turned pale, but he did not dare to refuse.

"Your Majesty..." Jiang Xuanhui said pitifully.

"If things go well, I will grant you the post of Sima of the Shogunate. If you conquer more territory in the future, you can also be the governor of the state." Zhu Quanzhong scolded: "Which wealth in this world is easy? Can you get it quickly without taking risks? Quickly.


"As ordered." Jiang Xuanhui replied weakly.

I just left a few beautiful women with me, but I was sent to Shouzhang again. I don’t know if I will come back to enjoy it...

Later, Zhu Quanzhong called his nephew Zhu Youjie and had a secret conversation.

Zhu Youjie, who had just suffered a defeat, no longer dared to fight against the Xia thieves anymore. When he heard the task assigned to him by his uncle, he was immediately overjoyed. His uncle asked Wang Yanzhang to bring people to cooperate with him in escorting the goods, and the woman returned to Bozhou.

This job is easy, there is no need to fight, and it is also a good thing to keep the fire for the future of our group.

"Since General Chen said this, I can't help but spoil the good intentions of my brothers." Zhu Quanzhong smiled and said, "Have another drink."

This chapter has been completed!
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